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Everything posted by xrac

  1. My Army Ranger Service Manager has been diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. He has been the heart and soul of our shop and my dear friend. Please pray for him and his family and for me as I deal with all the implications of this development.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CARMandP


      Praying for his family and yours.


    3. Gary A

      Gary A

      will keep him in my prayers as well as you too Frank

    4. Joe Marconi
  2. This week we replaced two sets of tires because of age. The steel belts were starting to move and the tires vibrated. One set was 9 years old. The used tire guy grabbed them like they were gold even when I told him what was wrong with them.
  3. Here is more legislation about unsafe used tires: http://www.moderntiredealer.com/channel/retailing/news/story/2013/04/florida-unsafe-used-tire-bill-added-to-must-pass-rule.aspx?utm_campaign=HotWire-Thursday-20130425&utm_source=Email&utm_medium=Enewsletter&prestitial=1
  4. Joe, I didn't know this either which is why I posted it.
  5. Here is a discussion on some training: http://www.autoshopowner.com/topic/6661-ati-re-engineering-program/?hl=training#entry11429
  6. Used tires 'unsafe' — Consumer Reports http://www.tirebusiness.com/article/20130417/NEWS/130419916 Used tire bill passes Texas Senatehttp://www.tirebusiness.com/article/20130416/NEWS/130419933
  7. I like this story. Polish some more and it will be a gem. It is a good fun read. Good luck with the golf game.
  8. That is a tough one and is one of the reasons that I do not advertise cheap oil changes because those promotions generate a lot of customers who are interested in cheap and not interested in taking care of their cars. By advertising an oil change with a FREE tire rotation I seem to get a better quality customer. With new customers I try to be gentle on inspections and estimates. I hate having to drop a bomb on a new customer. If I have to I try to provide a lot of detail and explaination. If they have safety issues I will definitely let them know and will take them out in the shop and show them what I am seeing. If I have a long list of repairs that are needed I try to let them know that I will help them priortize the repairs to fit into their budget. I let them know that there have been times in my life I didn't have money to buy gasoline to drive across town. If I think they should get rid of a car I also let them know that. I want the customer to know that I am their advocate and will help them keep their car operational and safe as long as is practically possible. If we can't turn a customer into someone who will trust us and maintain their vehicle as they are able then hopefully they will not feel comfortable with us an will take their vehicles on down the road.
  9. We have checked those. It fact we have check and done all the obvious stuff. We are installing factory shoes, machining the drums, and installing vibration dampeners this week.
  10. It is pretty much a bad squeek grind type whenever the brakes are engaged. Cleaning and adjusting will get rid of the noise for a few days.
  11. AMEN! May God be will all that were injured and suffer. May God bring judgement to the perpetrators!
  12. Joe, you bring up a valid point and discussion. Truthfulness is almost a thing of the past in our society. It is much easier to blame circumstances or someone else then to own up to our own failings. It is very easy to fall into this trap. The unrealistic expectations and high paced lives of our customers helps create some of this but does that make it right? I don't think so. Romans 12:17........ Provide things honest in the sight of all men.!
  13. Welcome to the best Auto Shop Owner resource on the internet thanks to Joe and Alex.
  14. Thanks for the input. We have tried lubing all of the contact points with no success. I do think we will try different drums. What we can't figure out is why the rear brakes would be destroyed at 50,000 miles. The problem is similar to the one described in this on line forum post:
  15. Friends here is the problem. Last April we had a 2009 Dodge Avenger come in at 50,000 miles with the rear drum brakes destroyed. It needed shoes, drums and wheel cylinders from being driven pas metal to metal. We replaced the above but the problem since then has been a complaint with noise. We have installed three different brands of shoes including the premium Wagner and CarQuest shoes. We literally have tried every thing we know and we cannot see where the problem is. We are going to try dealer shoes but I am not optomistic. I have read about a similar issue on line but have not saw a solution posted. Has anyone on here ever experienced this problem.
  16. Joe, just remember it is a gentleman's game.
  17. Dedicated to Gonzo our resident pro:
  18. Thanks for posting these. They are all worth looking at and studying for ideas.
  19. Good to have your article Gonzo. I missed it last week.
  20. Down about 20% Year to date. Joe I like your new picture.
  21. http://video.staged.com/localshops/vw_passat_785_mpg_in_the_uk
  22. Used tires could become illegal in Texas. http://www.moderntiredealer.com/channel/retailing/news/story/2013/03/will-selling-used-tires-become-illegal.aspx?ref=HotWire-Thursday-20130328&utm_source=Email&utm_medium=Enewsletter&prestitial=1
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