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  1. https://youtu.be/d-XvgyKBp7g Chris Monroe, Monroe Tire & Service, Shelby, NC (Elite Coach) Joe Marconi, Osceola Garage, Baldwin Place, NY (Coach with Elite Worldwide) Kevin Vaught, Elite Worldwide Business Development Coach, former multi-shop owner Key Talking Points: Chris Monroe How are we making our service departments more efficient through better communication and organization? Equipment Location- why is it located where it is? Digital paralysis...do we get so focused on technology that we lose the basics? Being able to recognize basic pain points and saluting them Inventory-labeled and organized Radios-bring the conversation in close-save steps Process-from when the customer walks in, to check out....making the process slick. What is working? The problem is...shop owners have trouble seeing stupid stuff with clean eyes. Solutions are typically simple and cheap. Who is working on taking steps out of the process? Joe’s Marconi (A different perspective - I am sure we will cover shop layout, Digital MPI, tools, equipment, etc.) It all starts with the right people. The stronger the team, the more potential for high efficiency and production. No amount of technology will ever take the place of people. Before you look to technology to solve problems with production, get your house in order with regard to the right people, culture and morale. Leadership is key – MBWA- Management By Walking Around. Encourage your people, recognize the right behavior, give them praise, give them feedback. Celebrate wins and promote self-direction. Cultivate leaders within your company. Every aspect of the workflow needs to be reviewed often, refined and corrections made. To attain high efficiency requires an ENTIRE team effort. From where the customer parks the car, to effective write-up, dispatch, technician’s repair process, sales, quality control (and reducing comebacks), car delivery and follow up. Kevin Vaught Recognizing the Problem-Stepping Back-Too close to the Forest to See the Trees! (recent example to share) Observing your team and how they function with existing resources both digital and physical-align the right person with the right job Balanced inventory-better utilizes space/cash-opens up possibilities for more efficiency. Example: too many tires in stock-make space-reallocate equipment/resources to become more efficient-Tire Install Room Key drop was fashioned with a hole in the wall..nice exterior and the keys just sort of fell into this in-between space that required lots of digging Centralize equipment-prep processes Ex: Oil drains, flush equipment- Fill Jugs Tools/supplies at balancer-at aligner (sounds simple, but are you doing it) Radio's were our biggest communication slam dunk Digital tabs...are they saved for quick access along with functional terminals Internet service...is it robust enough to carry a signal without getting dropped Bottlenecks-we have a plan to install another road force Tablets instead of paper-our technicians now have in their hands mounds of information AND can push that to the right bucket in a timely manner SMS organization with canned job efficiency Parts inflow/outflow-returns-establish weekly process to eliminate backlogs SMS-fed by Insipely-DOT-AutoText-Alldata-Identifix-Mitchells-Carfax-Website parallels-TPMS resources/tooling (9) Tab Organization on each terminal-no matter which terminal, consistent lookup locations that save time Resources: A special thanks to Chris Monroe, Joe Marconi, and Kevin Vaught for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  2. Frank Scandura, Franks European, Las Vegas, NV started working on cars as a teenager in upstate New York and moved to Las Vegas in 1988. After years of writing service for Mercedes, he opened Frank’s European service in 2001 and grew to a 12,000-square foot, 10 bay shop in the northwest part of Las Vegas, not far from the famous Strip! He has 15 team members and is partnered with his wife Deborah. From his first immersion in the business, pumping gas at 15 years old in Orange County New York, to writing service at a Mercedes dealer in Las Vegas Frank Scandura shares his business acumen and offers insights and trends on leadership as a business coach. Frank’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: If I had all the money in the world, what would you buy?Security for family. Becomes more important as time goes on. 3 out of 4 kids have already taken Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps- Make a monthly budget Is it easy to say 'I Don't Know.'Yes, but you have to practice. It’s okay to not know everything, simply say “I’m not sure, let me do some research and get back to you.” Do you see obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities?,Opportunities all the time. Anticipate roadblocks and play the “what if” game to solve the problem. Do you have a strong intuition? Do you listen to it?Yes and act on your gut feeling. Trust your inner intuition and spouse’s intuition. Your biggest learning moment?Used to let temper get the best of him and think he was the one that built business. Realized business would be nothing without the people around him. Humbling moment. What are you doing to put the Customer first in your business?Putting employees first. If you treat employees right (training, tools, expectations) they in turn treat customers right. A special strategy to build a strong reputation?Follow your morals, values and integrity. Do not tolerate anything else. Recently fired a customer? The reason?Some customers make unreasonable demands. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s how you handle them that sets you apart. Politely tell the customer “I’m sorry but this is not the right shop for you.” What impact does technology have on your business?If you’re not digitally savvy now, it might be too late. Need to capture as much data as possible. Have to have digital dispatching, reporting, inspections etc. Be ready for the changing technology in cars. What is the latest book you read? Big take-a-way“Leadershift” by John Maxwell- making those around you leaders, shift how you lead to let them become leaders. How much training per year do you get?Watches video series for Transformers Institute, John Maxwell training, reads everyday and has daily devotions. Hobby is woodworking and continues to learn about that as well. Ever had a mentor?Jim Murphy, Dan Taylor, Greg Bunch Share a Gross Margin HackLearn what gross margin is first. Don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth. Can’t manage what you can’t measure. Last labor rate adjustment?$30/hr since last August this year. Parts are becoming harder and harder to get margins on. Wanted to improve bonus structure and improve the bottom line. Share a car count idea?Stop going for more car count, make every car count more. Every car needs a thorough written inspection. Every discovery needs to be estimated. 100% of the estimate needs to be presented. How long ago did you update your website?Last month- complete revamp of site, chat bot The most recent update to your processes/systemConstantly updating! Only way you can successfully do that is by having communication with the team in regular meetings. Are you paperless? When did you go?6-7 years ago- saw the need for it a long time ago with streamlining technician writing in abbreviation and wrong parts got ordered. Name something you tried that didn’t work?Hybrid battery rebuilding- learned that instead of needing to be the “first” for everything, can take a step back and wait before jumping in. What is your dream car? Do you own it?Don’t currently but owned it twice- mercedes high performance 2 door CLK63 AMG Convertible. Sold it in town- a new customer knew it had an oil leak that would be fixed during the first oil change, turned out it had to be pulled out to be fixed. Frank bought the car back from the owner. Sold it a year later. Resources: Thanks to Frank Scandura for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee NAPA AutoCare’s PROimage program makes it easy for you to make the most of the NAPA brand. A PROimage upgrade lets you maintain your shop’s identity as a reliable, locally-owned business while letting your customers and potential customers know you’re partnering with NAPA, the most recognized and trusted name in the automotive aftermarket. AutoCare Centers that have completed a PROimage exterior upgrade enjoy an average 23 percent sales increase during the first year. You can also choose to go PROimage on the interior and transform your customer waiting area from merely utilitarian to warm and welcoming. You can even get a free look by visting www.NAPAAutoCare.com and clicking on the NAPA PROimage link under the NAPA PROimage tab. Of course, the AutoCare site is also the place to go to find out about all the advantages being part of the NAPA family has to offer. Learn more about PROimage and the hundreds of other benefits NAPA offers. Talk with your servicing NAPA store or visit www.NAPAAutoCare.com visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  3. Jerry Kezhaya from The Auto Shop in Plano Texas has been in business since 1981. Plano is a northern suburb of Dallas with a population on 280,000. According to Jerry, it is the top growing county in the US. His 35,000 sq. ft. shop has 21 lifts with two flats per lift. Jerry is a business coach and prides himself for getting out of the shop between 80 and 120 days a year to work with clients, attends seminars and enjoys wine. Listen to Jerry previous episodes HERE. Dr. Laura Shwaluk has a Bachelor of Science in the field of Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology and a doctorate in Chiropractic with certificates in neurology, applied kinesiology, nutrition, and functional endocrinology. She practiced wellness and functional medicine in Texas for 20 years and is the author of three books. Laura is happily married and devoted to the love of her life, Jerry Kezhaya. Together they manage The Auto Shop and Business Builders Mentor and Mastermind USA. Her specialized business interests are in accounting, operational systems, and people management. Her passion is to help entrepreneurs accelerate their business and open the doors of mental blocks that prevent them from succeeding. Listen to Laura's previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Hiring superstarsContrary to the common misconception, good people aren’t hard to find when you know how to do it and you’re a good employee Ability to grow business correlates to ability to delegate When testing professional detectives on hiring 50% of the time they make wrong choice Why do we have employees?.Do the things we don't want to do . Do the things you can’t do (bookkeeping etc) Problems when hiringTolerating mediocre employees because you think good people are too hard to find Hiring the wrong person is a very expensive mistake- cost 4x annual salary in first 6 months Standard interview- looking at resume, call candidates to come in and schedule roughly an hour with each. Out of 12 only 4 might show up. Hire based on how they “seem” in your personal opinion (good attitude, enthusiastic etc) Effective hiring system for CSR and marketing help- naturally filter candidates Clear job description Create outgoing message for anyone that wants to apply- number to call with voicemail about who you are, what you’re looking for, what you’re not looking for (hosted numbers) Once they leave a message you can login and listen through phone messages quickly Effective hiring system for technicians Posting ad on Indeed starts on top then after a month it’ll become buried- repost new ad Call and talk directly to owner- find out why are you leaving current position, where are you currently working, where do you live, are you accepting unemployment etc Interview with owner and team- walk through shop together Effective firingKnow your state regulations Example Texas- must have cause for firing Premade forms for writing someone up- communication form (expectations for performing job) to be signed by employer and employee and have copy. Firing form- (white, yellow, pink) written warning, final and copy for files/unemployment. Documenting is key , have witness in room and record it Fire fast, hire slow Resources: Thanks to Jerry Kezhaya and Dr. Laura Shwaluk for their contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  4. https://youtu.be/OHdSmJgAeL4 Matt Lachowitzer is a husband, father