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Everything posted by Southards

  1. Yes, we own (paid off years ago) the land under the business. In the next 5 years I hope to sell the business and lease the land. Planning for that to be the ongoing retirement fund. Our property is on the main street, excellent parking, lots of appeal! We frequently get letters from realtors asking if we'll sell, HELL NO!! Maybe many years down the road, but not for quite a while. Thanks for the great video.
  2. 11 years ago I moved from rock and chisel to Tabs Autofluent. It's awesome and easy. About 5 years into it I purchased the software and now just pay $73 a month for all the updates and any assistance I ever need. The staff is great and can talk me through an issue or remotely hands on fix or show me what I need help with. I highly recommend
  3. Northern Californina (100 miles north of SF) $125
  4. Like I had to tell my best friend/bookkeeper, her job has VALUE! Our services have tremendous value, we earn it and deserve it. We're providing a valuable service because the customer can't do this. And like the others said, there is equipment, specialty equipment that wasn't cheap to purchase. The ONLY thing I retract is the brake inspection charge, and only if we do the work right then & there. Other than that, everything that needs diagnosing gets charge accordingly.
  5. I signed up for this GoMo and love it. So do our customers. Matthew has been very helpful, it's worth looking into. Now just need to learn how to implement it more to promote business!
  6. I charge $25 a day. I only impose this if it's been one week after repairs are completed. The most recent one the customer cooked the engine and was from out of state. The storage charges started on Dec 23rd, she called her bank and surrendered the vehicle. The bank called and arranged to pick up the vehicle and pay the balance, including storage. This worked out great, THIS time.
  7. Southards


  8. WOW! You must be reading mine and my husbands minds! There is a shop two doors down from us that is this way. No! We DON'T get it. He had a truck sitting in the same cockeyed position, half on/half off the curb in his parking lot for 4 MONTHS, WTH is it? Is it a customer dispute, is it waiting for the "row boat" (awesome analogy), WHAT WAS IT. It drove us crazy, then one day it was gone and then another one sat in the same place for 2 months now. This particular shop we call "Eric the transmission god", but yet constantly hear that cars will stay with him for a month or more. More complaints than compliments. And yes, we too get the same customers that say "no rush" then turn around and call the same afternoon "just curious what you found". We don't get it either. A car sitting taking up space is not putting money in my register, FIX IT AND ROLL IN THE NEXT ONE! Awesome post! Juli Southard
  9. I send Thank You cards, write a note related to the service we provided. I thank them for 1) CHOOSING US and 2) TRUSTING US. Both of those are the key reason we're all still in business. I had two rubber stamps made, one in blue in saying "Review us on Google, Southard Tire and Auto". The other rubber stamp in red reads "Review us on Yelp, Southard Tire and Auto". I stamp both of these somewhere on the inside of the card and include our business card. My Yelp's are good, Google isn't so good as it seems to be tricky to do for some reason. I am also a TireRack.com installer, I REALLY encourage my customers to leave reviews there, the ones on there have driven A LOT of new business my way, for tire installs, alignments and many other mechanical repairs and services. I get a lot of thoughtful responses because of these cards. Highly recommend it!!
  10. I just love it when customers determine the time, some even go as far as suggesting a price for our service. I have to hold my tongue and giggling to a minimum.
  11. Ya Know...... Some customers are just plain unreasonable & stupid and others are just laughable. This goes for every service oriented industry, my daughter tells us some real doosies in the restaurant business (you think we've got it bad!!!)
  12. Ya Know...... Some customers are just plain unreasonable & stupid and others are just laughable. This goes for every service oriented industry, my daughter tells us some real doosies in the restaurant business (you think we've got it bad!!!)
  13. The only paid advertising I do now is the local town phone book, and the local KOA & Thousand Trails camp grounds maps. I know for sure I get return from the camp grounds, the customers always tell me how they found us. As for the book, it's small but I feel necessary. So many good ideas here, but when I wear as many hats as I do (as we all do) I find I have no time to do the Facebook updates. I tried to do the local sponsorship for a couple teams, but now they don't add the logo because now they ask for they are reusing the shirts for the next year, strange as that sounds. Google and Yelp reviews ~ I had self-inking stamps made up "Review us on Yelp" & " Review us on Google", I stamp every customers receipt and circle with a bright highlighter pen. But I will think more on the referral business card idea, I like that one!
  14. I am so glad you gave examples, now I just need to learn this part of my software, and APPLY IT! It does take courage and confidence, but sometimes the customer will appreciate the reminder because vehicle maint. is the LAST thing on their minds. Thanks for the tip!
