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  • Business Name
    National Brake & Muffler
  • Business Address
    1412 Bowling Lane, Griffin, Georgia, 30223
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
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    Shop Owner
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    Napa Car Care
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    Repairpal, ASE, Napa Autocare
  • Your Mission Statement
    To Welcome our Visitors to our Family, Treat Them with respect and give the best at all times.

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  1. Also on the ipads is Identifix and Alldata or Mitchell. Nowadays you can get enough licenses so if a shop has several techs each one has a unique login so it prevents each other from getting kicked off.
  2. We use Ipads. My techs that have used phones complain about the size of the screen. Just use Ipads. Very reliable and easy to manage. Also when they take pictures with them it's easy to enlarge them and mark them with pointers and other items that help show issues with whatever they are working on. We have been using AV for over 4 years but I know there are other great programs out there.
  3. raakpatel


  4. We generally machine rotors using our Pro-cut on the car brake lathe and using either Raybestos/Adative one/ or Bendix pads, a thorough brake job averages about $230 and more for trucks depending on setup(rotors and hardware extra if needed)we don’t sacrifice on brakes as it needs to stop a vehicle and liability is on the shop, go to court once for a death in a accident and see how that plays out when lawyers drag a shop into it.
  5. Go with the TS601, Autel also makes sensors that you can find and makes it really easy to program sensors since they fit into the little opening on the TS601.
  6. Whenever we get these call's I usually look at the caller ID, If they are a regular customer I try to look them up first while I am creating chit chat. If they are new I try to ask them how they found us and so on. Also if their name is on the caller ID i usually refer to them and this usually catches them off guard. After that always try to get the vehicle in the shop and I always point to the differences in parts so we need to make sure that its apples to apples, most of the time if you see the pattern of phone shoppers its usually the same type of jobs. Brakes, Tune-ups and exhaust, at least this is my experience in my shop. When I can get them to my shop the closing rate just increased because they saw that I took time to talk to them and not hurry them off the phone. Also if you know that they are coming in after you get them off the phone make sure that you acknowledge them, in my shop sometimes this is the hardest customer to win over, but treat them with kindness and respect and this usually will make the next step easier. This topic sure creates discussion......
  7. Customers supplied parts is always a big no no according to any Industry experts as the liability falls on the experts which in this case are the shops, and that's the way a court will side.
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