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Everything posted by defiancetire

  1. 298.00 55 Gallon Of Conventional 387.00 55 Gallon Of Synthetic Blend 2.49 Stp Dexos Synthetic Quarts
  2. I Stock two particular sizes new, because I am also a very large used tire distributor, these tires are no where to be found used, so people often opt into buying them new if I have them readily available. Other than that my cash reserve is invested in 500(quality) used tires.
  3. Well I do not really differentiate from them, I sell alot of tires. But im known for that already. I want to get into more accessories, and maybe sell certain items.
  4. That looks great, liked your page by the way. The performance stuff is not really my clientel. There's alot of trucks in the area so lift kits and off road rims would be great. Just don't know where to purchase these
  5. I am still a fresh business, and my lot will not pass the regulations ohio requires. The retail area is enclosed and will not be able to have cars parked in it anyways. It's basically a huge room before you get to the service counter.
  6. Hello everyone, When i aquired my new building a few months ago, it also came with a HUGE showroom upfront. I was wondering if anyone has ever gotten into any retail sales of automotive related items? Im open to ideas, I really like the idea of accessories such as towing packages etc..
  7. I found mine on ebay, although I range from around 20-30 a month its just a great thing to have. http://www.ebay.com/itm/CUSTOM-STATIC-CLING-OIL-CHANGE-STICKERS-500-ROLL-ORL5004-/162032379647?hash=item25b9e1e6ff:g:luAAAOxy9tpR8BYw&item=162032379647&vxp=mtr Best deal around.
  8. Main focus of the year, Is efficeincy between me and hours worked. But id also like to know where all my spending goes, what for,etc. Itd kinda be nice just to have her there everyday, im sure I can save money in places, but me finding time for that, is next to impossible. I have an 80 hour work week as is, paperwork is usally at the bottom of the pile.
  9. Ok, Dumb question of the day. Could I train my wife to track everything I do, Just like an accountant would.
  10. Sitting on a beach sounds excellent.
  11. Same here also, Was offering an Base LOF at 14.99, Had a handful of things, Nobody buying. Oh and they all asked your gonna top off my fluids and rotate my tires right? HA
  12. I am not using quickbooks, I do have the install disc purchased and had it installed at one point, was very confusing
  13. Hopefully I can find this series used on amazon, thanks!
  14. Hey everyone, I am one year into my business, Yet have no idea how much money im making! Im good at the working on cars, and doing jobs correctly but when it comes down to keeping track of every penny, Im a big slacker. Well This year is time for some change, I wanna know! How do you guys keep track of everything? I used snap on manager se, But the numbers never match my bank accounts etc..And theres no way to keep track of expenses such as utilities, etc..Also how do you keep track of consumables like brake cleaners, wheel weights etc? Im at a total loss.
  15. Good advice! I have found that i am way too nice on price (Used to my garage prices after hours) So I have hired a service writer, Who has experience, To weed out the bottom feeders that keep me running back and forth to the office as well as stay firm on pricing!
  16. Very Nice, How do you narrow your reach down? I sell used tires as well so i like to go probably 50 miles out. Its effective as I get people in that dont even come to my city for anything.
  17. I would like to know more about this! Im dumping my 22.99 Dont even try to sell me anything customers. This seems as when the value is put in perspective, an oil change can be profitable, The car gets complete service, And If used with wiper blades, air filters, I just love the idea! If you wouldnt mind discussing your methods more in depth I would greatly appreciate it!
  18. One of the best things ive discovered for driving traffic is Boosting a post on my business facebook page. While some or most may have seen the option to boost a post, Have you done it? My phone rings off the hook when I have certain tire specials going on, Or just a post for auto repair in general. I probably spend more than I should, Still working on making it efficient, But I do see results. Anyone else doing this? Feel free to share.
  19. Hi I am a new member here. I am a 24 year old master certified tech. I opened my own shop Last May in a single car garage in my hometown. I am now leasing a 4900 square foot warehouse/shop. I discovered quickly that it is alot of work! Between legal and paperwork, customers, overhead, it is more and more everyday. I am glad to find this forum, i havent stopped looking at topics since I found it, what better way to learn then from someone who is doing the exact thing you are. Anyways I am still a one man operation, I do alot of wholesale cars for 4 dealerships currently, while less profitable I have found that it is a good rainy day fund! So anyways I am looking forward to learning, and growing with the rest of you in this business. One goal of mine is to remain profitable, I see alot of shops around here with way too many cars in the lot, yet they close within 6 months of being open.
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