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Ollie G

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    2130 Fillmore Street, Hollywood, Florida, 33020
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner

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  1. This mape is crazy . I work with extended warranty companies every day. They send us data buy zip codes every week. south Florida euro shops range from $130 to $165 for independent shops. Goodyear and firestone are 125 ++ in 33020 I have no idea how this map is so low. NYC avg rate 150 San Francisco 235 WTF If you pay your techs 28-35 hr and your service advisers 4% or apx $1200 a week Shop , Insurance, Workers comp ,Health ins etc and mortgage how in the world does make it? I know my rate is $112 to $180 depending on the kind of work and car. Please if there are any A techs who want to make a great living come on down.
  2. The Hawk Eye Elite is probably the best alignment machine out there but for the few amount of alignments we do i will take the Atlas. The Atlas rolls on a cart easily every night. Plus we have limited space and our aliment rack is outside covered with a metal roof. We don't have the space for a Hawk Eye.
  3. We use our Atlas 3-4 times a day for 4 years . It works fine. We only do German cars. Paid 14,900 its paid for it self it’s first year. Atlas Edge 601 Pro 8 Camera Alignment Machine With FastClamps
  4. Ollie G

    Ollie G

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