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Everything posted by Randy

  1. well i will say this is going great.This is the best thing i ever done for my automotive repair shop.
  2. I was really looking in to getting this in my shop.Has any tech or shop owners been using this.If so please leave all comments.+ & -
  3. I think this is a great tool and not very expensive.I was really thinking about this as well.Do you think it would bring in more clients.And has any one been offering this service.
  4. Great way to run a business.Or just anything.
  5. Joe i wonted to know were you got your flush machines.From BG.?
  6. That is right every shop is different but they all have a break even and some shop owners do not have the business training.Nor do they have the advertising experience it takes to book a shop like it should. To run a business or does the shop run you????
  7. I was at a seminar last weekend and they said how is may web site.(he said the most important thing is the search optimization).I do have a web site for my glass shop and my automotive shop.www.automotivea2z.com I am building a really awesome site for automotive repair.So i am asking my web designer about search optimization.And i am going to put and referral program in a box of its own> What is your most powerful type of advertising.
  8. Thats great advice.I went to google and I did not see were I get listed?Any help would be great.
  9. Yes phone book and I do need to get out and see the people.
  10. Here in Mo. we have GVIP ran by sys.My car count is low beings this is my first year in the automotive repair side.I will do a maintenance inspection as well and give a report on the condition of there car.And of course i will try to sell the repairs to the clients.The way I see it is we will do as many inspections as we can.This will bring up the car count and give us the chance to get much more repairs.
  11. I have not turned any work away.I am in the process of getting state inspection and emmissions.This will bring more clients. I need more cars to get this off the ground.
  12. Joe this is Randy this sounds like management success agian!!
  13. Joe I am going to go through the program.I got on this site looking for something just like management susses.I have got a lot of really great ideas from all of you.I will keep you all ap to date.(I start the program 1-11-10 it is a 6 month program).Wish me luck!!!
  14. Joe all of the advice you give sounds like that simanar I went to.(management success)
  15. Thanks for the input.I really was looking for some type of a business coach.This i think will do a great deal for my company.I will keep everyone up to date on the program.
  16. Thanks for the input.I went to the seminar and it really seemed to be the answer to all of your business needs.It sounds like the program is going to fit my shop.I will kept you all informed about this program.I will keep a close eye on the trailers.
  17. This is to ask anyone if they have attended this seminar.Or know anything about them.Looks like it really benefit my company.ANY COMMENTS??
  18. Thanks yes i do have a glass program.(the best on the market called mainstreet)I think i will get a post card mailing to all of my clients.I have got 80% of my auto repair from the glass clients and I tell everyone what we have to offer. do you have a program for auto repair ?
  19. I have 1 tech and 2 bays.I have 1 auto repair tech and 1 glass tech and Iam the glass tech.The other 4 bays are going out back of my shop.I did all the work excavating,grade work,and I poured the 40 foot bey 60 foot foundation.It is ready for the slab.Just waiting for more money to come in (out of pocket).So I have 1 csr (Customer service rep).1 auto repair tech and me the auto glass tech.
  20. I did not answer all of your question.Two bays and four more going on back of building.
  21. I have 1 tech and 1 csr and I do all the glass installation.Plus all the other bs.I am training csr to get more auto repair.At this time I am in the process of getting state inspection and emissions.I think it will really get alot of clients in the door.And I really need to get all the repairs I can.But we really need the advice of a seasoned biz repair owner to make it profitable.Thanks Randy
  22. Hay thanks for the advice.My sign out front has big reverse lettering (AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR) it is bigger than anything else.I will post a pic soon.I will put a sing over the other bay soon thanks.Any more comments would be great.
  23. Thanks for advise.The traffic is moving 55 or so.I will need to buy or make a aframe sign.The letters need to be 12 inches or more.Have a led sign and it is hard to see going bey so fast you maybe got 2 to 3 seconds to see it but it does grab them at night is the best.

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