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728x90 Ad After First Post

This ad spot serves a 728x90 advertisement below every first post within every topic in our forum and in series with all other running ads. Smaller sizes are required to be uploaded at the time of purchase to be visible on smaller screen sizes and mobile devices. All ads are rotated equally for maximum views. 

  • Where users will be taken when they click on your advertisement

  • You can optionally upload smaller images which will be used for mobile devices and tablets
  • Choose Single File...
    Or drag and drop your file here Accepted file types: gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp

    This image will be served to users visiting from small devices, such as mobile phones, if provided
  • Choose Single File...
    Or drag and drop your file here Accepted file types: gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp

    This image will be served to users visiting from devices such as tablets which are larger than phones but smaller than most browsers, if provided

About 728x90 Ad After First Post

This ad spot serves a 728x90 advertisement below every first post within every topic in our forum and in series with all other running ads. Smaller sizes are required to be uploaded at the time of purchase to be visible on smaller screen sizes and mobile devices. All ads are rotated equally for maximum views. 

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