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midnighteuro last won the day on January 19 2012

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    Midnight Euro Automotive Group
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  1. Yeah that looks good. Did you do oversized or regular? Also do you have a website that you can put on there?
  2. I offer a 15 percent discount on labor when card is presented.
  3. Honestly. I don't have good return I have great return. In the last week I have passed out about 200 between me, my dad, my wife, and other people passing them out. Out of those I have now had about 5 people call in and schedule stuff for when they get taxes. Then I have had another 5-7 people come in and spend over 800 dollars in repairs. I just bought 2000 more from vistaprint. I am about to get real crazy and spend most of my free time driving around and tagging the Audis and VWs. I feel its been a good rate of return so far plus I know there is people out there who if they need an oil change or an issue with their vehicle they have my ad and will call me, so its been a great return. O I don't put them on the windshield I slide them in the driverside door until they are tight enough to stay, but you for sure know the owner is gonna see it. I looked into the half page advertisements and did some thinking. First off an Audi/Vw owner has to actually see that ad then on top of that they actually have to decide to come in. With my form of advertising I know exactly who is getting it, so I eliminated the first part. I talked to another Euro specialty shop further south from me and he says he also buys email list and has done ok with that. I eventually will do something else, but right now I have plenty of time and not a lot of money so my method is working for me.
  4. Hey, Memphis Rob what company are you buying your list from? I also use Vistaprint and order the oversized postcards. This week I went and handed out about 200 of them at the local Unversity, Apartment Complexs, Mall. Within three days of handing out those cards I have had 4 people come into my shop and 3 others call and make appointment. I order another 2000 oversized postcards from vistaprint. I will be going back to the University. I ran out of cards. Plus I will go and hit the night classes and different times during the day. I would like to also do a good mailer, but as metioned above their not too cheap. I have dedicatd at least one hour a night of driving around and putting the postcards out on cars. I Run an Audi & VW shop and will be getting some really neat graphics of my logo on my car. My car is pretty unique and it turns heads so I will use it even further to do more advertising. Another thing I have started doing is buying cheap Audis & Vws that are broke. I fix them up and sell them. I offer a free oil change with the purchase of the car. Bottom line don't stop until you have reached your goals, but when that happens have another set of goals ready to be achieved. Yeah somedays it gets discouraging and I ask myself what am I doing, but then theres the days where everything goes right and you know you made the right choice.
  5. Agreeed completely. When I talked to them they said they have dealers in Houston. Well I just moved from houston and there are more people in the city of houston than all of Utah where I live. I think they need to really sit down and look at what there asking. I was willing to buy a 1000 pieces, but they said it had to be 5000. Frustrating.
  6. No. I guess there was a law passed years ago protecting that info, but Mudlick did say there was a loop hole. They said in my state they can take info they have of owners and scrub it against the dmv records and come up with a pretty accurate list. Mudlick Mail was the only mailer to tell me this and give me this info. They came up with almost 1000 owners within about 5-7 miles and another 7000 anywher from that 7-20 mile range. They have a 5000 min. order at 42 cents a pop plus a 75 dollar trucking fee. So it would cost me 2125.00 to do this mailer. Im really not sure what to do. I really don't know what else to do. I know a lot of those mailers would be trashed, but if I can get 2% percent to come in, would it be worth it? The exsposure would be nice, but hell I could hand out a lot of free oil changes with inspections at that price. Any advice, info, comments would be nice. Thanks
  7. I am in the same boat. I own and run an Audi & VW shop. I went to vistaprint and had a bunch of oversized postcards made up. They turned out really nice. I drive, walk, and try to talk to everyone. I hand my postcards out, put them on all the audis and vws I can see. I have been trying to find a good mail marketing company, but have had issues since most want a min. order.
  8. I looked into Mudlick. It seemed nice and great. They were awesome at telling me to target areas within 3-5 miles. Only problem is they have a 5000 min. I am a small specialty shop and amost 4100 is outside that zone and I feel it would be a waste. So now I am still looking.

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