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  1. Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Tex Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies like Southwest Airlines, and Wyndham Intl. He’s worked for companies that understood the marriage of service and software, and have applied it in an effective way. Chris has his ASE C1: Automobile Service Consultant Certification Test (C1). He brings the business side to the business and his brother Pat brings the Braun. Chris is also a musician. Hear Chris’s previous episodes HERE. Autotex.me website HERE. Key Talking Points: What drives you?Passion for technology and change- Once Christ became free from “Corporate America” he saw the endless potential to be anything you want to be. Freedom to jump to conclusions and do what you want to do. What did you want to grow up and be?Entrepreneur- make and build things What impact will technology have on your business?Massive impact- constantly adding and changing in order to maintain successful customer experience and a productive and effective shop. If using technology is confuses and doesn’t work for them they are using the wrong technology What new technology are you going to add to your business in the next 6 months?“Baywatch” watching vehicles in real time ALPR (advanced license plate reader) and object recognition- measuring efficiency and productivity in the bays What are you afraid of?Failure- “Failure is a part of success” but failure is still hard to handle. Sometimes you are afraid to make a choice because you’re afraid of what could happen as an outcome. Failure can happen due to factors you’re not in control of (COVID-19). What do you do for fun?Spending time with family (2 daughters and wife). Activities together like ice skating, kicking soccer balls, skiing etc. What is a big concern or threat to your business?Consolidation- driving and driverless fleets. Who will be repairing those vehicles? Who has nationwide coverage? How do you manage work/life harmony?Discipline to “turn it off” certain evenings and on Sunday’s- limited phone and computer use What did you sacrifice in the early days to get where you are today? Regret it?Sacrificed friendships and relationships- it’s easy to pour yourself into work and neglect certain friendships. Chris doesn’t have regret because they were tradeoffs to pursue what he wanted to do. Do you have a strong intuition? Do you listen to it? Has always followed his gut while knowing “the numbers.” Trusts his intuition and listens to it. During COVID his gut told him to inform his employees what was going on- potential layoffs, potential salary cuts etc. Employees were grateful he was honest and upfront. Get any great advice that you still follow today?Advice from his father:“If you’re going to lie with the dogs you’re going to get fleas.” It serves as a reminder to surround yourself with good people. How does one start to build a strong business culture?Starts with the leader- What are your strengths? What are you good at? What do you like? Find things you care about and your employees will see it. Don’t force “fun,” be genuine with your interests and the interests of your employees. We learn from mistakes. What was one of your biggest mistakes?Not realizing his path early on in life- we often fight our paths but that’s when you have to listen to your intuition. Wanted to make it big in music and failed but learned how to manage people/business during that time. Ever had a mentor?Dad was first mentor Read “How to win friends and influence people” and it changed the course of his life. Continues to have mentors, 20 groups and advisors “Feedback is a gift like on Christmas morning. Receive it, take it in, open it up, be thankful. Don’t throw it back in their face.” How much training per year do you get?Minimum of 40 hours (1 hour every week) but often has over 120 hours per year- being apart of 20 groups 3-4 times a year, attends conferences and sits in the classrooms A secret to a good job interview?Behavior interviewing skills- instead of asking “Have you ever done an oil change before?” ask “Walk me through the last oil change you did.” Also ask questions about conflicts and how they were resolved. Ask about behavioral scenarios. Would your organization crumble if you stepped aside?No- investing time training leaders to be leaders. Leadership is all about soft skills Do you share your financial statements with your team? If Yes, why?Yes both the shop and software companies- your employees know your financials already and if you don’t share it they often think you are pocketing. Educate them on expenses and overhead. Do you see obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities?Gap analysis- where are the gaps and how do I fill them in? Find out what people aren't doing and tumble through them. Obstacles are opportunities. Who is someone you really admire?Jesus- true servant leader instead of jumping to conclusions. Good people get in bad habits- look through that and offer grace. Resources: Thanks to Chris Cloutier for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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  2. Jacquie Walter Hower is the Director of Operations and 3rd generation at her family’s business, Zimmerman’s Automotive, in Mechanicsburg, PA. During high school and into college, Jacquie worked part-time for the company working in the Quick Lube department as a technician changing oil and maintaining customer vehicles. After her sophomore year of college, she was given the chance to become a manager for a new Quick Lube location for the company. Since then Jacquie’s love for the industry grew into a