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Travis Alsgard

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Everything posted by Travis Alsgard

  1. Travis Alsgard

    Travis Alsgard

  2. Helping the DIYer is their marketing strategy for one reason and one reason alone, they don't need to market to us at all. They have the supply, we have the demand. What's the point in heavily marketing to someone who's already a captive audience? We are their bottom line, their bread and butter. Guess who I buy parts from... Just take a guess... If you guessed the supplier who can get me a quality the part in the quickest amount of time, you'd be 100% correct. Take politics out of the equation. It's a losing battle and it's pointless to argue about. And if it weren't for the parts houses loaning out tools, I wouldn't be where I am today. For better or worse... And my brother, who's an excellent parts changer but has never worked in a shop and couldn't afford to get his car fixed in one if his life depended on it, would be out a car and unable to make it to his actual job. The DIYer is always going to be there. The DIYer is what every single one of us was before deciding we wanted to make a career out of this crap. If a few random people doing their own work is seriously hurting your bottom line, your bottom line was too thin in the first place.
  3. You are absolutely correct in that it's a short time frame and those are all questions which need to be sorted or thought through rather quickly. As it stands now, the terms are an owner financed sale of $2k/mo for 40 months with zero down. This includes all shop tools / inventory / equipment, shop truck, and $15k in working capitol. The facility is approximately 3700sqft with 3 lifts and a small office space. No property is involved, just a renegotiation on the lease. The owner will be taking over the front half of the building to expand on our classic car / hot rod customer base when the current lease-holder leaves in January. He will be severing all ties to the general repair facility once the front is set up. I do have concerns such as how the business has been handled for the past 10 years as well as customer retention but those are things I'll have to make a personal decision on.
  4. Hello all! I've worked as a tech and, more recently, tech / part time manager at a very busy shop for close to 7 years now. The owner approached me a few weeks back with talks of retiring next January and selling the business to me. I'm in my mid-30s and have been working towards a similar opportunity since I started down this path almost 20 years ago. Spent my younger years bouncing from place to place, city to city, and state to state. Finally landed in CA by way of MI and am thoroughly enjoying the lack of rusty bolts. Looking forward to using the search function (unheard of no doubt!) first and foremost, but also gathering as much wisdom as I can with questions of my own. Maybe I can even lend a hand somewhere myself, who knows? Here's a preliminary thank you to the staff and members. Seems to be just the place I was looking for. Any quick tips are much appreciated as I begin this adventure. -Travis
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