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Truett last won the day on September 3 2018

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  • Business Name
    True Tires
  • Business Address
    608 North Cunningham Avenue, Urbana, Illinois, 61802
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
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    Shop Owner
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  • Your Mission Statement
    Fair Quality Service

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  1. Truett


  2. We have had nothing but a good experience since we got it up and going. Had some difficulties at first, Salesman messed up and then quit and had to wait for another sales man to be hired and trained, but other than that been doing well. We have had them for about 6 months now and they have been the same price every week. Since we are a Goodyear dealer I have a great price. Only drawback was we had to sign a 5 year contract to get the Goodyear account. the only increase they can make is a 5% per year. Drivers have been great to work with but once again it has only been 6 months.
  3. Just wondering everyones opinion on yellow page advertising. Worth it or just basic listing? Richard
  4. Have used the Delco brand batteries for the last 8 years. Very little problems with them and warranted well by my local vender Dust and Sons and Stonewheel. I have had nothing but problems with Interstate batteries and will NEVER install another one. I even used to stock them. Biggest pieces of crap sold and their warranty is junk. Have never been able to get them to warranty any of them even when they load test at 3 volts. Really suggest you check out the Delco. Several different lines with different warranties so you can tailor the battery to the car and the customer. They do 18, 24, 36 month warranties that are full replacement not pro rated.
  5. And then they want to sell them as used. We do not sell used tires. I quit 3 years ago. Great profit but the risk is too high.
  6. I was just talking about their warranty time. The other is another matter entirely. none of the Tire manufacturers will ever reach their warranty mileage 90% of the time. Come on a 100,000 mile warranty on a tire? Who ya kidding.....
  7. I would say 6 years. Goodyear tire warranty only covers to 6 years.
  8. Truett


    I take it you are a CarX dealer?
  9. Truett

    True Tires

  10. A AC Delco program. Stands for Professional Service Center . Delco backs a 2 year, 24000 mile warranty. Also better pricing for me and rebates. Many other benefits too. Been one for 3 years now. Get credit for any ac Delco products from both aftermarket suppliers and GM dealers.
  11. Find a new vendor. AAP and AutoZone are junk, for me last resort. Dorman quality dropped to junk after they moved production off shore. We use mostly AC Delco and are a PSC Dealer. Have a 2 year part AND labor warranty from them. As with my old computer programming days, “Junk in, Junk out”.
  12. Just looking into a new tool. Have used a torch for 40 years, but have been hearing good things about the Mini Ductor series of tools. Anyone have experience with these and how much you paid and where.
  13. I will still be locked to US Autoforce for another year with my G3x account so I have not gotten this letter from Goodyear as of yet. Also I believe this will be first run out in larger distribution areas such as Indianapolis, Chicago, and such. Us small fry's in Hicksville won't see it for a while if ever.
  14. From one of my favorite comics...Rodney Dangerfield “My wife and I hav agreed to smoke only after sex. I have the same pack of cigarettes since 1975. What bothers me is my wife is up to 3 packs a day.”
  15. Goodyear manages our websites.... www.urbanatruetires.com and www.champaigntruetires.com
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