passion. As director of operations, she handles a number of different jobs such as customer service, service auditing, daily accounting, training, and community involvement/events. In the summer of 2016, Jacquie began the Aftermarket Management program at Northwood University where she hopes to complete her bachelor’s degree in two years. Jacquie is involved with the Car Care Women’s Board and sits on the board of directors at the Mechanicsburg Chamber of Commerce. She resides in Mechanicsburg, PA with her husband, Dan, and their two young boys, Brantley (4) and Mason (2). Hear Jacquie’s Previous Episode HERE. Scott Pelava is a Certified Master Auto Technician, L-1 Advanced Engine Performance Specialist and ASE-Certified Service Consultant. In 2015 Scott created the Auto Shop Owners Group (ASOG) on Facebook which today has nearly 5,000 members. ASOG has developed into a 501c3 Educational Foundation whose mission is to enable & empower shop owners to learn and grow to provide the best business environment for their customers, employees and themselves. Scott is also very active in his community. He is currently a third term Lonsdale City Council Member, has held numerous leadership positions with Scouts BSA, and is a director of the Lonsdale Chamber of Commerce. Hear Scott’s Previous Episode HERE. Justin Morgan is the tech support for LMV Bavarian and tech ambassador for AES Wave. Hear Justin’s Previous Episode HERE. Anthony Williams is a Special Projects Manager at Advance Auto Parts, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Anthony’s Previous Episode HERE. Vinnie Lucido has had his hands in the automotive industry since 1996, starting in High school as a CSR at one of the last 76 Full-Service Gas stations in Reno. He found a passion for helping people through their most prized possessions, their automobile. Vinnie and his brother Anthony partnered together & opened CoAuto in 2014 and have been nothing but success in their new undertaking. Vinnie is ASE certified and has operated in every capacity of the automotive repair field. Throughout his career, he has been a customer service representative, a service writer, a technician, a manager and now an owner. Ultimately, he finds he is happiest when he is in communication with his clients and gets the opportunity to get to know his guests. Vinnie spends his time building relationships and networking and in turn, the shop continues to grow. Listen to Vinnie’s previous episodes HERE. Kent Bullard. Find Kent’s other episodes HERE. Jim Cokonis. Find Jim’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Virtual trainingWhat doesn’t work in live class doesn't work virtually either The audience is more willing to ask questions when they aren’t in a full classroom- questions in the chat or during live Producer-moderator on the side that can look for chat questions for interruption and interaction Opportunity for more trainers that wouldn’t want to stand in front of large class due to social anxiety and cost-effectiveness But also removes the opportunity for trainers to earn living with the redistribution of video content Zoom burnout happened during in-person classes as well but phone screen/Netflix burnout Burnout from poor practices- work on practices instead of platform Presentations, training, and teaching- Information, engagement, and transformation they will experienceMust be reformatted- text and PowerPoint Don’t have to be the “star” of the screen- the audience is the star of the show Engage the person watching - movement with different camera shots Content- fluid with room for questions and engagement Build-in breakpoints between topics/segments Talk less and facilitate growth otherwise you are giving a presentation that is recorded-telling isn't teaching, showing isn't teaching “EDGE Method”- explain, demonstrate, guide, and enable ChallengesTraining- no faces, internet delays, going through content faster than in person Microphone- not muted/talking over each other Not prepared with audio connections and lighting prior Too casual- PJs, background location (hot tub) No boundaries when you’re at home- School, training, cocktail hour, graduations etc. is all virtual Mental stimulant burnout with looking at the different screens, watching multiple people, answering chats “Solitary confinement” on screen and miss being with people in person “Being watched” -you have to constantly perform on screen SolutionsProduction- invest in good equipment (camera and audio) and have backups Continue the same personal routine that you would when you left the house to help with burnout Create a home office Mobility- take a break as a viewer and get up to stretch Resources: A special thanks to Jacqui Hower, Jim Cokonis, Justin Morgan, Scott Pelava, Anthony Williams, Vinnie Lucido, and Kent Bullard for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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  3. Robbie Bunch is a multi-tasker that is currently with Sav-Mor Automotive in Plano Tx & Owner\Operator of Platform Digital Marketing. He has been in the industry since 1992 in positions ranging from Tire Sales Manager to Consulting Trainer and Many in Between. Robbie is currently working in a remote capacity with Sav-Mor Automotive performing duties that include basic service writer responsibilities to consulting\training the Owner & General Manager on many different aspects of managing a successful shop from sales techniques to analyzing the P&L and correcting issues quickly in real time and anything else that comes up along the way, nothing is out of bounds. Additionally, he has separate responsibilities over the digital marketing efforts