  15. WOW, I was frustrated at the first part of the story, but the second guy??? OMG me and/or my husband would've gone off. A few things we have always told every tech out in the shop, 1) NEVER let a customer talk down to you, feel free to stick up for themselves or the shop, and 2) NEVER EVER LET A CUSTOMER TOUCH A SINGLE TOOL! Even an air hose, the customer must have permission first. Both of these situations suck, and they (the customers) make this line of business impossible sometimes. Just a suggestion, be prideful for being busy, because it's great to have that problem.
  16. I completely relate to every vent here. My husband needs me to be the front "man" to the customers, especially the selfish, impatient rude ones. We too don't have to many of them, but BOY it doesn't take but one to just impale a good mood for the week (if you let it like my husband does) Here's my 2 cents..... Something about an impatient customer just brings out the calm evil in me, "well sir, I understand you need everything now, and it's the day before you leave for a trip, and it's a Friday, and you don't have the $$, but (with a prideful smile) we're very busy and I just don't have a man to work on your vehicle for at LEAST a couple days". Now had he not been a DICK about it, I would have (maybe, if even possible) considered how to strategically work him in to the schedule. But that went out the window when his a$$hole attitude walked in the door. And, don't get me started about the Yelp reviews that somehow leave out THEIR unrealistic demands and out-of-context recollection of the encounter. Even after 10+ years some customers (the good and the bad) still shock me, but I am sure that will never change.
  17. Myself and my husband love this post!!! Hit's so many points dead on!! Excellent reply!! Thanks, I've really enjoyed all the thoughts and some of the suggestions since starting this. Had no idea it was such a pain in the a$$ to other shops as well.
  18. I like that approach, makes for a stronger, more confident looking shop to a potential customer. Kill'em with confidence and pride.
  19. mspecperformance > Agreed, mmotley > In California it is the law that a repair facilty has to check tire air pressure, whether a customer or a traveler. Any jerk customer who knows that law could be an ass about it.
  20. We have a beef with the general public and their (lack of) manners and respect. In this case it relates to tire checks. When a customer walks in the door and looks at us and says "I need air", and then walks out to their car. Um, excuse me.... where did manners go??? Do you walk in a restaurant and say "I need food", no, at least not mean it like the way some customers do. I never mind checking and adding air when a customer shows appreciation for my free (law enforced) service. Treat me as you would prefer to be treated, with manners and at least a "thanks". Minor bitching here, but it just erks me, probably asking for the moon.
  21. Still don't agree with the thinking of offering discounts. Those customers are short timers and not my choice of clientele. davine4real,>>>> Charge for alignment check if the work isn't performed. Don't do alignment if you are not allowed to do it 100%...items up for law suit. You don't need customers who want you to do that anyway It only makes complete sense to charge for inspection since a test drive and complete suspension/front end "inspection" was done. Not shops fault it found concerning issues that the customer chose not to have done. A customer is fortunate to find a shop to be honest enough to not just shove a bogus alignment through just to make sure to get more $$.
  22. Closing at noon Wed. so our mechanic can make his annual holiday fajitas for everyone. Closed till Monday. Next week going to open on Friday and Saturday. Seems like Christmas week is dead, and New Years week is busy. Happy Holidays everyone!
  23. My routine is this, and so far it works for us and the customer... When a customer comes in or calls to schedule an alignment, I ask all the usual questions as to why they are requesting this service. This let's them know that 1) Their car and information matters 2) I am understanding the problem, which sometimes isn't even an alignment issue, they just didn't know that, and 3) My tech. knows WHY he's doing it and what to look/watch for. I explain to all customers, if a car comes in and we take the time, tools and technology to check their vehicles and if there are repairs necessary prior to an alignment, and they decline the nec. repairs, there is a $49.00 INSPECTION charge. I am very upfront about this and there is never a dispute. As my husband reminds me, years ago at a seminar he was taught that as a professional you charge for your knowledge, your labor/time and your tool investment. I feel that too many of the post's above don't see the value in their knowledge. I too will never do an alignment if the vehicle needs work and the customer isn't able to pay for that work, on top of the alignment. I also do show & tell whenever possible, I think it's huge to bring a customer back into the shop and let my tech. explain what he has found. The customers who have the time to do this come away with a clear understanding of what's going on. They also understand, because I explained it during setting the appointment, that there is going to be the inspection charge if they can't afford to do a complete repair and alignment. I will provide them with a completed quote, send a thank you card and I'd say that 6 out of 10, budget and prepare for the complete job at another time. We had to order a new Hunter machine that will be showing up in boxes this week. This new machine is going to cut our alignment time in half, that's more profit in the bank. I am very excited to advertise our new and improved tool, now having to decide about raising our rate. We currently charge $85.00.
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