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LynxStarAuto last won the day on February 22 2016

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    Lynx Star Automotive
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    252 West 37th Street, Hialeah, Florida, 33012
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    Auto Repair
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    Shop Owner
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  1. I’m loving the diagnostic dice! Now I know how some of the cars I receive were approached by other repair shops!
  2. LynxStarAuto


  3. The Carquest acquisition only really helped us (the repair facilities). They now are the biggest distributor for the commercial segment, and added other part houses to the mix like Worldpac. Advance Commercial is giving Napa a run for their money. That is always a good thing, because competition keeps ppl honest.
  4. Wow! Perhaps it is market specific? In my area all shops who use Direct Hit, pay 128.00
  5. Well I went ahead and purchased the program, or add-on if you will. Basically, Direct Shop is the same as Direct Estimate with more added features, and the ability to convert an estimate into an invoice and cash out. Anyone who uses Direct Hit many be familiar with Direct Estimate. Direct Shop works identical. It was just a natural jump for me, and I use Direct Estimate a whole bunch, as it it clear, concise, and very simple to interpret. As for cost, Identifix has always been "one price fits all". That has never changed. I pay 128.00/ for direct hit which is basically what the service costs everyone. There are cheaper alternatives out there, namely through Napa, and Carquest. I believe if you sign up for the service through those two you get a 15.00 discount. The Direct Estimate cost 59.00 for the core version which is what I use. They have an Elite version which caters more to the bigger shops that runs inventory, and employee times etc. At the moment, my two man operation will suffice with Core. In closing I am running Direct Hit/Direct shop for 187.00. I think that is a bargain for what I am getting.
  6. Hey gang, was wondering if anyone has taken the new Identifix Direct Shop, shop management system for a spin? I am a Direct Hit subscriber, and got their promotional email for their new shop management program a couple of days back. I signed up for a demo/test drive. Was wondering if anyone here had already done it, and could provide some insight and feedback. I will soon as I get set up. Currently, I use the good ole paper invoice method, and ShiftMobility from my mobile device. I was never a fan of Mitchell, or Shop key. I do like RO Writer, but it was just too much money I felt for the product.
  7. Absolutely. Total is a big European brand of oil, and FYI European oil standards are much more stringent than here in the US. The garbage Mobil 1 sells as a synthetic does not fly over there. Anyway, Total is good stuff, as is LiquiMoly. Both brands that I use.
  8. I actually like talking to people, and selling stuff. My issue is I love fixing stuff more. I find myself routinely getting too technical with customers and usually by the end of the convo they are out there floating by the moon, That is where my buddy comes in. He has a very direct, passive aggressive approach. I laugh at how stupid he sounds sometimes, and ppl are like oh ok! Yeah lets do it.
  9. Bosch is better suited for the Euro cars or HD application. Very popular supplier for these brands. It has cache if you will, to have that gold and red sign outside. Gives your shop more reason to standout, and be more professional, and competent in "appearance". But as MSpec said, Bosch is not recognized as an industry leader like say K&N or Remy for example. Also if you do research, you will find mixed reviews of their products. Their QA is not the greatest. I would argue that some of the lifetime parts from the retail chains will bring more value to a customer. Their braking products for example are terrible. Made in China most of it, and just too expensive for what it is. Napa is not bad. Very, very popular with the general service industry, and their coverage, and range is the biggest of all the retail chains I would say. The also have products like shop management, and repair info. I believe Napa is in bed with Mitchell, and offer you special pricing on that subscription, I would also point you in the direction of Advance Auto. They purchased Carquest jointly with Worldpac. So technically, they are the biggest supplier now for the industry. The great thing about them is location, and delivery times. Pricing is competitive, and they also have great programs for shops too. Give them a look over if you can.
  10. It probably changed since you signed up MSpec. http://sg-ww.bosch-automotive.com/en/ww/workshop_concepts/bosch_car_service_2/voraussetzungen/voraussetzungen_1 You will commit to participating in our Bosch Car Service campaigns as well as following our standard workshop processes. We also ask you to use Bosch original spare parts and products, as well as refraining from participation in any competitor workshop concept. I have been diligently looking into this. Not only do you have to sell Bosch inventory, they expect you to buy Bosch service equipment as well. Of course their is pros to this. You get free training for life on all their equipment and tools, and if you service only German brands well Bosch is an OEM supplier of many components of these brands. Still though, Worldpac to me has been unmatched thus far. My only issue with them, is delivery times which suck.
  11. I can second the "grand opening" or social event. Originally, I was hesitant to do this only because I felt like giving away free food would only draw the attention of freeloaders. Once I was open for a month or so, things were definitely slow. I was a mobile tech before I upgraded into a brick and mortar shop. I saw a lot of my customers jump ship. Many of them just decided I would hike my prices I guess, and decided to find the next civil servant who would go to them. Eventually, one of my neighbors hooked me up with a social group of businesses, entrepreneurs, etc etc. I went to a couple of their meet ups, and they really sold me on getting involved with the community. So I decided to throw a small meet and greet at my shop at a local park just minutes away from my shop. The turnout was incredible! hundreds of ppl with cars that needed service, looking for a humble, honest, repair facility. I had a great time, met some great ppl, and produced a bunch of sales. The weekend following the party, I had ppl showing up asking for info, and scoping out the location. I been pretty steady ever since. Some more advice I can give you is be honest with yourself, and the customers. I'm sure you will generate a ton of leads. The last thing you want to do is fall short on your promises to a customer. I started to turn away the bigger jobs (head gaskets, transmissions, etc) in favor of the tires, alignments, general maintenance, and same day jobs. It has worked out for me thus far. We are just a two man show. I eventually want to add more help, and start taking on the bigger jobs.
  12. I have also been considering it. I have already done the research. In my area their reputation is pretty good. I know another shop that does Euros and they use Bosch, and they saw an increase in their workload thanks to Bosch's marketing, and referral program. They only issues I see with their program is that you have to use a certain amount of their inventory to stay a member. That is where it kind of does not workout too well for me. Firstly, their pricing on parts is not as competitive as what I get from places like Worldpac, or The Finish Line. Secondly, they push a lot of their brakes, alternators, and starters on you, and quite frankly I have not had the best of luck with Bosch branded stuff.
  13. omg ever since loooooooooool
  14. You speak of what the dealership typically uses, Matrix pricing which is typically 10-15% above list? It must be a market thing. Here in my area, you will not last a month giving customer's matrix pricing. Too saturated, too much competition. I typically markup my prices where I make a decent return, and my customer still saves a bit. It's win/win everyone goes home happy. Now yes, that doesn't mean there are not ppl out there who expect to receive the part at your cost no markup which is ridiculous.
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