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  • Business Name
    Swift Automotive Maintenance
  • Business Address
    215 North 5th Street, Silsbee, Texas, 77656
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner
  • Automotive Franchise
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  • Certifications
    Master ASE L1, A1-A9
  • Your Mission Statement
    Our mission is to provide the people of Southeast Texas with an exceptional automotive repair experience, relying on qualified and ethical employees who believe in their DUTY to help customers, a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere, and performing precise repairs for every person we serve

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  1. Bradley


  2. This is 2mil coverage 1 mil aggregate on Garage keepers policy. 325,000 on building and 150,000 on contents. This is with Arrowhead Aftermarket and the underwriter is Zurich. Just to clarify, my policy covers garage liability and the building.
  3. I received a friendly email from our current Insurance provider that says our rate is nearly doubling. Expiring premium $5,443.87 Renewal premium $8,747.81 The reason, the agent told me, is that the property value has increased. This policy does include Garage liability and coverage for the building(5k sqft metal building) that we operate in. (Triple Net Lease). I know there are many variables, and frankly I dont understand all the terminology with insurance, but does this premium seem in check? I just received a quote from Nationwide (they were not on my side) for 11k. Can anyone suggest a company for me get a quote from? Expiring premium $5,443.87 Renewal premium $8,747.81
  4. I was made aware of the 12/12 by my area rep after the Advanced labor claim department denied it. The labor claim department was not aware of the new change. And I must mention that my local store did make the labor claim right. Im not sure if what I am experiencing is only in my area or not , but ill be glad when the dust settles.
  5. I have been a die hard CarQuest fan for the same reasons that most shop owners are im sure. However, with the acquisition I am starting sense a bit of tension with my local guys. I think the concern is that the Advanced store and the CarQuest stores are certain to consolidate and when they do there may not be enough room for the employees of both stores. None the less, over the last month the delivery time has been terrible, they no longer carry GATES or WIX, and when we called about a labor claim the Advanced staff informed us that they only offer a labor warranty on failures that occur within 90 days of the repair. This was news to me as I have been building my brand with TechNet and the 24/24 warranty. I learned through this experience that that particular warranty is ONLY useful is the customer goes to a different shop 25 miles or more away. So anything from 91 days to 24months I will have to absorb the labor. We do not have many warranty claims but it is a bit disconcerting. We have a new NAPA store and I have been looking at the Auto Care program they offer. Can anyone share an opinion on the comparison of TechNet and NAPA Auto Care banner programs?
  6. We are located an hour an a half from the Houston area and have been working with Elite for several years. They have been instrumental in helping me grow my company. Very great group of people to work with. Feel free to message me your contact info and I would be glad to contact you. Maybe I can come shadow your shop in Kingwood. Please share more info on the Focus 2 group. I would love to be a part.
  7. I can second the positive experience of Elites Master's course. Very well delivered information!
  8. https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.law360.com%2Fip%2Farticles%2F582278%2Fford-sues-car-equipment-co-for-hacking-copying-database&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjgyODM0YzdkZTQ5NDM0MGE6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNGSTvTqyQpHikNnKwFlBGjz1rElJw This is a link that gives a bit more info.
  9. One of our technicians had a conversation today with the MATCO guy and he mentioned a lawsuit regarding Autel stealing intellectual property from Ford's diagnostic software. I did some searching and found some information but requires a membership to review the entire article. Does anyone have any additional information on this? According to the tool guy it is pertaining to the "power balance" feature. We are at the point of updating our Autel and power balance is a feature that is used quite often so I am curious to learn more about this.
  10. Thanks for the input, advise, and compliments! Mspec, nice site and awsome shop! Oppie, I really like the mobile version layout. Really nice site!
  11. http://txdmv.gov/reports-and.../1013-vtr-265-m-mechanic-s-lien-foreclosure This is the form with instructions issued by the State. Not too big of a deal if you have a signature authorizing repairs. If not, you will most likely need to seek legal advice. Hope this helps! The form is # VTR-265-M Bradley
  12. http://www.TeamSwiftAuto.com Our website just went LIVE! It is a basic template model. Please share your thoughts.Thanks
  13. We currently are using Mitchell 1 but we are looking at a few different softwares. The one that we are demoing now is called Shop Boss Pro. So far it seems like a smooth system. Does anyone have any experience with it?
  14. Hello all, In an effort to increase production in our growing shop, I am in the process of putting together a policy manual. In my research I found a website www.JLZ.com that offers an Idependant Garage specific manual and it has caught my eye. It is resonabaly priced at 79.95 and would save me many hours of putting a manual together. Does anyone have experience with this company? I would like to make mention that this forum has been extremely instrumental in helping me grow my business in the last 3 years! Thank you

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