of 3, avid Minnesota Vikings fan, and owner and founder of Matt’s Automotive Service Center. A Herman, MN native, Matt started this company as a two-bay shop back in 2009. He has expanded the company into 6 locations with beautiful, state of the art facilities all over the Fargo-Moorhead area. Matt enjoys being a pillar in the community, giving back in any way he can, and providing knowledge and education in the biggest ways possible. As a result of being a continuous educator and an amazing pillar in the community, Matt won Entrepreneur of the Year in 2015 through the Fargo-Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce. When Matt’s not working, he enjoys fishing, riding ATV’s, watching football, and traveling with his family. Check Matt’s other episodes HERE. Emily Chung is a proud mom of two energetic boys. She owns and operates AutoNiche, a family-friendly auto repair shop in Markham. She is a licensed Automotive Service Technician, and Automotive Writer with various publications. She also teaches in the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College. Emily holds a degree from the University of Waterloo in Psychology and Business, and her previous jobs include Psychometrist and Human Resources Associate. She has appeared on various media including Breakfast Television, Cityline, and the Marilyn Denis Show. She is passionate about her work; together with her staff, AutoNiche’s purpose is to bring better communication and client service to the auto repair experience. Check Emily’s previous episodes HERE. Kelli Weatherby co-owner, with husband Lee, in Accurate Automotive, Inc. in Mesa, AZ. Accurate Automotive was founded in July 1994 Their time building Accurate Automotive, Inc. has been very adventurous. Along the way they have been fortunate to have received awards but mostly Kelli treasures her involvement in ATI and being a part of the sole all women 20 groups, Leading Ladies. Kelli is the mother of 2. Morgan (daughter), Corbin (Son) both married now and working in their careers. Corbin is a father of 3 which makes me a Nana who LOVES to spoil her little’s!!! Listen to Kelli’s previous episodes HERE. Kevin Eckler, a Dad and a mentor along with wife Lisa, own Foreign Car Specialists, in Poughkeepsie, NY. Kevin has been named Albany, NY region’s ASE Tech of the Year 2019 and 2020. He was also voted Best mechanic in the Hudson Valley, which encompasses Westchester, Putnum, Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster and Greene counties. Kevin is a 40 year veteran of the industry, and still has a love for it and simply cannot understand why anyone would tell a young person to get out while they can, instead of inspiring them to greatness! Kevin’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Matt Lachowitzer Not letting go of the cancer in my shop because he was a “super tech” Some points I was afraid because he was our best tech, highest producing, could fix anything I didn’t know if our team could replace what he could do It appeared that he was well liked, and I didn’t want to cause issues, even though it was causing lots of issues. Lost front end staff especially. Emily Chung I didn't terminate the employee soon enough I believed that I couldn't run the business without him The employee was a great technician, and I thought that meant I could take advice from him in other areas e.g. business operations Lessons learned Slow to hire, quick to fire Being a tech and being a business owner are very different skills I'm more resourceful than I give myself credit for, no matter what happens I'll figure it out Blessings The experience has added resiliency to my character I now know the price I pay when I allow toxicity to persist I was able to work through that season of my business Kelli Weatherby Our 20 group had made mention that we were going to have shop spotlights as a line item in our meetings for 2020 and beyond. As discussed, this would help shops/owners in reaching goals set along with many other advantages. Lee and I along with another local shop had been part of an in-person shop tour. So my thought was there is NO way we would be considered for a spotlight. OH BOY WAS I WRONG. We were lucky to have 5 separate committees 1.) Facilities 2.) Marketing 3.) Management 4.) Finance 5.) Lee and Kelli Headspace support Outcome (PRICELESS) - With the help that was rendered I believe we were prepared and STRONG in all that was 2020. We put together AND finalized our organization chart. Our standard operating procedures were dialed in with new manuals. Our financials and budgets along with our 3 yr business plan have been shared with our whole management team. Our succession is going forward. Lee and I are working diligently on our 35 yr marriage and have included a counselor that we BOTH agree is helpful. I mentioned this last but I certainly believe with ALL that I am, this is the most important work we do. In a business where the owner/operators are all in and on deck looking to manage personal challenges AND business growth and personnel engagement along with customer experience....MAN OH MAN this will spin the head If you feel any of this is relevant to where you would like to go, I am an open book and glad to share. If not, l have had many experiences with what started out as a train wreck, turned to a golden opportunity for growth!! Kevin Eckler Being too busy and drawn up into the moment and not seeing the bigger picture was my fatal flaw.I was so consumed in the daily work that I never seriously sought out bettering myself thru business education and only sought out technical knowledge. My focus was being the best at what I did, which is fine, except I continued to view myself as a tech and not an owner. It was safe, comfortable, familiar, and completely the wrong way to, which held growth and prosperity way back and kept us as a shop from being who we could have been. So in short, not stepping into and owning the position that had come to hold and clinging to what was safe almost financially, physically, and emotionally destroyed me.Accepting and finally embracing my responsibilities and putting the same efforts into becoming an educated owner as I did as a tech is when the change began in the business towards being successful. It is still a fight to not fall back into what is safe, but I now own my place and responsibilities. Resources: A special thanks to Matt Lachowitzer, Emily Chung, and Kelli Weatherby for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  5. Dr. David Weiman is the president of Weiman Consulting, a leadership consulting firm in Philadelphia PA. He is also an adjunct Assistant Professor at Widener University’s Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology, and he is a Certified Performance Coach through Johnson & Johnson’s Human Performance Institute. Dr. Weiman has been quoted in BusinessWeek, the Los Angeles Times, Men’s Health, Entrepreneur, and many other publications. He has also been a guest on Fox News Philadelphia, Money Matters TV, and numerous podcasts, where he shares insights about the psychology of success, motivation, and more. You can check David’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Continuing traditions should be kept up the best you can.Relive the memories Some feel lonely at this time of the yearSome get their energy from other people Some get their energy from being alone Some issues of the pandemic are another layer of concern or worry to be safe that can cause stress or the blues. Maintain routines especially during the holidays. It gives our lives a sense of structure and stability and helps provide continuity over time. Things that spark joy. They are touchstones for you. We choose what to think about in any given moment We can turn off bad news. There is an on-off switch or mute button on our TVs and phones Recognize what is the same to find stability Some people love change, some don’tSome love change The ones that don’t, think about what is staying the same In zoom meeting, you can see the environment that your friends and colleagues live in Our time horizon for planning is shorter because of the pandemicThe cone of uncertainty is shorter for the time being Consider your team and your customer as it comes to the stress they may carry because of the pandemic and at the holiday time Be an optimist but a realist at the same time We usually have more than one option to solve a problem As a business owner, your values and purpose don’t change as you go through stress and the tough time this holiday can create personal stress.That is the foundation of strength in your company, your people, and your life Connections are key. Having trust in other people Consider the impact on you. Reach out and touch someone Example praise someone for what they do for you Write a card or letter is very powerful Referencing is storytellingExample of competency or value that has made your business successful If you are invited to a holiday party and you do not want to go, even though the people who invited you don’t want you to get Covid-19, you can say I’m not available this year but can’t wait to get together next year.You do not need to give a reason Dave Ramsey says No.; is a complete sentence. Focus on the little things and what delights you and makes you happyConnect with other people Resources: Thanks to Dave Weiman for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee NAPA AutoCare’s recent partnership with CarVantage gives your AutoCare Center an easy way to take advantage of telematics, increasing customer retention and boosting customer spend. You provide customers with a CarVantage sensor that plugs into their vehicle and connects via Bluetooth to their smartphone. Then you set up automated marketing campaigns that target customers based on their vehicle’s next maintenance interval, for example, or whenever a check engine light is detected. That gives customers peace of mind and the best experience in the market. They also love CarVantage because it’s free to them. A special offer only for NAPA AutoCare Centers lets you give CarVantage a try at a very affordable price. And it includes free sensors. Other plans and enhancements are also available. Learn more about CarVantage and the hundreds of other benefits NAPA offers. Talk with your servicing NAPA store or visit www.NAPAAutoCare.com visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  6. Dave Hobbs automotive service experience spans 40 plus years in the industry, starting out as a technician and then as a service manager working in his family’s repair shop (Hobbs Auto Electric) in Kokomo, Indiana. After leaving Hobbs Auto Electric, Dave began working as a hotline advisor and field engineer at GM’s Delco Electronics. Those roles eventually led to becoming an electronics systems instructor for thousands of Delco Electronics / Delphi engineers throughout North American and Asia. Dave is currently the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions. In addition, he serves part-time as a contributor to Motor Age Magazine and as a field correspondent for MACS Worldwide (Mobile AC Society). Dave’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Avoiding comebacksFirst avoid being defensive to customer, then schedule vehicle to be looked at again ASAP Technicians have to have confidence that they can fix anything- but be careful you don’t become too prideful Mistakes happen all the time- there are so many things that can go wrong inside a repair Quality control helps prevent comebacks Aftermarket right to repair actData access just got passed Resources: Thanks to Dave Hobbs for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  7. https://youtu.be/aA1sTmA3nyo Sara & Kevin Bickford Worked at Firestone for 10 years and bought the Fox River Tire & Auto Richie & Leslie Zimmerman from Lafayette, LA, MSO, grew to three stores and sold to strategic buyer MONRO Inc. Dennis McCarron started his career Bridgestone/Firestone working in various sales and management level positions prior to leading the national retail management training programs. Most recently, Dennis was the Executive Director of Dealer Strategic Planning Inc. (DSP 20 Group), providing coaching and consulting services to its members. With over 25 years of experience in the tire & automotive industry, Dennis is a seasoned professional with vast tire and auto service industry experience. He is also a featured columnist for Modern Tire Dealer, “Business Insights” Dennis continues to teach workshops