This is a special episode featuring 4 shop owners, Andrew Minkler of Bavarian Motor Repairs in Crofton, MD, Tom Schearer of Schearer’s Sales & Service in Allentown, PA, Kyle Logue of Essex County Auto Repair in Danvers, MA, and David Roman, discussing the different challenges within their own organizations and the steps they’ve taken to try to overcome them as it relates to management and leadership. For example, what does it take to become a leader within your own shop, and how does that differ from managing? What does being the manager look like and can anyone be a leader within your shop or is it all on you as the owner? This was a fairly laid back and casual conversation, the type you might have at an event like Vision or ASTE. So, expect the topics covered to meander a bit. As for the venerable Lucas Underwood, he needed his beauty sleep. Support the show (