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Prior Automotive

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Everything posted by Prior Automotive

  1. I agree with you one hundred percent. I have customers try that all the time. When you explain the damages that can occur from an improperly diagnosed system they think you are just trying to make more money. Case in point: I had a Ford Escape in my shop with a blown egr valve. I told them that back pressure from a clogged cat caused the valve to blow and that there was an underlying problem that cause the cat to clog. I explained to them that if i replaced the cat and did not diagnose the issue that the cat will clog again and next time they may not have the luck of an 80 dollar part go out. It may be a connecting rod. Well the car came back a few days later. All that work had to be redone.
  2. I have already discounted labor, and learned my lesson. The offer will be over on the 22nd of this month. This is a big college town so it is hard to get these people to pay for anything, and right now i can not turn away work. Thanks for the advice i do appreciate it. Oh and by the way, my location isn't that great, but the main street that runs by me is always busy. Unfortunately its a 45mph speed zone. I need signage!
  3. Hello to all. I have just recently started an auto repair business in Tallahassee, fl. After just closing down our car-lot, we decided to open a mechanic shop. Employing just myself and my partner (girlfriend). How do you guys attract costumers? we have only been getting 1 call a day with only 2 cars a week. We advertise on craigslist, have just sent out postcards and have put up flyers around town. What do you suggest?

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