I could not begin to explain my disdain for this administration within the pages of this forum. But, I do know a few things: It is your right to think and speak your mind as you see fit. That’s America. What I don’t like are the lies that are being told to the American public, the finger pointing of blame, the division of this country between liberals and conservatives. It has the feel of “two” Americas’, each feeling that if you don’t feel our way you are un-American.
The tea party leaders are gaining ground solely because the hard working people in this country are sick and tired of politics. The status quo is not doing the job. Will this group have the momentum to actually make a difference for the long term? I don’t know. But for the first time in a very long time, we see average people, not professional politicians, that are willing to take time out of their daily lives and fight to make a difference.
Obama says on national TV, his health plan will not increase taxes…a big lie. The increases in capital gains taxes alone on investment dividends will significantly hurt the average citizen’s retirement investments.
Obama does not understand economics. He wants to punish American companies overseas. Well, that ship sailed decades ago. We live in a global economy and many factors, including powerful unions, have sent our corporation overseas. The fact is American companies around the world hold about 500 billion dollars in foreign banks. We need that money back home. Why is money not in our banks? Because of the tax rate, which is the highest in the world. If Obama was smart, he would lower the tax rate and get that money back here. Do you know what an infusion of 500 billion dollars would do for this country?
I could go on and on…but I think you know where I stand.