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skm last won the day on February 24 2019

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    0000 broken car road, service bay , Maryland, 20017
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  1. skm


  2. yuck !!! These kinds of people make my blood boil. That being said he fits the majority of the common sector out there.. We have been and probably always will be looked down on , as the guy that couldn't make it so he settled on being a mechanic , an easy mindless job... I turn purple in the face daily at work trying to explain to people about diagnostic charges and why I don't go off of others diagnostics and why I don't like to use their parts.. The funny thing is most honest good mechanics live a basic life where most dentists live a lavish life , hmmm go figure
  3. very true, but now you see even more of the ones you would not expect like the older women with a emissions fail in hand with the code on it or the parts store print out , saying they know what is wrong and hand you the paper and ask how much to fix it, when I tell them there will be a diagnostic charge, then I can tell them how much, they get angry and start saying things like " fine you don't want my business I will go somewhere else " or " your trying to rip me off I already know the problem it is here on the print out " I can go on and on but I won't LOL.. I am getting to the point where I tell them what the diagnostic will be and if they want me to look at it drop it off and at that point I have said my peace and go back to work.. Of course you always get the ones that " I have a tiny problem " and " let me show you something " ... I always tell them I have done this a long time and you aren't going to show me something I haven't seen before. So .......... " if you want me to look at it drop it off "
  4. Now a days with YouTube, google and the parts houses it’s not just the geeks it’s just about everyone 🤪
  5. now that is funny and true LOL 🙄😂
  6. LOL , you could probably twist this story just a little bit and it could apply to a lot of mechanics out there LOL !
  7. don't forget they even give you the "buy and try" list for free !
  8. Well said Frank! " but can't you just plug that thing in under the dash that tells you what is wrong?"
  9. HAha, this thread will continue on and on.. Easy said 110% a diagnostic charge needs to be charged, the diagnostics is the hard part of the job a set price to start is how we do it. Customers are told there is a set charge and it will be adjusted depending on what is found more added if more time is needed and some taken off if it is a simple easy find such as something left unplugged etc. If you have to question it next time you go to the doctor ask him or her if you can just pay for the medication given and not the x rays, bloodwork, ct scan or any other tests done, see the answer you get .
  10. I use my sharp stick to run some of the idiotic customers off ! LOL
  11. LOL , just like the dreaded check engine light you diagnosed and fixed last year ! lol... If the customers only knew the monitor and checks these sophisticated machines they drive around actually go through and the amazing number of things that can set this light off , they themselves may come to the conclusion they may have another problem , not the same problem.. There only seems to be two lights that resonate to the average operator. One the dreaded tire pressure light and the second that funny little thing that looks like a gas pump LOL !!!! 😜
  12. HAHA ! come on now, the customer is always right LOL
  13. Very on point Joe, Where I work we actually had the opposite happen. Our service writer has been ill in and out of hospital for months now and now at the point where there is a 99.9% chance he won't return. I have taken over his roll on top of my mechanical duties so making less money since I am commissioned. HeThe owner came up to me yesterday morning after he got there about 10:30 I start at 8 . He asked me if we were working tomorrow the 4th . I told he we have never worked the 4th , he has owned the station about 4 years now. I have been there almost 27 years . He said we have every year , well he had a few back yard guys that came in because they were able to rip customers and pocket money . I told him no way we are closed so he went behind my back and asked the other two guys if they would work they both turned him down.. The end of last week and this week have been horrible extremely hot heat index of 105-110 no a/c no offering from him for breaks or early dismissal . He then comes to me and says to not let anyone have gatorade from the store up front if they want anything they can have water. I told him that was unacceptable we need something to keep us going and water does not have the salts etc we need for this kind of heat. After being in the shop he went back to his a/c office saying it was to hot in the bays.. Then a few hours later a customer came in for a MD inspection , I had been in the heat all day and had a bit to finish up so I told him no. He is an inspector (don't know how he got a license he is not a mechanic by any means) I told him he could do it if he wanted to, his response "it's too hot for me to work in this heat" WOW!!! He just purchased about 30 grand worth of cars from auction for his self 3 top of the line siennas 2013 . So he is no crying he is not making money well this time of year we don't make that much , school just out and the holiday. It just kills me just shows that all his employees are are robots (slaves) to him , and beneath him. Yes there is a cultural difference he is (Pakistani Muslim ) but we are after all human .. So take care of one another if it hard for you to do something or be in a situation it is probably just as hard for your employees . A happy comfortable employee is going to be more willing to work hard and not make mistakes vs someone that is not appreciated or treated as a lesser of a human being . Everyone have a Safe, fun and relaxing 4th everyone ... HAPPY 4TH !!!!!
  14. skm


  15. yes they are more interested in attendance than training... A sad state of affairs, money money money .. I could go on and on ranting about this kind of stuff but will spare everyone

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