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Everything posted by FROGFINDER

  1. There are now analog people and digital people.Digital people are like tech zombies that must be in on all gossip and games. The goal of the digital people is to get rid of the analog people and the gray haired people so that they can continue gaming. It's hard to find a drug/addiction free,media violence/porn free and moral employee today.
  2. Soon vehicles will drive themselves to the dealer or they will be picked up and sent to the dealer. Some vehicles you work are are emailing others about what's going on. We will soon be recorded and videotaped while working on cars so train your people on this. Until then fix what ever you can, while you can and then spend time with the family as ofter as you can.
  3. We should solve car problems. ALWAYS double check that the customers problem that they came in for is fixed,remind customers about our services,give them something to see and save money on your services, give them something to talk about to others in a positive light and ask for thier referrals. Make sure that they understand that if they have a problem with a vehicle to call you even if it is for advice. Ya'll have a nice Sunday and Offer help to the Tornado victems. Frogfinder
  4. Always listen and take a minute or so to see whats's up. Many people will leave the vehicle if you offer a courtesy ride. If customer is not able to leave the car at least walk with the customer to their car while handling them your card.Try to keep a drive on lift open at all times to "Take A Look". The Sevice advisor can further impress that the vehicle needs to stay longer. For those that cannot leave the car and cannot reschedule for the next morning, send them around the corner to the second automotive shop that you own. That way you cover those customers that will pay more for full service and those that are in and out. Always thank all customers for their business and referrals. Have A Great Weekend.
  5. We are in a digital world and no one can withstand 24/7 scrutiny.Cheaper prices are loyal to no one or no one country. Wait until your customer's hand held device apps be used to compete with another shop and scan your body/voice for Stress/fibs/greed real time. Stay Real and true to the Good Fight, Happy Easter
  6. Employees like to feel important. We must be a place of encouragement and team work. No matter which employee has the problem all pitch in . We must see the tasks front of them in order to smooth out thier day. You know that you have reached a good place when you all look at one another say that the day went fast and all the fires got put out. The customers should be showered with "How may i Help you" always thanked for their business and referrals. Happy Easter and Passover
  7. Birds (customers) of a feather flock together.
  8. HOWDY, My take on the average customer was a borrowed parable from Homer Simson. Bart was talking to his dog and all the dog heard was "BLAH BLAH BLAH SPOT BLAH ........................ That being said I say Focus on what you do/love best and become so good at doing that people will pay you very well not to stop doing what you love doing. Twenty percent of your customers provide eighty percent of your revenue. Every customer can refer you a $500.00 job if you will will ask them to. Offer every customer a cold drink , a courtesy ride and extra business cards.
  9. The average customer hears BLAH BLAH BLAH $1000.00. The customer call's another shop and hears BLAH BLAH BLAH $800.00. Verdict You are a rip off and they are not coming back. Read the story of the Prodigial Customer (i mean son)
  10. Merry Christmas to all.
  11. The Prodical Customer Returns. Change a few words and this could be called "The Black Smith and the Customer"
  12. "I pay my sales force (my customers) the money i would be paying strangers to send me new friends (customers)."The Frogfinder"
  13. "I pay my Sales Force (my customers) the money i would give to strangers to send me new Friends (customers)" The Frogfinder
  14. On Honda/Acura vehicles we do drain and fill's with Honda/Acura fluid. We have had many customers complain about transmission shifting issues after having "Wallet Flushes" at other venue's. On most cars we do fluid exchanges with a machine but use the recommended fluid for that car. We avoid flush chemicals. "If you start early on taking care of your vehicles fluid services the hard parts take care of themselves thus avoiding the need for a extended warranty" The Frogfinder.
  15. I focus on 1.safety 2.the reason they brought it in for, 3.leaks 4. Maintenance. I tell the customer straight up that i don't want his/her money but i must have their referrals and prayers. I hand wash their car even if thay don't buy a thing.
  16. There should be a fee to spend effort and time to trace a problem. All we have to sell is time and the clock is ticking.
  17. Tool bonus works for us.
  18. My hours, 7:30 to 6:00 m-f and 7:30 to 1:00 on saturday are long enough. I don't want everyones business, just 2-3 thousand people that get what i am about and that are excited about telling others about me. As a rule 20 percent of your customers create 80 percent of your business.
  19. Trying to steal your crew is not a cool thing to do.
  20. I advise my customers to come in every 3-4 months or 3-4k miles so that i can check fluids,lights and tire air for safety.I place the reminder sticker on the windshield and send them a reminder card. I often have people telling me that my oil change price is too high or that they have blank % left on the oil life. If the car is on the drive i then check the oil and tire condition/tire pressure in front of them . More often then not the oil is low and black, 20 psi in the worn tires and the state inspection is expired.

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