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Everything posted by xrac

  1. Loaner cars are great to have when you have a problem child vehicle because it can buy you time. We do not have a fleet of loaners but we do have two vehicles that we use.
  2. I think smaller towns may be more about word of mouth and less dependent upon things like direct mail to drive traffic. Get involved in your community and build alliances wherever you can for referral work.
  3. Tell you customers the problem and let them know that you cannot be responsible for glass broken due to the extreme temperature difference?????????????
  4. Michigan State Police have announced the discovery of an arms cache of 200 semi-automatic rifles, with 250,000 rounds of ammunition, 10 anti-tank missiles, 4 grenade launchers, 2 tons of heroin, $12 million in forged bills and a ring of 14 prostitutes, all in a housing project behind the Detroit Public Library. Detroit folks were stunned. A community organizer said: 'We be shocked'. 'We never knowed we had a library . . . '
  5. You do sound like you are underperforming. We average about $135K per bay or about $150K per tech and believe I should be doing more. I use to live in Lexington and am very familiar with the town. Lexington is a better and larger market then Evansville.
  6. I think it may be hard to work out a division of the business that will be agreeable. I would suggest working on a formal operating structure. If all your brother does is spin wrenches he should be paid like you would pay a skilled technician. This could be flat rate with a base guarantee or a some type of commission structure, etc. You should be paid the way a manager would be paid. You both should agree on the compensation plans. There can be agreement that all hiring decisions and expenditures above $XXX dollars have to be agreed upon by both of you. Any profits at the end of the year will be divided and paid out as dividends except for any profits retained for future growth.
  7. Welcome to the forum. There is an agency in Cleveland, Ohio (Evarts-Tremaine) who writes insurance for the Certified Auto Repair group sponsored by O'reilly. We use to be insured with them and they were competitive. They might be able to help. Talk to Brian Boland 800-725-4484. My experience is that an independent agent will offer the best coverage for the money.
  8. 9 degrees this morning here in Indiana. This is the coldest I can remember for this time of year. I guess it is just global warming.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. John Pearson

      John Pearson

      Lucky, it was -5 here today and will be -15 by next week I think.

    3. xrac


      JOhn I don't live at the North Pole.

    4. John Pearson

      John Pearson

      I know right, whos bright idea was it to live in Alaska lol.

  9. This is the view out my back door this morning!
  10. $1000 per year, 10% discount to all members, and opening up competition??????? Sounds like a great deal for AAA. Do the AAA owner centers discount customers 10%?
  11. Five inches if snow on the ground here.

    1. Joe Marconi
    2. Gonzo


      we got about an inch of that nasty stuff. I really don't need it, so I'll load it up and have it delivered to ya Frank. Thank you is not necessary, glad to do it.


  12. This may be the best post I have ever read. People who don't charge enough hurt themselves and their families.
  13. I plan to raise our labor rate by $2 before the new year.
  14. If we didn't own the property where I am at I would be concerned about my retirement prospects.
  15. Will you have to add employees and how hard would it be to find the right help? Would there be a problem cash flowing the business during the snow months?
  16. Sounds like you need to expand and the cabins sound good!
  17. I love this story Gonzo. It makes me think of several different customers/friends that will never walk through the doors of my shop again. I sometimes think of them and their kindness. They are missed.
  18. I would look at what a move will do to overhead and then extrapolate that into the addition sales that are needed. Is there any danger of a new shop opening up at your current location? By the way, I check out your location. You are in one beautiuful area. I would love to visit there. What kind of car count and population do you have to work with?
  19. I agree. This is a really good forum but that is because of shop owners like you.
  20. We all shoul have an application filled or a resumeto file for every likely candidate we encounter.
  21. I voted even though there was no race of any state wide or national importance on the ballot. Ours were all local races.
  22. It is pretty expensive if you have to give every existing customer AAA member a 10% discount. A smart regular customer could join just for the discount. Why do you think it is not bringing in new business?
  23. We installed a Cardone rack a few weeks ago and on the test drive the threads on the inner tie rod end pulled out while the tech was driving. Fortunately no one hurtand no vehicle damage but we had a tow bill and had to install another rack. What a mess?
  24. Well you have your answer. Based upon what you posted it sounds like you did a good job of training and bringing her along but she just lacked the personality and work ethic for the position. Don't rule out a woman for the position because of this experience.
  25. If it doesn't help in getting new customers then it looks like it would only cost money.
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