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Tires Too

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Tires Too last won the day on February 16 2017

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    Tires Too
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  1. Absolutely worth the time and money. Great speakers, some of the best shop owners in the country. I've already signed up for this years conference.
  2. Mighty Auto Parts has this https://www.mightyautoparts.com/web/guest/tech-central-vehicle-inspection-playbook . We use a digital inspection platform from Auto Vitals.
  3. Looking forward to seeing you there. Russ
  4. http://www.fmgaragegurus.com/ http://service-edu.com/ http://www.auto-video.com/index.php NAPA AutoCare Training Here are a couple of resources.
  5. After reading the article and the comments, all I can say is WOW. People are so misinformed! There is a shop owner agreeing with the comment about not changing your transmission fluid if you have high mileage on the car. We are doing it to ourselves when shop owners are perpetuating these internet myths.
  6. alfredauto, I know the euro's have been dealing with this for a while, but we are starting to see both domestic and asian GDI engines that have carbon build up issues. The Valvoline product shows some ability to reduce the built up carbon on the valves, but we have not yet used it on a car with significant deposits.
  7. phynny, Do you have a product code for that? We use Valvoline and pay about $2.00 more per gallon.
  8. We are using Auto Vitals. I initially purchased Assus Tablets and thought they worked well. I replaced one tablet with an I-Pad 3 and the difference in the speed of the application was very noticeable. We have since replaced all with the I-pads, the only down side is no internal flash on the I-Pads when taking pictures. Check with whoever you are using for their recommendations.
  9. www.1addicts.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=851946&d.. I have not been able to find the above tool. Several post about people making their own with a small sand blaster. Valvoline has just come out with some products for this issue. We just got them last week and have not yet used it on a car. I will let you know how it works. http://easygdi.valvoline.com/?gclid=CNGHvuODwcsCFcYdgQoda_wMdQ
  10. Whether it is the worst thing or the best thing for the industry it is here. We are going to have to deal with these type of sites. Find a way to make it work for you and your business.
  11. Here is a link to a recent webinar about phone/price shoppers. I really like this approach to handling the phone. http://blog.repairpal-shops.com/next-generation-telephone-skills-webinar-replay/
  12. In another life, I was a commercial loan officer at a regional bank. I'd be happy to take a look at it. Email is [email protected]
  13. Wow, you are getting 150 new customers a month from Yelp? Those are awesome numbers.
  14. We've refreshed our site; http://www.tirestoo.com/
  15. Here is an link to some information about tracking numbers. http://www.autovitals.com/tracking-ad-campaigns/ Hope it helps.

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