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Tony M

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Everything posted by Tony M

  1. I never thought of it that way, but it makes sense. I can see myself running around crazy all day, and at the end of the day asking myself, "What did I accomplish?" I agree that shop owners do way too much. I guess the next step is to decide what we should be doing and what we should stop doing. It's also a matter of stress and burnout. Good topic.
  2. I agree that tech pay is too low, but I also feel that as an indusrty, we don't charge enough. when you add in all the discount big box stores, it's hard to raise prices. And that's what's needed to pay techs more, more income to the shop, more income for the techs.
  3. Great news! Can't wait to follow you in Rathet Wrench Magazine too. Good luck.
  4. You know, I never looked at it that way. But, it's true, my customer trust me and my people, they don't really care about the tools and equipment. But what about parts? Do customers care?
  5. You make good sense, did not see it that way. But you are right. I saw a jiffy lube worker in a clown suit, waving his arms to get people into the bays, no one really paid any attention.
  6. It seems that no one wants to work. there are so many people out of work, but when you go to hire someone, you can't find them. I do know that the good techs are not leaving where they are, it's too scary out there.
  7. I have seen the same thing in my area. could it be that people are holding off? Or maybe LOF intervals are extended longer now? It seems to be spotty no matter who you speak to, like a real roller coaster.
  8. We deal with NAPA and CARQUEST, both have good programs and prices about the same. CARQUEST has an edge over speed of service and service in general. I like dealing with the CARQUEST store, they are a bit nicer to deal with and more freindly, it makes life a little easier to take, some days are real tough, any ray of sunshine is appreciated.
  9. I just read the Chubby Frederick article in Motor Age magazine January 2012, “Employees Keeping You Up at Night”, and it started me thinking about the issues we have these days with our employees. It does seem that we are constantly fighting the same battles and sometime go nowhere, with little improvement. The article talks about tech responsibility, how to communicate better with your staff and how to empower your employees. I do believe the morale in my shop is fine, but productivity could be better; perhaps I need to look at myself and find out to be more of a leader. What about other shop owners, are employee issues holding you back and how do you deal with it?
  10. We no longer plug a tire. We examine the tire very carfully, breakdown the tire and inspect when any tire has a leak. If the tire can be repaired, we use a stem/patch repair. The issue is the price, other shops give away a plug repair and the consumer will have a hard time paying for the proper repair. Plus, the conusmer does not know the difference. It takes time to repair the tire the right way, and we need to charge for that.
  11. 1,000 members by 2013! It will happen!
  12. I have this feeling that as time goes on, the reviews online will have less of an impact. I know that Yelp tries to filter out what it believes to be "fake" reviews and everyone knows that a business with many, many reviews may have had a lot those reviews planted. It does not mean that reviews are not important, though.
  13. I don't do a lot of body work, but when I need to call an adjuster I prepare myself for the battle. Why do they dictate to me what I can charge for labor and limit my part sales to the list price. There is no law that I have to charge list. I charge what I charge to compete and to turn a profit. It's my business, I don't want the insurance company telling me what I have to charge.
  14. Happy New Year to all shop owners!
  15. I have been thru a lot of business training and would like to not mention most of them. The key thing to remember is that there is no majic bullet or "one system beats them all" program. What I can tell you is that Elite and Bob Cooper has clear cut ways to get a shop owner on the right road to sucess. You always get out of something what you put into it. But with that said, I have found that for me, Elite's programs and information is in line with how I want to conduct business.
  16. I am looking to buy a new phone, and would like to buy one of the new smart phones. I just don't know enough about them. Everyone talks about the Iphone, but there are a lot of other choices. I am sure there are shop owners out there who can help me make this choice. I want to get a phone for my wife too. Thanks in advance!
  17. Great advise, too often we get caught up in the business of business and forget about the people we do business with.
  18. Just had lunch, going over the day, not too busy, don't know why

  19. Well, I see how that can work. So, what you are really saying is that, tell them I am the boss and this is something we need to do, right?
  20. I understand the concept how a smile can improve sales, but how do I get my people to smile more, they sometimes appear unhappy, although I think they are not.
  21. Be careful about price cutting, someone will always be cheaper.
  22. I think is a great idea. We can learn a lot about each other and what's going on around the country. Can't wait!
  23. I too believe that only the strong will survive. Too many of us think like techs. I think that hurts us as an industry. It's hard for shop owners to make that transition from the bay to the office. But we must. To become strong, we must think like a businessman. How many of you out there think the same way? What changes have you made to stay alive today?
  24. You know, you are right. I have no real plan. I just work. I do own real estate, and put money into a retirement account, but I don't have a real plan. How do I get started? Who can I talk to? A lawyer? My accountant? Other?

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