Hi Handson, It seems like Kukui is for set it and forget it shops.They have lots of great features and reporting . i cant understand why there is no content when you go mobile. I guess it is to make a person take action. It seems when i have tried that in the past it made the bounce rate rocket much higher. Visitors time on site seems like it is connected to getting more leads IE calls, appointments,email and addys from coupons and other call to actions.
I like the features of Kukui but the not have my site on my server seems like a deal breaker.The prices will go up and if you leave you need to make a new site.
Anyone on a Kukui site cut and paste as much content as possible so you have it if you want to leave Kukui
$1000 a month and the site is slowwww
https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ Mobile 62 / 100 Speed Desktop 57 / 100
My site i undergoing a massive overhaul with software similar not as good in some ways but will not cost as much and for sure will and already does search better then a cookie cutter site very light on content .
Want the best call he uses Hubspot. Adam is super smart. http://www.businessactualization.com/auto-repair-shop-inbound-marketing-services