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gary's transmission servic

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    gary's transmission service
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    Auto Repair
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    Shop Owner
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  1. You can't go wrong with maxx traxx very easy to use and super support
  2. Ratchet+wrench is one of my favorite reads each.I wish it had been around 35 yrs ago when I first started my shop
  3. Check out maxx traxx pro by scott systems I use it for my transmission shop and think its one of the best I have tried
  4. I will throw another one out there that I like maxx traxx by scott systems very affordable & the support is excellent as Sabrina has writen service and Walter has been a shop owner and they really go out of their way to help you
  5. Another good vidieo is some of george (becky) witt 's available throgh avi automotve vidieo inc
  6. Tanks like that are free in my area as farmers get chemicals in them and are not returnable so most farmers around here like to get them out of there way
  7. Not sure where you are located but in okla waste oil collecters will pay you for your used oil also another option is to buy a waste oil heater to warm the shop in the winter
  8. Hi don't have all the answers you are looking for but I would get a free subscription to ratchet+wrench to start with lots of great info there
  9. I have been using it since jan 1 this year and I wish I had started a long time ago I tried lots of programs but I think this is the best bang for for the money and you can't beat the support
  10. hi I am by . no means an expert but I have struggled in the tranmssion business for many years and know where you are coming from. the first thing I see wrong is 70 is not enough labor rate. I am in a small town of less than 1000 people but have a 50 mile radius that I draw work from. you need to figure out how much the shop needs to break even then figure out how much you need to live on then add on how much profit you want on top of that to invest in new equipment etc. I try to make enough off of my parts markup to cover all shop expenses each month and pay myself half of the labor to live on the rest is for new tools etc. 1 other thing that might help is a good shop management program that moniters profit margins etc. also you might look into a vidieo from George(becky) wit at avi called shop priceing strategies. hope this helps some
  11. I have used moto logic and liked it better than alldata had lots better pics and info especially on transmission topics. also they have a program to build your shop web site very reasonable
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