2k seems cheap. But then again I dont use used engines so it may be in line. Engien jobs always need additional parts, w/p, t-stat, mounts the list goes on and on.
we close for an hour at lunch also. Our hours are m-f 8-5:30. I usually open the door at 7 and close it around 6. If someone is waiting throught lunch they can i rearely leave but close the office so I can clean up the shop alittle and do estimates etc during lunch while eating. If needed I would stay open and never woudl ask someone to leave. How can docots get away with that. they also get away with alot more mistake then us yet every human body works the same way and the orgins are in the same spots? lol. Techs are smarter then docotrs no doubt in my opinion.
We had an ambulance wheel fall of in our parking lot when it was being brought it. thankfully it had just had brand new tires put on by someone else. That was neat
We have evap coolers plumbed inot the walls of our shop. It helps alot. We are not a humid climate but it gets hot could be 115 outside any given summer day. I would not consider a/c with the electrical cost. We ran a/c in a body shop I worked at along tiem ago and the electric bill was outa hand. I am gettign solar put on my roof to help with elect costs but still wouldnt consider a/c due to the expence.
I do not knwo the exact date id say 5-6 years ago. I looked in my files and have no info on when or how much? sorry I bought it from napa or carquest I believe sometimes they will do like 90 days same as cash
If she was upset she was lost anyways. I bet if you had noted it but not mentioned it it would have been a no issue. Maybe just have noted it on invoice. It was prolly there all along but she never noticed it.
Im in the same boat been looking for another top guy for a while with no luck. Guess its easier to complain of no work, lack of tools and equipment then to come to a place with it all.
Thats part of the reason why I feel we need some sort of regulation were we have to be licesened or certified or at least insured. That way the shade tree or crap shops will get fined or punished for doing the crappy work i see and refuse to fix.
I have 2 of the new flip face robinairs. they work well. But need alot of repairs. Ive had mine repaired twice each under warranty and once each out of warranty.
We have had a procut for prolly 10 years now and its the same one and has never let us down. A great product. In fact id buy a new one if I could ever get my salesman to demo the new one. Ive asked on at least 3 occasions.