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Automotive Webmaster

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  • Business Name
    Automotive Webmaster
  • Business Address
    P.O. Box 52, Mahopac, New York, 10541
  • Type of Business
    Marketing to Auto Shops
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  1. @Mastermechanic took a peak at your site and a few things popped out. Something is up with your SSL because in google chrome your site is coming up insecure. Your repair quote form font on larger screens is too small Remove all the white space around your logo, it's way to big for a website 1500 px and causes it to be way to small in your header. There are numerous font and layout opportunities. Update your copyright to 2019 Maybe try a different wordpress theme or update this one? I edited your logo to 500px for you and have your son try that out. Its a png file like your original just cropped and resized. You'll see it'll look much better in the header. Here's a screenshot of the contact form text in Chrome, a bit small. I would also make that phone number clickable to a dialer. Kudos to your son, looks like he's learning how to use wordpress!
  2. Your wordpress theme looks good and is pretty well optimized. Take a a look at some of minor source code errors, specifically with calling for the roboto font. Looks good and even though your wordpress theme is using Yoast SEO plugin, you have an opportunity to edit your page title tags to be more descriptive like: </script><title>Home - Walt&#039;s Garage</title> and think about adding on all pages a description tag : <meta name="description" content="A page's description, usually one or two sentences."/> For the wordpress plugin you are using, here is a guide: https://yoast.com/meta-descriptions/ but keep in mind you can now go up to around 290 characters instead of the 155 listed. Looks good and looks like a repairshopwebsites theme. They usually cover all the bases with their clients. I'm not a fan of the pages ending in .html, but that's what they do. With this type of "cookie-cutter" website (which is fine) it's important to customize text as much as possible or they allow.
  3. It's getting more and more important for websites to render well on smaller screens. Just posted a blog about this topic 😁
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