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Don Walcheski

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Everything posted by Don Walcheski

  1. We buy Pig type mats through our oil supplier, Quite reasonable
  2. Don Walcheski

    Don Walcheski

  3. We too used to have Arrow - good customer service and support - but as we all know they got bought out by Unifirst. Being in business a while I always modify the uniform contracts, with Arrow it was no problem., regarding the term and renewals. Unifirst assumed my Arrow contract. My Outlook is set up to remind me to send a non renewal letter in time to renegotiate the contract. With the AAA program their pricing is very good - but with all the hassles, Unifirst has been a struggle to work with. From a new driver every other week to wrong size uniforms, etc. We have another company that does not have contracts that quoted us that I will be switching to when our term with Unifirst expires. .
  4. Annual Subscription is $1600; and if the pod is $1850 I don't know where the $4809 amount comes from? Are they adding Tech Authority too? If you are an ASA member you can get Tech Authority for less - makes it worth being an ASA member in addition to all the other benefits and industry support that the ASA membership provides. I purchased my MicroPod II from my local dealer for considerably less. I am told the dealers are not supposed to sell them to us - they want us to purchase through AE Tools or AES Wave, who will also provide support. You can check out: https://kb.fcawitech.com/article/video-how-to-setup-witech-2-0-for-aftermarket-users-744.html
  5. We use their 13 week average weekly hours to compute the holiday pay.
  6. GM Duramax DEF - NO Problem. Use GM GDS software $575 yr loaded on your laptop and your J box, you'll have everything the dealer has. I work on lots of these in ambulances. We've always had the "Right to Repair" as mandated by the Clean Air Act - all one needs to do is "Belly up tho the Bar" and purchase the software. Go to the NASTF site to learn more. I hear guys complaining about the technology but then never see them in any classes. It's time to start acting like professionals and start charging accordingly.
  7. Bob Cooper & Doris Barnes of Elite Worldwide will be in Lansing Michigan, September 28th for two classes: "High Impact Sales" & "8 Steps to a More Profitable Shop" Automotive Service Association of Michigan is proud to bring the this level of training for Owners, Managers, & Service Advisors at a great price. http://www.thegreatlakesevent.com/ [thegreatlakesevent.com]
  8. Elite is a good ethical company. Keep in mind, there are no "silver bullets" to business. As with any management company, you have to be willing to make the changes necessary to get the results you achieve. The more you communicate your target market, demographics, business model, etc the better probabilty of success. I have been with Elite for several years and enjoy working with them!
  9. I don't see a need for "Right to Repair" legislation. All the information & tools are already available for anyone that wants it! ASA & NASTF were instrumental in getting this "right" several years ago. The Clean Air Act already mandates that emissiion information must be made available. In meetings with the EPA and the auto manufactures, the manufactures agreed to provide access to the inforamation. It appears the shops that don't want to make the investmnet are the ones the proponents of "Right to Repair" cite. We subscibe to several OEM web sites as well as own the OEM scan tools. What more do we need?

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