around North America to tire dealers from financial acumen to behavioral selling and leadership and coaching skills. Hear Dennis’s previous episodes HERE. Joel Zaleski started his career at PriceWaterhouseCoopers before joining Monro, Inc. as the Vice President of Acquisitions and Operations Support, responsible for leading the company’s acquisition strategy and supporting the operations of Monro’s nearly 1,200 auto service and tire locations. During his time at Monro, Joel oversaw the company’s commercial and wholesale operations, as well as various corporate support functions including, pricing, customer service, facilities, and training. Joel’s experience in leading the acquisition strategy at the tire and automotive service industry’s largest strategic buyer, Monro, Inc., gives him the credibility and expertise to represent sellers during the sale process. Joel is a CPA and member of the International Business Brokers Association. Listen to Joel’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Kevin and Sarah BickfordWorked for Firestone for 10 years Bought the Fox River Tire & Auto Richie and Leslie ZimmermanOwned and Sold 3 Shops to Dennis McCarron Richie now has his Residential Contractor License to build Log Homes Leslie is opening a boutique Fitness GymLeslie “Operate your business like it’s your last day” Advice when wanting to buy a businessHave a good real estate attorney as part of the transactionHave a good relationship with your local bank Importance of the SBA relationship Challenges new owners face with existing staffLittle changes can seem HUGE The power of a new trash can Sell your business when it’s at its healthiestAdvice to the industry to be at your pinnacle20 Group Align yourself with the best of the best in the industry Maximize your profit margin Education and making yourself better Joel ZaleskiOpportunities in deals with buyers and sellers Evaluation of the business for buyers Buy up market share Run your business everyday like you are going thru an auditKeep it in tip top shape The hard work will payoff Expect the unexpected Be prepared, do it now Dennis McCarronRun the business like you are owners Don’t buy a business to buy a job Successful owners run a business, not buy a job Learn from people that are smarter than youYou don’t always want to be the smartest person in the room Be ok with not knowing something and asking how to do it The value set in hiring good peopleInheriting staff is a challenge when buying a business A crew that can drive your culture and trust they will do that Letting staff members go is just part of the process, a pruning process Hard labor, really trying at times, but it’s worth it at the end of the day Be patient with own learning curveInvest time in finding great staff Find people you can partner with and learn from Figure out when you need help with Understand your margins to be profitable Rewards are significant Hindsight is always so clear Rewards are all worth while Align yourself with the right people Education is important Take care of your employees Expect the unexpected Stay green and growing so you can be ready and ripe! If you’re looking to sell, use your professionals Use a broker and real estate attorney Talk to the people that do that part of the business for a living Know your numbers on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis Know what your profitability is Address small issues when they come up so they don’t become big issues in the future Is it too late to start making that change to improve the business? Resources: A special thanks to Sara & Kevin Bickford, Richie & Leslie Zimmerman, Dennis McCarron, and Joel Zaleski for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  8. Murray Voth is one of Canada’s most knowledgeable experts on the automotive industry, especially as it relates to business development of the independent automotive service and repair sector. He focuses on improving profitability, best practices in management, financial management, systems implementation, human resources and leadership. He spends significant time researching the issues facing the industry from a macro and micro level and brings training and coaching solutions to his clients. He is the owner and principal trainer of RPM Training which provides services to clients such as Napa Auto Parts, Napa AutoPro, Napa AutoCare, Fountain Tire, Integra Tire, OK Tire, TireCraft Canada, Group Touchette, APD Auto Parts, and AutoServe1. Murray is also involved in the Automotive Retailers Association of BC, the Canadian Independent Automotive Association, and the Automotive Industries Association. From 2006 to 2018 Murray was on contract as the senior trainer and training material consultant for Total Automotive Consulting and Training. He has also done training and material development for RLO Training and Consulting in the United States. As an automotive management trainer and facilitator for the past 15 years traveling to every corner of Canada, his sole focus has been researching, developing and implementing strategies that improve business results for his clients. He is intimately familiar with the issues and challenges faced by the business owners on a day-to-day basis and exactly what it takes to help them to make the changes necessary to succeed as a business owner. As a trainer and consultant, he has worked all across North America and has firsthand knowledge of what is and is not working in each jurisdiction. His thorough understanding of the automotive business started when he owned and operated automotive maintenance and repair facilities for 20 years. During the time he owned his shops he took all the training that was available. He continuously strives to improve his understanding of what it takes to be successful in this industry. He has firsthand experience of how to successfully implement the various skills, knowledge, tools and processes that he now teaches. In addition to his facilitation work, Murray has written extensively for industry magazines as a regular business columnist, these include CARS Magazine, Car Care Business, ARA News and Indie Garage. He also writes curriculum for automotive, as well as non-automotive management training. His passion for organizational leadership and development has led him to work with a leading researcher discovering new dynamics that lead to highly effective organizations and leaders. Murray has a passion for the automotive industry and considers it a privilege and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to bring information and training that reduces stress, and improves the economic circumstances of small business owners, their staff, and their families. Some of his clients have grown from being the only employee in their shop to 6 employees, and in some cases going from one shop to owning multiple locations, and more than doubling the size of their workforce. Listen to Murray’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Being genuine, be yourself- don’t fake it Can’t assume customers know how an automotive repair shops run- think about what it feels like to be a customer that walks in. Customers don’t know what to ask or automotive terminology language. They have blind trust. Honesty and quality is the baseline for any automotive shop in a customer’s eyes- they are calling you for a reason. More than a smile and handshake- do customers feel like they are home and cared for? Ask questions they know answers to so they feel comfortable - what brings you here, have you had this issue before etc.? Is your advisor rushing? Do you have enough advisors so they don’t feel like they’re feeling processed Touchless business- removing the “friction”Pre-booking appointments and sending reminders What is the customer expecting? What do they need? What do they want? But during COVID restrictions people tended to want human interaction- there needs to be a split 50/50 “Qualifying the customer’s expectations ”- of service experience and of their car (what are your plans with your car for the future?) Resources: Thanks to Murray Voth for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee As a member of the NAPA family, AutoCare Center owners can take advantage of the NAPA National Health Program from the NAPA Insurance Center. This “NAPA only” program gives you and your employees access to national “large group” rates on medical insurance with premiums discounted up to 30 percent. These rates are based on the collective purchasing potential of 22,500 NAPA locations including both NAPA AUTO PARTS stores and NAPA AutoCare Centers. The NAPA Insurance Center can help you with a variety of other insurance benefits too. For more information about The NAPA National Health Benefits program as well as all of the insurance benefits available to your AutoCare Center and your employees, visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  9. Flipping through channels, there it was, the beloved ‘Wizard of Oz’. I just can’t help but stop and get a fix of this very special movie. I remember as a kid being glued to the TV watching this every year. I found the movie in its first 20 minutes at the part where Dorothy starts her journey down the yellow brick road. I immediately thought of life’s journey, brick by brick. I could not help but think of life’s challenges and opportunities that each brick can afford us. The journey we take in growing relationships, family and a business. Since becoming the aftermarket’s lead podcaster I looked at the movie through the eyes of my listener. How does this movie’s message help you as Dorothy met the other main characters from Frank Baum’s 1900 novel? I think one of the greatest lines from the movie is when Dorothy asked the scarecrow, “What would you do with a brain if you had one.” Please ponder on that one for a moment. Don’t we ask that of others often in our life? What are we doing with our brains? When Dorothy says “We’re not in Kansas anymore”, doesn’t that resonate with you considering the incredible changes in life, business, and relationships we are going through. And how about the Tin Man saying that he “Held that ax up for ages and it got rusted.” Do the same thing over and over and you get stuck. We know that the dream/goal for Dorothy and team was to meet the wizard and fix their problems. Is there really an end of the road? Shouldn’t we pick up wisdom along the way and find our own solutions. How about our peer network or twenty groups. Is your business coach the wizard? How about the need for a heart for the Tin Man. He used words like devotion, emotion, sentimental, gentle, sensitive, and heart. Isn’t that what caring for people and self is all about. Relationships, as we know, is a strong currency in life. And let’s not forget the Wicked Witch of the West. She was there to get in our way. To make us stumble. To put the curve in the road. She has a role in the story and in our life. It is what we do with those twists that give us character and ‘fail forward’ toughness. And finally, the Cowardly Lion, who wanted to be the ‘King of the Forest’. He wanted to brave a blizzard, have courage and show prowess. We can all relate to wanting more courage. A heart. A Brain and Courage. I hope you get a chance to watch the Wizzard of Oz this season. Let it inspire you to compile some great goals for 2021 and realize we have all that we want, we just have to believe and act. View the full article
