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Everything posted by xrac

  1. Here is the procedure for Colorado. http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobheader=application/pdf&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1251601500869&ssbinary=true
  2. The T.S.A. disclosed the official Airport Screening Results: 12 Statistics On Airport Screening From The Department Of Homeland Security: Terrorists Discovered 0 Transvestites 133 Hernias 1,485 Hemorrhoid Cases 3,172 Enlarged Prostates 8,249 Breast Implants 59,350 Natural Blondes 3 (Also, not reported 330 congressmen have no balls.)
  3. Atlanta made it closer than I thought it would be.
  4. There isn't anything wrong with your post. We are glad you found us. Hopeful we can help each other.
  5. Super Bowl will be Baltimore and San Francisco. Forty-Niners will be champions.
  6. All the time I get people who want us to put a thermostat in because the vehicle is overheating or because they have no heat. Most of the time this isn't the problem and they aren't hard to talk into checking it out instead of throwing parts at it. However, once in a while you get the hard headed one that wants a thermostat and nothing else. I haven't heard of the wager sales approach before. That's a new technique.
  7. Last year we had no winter in Southern Indiana. However this winter has been more normal.
  8. Sounds just like one of our customers. All the time they stand at the counter and tell us what it might be and 9 times out of 10 it has no bearing on the real problem.
  9. You will enjoy this http://www.zapiks.fr/share/player.swf?autoStart=true〈=fr&file=52372
  10. I see the most classic cars in our town every fall when the Frog Follies take place. Although this is a street rod event you still see a lot of old classics. http://www.frogfollies.org/photos/2012/
  11. Currently we are getting $0.80 for our used oil.
  12. We don't do much business at the present time with either Advance or Carquest. My experience with Advance is that they have unqualified people who work commercial and people come and go pretty rapidly. Overall not good for our professional installers is my feeling. I know Joe uses a lot of Carquest parts. Currently NAPA is our big supplier and I like NAPA's quality.
  13. One of my goals for 2013 is to live with more enthusiams or focus. I want to put more effort into everything and I want to display a more upbeat, optimistic and joyful spirit regardless of how business or the economy is.
  14. http://scarlet.unl.edu/scarlet/archive/2006/11/09/story4.html
  15. I turned 60 last week. I think that I am now officially classified as an antque.
  16. December will be the worst month we have had in about 5 years. This year is running 25-30% below last December.
  17. Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you are off to a roaring start.
  18. God bless you merry gentlemen and gentlewomen. Thank you for the knowledge, insights, and humor you have shared. Thank you for being my friend.
  19. I did paid advertising there for about a year but the benefit was negligible. However, I would add that we are a small Midwest town (about 120,000). I think it would be more effective in larger markets.
  20. My sympathy and prayers go out to all of the broken hearted families.
  21. We had a truck towed in late Friday. Left rear wheel had fallen off. Has custom wheels with wrong lug nuts all the way around. Missing about 6 lug nuts on other wheels. Lug nuts finger tight. Left rear rotor ground to 1/4" thickness with caliper locked up. Don't want to fix it. Crazy as a loon.

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