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[email protected]

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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I went through a law suit in california, this year, very costly. 1. all employees must use the time clock. ( except mgr) hours spent in the shop ( not flagged hours) 2. Pay stub shows only hours worked in the shop.. NOT flagged hours. ( if flagged hours are $30.00 per hour.. then your are required to pay that amount for all hours spent in the shop ie. 40 hr x$ 30. 3. our stubs showes number hours at min wage, ( calif requires double min if tech supplies his own tools) Tech bonus shows $ amount ( not flagged hours) cal. 40hr x $10.50 = $420.00 ( he flagg hours 35 hr x $ 30.00= $ 1050.00 minus $420.0 = Tech bonus $630.00 total pay check $1050.00 The bonus is any unit u want, Flagg Units (not flagged hours) . This was approved by my labor attny in my lawsuit. Look up a law suit in santa monica ca.. uptown motors. Good luck

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