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Ajit last won the day on January 6 2019

Ajit had the most liked content!

Business Information

  • Business Name
    Future Shop
  • Business Address
    Future Drive, Austin, Texas, 78754
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Future Shop Owner

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  1. Ajit


  2. Mechanic calls the owner for estimates in some cases, he reasoned there is no price sheet. Owner and 1 mechanic (nephew), was told mechanic does 99% of the job, owner helps if there is any heavy lifting. They have 3 bays. Increased advertisement will likely help add another mechanic and keep busy.
  3. While looking for absentee investments, I found a self-storage and Auto repair shop on sale. The purchase price is small and also cash flow is very high to ignore. But, I am a Software Engineer and I am New to running a Business leave alone an Auto repair. The shop is 2 hrs drive from my home. The owner is ready to provide 2d/week consulting service, and lone other mechanic is ready to work with new owner. Plenty of cash transactions. No computers to log work orders. Specialist in exhaust systems. The mechanic is not insured. Shop and storage has some level of insurance. Small town and original owner ran business from the shop for 33 years. Now wants to retire. I have plans to modernize the work orders and add cameras for remote tracking. I will have to add one more mechanic, and then trust mechanics and also introduce softwares to increase transparency. For someone who is interested in Auto repair in general, do you think its good business to run as absentee? I plan to spend few hours at the shop once a week and less frequently later. I am 40 year old, I think right time for me to start a business and get off the corporate world. Please advice. Appreciate.
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