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Joe Marconi

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Joe Marconi last won the day on January 23

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Business Information

  • Business Name
    Marconi Consulting, LLC
  • Business Address
    10 Powderhorn Road, Patterson, New York, 12563
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Coaching
  • Automotive Franchise
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  • Certifications
    Automotive Management Institute, ASE Master Techncian, L1, Certified Management Trainer

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Community Answers

  1. Also, please check the laws in your State regarding shop supplies. Thank you.
  2. It is also important to point out that some states have regulations on how to charge for supplies. This may lead to legal issues. As you said, incorporate what you pay for supplies into your cost of doing business, and you will be fine.
  3. Too keep things equal and to show integrity, any immediate family members were run through the business like a regular customer, and I would pay the bill in full. As I grew my business, I had to show honesty, there were too many people in multiple locations that I had to send the right message. Friends and other family members, treated like a regular customer.
  4. Are the any considerations for insurance and liability?
  5. It all comes down to how discounts hurt the bottom line.
  6. Sometimes the shop owner makes decisions based on the greater good for all. It has to be a win for all, and the shop owner. And I agree, "Make your rules and then stand by them totally."
  7. Thanks for the info. I think in your business model, this is a sound strategy!
  8. Let me first say that I hate discounts! The more you understand your numbers, the more you will hate it too. My opinion. BUT, I also know the reality of offering discounts to certain people. Do you offer discounts to employee family members and/or a friend discount?
  9. I am no longer in the business, sold my shop after 41 years. As a coach now with Elite, I can tell you that things are spotty around the country. Many shops have shifted their focus to the customer experience and also being more proactive about getting customers to return for their next service and for any deferred work. That is making a difference. Advertising is tricky these days.
  10. I did the same exact thing. Sometimes we need to take the emotions out of the situation, and do what is right and for the greater good.
  11. Do you think that poor management, which results in low production, is also a problem with shop culture?
  12. Ha! You are not alone. Not to make a cheap plug, but the Elite Fly with the Eagles, does cover recruiting and the hiring process. Plus Elite has many tools to help shop owners. Again, sorry for the cheap plug, but as a former client of Elite and now a business coach with them, it is worth checking out.
  13. I am referring to a company such as Shop Marketing Pros, or TurnKey Marketing, Etc.
  14. A worthwhile goal. Work on those numbers, systems and processes. Work each day on your goal. You will attain it!
  15. I agree with your assessment. While we need to track and improve tech production, I too spent a lot of effort in making sure that we wrote proper estimates, and paid great attention to labor hours per invoice. Great assessment!

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