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Everything posted by Carguy

  1. Great post kate2009, great information. The auto business has drastically changed in the last ten years and the shops that truly understand business will thrive in the future. Too many shop owners were formed techs. This is not bad; it's just that the skills of repairing cars are not the same skills needed to run a business. Speaking for myself, I spent too many years thinking of myself as a tech. When I finally woke up and started to think like a businessman, I made great strides in my business, growing to a 2 facility company. If I could do it all over again, I would do things a lot different.
  2. Are you more in the shop or in the office? How big is your shop?
  3. This is a great site. I can't believe all the information. It's like our own business managment library.
  4. We do a lot of diagnostic work. Check it for free??? What does that mean???? Work for free???? I think there are just trying to get customer thru the door, a kind of bait & switch. There is no such thing as free lunch!
  5. We use Mitchell too, there is alot to this system. My advise, find someone in your area that really knows the system. don't rely on the the sales rep.
  6. Yes, keep us updated. I too have to be honest. I wear all the hats and it is getting to me. I need to let go more. But I need to find how.
  7. Frist, great new forum! We needed this. My issue is with list price on parts. Some shops use the list price, other shops use thier own list. What is the best way to go about this. My fear is that customers may call if I charge over list. Need help!
  8. Society has moved into the information age. Knowledge is Power. If you want to be a player in today’s business world, maintain your edge with the latest technological advances. Use the Internet to gain access to millions of pieces of information. AutoShopOwner is a valuable source of information and all shop owners need to take part and network.
  9. You make great points. Through years of experience I have found that either people have it or they don’t. Given the same opportunity with the same amount of hard work will achieve different results. By this I mean if you take two people, Michael Jordan (probably the greatness basketball player of all-time) and myself, and we were of the same age and height with the same physical builds, worked hard at developing our skills, and we were both given the same opportunity, we would achieve different results. Greatness in anything can only be achieved if the person has a talent in that particular area. The same holds true for customer service people. The key is to find the right people and them train them to achieve the desired results. To expect someone to achieve something that is not in them to begin with is a waste of time.
  10. You have to WOW the customer. If not, you are done. Customers have too much choice. What separates you from your competitor is that unique competitive advantage. Anyone can mount tires or install a water pump. So what makes you different? That is what we must find!
  11. Most experienced techs can beat the book on most repairs and services. If this is true then why is low productivity such an issue? Is too much time being wasted between jobs? Are shops not charging enough labor time? Is diagnostic analysis eating too much time because shops are not charging enough for diagnosing? Or are we simply giving too much away?
  12. Most experienced techs can beat the book on most repairs and services. If this is true then why is low productivity such an issue? Is too much time being wasted between jobs? Are shops not charging enough labor time? Is diagnostic analysis eating too much time because shops are not charging enough for diagnosing? Or are we simply giving too much away?
  13. I have received many offers from local banks for equipment loans at far less rates than most tool/equipment companies. Does anyone have first hand experience with bank loans? Pros? Cons?
  14. For popular services, menu pricing is the way to go. It gives the service advisors a level of comfort knowing what particular services will cost and gives the customer real life pricing. The secret is to package service items in a way that cannot be easily compared to other businesses. Build value in your menu services. And most important, calculate the numbers to insure that your packages are profitable. What menu strategies are you using?
  15. Diagnostic labor must become a profit center. We can no longer give away or undercharge for diagnosing complex systems. Breaking even is not an option. Making a profit is. We need to separate the analysis from the repair. Doctors do it. We should too. How do you charge for diagnostic labor and what systems do you have in place?
  16. The way I see it, I don't know how any shop owner can run an auto business today without a computer management system. What systems are you using and what advantages or disadvantages do you see?
  17. The beauty of banner programs is that in numbers there is power. Being aligned with a banner program gives the shop owner advantages in the way of marketing, brand recognition, purchasing power and more. Can independents go it alone or are banner programs the future of the auto service business?
  18. As the world changes shop owners need to keep up with technology and reinvest in their business. Updating tools, equipment and computer systems will all pay for itself. Improving the look of your facility will add dollars to your bottom line. In business there is no such thing as staying the same, you’re either growing or falling behind.
  19. I don’t think anyone would argue that the success of McDonald’s is not due to the delicious hamburgers and fries. So how can a business that sells fast food become such a worldwide giant? Their secret: systems, policies, consistency and convenience. I think we can all take lessons from the best franchise models.
  20. Shop owners are among the hardest workers on the planet. But no one can function without taking some time off to recharge your batteries. Even World War II General Patton understood the need for down time. Your business should enhance your life, not enslave it.
  21. Many auto shop owners spend much of their time working on cars. Although,many shop owners are former techs (and very talented techs, I might add) would they be better served at running and building the business? If your focus is on repairing cars, you may be taking time away from truly growing your buisness.
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