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Everything posted by xrac

  1. The smaller the community the harder it is to find techs and the less you have to choose from is my understanding.
  2. Matt, you and I are in similar size cities.
  3. Good ideas. Unfortunately we are not near a dental school and it is 1,200 miles to the border. He doesn't go to church. I will try to hit up some vendors and fellow employees for a donation. My dentist is trying to help.
  4. I have a woman service writer who is doing a good job. She has a ways to go but has a chance to be outstanding. You may have chosen the wrong person to train. She may be too timid for sales and may lack motivation.
  5. No dental insurance or health insurance that will help in this situation.
  6. Gonzo that is great information. Based upon our demographics and location I suspect this area will be one of the last ones to have any abundance of hybrid vehicles. Being a franchisee for over 15 years I understand that the franchise doesn't offer me anything that I couldn't have done on my own. It just made it a little easier, faster, with a little name recognition.
  7. Can the Hybrid shop tell you how many hybrids are within a 25 mile radius?
  8. What kind of business do you guys do in the cold months?
  9. That is very impressive. How does your parts cost run compared to the lower 48 and what kind of markup do you get?
  10. Welcome and good luck. One lift is certainly not enough.
  11. You guys make us seem cheap but I think that the $24.95 guys are really cheap. However, our oil changes do bring in a large number of first time customers that we can snag.
  12. Joe, we are behind the times here in the midwest and do not see a large number of hybrids. However, I would suspect that you see more than we do. Are you considering it?
  13. Is that like a canuter valve or a muffler for a henway? You say what is a canuter valve? The canuter valve is a part of the exhaust regeneration assembly on new diesel engines. The canuter valve usually fails due to overheating of the exhaust bearings. Over use of this valve is caused by faulty friggate switch wiring. When this happens, the muffler bearings become hot and can seize. Eventually, the catalytic converter fluid will become tainted with halogen bulb fluid due to canuter valve blow-by. At this point, it's best to scrap the vehicle.
  14. $30.95 for bulk oil and filter plus $2 environmental. We charge extra for filters that cost us more than $4.00, for more than 5 quarts of oil, or for full synthetic.
  15. I have been in this business 16 years come January and am dealing with a situation that I have encountered twice before. Within the last three months I hired a lube tech that I recently found out has a mouth full of decaying infected teeth that are literally life threatening Many of the teeth are broken off at the gum line. What we are dealing with is an extreme case of neglect and past drug usage. I literally cringed when he showed me the inside of his mouth. I have talked to my personal dentist and sent the tech to him for evaluation My friend tells me that all the teeth need to be removed and a denture made but an oral surgeon will need to be involved. Depending upon whether we can get a surgeon on for some reduced charity work I can see this costing $4,000-$6,000 and the guy has no money. I have been in this situation twice before and once I raised money from myself, my friends, and from vendors to pay the bill and the other time I fronted the money and recovered it over a long period of time. However, this case is worse than the other two cases and this guy has been with me a shorter period of time. My conscience will not allow me to sit back and do nothing. However, this is a bigger project than I want to take on. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell there are no community resources to help a man in this situation. All they will do at the hospital is give him antibiotics because he has been to the emergency room recently for pain. I asked this tech and he told me that the pain has literally been so bad that he has considered suicide. My wife and I already give a substantial sum of money away each month helping with various Christian ministries. My daughter husband has had a staph infection that put him in the hospital and unable to work and we have been helping them. This is just crummy timing but guess I will have to figure out some way to get this done but it is a job that I don't want to take on. Guess I am just wanting to vent and am curious if any of you have ever dealt with a similar situation.
  16. Gonzo do you make this stuff up?? Absolutely hilarious! I would give it a 10! Gonzo, I am almost out of blinker fluid do you know where I can buy more? Hey, I found it! http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=22
  17. My service manager was to be my successor but it died from cancer 3 weeks ago. At age 62 I have to start planning.
  18. One of mine has been in service for 15 years.
  19. We have two Ingersoll Rand Type-30 Reciprocating Air Compressors. THey have worked just fine for us.
  20. Welcome to the forum. I graduated from UK back in the dark ages. Met my wife in Lexington, got married there, and first child was born there.

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