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Joe Marconi

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Everything posted by Joe Marconi

  1. Tom, could you go into more detail with real numbers about that plan?
  2. I still feel that we need to remain strong through these times. The more we fight now for our market share the better we will be when the economy turns around. If we retreat and pull back, we might not be able to catch up and our recovery will be in doubt.
  3. We often asume that the customer knows and understands what we are doing, but many time they don't and won't ask. When you review with them a detailed report, it shows you care and builds value. Also, telling someone that their brakes are ok now, but will need to be rechecked in 4 months is a powerful marketing tool.
  4. We do use checklists. It keeps the techs on track and consistent with procedure. Plus, it gives the customer a report which adds value to your service. Check out the checklists I designed on this site. Go to downloads. Let me know what you think.
  5. I think it goes beyond that. Politcal pressure from large corporations (like the car makers) sways political opinion and create consumer policy. Politcians then dictate policy and the masses of people follow like sheap.
  6. Do you use a printed checklist with a copy for the customer?
  7. We also pay more than most shop and dealerships. But, I also feel I have the best techs because of it. I know when I worked for flat rate in the 1970's, those lean weeks were tough. I was newly married with a new born baby. I had to work another part time job. I think we should pay our techs a decent wage and reward them when they produce.
  8. I think I give too many chances. The way I feel now is that when an individual is not pulling his/her weight and will cause the entire shop to suffer, it's time to let that person go. I need to think about everyone, not just the person who needs to go.
  9. I agree, great points. when is America going to wake up? Like I said before; More Junk Politics!
  10. More and more shops are adopting the flat rate pay model. Is this the future? I don't like flat rate pay. I have long paid my techs an hourly rate plus bonus based on performance. I feel this gets my techs motivated with security. Many think my plan creates a dead-beat attitude. I don't think so. My system rewards those who excel and are willing to work hard. Am I wrong? What plan do you have for your techs?
  11. Is it me, but I hate to fire anyone. Even when I know in my heart it is the right thing to do. Anyone have same or different feelings?
  12. Using Inspection Checklists The proper use of an inspection checklist is an added value service sales tool that gives the customer a record of not only what work is needed, but also what it doesn’t need. We often focus on the customer’s cars need, but forget how powerful it is when telling a customer what is right with the car. Everyone like hearing good news, just think about a visit to the doctor. When a doctor tells you; “Tim, your are generally in great shape. I suggest losing about 10 pounds and consider quit smoking. Let’s work on that. Other that you are doing fine and let’s follow up with these issues in six months”. That’s a positive approach. Your sales presentation should always be upbeat and positive.
  13. Great article. Here's another fact that I just read about. The “Buyer's Remorse” rate for those who bought vehicles under the Clunker Program is 17% and getting higher! The average buyers remorse rate of new car buyers is around 2 to 3%. Simply put, many people bought cars because they were sucked in by the incentive. Many now are stuck with a car payment they do not want or cannot afford.
  14. Great article. I did see this article and read it too. The sad news is that the large majority of people do not fully understand the politics behind what is driving policy in this country. Although, I think the tide is starting to turn the other way. Look at Obama's approval rating. The gallop poll as of yesterday was down to 50%. I will do my best to educate as many as I can. Let's keep up the fight!
  15. I think you’re right; we are not out of the woods yet, with respect to the economy. Also, consumers are more selective now on how they spend their money. The end of the summer is here and people’s thoughts are more on the start of school and their last chance of a vacation. July was also strong for us, but business in general is down in August. Not just for us but for the all businesses. I am confident as ever that now is the perfect time to push hard. Provide the best service, increase your advertizing and show strength. Anything less will hurt you in the long term.
  16. I only got 13! Boy am I embarrassed!
  17. I agree. What you are seeing is the same as what we are seeing. I think more shops should adpot this policy.
  18. I have the same situation, I have to write on Mondays. However, the gain is worth it. We have 2 service advisors now, our goal is to add one more by summer of 2010. I'm glad to see that sales are great. Go for you! How much of an impact is Saturday making for you?
  19. I'm not sure if I replied to this post. But, the answer is YES! We are open 7:30am to 2:00pm or later if we have a lot of work. We have built Saturday's sales to a point that I will never close again. Plus it sets up the entire week. The only issue, like I said before, is manpwower. That's why we rotate and give techs and writers a day off during the week. We also rotate Saturdays so that everyone will have off a Saturday every few weeks.
  20. Let's hope it's not too late, but I do think that people like us need to be heard. I think we have an obligation to society. Shop owners are self-made sucess strories and understand core values. I intend to get invloved with local organizations and get my voice heard.
  21. I never considered getting politically active, but I think the time has come for me (and I hope others who feel the way I do) to get more involved. We are headed down a slippery slope, and I fear we a putting our future in jeopardy. The youth of this country are being brainwashed and will end up paying dearly for the ills of today’s politicians. Your thoughts?
  22. Great story! Great vedio! It brings a new meaning to lifetime parts.
  23. I am happy to see that there are still sane people left in this country. I too believe that the government has no place in society that was founded on a free market, free enterprise and the foundation that the PEOPLE shall be the determining factor in how we govern ourselves. The idea that we need the government to bail us out and come to our aid will be our demise. The government has proven throughout history that it cannot successfully run anything. All it can do is to throw away more and more of our money (through increased taxes) in a feeble attempt to salvage failed programs.
  24. Great, keep it up. We are considering expanded shifts. We will do it on a trial basis. In today's market we need to try different things. It's a new world out there!!!
  25. I agree with your decision. I think it is a good move. Are you rotating the staff? You don't want to burn anyone out.
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