This is a tough topic, and one that i dealt with when i was a tech, and also now as a shop owner. Having someone doing nothing but easy work when you are doing all of the tough stuff is not fun. This happened to me very often when i was a tech. But dont fall into the trap of comparing yourself to the work others are getting. Those "gravy techs" should be paid much less than you are, and if you are the lead tech, your owner should be taking pretty good care of you. You should be making a good income if your skills are where you say they are. The diagnostic work you do, and the repairs that go with it, are necessary to shop operations and add to your value as a tech. Anyone can bolt on parts and some of them can even do it right. But few can do high level diagnostics. You are obviously unhappy with the situation in your current shop, as evidenced by the fact that you made this post. I would suggest that you sit down with your owner or manager, and talk about the issues you have, and give them a chance to fix them. I am not talking about making demands, but talking together about finding solutions that benefit you and the company you work for. And if you cant find good solutions together, look for somewhere that will. There are plenty of shops that would love to have a strong "A" tech who cares about the quality of work put out by the whole shop.