  10. Maureen Pisani is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and the founder of ProThrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy, where she works with individuals and groups (both in-person and online) to help empower, streamline success, and truly thrive. Maureen is also a world-renowned Motivational Speaker and was the Resident Hypnotherapist at the Chopra Center for over 8 years (Carlsbad, CA) until its closure in December 2019. Aside from being a Hypnotherapist, she is also a Master Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping), Therapeutic Guided Imagery, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Reiki Energy work. She employs a variety of modalities when working with her clients to bring them the best tools and resources for positive and lasting change. Maureen has also been both a Director, Instructor and Mentor at two nationally accredited universities where she shared her love and knowledge of Hypnotherapy with her many students. As of December 2019, she has published 15 books and has co-authored a research paper issued by the Neuroscience Department at UCLA. Maureen Pisani is the poster child for how hypnotherapy can help change your life for the better. After an accident left her in constant pain, she found Hypnotherapy to offer her relief and a new lease on life. Although she now lives in San Diego, CA, Maureen is originally from the Island of Malta and continues to share her love of her home country with all of those she encounters. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, reading, crocheting blankets for premature babies, and gardening. If you’re interested in achieving your goals, please contact Maureen and she’ll be happy to answer your questions. Look for Maureen's episodes HERE. Website Link: ProThriveSBH.com Key Talking Points: Unconscious mind- powerful and programmed for what is “safe”Open your unconscious mind to the “what if’s” 2% profit isn’t enough for shops to be successful Unconscious drive to “stay the same” Self-identity- self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect, self-acceptance and self-love Business coaches work with the conscious side of the brain but the unconscious mind cannot accept it- Maureen preps the mind to be ready to accept a business coach’s advice in order to get results Right/left brain/prefrontal cortexRight brain- creative and open to outside the box ideas, that is where hypnosis happens Everything you do is with intention- hypnosis is only applicable when you are ready for change Change happens gradually- often times you don’t realize it because it becomes a habit Maureen started hypnotherapy to overcome pain in elbows- had 10 surgeries total She went from a 100% disabled to being #1 Presenter at the Chopra Center in La Costa. Implementing changeLast 30 minutes before you go to sleep you are in a natural hypnotic state Write goals down and every night read them Self-hypnosis- you have to be aware of what you are doing and be in control 2 types of motivation-moving away from and moving towards. When you are motivated to “move towards” something, the closer you get to it the more motivated you are Resources: Thanks to Maureen Pisani for her contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  11. https://youtu.be/gRGOjsExlJY Seth Thorson has specialized in the service of European automobiles since 1999. First, in Michigan and now at his current location in New Brighton, MN. He just started to build a brand new shop and experts to be in by June 2021. Seth was educated at a UTI in Chicago, where he was at the top of his class. He then went to BMW Step to finish the master’s program. Thorson was hired in at a BMW dealership in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. From there he moved to an independent shop in Waterford Michigan and learned VW Audi. Seth’s passion remained with BMW and he was offered a chance to buy an existing shop in New Brighton, Minnesota near where he grew up. He is the owner of Eurotech, which specializes in BMW, Mercedes, and Audi cars. He is a firm believer in using factory tools to ensure proper repairs and coding. His team of highly trained and certified technicians is able to diagnose today’s complex vehicle systems! His second location, Green Garage, works on all makes and models. Seth also owns and runs a BMW tech support company called LMV Bavarian that provides support and programming to a growing network of over 200 shops via remote diagnostics. He also teaches national seminars on BMW diagnostics. Seth has also partnered with SSF auto parts in their unique ‘hands-on’ training program. Seth belongs to AASP in MN, BIMRS as well as NASTEF. He is also a member of Cecil Bullards (Institute for Automotive Business Excellence) 20 group. He believes idea sharing and networking with other shop owners have helped grow his business. Listen to Seth’s previous episodes HERE. Daniel Gravely is the District Manager, EuroTech Auto Service. Check Daniel's Episode HERE. Key Talking Points: Four corners of the Property to the Four Walls of the buildingThe store is audited by another location Monthly Leadership meeting The devil is in the details Why is this important from a customer perspective?Reviews, compliments, appearance, safety Capital Improvements such as structural damage discovered Audit Formto set a plan of improvements budgeting for improvements Deadlines accountability Four Corner Four Wall – it is more important to employees or customers? How do you pick who goes to the Leadership Meetings? The leadership team is shop foreman from each location I wanna do this at my shop, how do I do this? Where do I start?what are you trying to accomplish outline of plan put a plan in place No shortage of ideas, just a shortage of execution Remember The Milk app to help with to-do lists (used by Daniel) Final ThoughtsYour Four Corner Four Wall Inspection is a quick view from your leadership team In-depth responsibility for each manager to conform to Safe and clean place for customers and employees to come to Be critical with a fresh set of eyes Resources: A special thanks to Seth Thorson, and Daniel Gravely for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  12. Doug Grills from AutoStream Car Care Center is a chain of six family-owned, automotive service facilities that deliver honest and professional automotive repair and maintenance services to customers in the Greater Baltimore/Washington, DC area. Doug along with his partner Rick Levitan has been around the service station business for over 25 years and has built their reputation by offering best-in-class service to their customers. All AutoStrem Car Care technicians are ASE Certified and the shops are AAA approved. Listen to Doug’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: One thing you’ve done that no one knows?Was a band-drummer and vocalist through college years. Loves experiencing a live show- attends around 12-15 live concerts per year with his wife. What do you do for fun?Going to concerts, playing tennis and golf, exercising, spending time with his wife and family. Most significant trend you are watching?ADAS and how it will impact business, industry consolidation What skills do you delegate because you're not good at them?Figure out what you like to do and what you're good at- delegate other areas to other people that are better at the task than you. Visionary and integrator (task manager) of business. End result will be better than doing it on your own. How does one start to build a strong business culture?Starts with values- what are your business values? What matters to you that you want reflected in your organization? Doug’s business values excellence, a passion for having excellence, having concern for others (customers, coworkers and community), perseverance Do you have a strong intuition? Do you listen to it?Yes and yes! Analytical by nature but does follow intuition as well. Do you still have the fire you had when you first started?Absolutely. Worked harder in the last 5 years and with greater passion. Love what you do because sometimes you can’t do what you love. We learn from mistakes. What was one of your biggest mistakes?Didn’t accept personal responsibility on the individual performance of the team. But I looked in the mirror and started asking, Am I providing the training/skills/support to make sure this employee has the best possible chance of succeeding? How do you manage work/life harmony?Work-life harmony- spending time with family and your own health while being passionate about your work. Have discipline around the things you want to do outside of work. What drives you? Creating a great company- people love working for and customers love working with. Goal posters within a business. How are you finding good technicians?Referrals internally How has your business changed in the last 3 years?Read article in Ratchet and Wrench magazine and started networking and creating friendships within the industry A special strategy to build a strong reputation?Online reviews- a goal that every location acquires online reviews. Have the courage to ask customers to review you. Word of mouth and reputation lives online. Do you see obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities? Everything is part of the process- even setbacks/roadblocks. Obstacles and roadblocks are built to go around, there is always a way to find a solution. What impact will technology have on your business?Staying up to date with tools and technology- understand the upcoming changes Ever made a major pivot in your business? If yes, what?Started in gas stations- pivot was changing to automotive services after 5 years Strong teams always win. What is your winning formula in developing a strong team?People who buy into your culture and enjoy working together Would your organization crumble if you stepped aside?No- has processes and key managers in place Is community important? Share your biggest effort? Extremely important- Breaks for Breasts, celebrated 20th anniversary of business and created a fundraiser for Make a Wish Foundation How long ago did you update your website?Constantly making subtle updates and changes all the time. Uses Autoshop Solution for website Ever sing karaoke?No, but he thinks about it all the time! Has similar vocal range as Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull Resources: Thanks to Doug Grills for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Gold Certification recognizes top tier NAPA AutoCare Centers with a high level of participation in the AutoCare program. The program was built by AutoCare Centers for AutoCare Centers to provide a consistent consumer experience, maximize technology leverage, and reward NAPA’s most committed partners. In other words, Gold Certified AutoCare Centers are the standard-bearers for the AutoCare brand nationwide. Simply put, the Gold Certified NAPA AutoCare program, powered by your local shop brand, will separate you from the rest helping you boost your bay counts and your average repair orders. Learn more about NAPA AutoCare, Gold Certification, and the hundreds of other benefits the NAPA family has to offer by talking with your servicing NAPA store or visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  13. Jim Fleischman and his wife Shelly own Automotive Alley in Arcade, NY. Jim attended Alfred State College for Automotive Tech. He went to work for a Ford Dealership as a shop foreman. Jim’s racing and organizational experience came by being part of a race team that ran Busch and NASCAR. He was recruited from his alma mater, Alfred State College, and became an instructor. Jim always wanted to teach and it was fate. He spent fourteen years as an instructor. He loved building relationships with his students. He was balancing his teaching job and owning a shop while Shelly ran the business for him. Jim ultimately left his teaching job and went to work full-time in the business. Shelly’s background was accounting which was good for the business overall. Jim believes in a strong process-driven company. He is all about improving efficiency. Saving steps for productivity gains. Anyone can study their inefficiencies and make changes to improve productivity. He templated his systems against NASCAR. Immaculate, organized and tools quickly reached and found. Jim perpetually works on streamlining to increase his productivity. Automotive Alley also specialized in street rod, hot rods, upgrades, and restorations. For Jim, the word “can’t” is not in his vocabulary. Listen to Jim’s previous episodes HERE. Matt Manzone graduated from Wyotech trade school in Blairsville, Pa. Shortly after graduation, Matt started at a local Japanese import brand dealership. Eventually becoming Expert level brand certified and achieving ASE certified Master automotive technician status. After 14 years at the dealership, Matt left to take a position at an independent repair shop called Automotive Alley in Arcade, NY as a technician and service writer in the vintage/restoration shop. Listen to Matt’s episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Technicians at dealerships vs independent shopsDealerships have a specific type of vehicles and is flat rate- 70% of students from tech schools go directly to work in dealerships Most technicians that leave the dealerships leave the industry completely Independent shops have a broader spectrum Hiring more techniciansJim used Facebook Ads and Indeed for hiring Matt posted his resume on Indeed to see what other opportunities were available- was open-minded and wanted a challenge