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Gary Childs

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Everything posted by Gary Childs

  1. No way would I charge that or even a shop supplies fee. Just raise your labor rate up some to cover it is what we do.
  2. We deal with them. Shop rate is $20.00 per hour more and we add the time we have to hassle with them to the bill. Also inform them and the customer that the customer has to pay us what they will not pay. I do not take any crap from them at all.
  3. Never been busier!! Best month ever in July and booked out over 2 weeks. Upstate NY here. And yes just raised or labor rate to $150.00 per hour this week.
  4. No problem hiring experienced dealer techs as I was one too for 25 plus years, some times they do get a little slow not being on flat rate anymore but with my motivation and guidance they figure it out that what I ask for is to get all work done for the day and done right we can all have a good time at work and get paid well. I have 6 techs and 2 writers plus me and the wife. We do 2.5 mil a year and my guys love me. Life works out good treating customers and employees good.
  5. All 3 of my service writers and myself are also techs so when a tech goes on vacation one of us fills in. The pain in when one of my writers go on vacation I have to fill in. Now that sucks.
  6. Great points for sure. I take pride in being quality shop for both my customers and my people working for me. No flat rate here at all, very good hourly pay and bonus's payed monthly as a team. I take pride in not selling things not needed right away like brakes at 20% life and just let the customer know they will be needing brakes in the next 6-12 months or so and we will keep and eye on them at oil changes etc. One of the things I learned long ago was how you treat a comeback or warranty problem, that gets top priority over anything right away! Get it back in the shop right away over any other work etc that is here or waiting to be worked on. Fixing a comeback or warranty instantly as we can gives more good word of mouth then anything else it seems. My guys know how I work and they all look out for customers for us too, pay them very good and they know it. Heck if we even get all the work done for the day I let them go home and pay them for the whole day.
  7. Yes we use a strong labor matrix manly being in a salt belt state the labor guides do not compensate for the rust problems around here. Times should not be the same in per say Arizona versa upstate NY. Many techs I know when I lived in Arizona would quite on the spot then work on a upstate NY car or truck. They would run away screaming.
  8. Very good read. Always stand by your employee's, we all have ups and downs and will always be there for them 110%.
  9. Total waste of your time. They only pay 150 bucks here and some take a long time to install. I did them for about 3 years then got out of it. Plus most people that have them only come for that stuff and nothing else. DONT DO IT!!!!
  10. I been using QB's only for all my business and they are great. Watch out for the scammers that E-mail with QB's e-mails trying to get money out of you. They E-mails look like they are right from QB's but they are not. Try calling the phone number listed with a cell phone with the caller ID blocked, if they do not pick up the call they are the scammers.
  11. We are very friendly with many shops around us, there is enough cars for everyone in this area and I always say if you get stuck on a brand we specialize in give me a call and i'll try to help. Most of us all also go on vacations together and even play poker and have bowling teams so always trading idea's on how to better all our shops. This I think really works out good for all of us.
  12. We went to 124.00 per hour last Monday and I also talked 3 other shop owners I know and respect to do the same thing and they did.
  13. We went from $90.00 per hour to $110.00 6 months ago and not one customer said a thing. I'm thinking of going to $125.00 soon, the dealers around here are $135.00 and up, chain stores I'm told are around $125.00 already too.
  14. We see the opposite. We were up only 5% over 2019 but 2019 was a rocking year and 2020 was even better. We did 1.7 mil with only 5 techs. Car count around 400 per month. This year we are 15% bottom line to date over last year. I see a bright future this year too as long as our government does not screw us all.
  15. Gary Childs

    Gary Childs

  16. Very well said Martin. We have the same standards here at my shop. My wife always tells me "you know every one around here" when we are out due to the many people that always stop us to say hello. My tech's are always singing out in the shop and when they don't the customers ask why. A good clean friendly environment makes everyone smile, looks good and is safer. We are up 9% over last year and have always grown every year for the 17 years we have been here. I do really think one of the best things a shop can do is how they treat a customer when something goes wrong or the dreaded "Come Back". If we have a return problem we drop everything right away and help that customers problem right away! They have top priority now over any other job in the shop. We let that know that too. I have found how you fix a screw up say's so much more about your integrity then anything else. Customers will brag you up more if you treat them right. By far.
  17. How the insurrance companys have got away with this is body shops depend 90% on insurrance jobs and they can dictate what they will pay to get those companys to try to steer work to there body shop. We do not have to much isurance work come in but when it does I always prepare before hand and go very high with all the quotes and play there game to met a middle road. I'll look in all 3 major times books and use the highest etc. Seams to work out most the time. Service contract companys on the other hand are mostly snakes and we deal with them the same way and see what they will pay. If they do not pay what we need I go to the customer for stortages. I do not sell service contracts, I did not make any money selling the service cntract so I do not plan on losing money servicing there contract holder. There are few good contract companys out there but far a few in between.
  18. Nice artical Gonzo. As a Master ASE tech for 27 years now I can say I am very proud to wear the badge and show all my customers I care! I personly think all techs should be required by law to be certified.
  19. Great story Gonzo! You do have a way of telling it like it is for sure. I had 2 this week that made me shake my head and laugh. I had a male customer about 45 years old come in with a grinding sound from the rear, he told me he was sure it had nothing to do with the power train because he had "The Whole Power Train" resently replaced at the dealership under warranty. I could not help myself and and had to ask him if they also replaced the caboose! He shook his head yes. The next day a young lady called me and said her undercarriage was dragging on the ground and that her husband duc-taped it back up and she needs to set up a appointment to have to repalced. (We replaced the broken clips for the under motor plastic shield) After reading these post I have a commett on Joe's post about the Evap system in a can. Come on Joe I thought you were up to date on all the new stuff out these days. You haven't heard of the "Evap-O-Fix" that is sold at any "Advance Auto" or "Auto Zone" stores?? It comes in 3 flavors, American, Euro and Asian. Just pure it in and drive, re-condisions vent valves, purge valves and 2 ways valves and also cleans your charcoal canister right out. We made the mistake one time of putting in the American formula in a 1998 Honda and in less then 10 mins it caused the alternator bearings to fail!! We wont make that mistake again and always read the labels now. The one good thing it says on the can is this product will not void any lifetime brake pad warrantys on brake pads installed by any "Muffler-Brake" national chain stores. Have anice day guys fighting the battles we all fight every week.
  20. I pretty much follow the same things posted here, don't like it when the customer wants to suppy there parts and tell them the same things, wrong diag, warranty problems, fit and quialty etc. Of corse we have all heard the same thing "I thought I could do the job but." One time a customer came in and said her husband bought the brakes 2 months ago and still hasn't got toinstalling them, can we help? Her rear pads were metal to metal so long the fins in the rotors were showing. Also one thing that no one has address here is state laws on parts we install, some states have a min gaurenty on all parts and labor installed on a car.
  21. Good advise. We have a policy that any comeback gets priority #1 right away too no matter how busy we are. How you treat a problem right away shows the customer we care!
  22. And I thought it was just my shop that the wacky ones come too. You hit this one on the nail, when something like this happens to me and they walk out I KNOW I am better off. We all know how these type of things can take that ugly turn. Not worth it to deal with. By the way I got your book in the mail this week, "loose nut" is a great read every shop owner can relate too for sure. Now if you can get Joe Blow to read it maybe our lives will be a little better. LOL.
  23. Very Good Advice for sure. Thank you. We had the same problems and are just getting it worked out, we had one real rotten apply that is now gone. The guys in the shop are started singing out loud to the radio agian, thats a nice sign to me.

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