TEA (Tulsa Executive Association) Past president and chairman of the board
Your Mission Statement
Monthly columnist for Babcox magazines. You'll find my column, "Gonzo's Toolbox" in Brake and Frontend, Import Car, and Underhood Service magazines.
Writer/Editor for Haynes Repair Manual Company. Write and edit as well as research the latest new DIY repair manuals you'll find at every parts store across the country.
Columnist, on staff editor, and technical adviser for AVI - Automotive Video Innovations
Consultant for various automotive marketing and franchise companies, including new product evaluations (BETA testing).
I also do a few training videos for DAYCO and AVI.
Some of which can be found on You Tube.
I'm also an author "Hey Look, I Found the Loose Nut" as well as a guest speaker at various local colleges and conventions.
Nothing like a little humor in auto shop.
I turned away a bunch of work yesterday that I didn't want to get stuck in the middle of and be away for an entire week. You could always commute to my shop until the snow is gone. A snow bird mechanic! ROFL.