Matt researched the shop prior to the interview- Facebook posts, reviews, and podcast interview “Working interview”-Spent half a day interviewing and then worked with other technicians in the shop and with Jim Culture of businessClean, sterile work environment instead of stereotypical “greasy fingerprints” Take time to invest in the environment and properly working equipment Everyone at Jim’s shop says “goodbye” to one another, something Matt was not used to at first- creates positive attitudes and cohesive culture Leaving after 14 years for the same but new jobEveryone is afraid of the unknown and what could happen Matt didn’t leave because of money, left because it was time and unhappy with the culture of the dealership- the dealership had a counter offer for him when he put in his 2 week notice which was more money. More money didn't change the issues of why he wanted to leave. Be careful making choices based on money- often times it will not make you happier If you are burned out from your job always remember there are other opportunities available Resources: Thanks to Matt Manzone and Jim Fleischman for their contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  14. https://youtu.be/q2sdnZ9ASfE The Panel: John Eppstein is the owner of John’s Automotive Care in San Diego, CA. He is the incoming ASCCA President. One thing he credits for his success is making his customer his main focus. John was honored as the 2016 NAPA ASE Technician of the year. Hear John in our one on one interview in episode 119, 200 and Academy 003 on the Top Qualities of a Service Advisor. Look for John’s other episodes HERE. Carolyn Coquillette of Luscious Garage, San Francisco, CA chairs the ASCCA Connected Cars Committee, serves on the ASCCA Board of Directors and is active in her local San Francisco chapter. She’s also the Founder and CEO of Shop-Ware. Look for Carolyn’s other episodes HERE. Dave Kusa is the owner of AutoTrend Diagnostics in Campbell, CA. Dave is very active in Chapter 42 and currently serves as a board member and chapter representative. He has also helped several new shops become ASCCA members. Dave advocates with local legislators on behalf of small businesses and their employees. He contributes to TeamTalk and is a huge resource for members. He was ASCCA’s past president. Look for Dave’s other episodes HERE. Rory Balmer of Twin Peaks Auto Service in Twin Peaks is a past ASCCA Chapter 14 President and a past ASCCA Membership Committee Chair. He is the incoming ASCCA Vice-President. Rory is working full-time at his business. He attends De Vry University, where he is completing a BA degree in technical management. He will be attending Washington State University, entering into the Executive MBA program. ASCCA Past President Mary Kemnitz says Rory is “One of the most effective committee members I have ever had the pleasure to work with. He has won the “One Member Can Campaign” twice. He has had a significant impact on the growth and energy within Chapter 14. Look for Rorry’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: California Mandate to sell only new cars being Electric Vehicles in 2035 We have plenty of time to be trained, learn the technology and change your business plan. Electric Vehicles (EV’s) take longer to break. EV Repair Orders ( R/O’s) will be higher. The industry will transition as EVs become a larger part of the car parc. Electric fleets will be able to let vehicles rest and recharge. ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles along with EVs are important trends that every shop owner and future shop owners need to pay attention to you EV repair could be more modular. Hybrids are a great place to start to embrace the future EVs A recommendation is to buy a used Gen 2 Prius (2004 - 2009 ). Add it to your loaner fleet, learn all about it, get to training and put up your shingle that you repair the Toyota Prius. You should learn about battery, the inverter and motor. Get inside of it with your scan tool. Let it be your trainer vehicle. You’ll need service information and OE scan tools. Keeping the channels open for parts and tooling. ASCCA is fighting for that Education for our entire staff with a continual education commitment on all new technology.We need to work with our colleges and high schools to move way from carburetors and into electric drive trains and ADAS We will lose the smart bright young people to other industries if we don’t start to introduce all-new technology into our educational system. Every manufacturer is pushing Electric Vehicles. Volkswagen is pushing toward an all model Electric Vehicle commitment. VW is the largest vehicle manufacturer in the world. In repairing an EV, there is a layer of systems that don’t exist on an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. There is worry that EV cars and the new EV manufacturers will stay at the dealership. It is very expensive to create a dealership network.It is not in the best interest for new manufacturers to set up a dealer network and the independents can be an important part of maintenance and repair for these manufacturers. It may be too early to consider working on each manufacturer’s EV models. Tooling up will be very expensive, and access to parts and training will make it too early to rush into this. Fuel cell vehicles are also going to grow. More to repair on them.There will be segments of the country that will not see these cars for some time. As the future unfolds, embrace the new technology. Learn all about it Consumers want you to work on their cars. Embrace every opportunity The California mandate for 2035 has manufacturer support and it must open the aftermarkets eyes to embrace EVs The success formula or business model is not there and is a moving target. Keep an open mind. Adapt or become obsolete Globally manufacturers are committed to EVs. You will not fight it, yet it will have time to prepare. Pay attention to the evolution of the marketplace, new technology and trends. Resources: A special thanks to John Eppstein, Carolyn Coquillette, Dave Kusa, and Rorry Balmer for his contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  15. Gerry Frank has over 30 years of experience as an independent shop owner. And he, along with his wife Laura, have a current location in the Cleveland market, where their business continues to thrive regardless of the economic environment. Gerry was featured in a Ratchet & Wrench article, where he, along with his business partner, laid out how they grew an abandoned shop in one of the poorest city's in the nation from Zero to a Million dollars in sales in just 12 short months. Gerry is also a principal owner in Repair Shop Coach and is dedicated to helping shop owners achieve their dreams. Look for Gerry’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Entrepreneurship is a journey 4 stages business go through- quadrantE- employee S- self employed B- business owner I- investor Employee- “technician phase”Start off working for someone Income is capped Self employed- lack of control Do you own the business or does the business own you? Doing it all in business Strategy is to have more customers, do more work but it leaves you more buried Business owner- lead people and develop systems and processesBuilding efficient machine whether you are there are not When you are a leader, you are a trainer Taking the time to really think Delegating and inspect what you expect Investor- putting your money into something that consistently produces a return Resources: Thanks to Gerry Frank for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Since 1989 TRACS has been the industry’s leading shop management system. And in the last 30 years it’s gotten better and better. Today TRACS Enterprise offers even more of the features AutoCare Center owners want—things like a powerful interactive scheduling calendar, faster and streamlined work flow, plus streamlined parts ordering and purchasing options. And there’s more—Punch-out to Mitchell ProDemand, mobile VIN capture, and multi-shop capabilities. That means you can count on TRACS Enterprise to help drive your success today and well into the future. Learn more about TRACS Enterprise and the hundreds of other benefits NAPA offers. visit the NAPA Benefits Center at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  16. Steven E. Shaw is a Professional Speaker and Trainer. Mr. Shaw holds various educational accomplishments including an MBA and PhD. Steven has trained thousands of service personnel. Steve provides tools to allow the customer to BUY. Steve has created the ultimate service advisor-training program that is being used in dealerships worldwide. Whether it is the entry-level express advisor to the veteran service consultant, Steven has proven to get results. These results always drive Customer Repair Order Performance and Service Advisor Paychecks. Prior to COVID Steve hosted Service Advisor Training in locations across the United States. Now Steve has pioneered LIVE-Online Training from his Virtual Studio. Mr. Steven Shaw is hands down an automotive expert and an inspiring speaker for the automotive industry. Find out more about Steve at SteveShawTraining.com and GOSteveShawTraining.com He can be reached via email at [email protected] Key Talking Points: “Tool guy” if you follow the tools and training you will sell more Once you have a customer, they choose you, then they are your customer- not competition between shops or dealerships. They are YOUR customer to lose. Customers buy more when they are satisfied with shops performance and they trust Words with people- right words at the right time to retain customersNever use the word “recommendation” because it puts you in the category as a salesperson- customers distrust anyone’s “recommendation” Never use the word “should”- should is actually a command when oftentimes it seems like an option. Being told what to do is a turnoff and customers will resist on what they “should do.” Instead, present the facts and truth- pass or fail parts in the vehicle. Fail the standards and are no longer safe to operate. “Your brakes are bad and we recommend you replace them” vs “Your brakes have failed our inspection today.” Either green or red, no yellow in between based on standards. And let customers know what is “important or require attention.” Why customers buyFear of losing money- “I'm afraid if I don't buy it’ll cost me more money” 70% of people buy based on fear of loss Hope for gain- “I hope I get something in return” value in what you provide Customers know their budget- shifting the burden of importance Handling objections- consequence for not buying is what makes a customer buy “Value gets customers into the shop, the need is what gets them to buy.” Selling more maintenance Using the phrase “minimum requirement”- keep the vehicle in compliance Selling more tiresTires either pass or fail, let customers know the next time they come in their tires will fail standards- 70% of customers buy from the first person that tells them they need new tires. Ask the customer if they would like an alignment- simple and profitable Resources: Thanks to Steve Shaw for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  17. https://youtu.be/kytE32lNCPw Hunt Demarest, CPA Paar-Melis. Hunt is Accredited in Business Valuation and a licensed Certified Public Accountant that has been with the firm since 2006. He specializes in business taxes, valuations, and does consult work with our clients all across the country. When he’s not in the office, Hunt enjoys spending time with his family, golfing, working on and racing his cars. Look for Hunt's other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: We are not providing any legal advice. Please check with your banker or accountant. For the forgiveness, the SBA says that OCT 31 is the expiration date for applying for forgiveness. That is wrong. You have 10 months after the end of the 24 week PPP period to do this.If you got your PPP back in May 2020 you have until June of 2021. Clients are starting to process this and within hours banks are accepting. However, the SBA has to accept it. Hunt believes the SBA may just rubber-stamp the forgiveness. Not sure but he believes if the bank is OK with forgiveness so will the SBA but not certain. Submit honestly to your bank Almost every shop has used their PPP load in just payroll alone.You’ll need to submit your payroll report for the 24 week period, that will account for 100% of your loan There are two different