Yes I text customers Personal phones with reminders, promotions when things are slow for me and it seems to work very well.
I've been doing it for a couple years and it seems to work better than cold call voicemail.
To text, they love the attention and in this Facebook world I can see the attraction.
Am not
Facebook person at all for marketing because too many opinions on a public forum can open the door for negativity but my customers love texting and I think it's an excellent marketing tool that's instant, personal and begs of a response wether they need service or not.
It's also simple and informal for people on the fly.
I, being a mobile mechanic, get my majority of customer inquiries and service schedule questions by text as opposed to phone calls as my business is ran from my cell phone.
I am small and very very personal.
I have a deep relationship with my customers and texting is very personal.
I think it's the best way to communicate for smaller, one man operations such as mine.
I can see how a
Larger, busier shop may find it annoying and burdensome to be texting customers
Back and forth bit for me it's a God send when I get a text on Monday morning from an established customer that needs an immediate service when I have nothing on the schedule for that day.
I found it's the best way to relay messages such as "Mrs Williams , your vehicle was due for front brake pads and rotors tldisring the last service three months ago, would you like me to schedule a time to get them replaced this month?"
People absolutely love it?