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willydmax last won the day on January 8

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  • Business Name
    Lee's Garage
  • Business Address
    West Auberry Grove, Jamesport, Missouri, 64648
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner
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Community Answers

  1. I give discounts to my dad, otherwise the rest of my family gets treated like everyone else. I will make exceptions once in a while but it's just so much easier to treat everyone the same and not do this favoritism thing. Same with my fellow church people, I charge them normal prices. If you are proud of what you do and honest, why would you give discounts. Whenever I hear of someone giving discounts then I often question their honesty because it looks like their normal prices are too high. Just my $.02
  2. I was a one man shop with 2 bays for about 10 years and just last year hired my 1st tech. I made money from day one but my overhead was extremely small compared to yours. I started out small with no debt and bought tools as I went along. I also didn't have issues with having enough work. My focus has been quality and honesty. Sounds like you need different customers. Whenever I have someone complain about price I usually don't end up working for them. They are the price shoppers and are only loyal to their wallet. Don't let them persuade you to lower your markup, that's a dead end street. You may need to raise your prices which may scare those price shoppers away and attract good customers that don't ask how much is it going to cost but when can you do it. If you could bill 30 hours a week that's $14400 a month. Some weeks I would bill 30 and some I would be able to bill 40 plus, just depended on the jobs. It takes some serious organization when you're by yourself to bill 30 to 40 a week. I usually don't work late either. My production went up when I switched to Shop-Ware for my management system. Wish you luck!
  3. No offense at all. I offer the inspection as a courtesy and my customers depend on it to keep their vehicles from breaking down in between oil changes. My pet peeve is the customer that goes to a quick lube that doesn’t inspect anything and then comes to me with an emergency brake pad metal on metal scenario and wants me to fix it right now when it could have been avoided.
  4. At my shop if someone comes in for an oil change, they get a general inspection of brakes, front wheel bearings, steering parts, all the fluids etc marked out on the ticket as either green, orange or red. If all they want is me to drop the oil and change the filter, then I’m the wrong shop for them. I’m not a quick lube.
  5. Some more thoughts, I love efficiency and the challenge of book time. I think if you’re reasonably competent and have great tools that book time can easily be beat. Most of the time I work by myself and keep close track of my time via my shop management system. I typically arrive around 7:30 and leave around 5:10 Monday through Friday. Most of the time I bill an average of 40 hours or more per week. You can train yourself to look at what needs taken apart and visualize what it takes for tools to make it happen. I’m allergic to turning anything out by hand and will spend money to make that happen with tools. A rolling tool cart should be sitting right beside you with the main items on or in it so you don’t waste time walking. Shop-Ware is what I use and it has helped me immensely to be more organized and efficient.
  6. I completely agree with Gerald. You have to keep up with technology. I’m a general repair shop that started in 2014. I’ve been by myself until last summer I hired a kid part time. I think it depends quite a bit on your location. I’m in the Midwest in a small hick town and I have absolutely no issues being profitable or busy. I work on most makes but am not afraid of telling a customer that I’m not interested in working on their European car, older carbureted vehicle etc. I do a fair bit of transmission and engine replacements along with quite a lot of diesel repairs. If you’re straight forward, honest and have a caring attitude, most people will respect you for your boundaries and if they don’t then you don’t want to work for them anyway. I’m the only shop for miles around besides the dealer that can program/update most brands. The tooling costs a lot but most of my customers are very happy to not have to go to the dealer. I don’t have any customers with hybrids yet, even though I’ve taken some training on them. This year will be my 7th year going to Vision and it’s interesting how many of my classes are on management instead of technical. Vision is a huge highlight of the year and I wouldn’t miss it for anything. Just my $.02
  7. I was using QB until about 2 years ago I looked around and finally settled on Shop-Ware. It's absolutely the best thing I could've done. I love it. Greatly simplifies my life, easy to use, helps me keep track of profit margins, easy to order parts...the list goes on and on. I use QuickBooks online as my accounting software and Shop-Ware automatically sends the data across on each ticket as soon as it's paid and customer picked up the vehicle. Works awesome. Has a great built in vehicle inspection system as well. Customers love pictures. Another thing that my customers really like is getting their invoice texted to them when I'm done and it also has a pay button so they can pay via card if they want.
  8. I installed a 2 ton mini split in my shop last August and it couldn't quite keep up so installed a second one a month ago and now it's awesome. I also use them for heat in the winter so it's a win all the way around. My shop stays cleaner as well with no wind blowing leaves etc in. I think I get more done with the AC and am not as tired at the end of the day. I'm just a one man 2 bay shop.
  9. Check out Shop-Ware. I couldn’t live without it. Love it.
  10. Yep. I’m getting paid $.40 a gallon. Guy buys it to heat his greenhouse.
  11. I started using Shop-Ware earlier this year and am very happy with them. They are responsive to suggestions and quick to respond if you have issues or questions. I would recommend them. I wouldn’t consider a management program that wasn’t cloud based. I’m an Apple person and so no worries what I log on with it’s going to work.
  12. I started my shop in 2014 and bought a Autel MaxiDas. It worked great but then upgraded to the Maxisys Mini and it was awesome. Since Vision 2019 I upgraded to the Autel MaxiSys Elite. Really like it. For the price and capability I don’t think you can beat Autel. I buy my scan tools through AE Tools in Kansas City so if I have any issues I get awesome support. Just my $.02
  13. willydmax


  14. I’m probably out in left field but I’ve been using Square for 4 plus years and get along great. I know it costs a bit more but it’s so simple. No hidden fees, no contracts and no machine rental.
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