forms to useShort-form 3508S, should take you a few minutes to complete EZ Form may take you 10 - 15 minutes Don’t overthink this Tax implicationsThis money is going to be taxable in one-way shape or form Rules keep changing with the government It is not classified as income until it is forgiven He does not recommend moving your forgiveness application until next year as he feels taxes will go up no matter who wins the election. Many things to consider. You must consult your accountant Be careful on deciding what you will do with an EIDL loan you may have. It needs to be paid back. You must consult your accountant to be compliant on these loans and the tax implications There is no interest associated with the EIDL grant Be sure you have been in contact with your bank and find out their suggestion to get your forgiveness. Your accountant and tax advisor are also key to getting the CARES ACT and PPP put behind you. Resources: A special thanks to Hunt Demarest for his contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  18. Chuck Searles has played an active role in the automotive service and training community for 28 years. He is a proud supporter of the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) and is a member of the ASE Training Managers Council (ATMC). He was born in Alaska and spent childhood years on the North Slope in small rural villages. After his Fathers retirement from the Alaska educational system, the Searles family relocated to the Big Island of Hawaii, where Chuck attended high school. After high school, he attended post-secondary technical school in Phoenix, Arizona, and then moved back to Alaska to begin a career in the automotive industry. Chuck served as a Line Technician, Service Advisor, and eventually Shop Foreman at Nissan Dealerships in Fairbanks, Alaska, and Phoenix, Arizona. He was then hired by Nissan North America as a Technical Support Specialist in Los Angeles, CA. Over the next 19 years, he served several Sales and Technical Training roles, including Sales Training Senior Planner, Technical Training Operations Manager, and Instructional Design Manager. He is currently the President of the Automotive Management Institute (AMi). AMi’s mission is to identify, provide, and promote qualified business education for the success of automotive service repair professionals. Chuck resides in a quiet suburb outside of Nashville, TN with his wife of 23 years and 2 daughters. Time away from work is spent in the outdoors with the family on hikes or kayaking. Key talking Points: Career pathDidn’t know what to do after high school, did not want to become a teacher or educator Attended Universal Technical Institute- focus on heavy diesel industry but ended up working at a dealership in Alaska then hired by Nissan as technical trainer. Two things you will always remember in your career- best boss and worst boss. Training will help you be the best boss you can be. AMI valuable for succession planning with learning management systems The current president of AMIWants to increase the presence of the service side of the industry- the value of designations. Networking with former contacts and making new relationships as well. Working on new designations- service advisor and shop foreman You can pay by courses at AMI or a yearly subscription AAM/AMAM- prestigious titles Looking aheadRecruiting new trainers- AMI has an audience of over 100,000 and is an ideal platform for any trainer. Head to the website and contact them. If you’re not involved with AMI you need to be- training is ongoing no matter what stage you are at in your career, even as a shop owner. Employee retention is based on the owner- is the owner offering training to employees and getting training themselves? Invest in your employees. Look for AMI elective credit courses/classes because you can use it towards a certification/accreditation amionline.com Resources: Thanks to Chuck Searles for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee The NAPA Smart Sign, previously known as Digital Menu Board, gives your shop a professional, state-of-the-art look and feel. It’s a great way to educate and inform your customers about needed repairs and service, plus increase awareness of your current promotions. NAPA AutoCare Center that have installed a Digital Menu Board found one out of five consumers ask for a repair or service they’ve seen on the board. Targeted promotions resulted in double-digit increases. You choose the content from a library of auto care service and repair topics. The latest NAPA national promotions are downloaded to you automatically. And with the Digital Menu Board it’s easy to change your services, prices, and video content anytime you’d like. Talk to your servicing NAPA store to find out more. Learn more about The NAPA Smart Sign and the hundreds of other benefits NAPA offers. visit the NAPA Benefits Center at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  19. https://youtu.be/HJpcrK3kUzM My guest is Joe Register who is the Vice-President Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association. This is his second interview. His first episode was episode 381 which talks about SVI (Secure Vehicle Interface). Joe Register has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. This work includes the design and implementation of enterprise systems for two startup ventures. Joe participates as an ANSI expert assigned to ISO TC22 Road Vehicles, ISO TC204 Intelligent Transport Systems and SAE vehicle security committees. His current focus is the industry’s adoption of secure and standardized access to in-vehicle systems to ensure today’s increasingly complex vehicles can be properly maintained and repaired. One of his specialties are Strategic planning, program management, systems architecture/modeling disciplines applicable to business processes, data and application integration, web service design & development. Listen to Joe’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: ADASManufacturers are trying to understand what the road looks like through the eyes of sensors in the vehicleChallenges- machines can't ‘rationalize’ as humans can Sensors will have to have maintenance- will still work but will degrade Calibrating ADAS- need formalized standardsBest practices are often instructions from manufactures that are inadequate and impractical. Clean workspace clear from boxes and debris from past repairs Sensor calibration task force within SAE- meet every month with hopes to create public standards Dynamic calibration TrainingRecertification/retesting will be extremely important due to the rate of constant changes with individual sophistication and collective integrated total in systems Looking aheadRise in cost of cars- what does that mean to vehicle ownership? Older fleet of vehicles? AAPEXshow.com/register Resources: Thanks to Joe Register for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. For all the right reasons, we’re not going to be face to face at AAPEX … yet AAPEX 2020 is going to be a virtual experience, which has defined this year for many of us. Virtual AAPEX will happen Nov. 3-5, 2020, and there’s still going to be a strong focus on meeting the needs of the service and repair community. And that includes technical and management training for shop owners, technicians and service advisors … product and equipment demos … and one-on-one meetings with suppliers. Don’t miss it. Make a smart move … register today at AAPEXSHOW.COM/Register This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  20. https://youtu.be/1kQoyy_OwxA THE PANEL: Dan Taylor, Senior Business Advisor at Transformers Institute, has nearly 35 years of executive management, consulting and coaching, business development and entrepreneurial experience. Mr. Taylor has spent the majority of the last 18 years as a Business Consultant and Coach – Helping business owners and managers evaluate their current situation and future plans. Implementing comprehensive business plans through business diagnostics, education, management review, and strategic analysis all focused on results and sustainability. Mr. Taylor has worked across a wide spectrum of industries from healthcare, manufacturing, retail services, data collection, sports equipment to educational conferences and recruiting services. One area of concentration has been in the automotive repair industry with hundreds of independent repair stores, specialty shops and automotive dealerships. Most notably he worked for a management company that served 13 states serving this group with shop equipment, management and administrative tools. Additionally, he spent time in fleet services and operations to municipalities, counties, utilities, school districts and larger independent industrial fleets. Mr. Taylor earned a Baccalaureate in Business Administration and Marketing with a minor in Economics from the University of Northern Colorado. He also holds certifications as a Business Coach, Business Analyst, Six Sigma Green Belt, Human Resources, Time Management and Life Coach. Dan serves on his neighborhood HOA board and has held multiple board positions with the Porsche Club of America. His passion is road course racing with his Big Mission Motorsports teammates raising funds for the Cancer Foundation, Semper Fi Fund and Salvation Army. He is married and has a son who is a civil engineer and a daughter-in-law who is a teacher. Look for Dan’s other episodes HERE. Murray Voth is one of Canada’s most knowledgeable experts on the automotive industry, especially as it relates to business development of the independent automotive service and repair sector. He focuses on improving profitability, best practices in management, financial management, systems implementation, human resources and leadership. He spends significant time researching the issues facing the industry from a macro and micro level and brings training and coaching solutions to his clients. He is the owner and principal trainer of RPM Training which provides services to clients such as Napa Auto Parts, Napa AutoPro, Napa AutoCare, Fountain Tire, Integra Tire, OK Tire, TireCraft Canada, Group Touchette, APD Auto Parts, and AutoServe1. Murray is also involved in the Automotive Retailers Association of BC, the Canadian Independent Automotive Association, and the Automotive Industries Association. From 2006 to 2018 Murray was on contract as the senior trainer and training material consultant for Total Automotive Consulting and Training. He has also done training and material development for RLO Training and Consulting in the United States. As an automotive management trainer and facilitator for the past 15 years traveling to every corner of Canada, his sole focus has been researching, developing and implementing strategies that improve business results for his clients. He is intimately familiar with the issues and challenges faced by the business owners on a day-to-day basis and exactly what it takes to help them to make the changes necessary to succeed as a business owner. As a trainer and consultant, he has worked all across North America and has firsthand knowledge what is and is not working in each jurisdiction. His thorough understanding of the automotive business started when he owned and operated automotive maintenance and repair facilities for 20 years. During the time he owned his shops he took all training that was available. He continuously strives to improve his understanding of what it takes to be successful in this industry. He has firsthand experience of how to successfully implement the various skills, knowledge, tools and processes that he now teaches. In addition to his facilitation work, Murray has written extensively for industry magazines as a regular business columnist, these include CARS Magazine, Car Care Business, ARA News and Indie Garage. He also writes curriculum for automotive, as well as non-automotive, management training. His passion for organizational leadership and development has led him to work with a leading researcher discovering new dynamics that lead to highly effective organizations and leaders. Murray has a passion for the automotive industry and considers it a privilege and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to bring information and training that reduces stress, and improves the economic circumstances of small business owners, their staff, and their families. Some of his clients have grown from being the only employee in their shop to 6 employees, and in some cases