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  • Business Name
    Bockman's Auto, Truck & Tire
  • Business Address
    2156 Oakland Drive, Sycamore, Illinois, 60178
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner
  • Automotive Franchise
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  • Banner Program
    Napa Car Care
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  • Your Mission Statement
    Our MISSION is to 1) earn customer trust and loyalty by ensuring top quality customer service
    and outstanding auto repair tailored to each customer, 2) provide support to our employees in
    a way that ensures their loyalty and longevity, and 3) give back to the community we serve.

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  1. So do you pay OT for over 40 hours worked per week?
  2. Gross Profit dollars sold and not total dollars sold. We have a guarantee of about $45K a year (which seems low) but that's another reason to look at another pay plan.
  3. I've been paying my Service Advisors 9% of GP dollars that they sells. I'm looking into another pay plan now because I want to be sure I'm not paying too little.
  4. JBockman

    Bockman's Auto Care

  5. The new Napa Tracs Enterprise allows us to search multiple vendors at the same time, as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I believe it needs to be explained to them, in their terms, ie. flip phone vs an iPhone
  7. Yes just a couple a month. There is a little wait from the time you call it in to the time the online technician calls back but it’s still not a horribly long time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. We have it and like it. We still don’t do a ton of flashes but it’s always available and I’m not relying on someone else’s schedule. We’ll charge $25 over cost (of course that doesn’t include diagnosis). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Nancy, I started to scan every document this year, I'm trying to go paperless at some point. I purchased the Scan Snap ix500 and it's been great, a real workhorse. Beside the scanner you'll want some sort of storage for the files, I'm using google drive. Call me if you have any other questions.
  10. My rate was 1.6-1.7% but I just switched processors and we're at 1-1.1%
  11. Last month I paid 1.2% and the more people use debit the more I save. If you want the name of my processor just send me an email.
  12. Hello, I tried both and find it's easier to have a professional do it for you. I use Optimize Social Media.
  13. Remember the old saying “Service and quality are remembered long after the price is forgotten”. That customer will be back.
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