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tirengolf last won the day on March 10 2021

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  • Business Name
    Auto Save Of Pensacola Inc
  • Business Address
    2701 North Pace Boulevard, Pensacola, Florida, 32505
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner
  • Automotive Franchise
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  • Your Mission Statement
    At Auto Save Tire and Service Center, we take immense pride in being a locally owned and family-operated business since 1961. Over the decades, our dedication to the community and our commitment to excellence have remained unwavering. Our mission is to provide top-quality tire and automotive services, ensuring every customer who walks through our doors receives the utmost care and attention.

    We believe in building lasting relationships based on trust, integrity, and exceptional service. Our team of skilled professionals is devoted to delivering reliable and affordable solutions tailored to meet each customer's unique needs. Whether routine maintenance, tire replacement, or complex automotive repairs, we strive to keep our customers safe and their vehicles running smoothly.

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  1. Has anybody got any oil change store recommendations?
  2. We have been looking in southern Florida at putting in some free-standing oil change facilities. I have had an automotive tire shop since 1961, I started with them in 1974. I became the owner 20 years later. I have watched and have a great plan to build 3 to 5 quickly. If anyone has any input, please let me know. Thanks, David
  3. I have done them for 2 years. My experience is like most, not any return customers. If you do decide to do it make sure you start your pricing at 350.00 or more per installation and watch out for the pushbutton starts, they can be difficult.
  4. Repair is good, Tire sales are in the tank. My Michelin rep came by this morning and verified this. I thought it was just me.
  5. I have a 9 bay store we have had since 1961 . Going strong after my 45 years guys I am getting a little worn out. I am 61 would love to work to 66. The question I have is how can I advertise this business without all my employees going crazy. I know there are a lot of people coming to Florida it is booming. Anyone got any idea how to advertise it in other towns and cities. Thanks DM
  6. The few gas issues we have been through not much change except in the 70's uner Carter Admin
  7. When my father retired in 97 he told me the big boys would be my competion. he nailed that one.
  8. Thanks guys for all the advice. I close on the place on 24th of this month. I sincerelly thank all you guys for taking time to respond. I will keep you posted as we move forward.
  9. Hope all are doing well, I have been absent for a while , life gets in the way at times. I have ask you guys questions many times and the answers have always been superb. This is not a question more like a huge decision I have to make. My store was built in 1958 , just a square building with 4 outside bays across front with large roof system and tech shop we added 10 years ago in the back with 5 stalls and 3 lifts. I have been there since I was 15 years old and now I am 60. We have always been squeezed with our corner lot, well 2 weeks ago the business next door which has 290 feet on the highway plus a very old body shop and a very old house that is liveable came up for sale. I have a contract on the property for 250k. But dang I wish I was 50 and not 60 years old. It lays out perfect where I could add 2 more open stalls and give anoher tech 3 new stalls down the side and tons of parking, I have none. We are busting at the seams,I need the room. no parking heck I cannot get all the work out of there daily. I can get some residule income from the one house, already had 2 guys ask me about rent on it. We have just had a huge brand new county jail built 2 blocks from us, Prettiest jail I have ever seen ,LOL, anyway guys I am having a hard decision on pulling the trigger , one thing is my age second thing I assume those 5 bays will help my bottom line tremdously. As you know with that comes a few more employees, new writer and probaly 2 new techs. Maybe I am apprehensive because I have never expanded like that. Has any of you guys done this or better yet gone through it, if so tell me the good the bad and the ugle. My employees are great but I will need at least 1 writer and 2 or 3 oil/tire/ tech trainy. Techs are hard to find today , I never thought I would be stealing other techs from other stores but I guess it is the way of th world. Any advie or help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks Guys, David
  10. I was looking for some input into advertising. I have really not done any the last 25 years. We are rebranding or should I say changing directions a little. Going back to tires, brakes ,alignment and maintence. When I did it last other than the phone book we did a little newspaper. I think those have basically gone. So many options out there, I just do not want to throw a bunch of money away on the wrong advertising. Any help would surely be appreciated. Sincerely David
  11. Anyone willing to share their experience with the Tire Pro's program. Is it as good today as it was 3 years ago. I have looked at the program but have not convinced myself that is the way to go. Thanks for any feedback. David
  12. tirengolf


  13. I am glad I ask. thanks so much .DM
  14. How do most shops price OEM parts. There list to cost ratio is so low.
  15. Wheeling , Would you mind sharing with me who you are purchasing your Centric pads from. Thanks

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