going from one shop to owning multiple locations, and more than doubling the size of their workforce. Listen to Murray’s previous episodes HERE. Dave Schedin has 40+ years of experience in the automotive field. He has extensive General Motors University Automotive & Business Management training and is a graduate of the Arizona Automotive Institute. Dave began his career as a young lad in an independent shop in ’79 and began working as an Apprentice Tech advancing to a Master Level Drivability Tech. In ’86 he moved into the dealership arena as a Lead Drivability Tech and obtained both the Chevrolet and ASE Master Technician status and became a Shop Foreman overseeing 24 Techs, Assistant Service Manager, Service Manager to Fixed Operations Manager. In ’97 Dave started and managed “Dave’s Auto Repair” in the Pacific Northwest where he took that business to a near million-dollar sales level in under FOUR years by implementing and continuing to developing the “CompuTrek Automotive Management Systems.” Since 2006 Dave has been coaching and training to help shop owners achieve on average $200,000 in NEW GP dollars in 12 months Dave and his partner/wife Bonnie Schedin also carry extensive Leadership and Personal Self-Development coaching and training at an advanced level. Through both personalized and highly effective ‘team’ training & seminars, they offer well-rounded coaching for the automotive professional through experiential seminars. Listen to Dave’s other Episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Good leaders provide hope and competencePeople want to contribute each day and get better at what they do They want to know if they are getting better Many employees quick but they never leaveThey take a paycheck but they tuned out These employees are costing you As the leader, you need to help your people become a better person and you the leader also need to be growing and learning People need to be challenged to be who they are intended to be The job you have is intended to serve out your purpose As goes the leader goes the staff Do we have a culture of lifelong learning inside your company Dan Taylor send a survey to owners that own up to 300 shops#1 Unclear/Limited Opportunities for advancement/career satisfaction: Tied #2 Poor Leadership Tied #2 Poor Culture # 3 Lack of Recognition/Appreciation #4 Unclear/Unmet Expectations Books mentioned, Growth Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck and Y-Size Your Business by Jason Ryan Dorsey. Find all books on the books page on the website HERE. Consider the power of assessments on your people so you can understand them. Competency stages:Unconscious/Incompetent Conscious/Incompetent Conscious/Competent Unconscious/Competent Murray: Is it common sense or common knowledge. These two need to be understood and separated At 5 years old 60-65% of their self worth and belief in and how they interact with authority is hard wiredAt 8 years 80-85% You bring up all your own flaws in building relationships with your people. EQ Emotional Intelligence, knowing self, will help elevate communication with your people.Listening is the most important communication skill Many people leave because they are not heard (empathetic listening) You must intently get to know your people.Find out about them. Listen. Care for them Assessments When an employee leaves what part of that do we own New people will typically conform to your culture. They will gravitate to it. Companies with great culture protect themselves if someone contaminating it Some that are working in a healthy environment don’t know what to do with it and will attempt to sabotage There are no silver bullets for building a strong culture Hold toolbox meetingWhen people stand in front of a group/meeting and you are talking, you get ‘leader status’. This is a great way to learn leadership. It is about them not you. Hold daily meetings 10 minutes each day at the toolbox Three topicsTechs, any current challenges today Advisors any challenges Anything else you need It may take a few weeks to make this meeting a part of your business fabric You can have a word of the dayPut it on a whiteboard Why is the word important Assign to a different person each day Set the culture of your business during the hiring processWhat have you done recently to build your character traits 75% of our workforce over the next few years are going to be Millennials Book Y Size Your Business Books page on the website to order these books. Energy and time spent on underperforming team members sucks the energy to give to the team members are contributing Needs, wants and opinions are not being heard by leadership Affirmations. Be sincere specific, they are free and they provide energy to a personCatch them doing the right stuff Give positive affirmations as soon as you hear of a great compliment The best return on investment is personal development Get out of the way of the greatness in your company Be a better youBe on a personal development journey Control your controllers Explaining why and clarifying expectations helps people know and understand Resources: A special thanks to Dan Taylor, Murray Voth, and David Schedin for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  21. Dave Kusa is the owner of AutoTrend Diagnostics in Campbell, CA. Dave is very active in Chapter 42 and currently serves as a board member and chapter representative. He has also helped several new shops become ASCCA members. Dave advocates with local legislators on behalf of small businesses and their employees. He contributes to TeamTalk and is a huge resource for members. He was ASCCA’s past president. Look for Dave’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Biggest trend you are watching?ADAS- repair, calibrate, training for it Governor of California is trying mandating no petroleum-powered vehicle sold by 2035 How did you decide to become a shop owner?From a young age, I loved being able to take things apart and put back together and enjoyed working with his hands and vehicles. My goal in high school was to be a shop owner. Do you still have the fire you had when you first started?No, but it’s not a bad thing. When you first start anything there is a new sense of enthusiasm, discovering new things and new problems. As time goes on you become wiser and can handle situations better. Wisdom “quiets” the fire but the fire is still burning. Was there a key turning point in your journey that made all the difference to get you where you are today?Parents and their friends were starting to retire and move away. Dave also wants to be able to successfully retire and be able to financially stay or leave if he chooses. Ever had a mentor?Yes, many mentors! Important to seek out people that have ‘been there, done that.’ Can’t think you are by yourself and on an island. There are so many people willing to help and want to help. Do you have a strong intuition? Do you listen to it?Yes, always listen to your gut feeling. A strong intuition is needed to make quick decisions. Get any great advice that you still follow today?Mentor Larry Moore says ``Get training and learn how to run a business and Larry always said “Everything I know, I stole from someone else.” Circles back to mentorship, people are willing to help. Name something you tried that didn’t work?Originally I was going to buy a shop with former coworkers as partners, turned into a disaster, and didn't go through but it was good that it didn't. How do you manage work/life harmony?Wanted to be a present father to his two daughters and husband to his wife, structured himself to be 8 am-5 pm Monday- Friday schedule and they make it work as a family. How does one start to build a strong business culture?Starts with the business owner- Need to know what your moral ethics are and communicate that to your employees and most importantly follow it. Strong teams always win. What is your winning formula in developing a strong team?Culture- contribute and collaborate as a team. Include people in decisions Would your organization crumble if you stepped aside?Is often out of the shop for the entire day or 2-3 days for coaching purposes, has a strong team for day-to-day operations without him. Working towards having someone being able to handle administrative paperwork if he was out of the shop for an extended period of time. What impact will technology have on your business?Significant impact- ADAS, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, where is the service opportunity in an electric vehicle? How much training per year do you get?Constant training- works with a coach twice a month and learns while working as a coach along with training with ASCCA Technicians in the shop get 12 hours of training per quarter A big secret to building a strong relationship with Customers?Communication- most customers don’t understand what other shops/dealerships are exactly quoting/invoicing for repairs, especially when it is a high quote. Have conversations with new and existing clients in terms they can understand. Invoices using $1 per word. If the invoice is $1,000 then there are 1,000 words explaining what the invoice is for. A secret to a good job interview?Conduct interviews as a team. Everyone should be comfortable and be able to maintain the team culture. Share a Gross Margin HackCalifornia cant charge for shop supplies- starts adding up, including on invoice. Monitoring parts matrix and labor matrix and margins. Do you share your financial statements with your team? If Yes, why?Yes, there is a known shop hourly rate along with an understanding of profit and loss statements and expenses of the business. Employees have an ownership mentality then. How long ago did you update your website? Yearly updates The most recent update to your processes/system Hours per RO- identify time-wasting Resources: Thanks to Dave Kusa for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee NAPA AutoCare’s PROimage program makes it easy for you to make the most of the NAPA brand. A PROimage upgrade lets you maintain your shop’s identity as a reliable, locally-owned business while letting your customers and potential customers know you’re partnering with NAPA, the most recognized and trusted name in the automotive aftermarket. AutoCare Centers that have completed a PROimage exterior upgrade enjoy an average 23 percent sales increase during the first year. You can also choose to go PROimage on the interior and transform your customer waiting area from merely utilitarian to warm and welcoming. You can even get a free look by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com and clicking on the NAPA PROimage link under the NAPA PROimage tab. Of course, the AutoCare site is also the place to go to find out about all the advantages being part of the NAPA family has to offer. Learn more about NAPA PROimage and the hundreds of other benefits NAPA offers. visit the NAPA Benefits Center at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  22. https://youtu.be/SZczhtyTyZQ My guest is Joe Register who is the Vice-President Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association. This is his second interview. His first episode was episode 381 which talks about SVI (Secure Vehicle Interface). Joe Register has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. This work includes the design and implementation of enterprise systems for two startup ventures. Joe participates as an ANSI expert assigned to ISO TC22 Road Vehicles, ISO TC204 Intelligent Transport Systems and SAE vehicle security committees. His current focus is the industry’s adoption of secure and standardized access to in-vehicle systems to ensure today’s increasingly complex vehicles can be properly maintained and repaired. One of his specialties are Strategic planning, program management, systems architecture/modeling disciplines applicable to business processes, data and application integration, web service design & development. Listen to Joe’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: SVI- Secure Vehicle Interface SVI started because OE’s said you needed a single voice in order to listen and needed to know what aftermarket wanted Mantra “Safe, secure, standardized and direct access” Vehicles are built with ‘features’ in mind with repairs as an afterthought Information is constantly being collected both inside and outside the vehicle (driver attention) Vehicle data and the owner- you should be in control over who has access to the data your vehicle creates with access