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Everything posted by xrac

  1. Alfred I love to read your posts!
  2. You deserve it! It is a good document.
  3. Their stock, pricing and warranty is excellent. Radiaitor and heater core quality has been o.k. They are now selling fuel pumps and that quality may be iffy.
  4. Scott, I wasn't trying to claim credit for your document but was just trying to help answer Jay's question. I almost posted the same question but then found your document when checking out your website. Sorry, I probably should have cleared that with you before posting a link. I haven't read it through yet but I really like the look and format.
  5. Oreilly has been the worse on the pricing creep. We now have a national account agreement in the works with them so we will see how that works. Since Monro acquired the Car-x Franchise group we have found that they are the 800 pound gorilla in the room and have major clout with vendors. There is some advantage to being a franchise after all.
  6. Does anyone on here do business with 1-800-Radiator?
  7. This will help answer the question: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3yyH-BpuihUWlpJN1gtSE1WZnM/view
  8. What I know now that I didn't know then would easily be worth $100,000 or more.
  9. Is his name Joe? 😉 I have a guy who sounds a lot like that without the deaths. His name is Joe.
  10. Are we talking about Robo calls or what? What would you say?
  11. The faster Usually the faster they want it the cheaper they want it.
  12. In the meeting I just attended in Florida we had a presenter from VAST. MOnro store currently all use VAST. What was interesting is Goodyear is getting out of the software business and has selected VAST as their new provider. BY the end of 2017 all Goodyear stores will be using cloud based VAST.
  13. VAST will be cloud based by the end of the year.
  14. We have only used World Pac for a few months but they are a great resource to have.
  15. Oreilly treated us the same way on pricing. It was ridiculous.
  16. Jay, you did a good job but your guys didn't do their job by letting the customer out of the shop and not properly identifying the condition of the battery.
  17. If you own the property in a valuable retail area like we do it is easier.
  18. I also found that interesting.
  19. Good post Robert. Welcome to the forum.
  20. My guess is that all of the multi-shop owners here who have been in business more than ten years are all millionaires unless they mismanage their own money. Now it may not all be liquid. Most people don't keep a lot of cash laying around. I have money in IRAs, In HSA, in whole life insurance, equity in the real estate, etc. if you have done that for a few years assets multiply. Money is like rabbits if you leave them alone they multiply. A good book to read is "The Millionaire Next Door".
  21. Personally I think if contests are of too long a nature that participants lose interest. I always had one guy who would win and he would build such a lead no one could catch him so nobody else tried.
  22. I have ran various contests through the years. None were ever especially successful.
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