To address a couple concerns that keep coming up on this thread:
1. We had to install an all new server setup late last year (our old hardware had become obsolete). While it wasn't totally painless, WinWorks did swap over to the new hardware with very little problem. So I can vouch that once you have the software, it can go to a new hardware setup and still function.
2. Winworks DOES integrate with Quickbooks. We have not made the leap to do it yet, but we're planning to. Winworks will generate a QB file whenever you want to produce it, ready for import into your Quickbooks.
3. Regarding opinions on subscription based vs. "buyable" software, as I said previously, I love the fact that I don't have an ongoing $300 to $500/month bill coming for my shop management program. Guys, these programs are NOT rocket science. They don't utilize high-level math or algorithms that have to be constantly changed or optimized. They are really a glorified mashup of a Word document program, an Excel spreadsheet, with a point & click ordering function for parts. Once the program is written, it's pretty much done, and if it works (which WinWorks does), it should not have to be fiddled with again. I just do not see the need for a constant payment to a software company that isn't doing anything for me, when I can buy a software package outright.
I'm not here to criticize anyone's software choice, if it works for you, that's great. But I don't like to see shop owners thinking there are no options available other than a monthly bill that comes forever. When we used to have Mitchell One, our rep couldn't answer the simplest question about the product. He was brutal to deal with. Switching to WinWorks got us a better financial deal as well as got us away from an ineffective support system.
Good luck