yourself, (Right to Repair Amendment on the ballot in Nov in Massachusetts) Underperformed maintenance will become a big issue in the future- safety SVI standards aren’t just for cars- standards just as applicable for smartphone apps, roadside stations www.svi0for-mobility.org -webinar and Michelin demonstration with a flat fire www.aapexshow.com/register ChallengesVehicle manufacturers are resistant to collaborating with aftermarket but have made progress with suppliers that provide systems to vehicles Resources: Thanks to Joe Register for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. For all the right reasons, we’re not going to be face to face at AAPEX … yet AAPEX 2020 is going to be a virtual experience, which has defined this year for many of us. Virtual AAPEX will happen Nov. 3-5, 2020, and there’s still going to be a strong focus on meeting the needs of the service and repair community. And that includes technical and management training for shop owners, technicians and service advisors … product and equipment demos … and one-on-one meetings with suppliers. Don’t miss it. Make a smart move … register today at AAPEXSHOW.COM/Register This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  23. https://youtu.be/1Jwgx-tmrDk The Panel: John Bridgwater and his wife own Wright’s Automotive Service in San Leandro, CA. John started to earn his ASE certifications early on and began networking with other technicians and shop owners. John was honored among eleven others as an Auto Care/ASE World Technician in 2015. In order to be considered for this award, you must hold at least 22 ASE certifications. John currently has 49 certifications and he is working on the 50th. John Bridgwater has a very interesting story on his rise to shop ownership. He started in 1987 and became a shop owner in January 2015. John actually was recruited by a shop in the bay area that he and his wife eventually purchased. He waited a long time for the right opportunity. John is also a technical trainer for an aftermarket company. Listen to John’s previous episodes HERE. Kevin Eckler, a Dad and a mentor along with wife Lisa, own Foreign Car Specialists, in Poughkeepsie, NY. Kevin has been named Albany, NY region's ASE Tech of the Year 2019 and 2020. He was also voted Best mechanic in the Hudson Valley, which encompasses Westchester, Putnum, Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster and Greene counties. Kevin is a 40 year veteran of the industry, and still has a love for it and simply cannot understand why anyone would tell a young person to get out while they can, instead of inspiring them to greatness! Kevin’s previous episodes HERE. Richard Falco Jr. is an instructor for Carquest Technical Institute (CTI). He is an ASE Master Technician L1 with over 25 years in the auto repair industry. His technical experience includes Domestic, Asian, and European vehicles both at the dealership level and as a successful shop owner. He has instructed technicians and college students in all aspects of automotive repair and currently takes care of our customers, for CTI, throughout the southeastern U.S. Listen to Rich’s previous episodes HERE. Paul Marquardt Started in this business in 1979 as a pump jockey and lube tech. Paul attended various training over the years, some of it daytime training 4 hours of travel time. He bought the business Northwoods Auto Techs, Rhinelander, WI, in 1990 and in 1995 expanded from 2 bays to 5 bays and became a NAPA Autocare center at the same time. He was the NAPA Stevens Point NAPA ASE Tech of the Year from 1999 through 2008 and was the National NAPA ASE Tech of the Year for 2010. Paul Joined the NAPA Autotech training team around 2011 as a contract trainer and have been doing that as well as keeping the business going. Learn of Paul’s Previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Many technicians and shop owners started pumping gas ‘Pump Jockeys’ at full-service stationsPaul and Rich pumped gas when they started. Groomed into the shop 1986 Ford was fuel injected. The learning curve happened after that.You learned about new tech via trial by fire You could diagnose carburetors with your ears and vacuum Gauge Many had great mentors that were very instrumental in teaching them Kevin worked at the dealer because he thought it was the mecca of technician jobsHe graduated top of his class from Rhode Island Technical Institute The dealer was the place you worked because it was considered a careerIt may not apply today Chrysler Caravan debuted in the 80sHad a Mitsubishi motor It set the pace for the future of SUV’s and Crossovers IROC-Z debuted in the 80sRich owned one When the phone rang in the 80s you had a high potential that they would become a customerToday it can lean toward pricing Pricing of parts was from different color sheets They don’t miss paper catalogs or manuals Paychecks went into race cars Boomboxes with 12 D cell batteries were the norm Some starting pay rates today are not as strong as some were in the 80s. Rich Falco’s story. Safety is very important. Gloves, use proper equipment so you protect your body. Hearing protection. Years later these professionals would have done it differently to protect themselves So many warnings about the new tech - It Won’t Last. Who knew!!! Have a different hobby than what you do for a living Resources: A special thanks to John Bridgwater, Kevin Eckler, Rich Falco, and Paul Marquadt for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  24. Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Tex Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies like Southwest Airlines, and Wyndham Intl. He’s worked for companies that understood the marriage of service and software, and have applied it in an effective way. Chris has his ASE C1: Automobile Service Consultant Certification Test (C1). He brings the business side to the business and his brother Pat brings the Braun. Chris is also a musician. Hear Chris’s previous episodes HERE. Jay Mikulovich is the founder and CEO of Revival Technology LLC. Technology has been a passion in Jay’s life from early childhood, all started by taking electronics apart and developed into coding and programming. After graduating university with degrees in computer science and business administration Jay, fueled by his entrepreneurial spirit, formed Revival Technology in 2006. He strongly believes when knowledge meets passion then there are no limits on what you can achieve. For as of technology being a part of the knowledge Jay looks at it as a tool that can revive businesses and bring them to the new level of success. Hear Jayy’s previous episodes HERE. Key talking Points: Cybersecurity- has to be dealt with at a small business level, not just big businesses Policies and procedures in place to protect software, hardware, customer data, credit card data and vehicle data, contacts, even certain keyboards can be recorded Make sure you have segmented networks- customer network, main network, wireless device network (different lanes) Encrypted https “packets” Passwords- do not reuse the same passwords, every service needs a unique and different password. Mix of 13 different characters, not only 8. 8 character passwords can be hacked within an hour. If you use the same password over and over again then hackers will try to use it for multiple accounts. Browsers will also save passwords but it is not encrypted. Use professional encrypted software to manage your passwords. All of your computers should have virus protections with regular updates Opening random pdf’s and attachments in emails that look suspicious can be a virus. Educate and train your employees about ‘click bait.’ Are you expecting this email? Are you expecting this attachment? Email will often be worded to be very urgent. Your verizon/switch/ISP firewall is not going to be enough to protect business. As a business, if you get hacked, it is required by law to report it Get cybersecurity insurance Ransomware- cyber hackers want money in order to ‘remove’ ransomware or get data back$20,000 ransom for getting data back is considered cheap If data is cloud based it’ll cost you time and some money to reinstall software but if a car gets infected with ransomware (example brakes don’t work anymore) then the customer cannot drive it and it won't be a simple fix. Autotex.me website HERE. Revival Technology Website HERE. Resources: Thanks to Chris Cloutier and Jay Mikulovich for their contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Gold Certification recognizes top tier NAPA AutoCares with a high level of participation in the AutoCare program. The program was built by AutoCare Centers for AutoCare Centers to provide a consistent consumer experience, maximize technology leverage, and reward NAPA’s most committed partners. In other words, Gold Certified AutoCare Centers are the standard bearers for the AutoCare brand nationwide. Simply put, the Gold Certified NAPA AutoCare program, powered by your local shop brand, will separate you from the rest helping you boost your bay counts and your average repair orders. Learn more about NAPA AutoCare, Gold Certification, and the hundreds of other benefits NAPA offers. visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  25. Brian Walker was a Mercedes Benz Master dealer technician and was ASE certified with L1. He owned Peak Automotive in Apex, NC and was recognized by Motor Age Magazine as a Top Ten Shops twice. Brian is co-owner of Shop Marketing Pros. He does “Done for you” marketing services for auto repair shops. Brian believes that most people overcomplicate their marketing in an effort to make it easier There is a 17,000+ word article on the Shop Marketing Pros website: “The Ultimate Guide to Auto Repair Shop Marketing shopmarketingpros.com/guide. Listen to Brian's previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Artificial intelligence is being used to make the search engine “think like a human.” Can no longer trick search engines to cycle back to your websites. Google is a business- provides the best results based on what people are searching for, where they are searching from, search intent etc Making your website the best resource for the person searching- based on the content of your website Big city vs small town- businesses in big cities need a lot more work to be competitive, need quality links pointing back to the website, answering questions, the website needs to change often, age of domain- older the domain the higher on rankings compared to new domains Website Words on the page are most important and often the most overlooked part- written in a natural way Needs to have information people are searching for- quality and relevant information Google’s algorithm uses “search intent” and will understand the word “vehicle” is being used for car, motorcycle, truck, minivan, etc What you do on your website vs what you do on someone else's website- the links that come back to your website Your website- create high-quality content and utilize tools that analyze competitors website Having other links on different websites link back to your website- if you’re a member of your local chamber of commerce you should have your website listed in their directory. Website link and citation (name, address, phone number). Everything needs to be the same and consistent. DYI or hire someone? Starting out yes, but as time goes on Is it the best use of your time? When using a marketing/SEO company you should always be authentic and use them to create blogs/videos as added content for the website. Video is king- it can be put into multiple places: website, social media, YouTube, get in the habit of shooting short videos on phone. Show your customers how you do things differently. Resources: Thanks to Brian Walker for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. For all the right reasons, we’re not going to be face to face at AAPEX … yet AAPEX 2020 is going to be a virtual experience, which has defined this year for many of us. Virtual AAPEX will happen Nov. 3-5, 2020, and there’s still going to be a strong focus on meeting the needs of the service and repair community. And that includes technical and management training for shop owners, technicians and service advisors … product and equipment demos … and one-on-one meetings with suppliers. Don’t miss it. Make a smart move … register today at AAPEXSHOW.COM/Register This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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