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Obsidian Motors

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Everything posted by Obsidian Motors

  1. Interesting. How many other transmission repair shops were within a 5-mile radius of your shop?
  2. I no longer offer loaner cars. Customer flipped the loaner on the freeway then she balked at accepting responsibility and having her insurance cover damage even though she signed the waiver for the loaner. I had to threaten to enforce what she signed in court before she bought her insurance company in to reimburse our shop for the total loss. I didn't receive tangible benefit for offering loaners when all was said and done. I do still offer local rideshare for regulars though.
  3. Nice post! Only thing that's missing is follow-up contact info on accountants who are extremely familiar with the auto industry.
  4. Thanks for the insight. Really appreciate it.
  5. Wow. That's interesting. Would you mind explaining a bit about what made the installations so bad?
  6. Curious to know if anyone has experience with installing state mandated breathalyzers at their facilities? Was it worth it financially? After one DUI my state has a requirement that the device must be installed in the offender's vehicle and I'm wondering if this is something worth pursuing in terms of offering that service and registering with companies already certified with the DMV. Thanks in advance for any info.
  7. Thanks for the tip, Joe. We take pics and videos of inspections via TekMetric and send them to our customers to approve the needed repairs. Documenting tread depth during the inspection process can definitely be added. Will let you know if there's been any uptick in tire sales.
  8. There are three new and used tire businesses within a one mile radius of us. Two are directly across the street. We have an account with one of the tire shops but don't sell many tires. I do wonder if we would sell more if we pointed out any low tread during inspections, but we don't get many requests for tires at all.
  9. Yes, it will. Seems you can't throw a rock in this city without hitting an auto repair shop and car dealership, so we're hoping this will give us an edge and increased visibility.
  10. We're slated to try local broadcasting within a 15-mile radius on Spectrum. Just submitted the 30 second commercial. First time using TV ads so hoping that the campaign is successful.
  11. Sounds like you've practically seen it all Joe. So I have a question; the landlord owns a small shop in front of mine that primarily does oil changes and smaller maintenance jobs. But he just recently added brakes. There is language in my lease that stipulates a clause that prevents me from advertising oil changes and I adhere to it. So I recently started advertising brake specials. So the landlord comes to me and says that I can't mention price. I believe he is way out of line here. I left the sidewalk sign up but wondering if going to "war" with him over this issue is worth it in the long run....although truthfully I want to since he appears to be a bit of a bully and the only way to beat a bully is to stand up to him.
  12. We have signs up asking those who feel sick to not enter and respect the 6 feet apart rule. Also have masks and sanitizer available. No specific demand for masks to be worn. Our bay doors are always open. Plenty of circulation. Rarely have more than 1 person waiting in the lobby. Everyone in our shop voluntarily got immunized so I feel good about that.
  13. The site below is a good option for you. Features all sorts of businesses that are available for sale. Nationwide too. Plenty of auto repair shops. bizbuysell.com
  14. Has being approved by an insurance company made a difference to your bottom line? I had a vehicle towed in recently and the customer's insurance company was to pay for the work done. About a day or two later an insurance adjuster showed up to the shop, gave an inspection and approved our location. The caveat was that the invoice he eventually submitted was a complete lowball. I'm wondering if it was that particular company (small and regional) or would a major insurance company provide a more realistic approved quote? Also, do you guys think it's worth it to request to be on all area insurance companies list of approved shops in the long run?
  15. Are there are any repair jobs your shop prefers to not do for whatever reason?
  16. We use Tekmetric. Nothing but positive things to say about it. Additionally, it's 3rd party integrations are super helpful. Would suggest Tekmetric to any owner looking to make a change in shop software.
  17. Find A Wrench did not work for me at all. The techs that I reached out to didn't even respond. I'm actually of the opinion that those were fake profiles to begin with.
  18. Looking for additional help and have placed ads on Indeed, Craigslist, tech company sites & even reached out to tech schools in the area. And with all of that only 5 applicants called to set up interviews. And none actually showed up. Although one did call to say he couldn't make the interview because he accepted a job at another shop. Curious to know how other owners are dealing with the tech shortage?
  19. I've been told that this time of year is just slow and there's nothing to be done about it. Is low car count always to be blamed on the season?
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