for the shop and other businesses as well which is his newest venture into learning and executing the latest digital marketing techniques in this ever-changing post 2020 atmosphere for not just auto repair shops but any local business. Robbie is excited about the possibilities of virtual\remote service writers to help repair shops meet their staffing needs with experienced front shop help on an “on-demand” basis which makes hitting your payroll goals much more manageable while still having the skilled help required when needed! Look for Robbie’s episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Virtual service advisor (VSA)Because of COVID more people are working remotely and it is widely accepted. Most businesses have 90% of the tools needed to have a VSA Certain shops might have a short term need due to unforeseen circumstances- planned or sudden shortage Keeping the wrong person in business or letting someone go and being short-handed are both equally harmful VOIP (Voice over internet protocol) phone service- easy to set up and flexible to use Phone calls can be recorded and referenced later as a training tool Supporting estimates- need some counter/customer/vehicle experience inside automotive business prior Selling service to customers Opportunity for retirees in the industry to work remotely Improving customer service with the added support Locally owned and operated business Change the phrasing of “Mom and Pop Store” to “Neighborhood Professional Service Center” Still have the local community feel without outsourcing overseas Future VSA business plan Robbie now has training and VSA background- working as VSA support member on the side. Also continues to work for his other business “Platform Digital Marketing.” Robbie’s average ticket with shop he is VSA with is 4.5X the shop’s average but the gap is closing with the ability to record calls and listen later- learning comes from listening Resources: Thanks to Robbie Bunch for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee The NAPA Smart Sign, previously known as Digital Menu Board, gives your shop a professional, state-of-the-art look and feel. It’s a great way to educate and inform your customers about needed repairs and service, plus increase awareness of your current promotions. NAPA AutoCare Center that have installed a Digital Menu Board found one out of five consumers ask for a repair or service they’ve seen on the board. Targeted promotions resulted in double-digit increases. You choose the content from a library of auto care service and repair topics. The latest NAPA national promotions are downloaded to you automatically. And with the Digital Menu Board it’s easy to change your services, prices, and video content anytime you’d like. Talk to your servicing NAPA store to find out more. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  4. Sara Fraser is a millennial who has a love for life, travel, and connecting with other humans! She has over 15 years of retail management experience, the last 6 of them as an office manager for a used car sales and service center. To bring her customer service, marketing, and business knowledge to the automotive industry she has recently joined the team at Haas Performance Consulting. Sara loves helping others grow and succeed and is excited to share her expertise on management and social media, her views on how and why the younger generations think and act, and how to work and manage a business within a multi-generational workforce. When she isn’t working Sara spends her time traveling, attending theatrical productions, music festivals, concerts, advocating for human and animal rights, celebrating life in general and connecting with other people from all over the world. Look for Sara’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Why aren’t millennials applying to my shop? Millennials don’t buy products without looking at reviews- they won’t apply/accept offer without researching shop thoroughly first Have current employees leave google reviews- show off and share your business culture . Shop should look clean and inviting- millennials want walk through interviews to evaluate their potential work space Flexibility in work hours- millennials grew up with parents that were away from the home or working extended hours. Life after work is more important than work. Social media/linkedin/indeed- the more you advertise you’re hiring on different platforms, the bigger net you’re casting and the more feedback you’ll have Advertise your culture- be inviting into your team, millennials are looking for that workplace “home” “Ideal boss”- approachable, comfortable to talk to, honest, trustworthy, positive attitude, personable. Millennials like to share information about their life outside of work and want the same reflected back. You are more than a boss, you are a mentor/role model. Embrace change and adapt to your employees needs - create a space for employees to flourish and succeed Show millennials the auto industry is a viable career- they did not grow up with the knowledge they could be a technician as a career Resources: Thanks to Sara Fraser for her contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  5. https://youtu.be/Ct0OwU5gxik Clint White has been passionately immersed in the Automotive Industry for over 25 years. He is an Owner / Service Advisor Coach / Shop Consultant with ShopVision and currently still holds his ASE Master Tech, Under Car Specialist, & Service Writer Certifications. He started wrenching full time at a small independent shop in 1995 and over the course of the next two and a half decades he has managed & teched at Midas, a Chevrolet/Cadillac dealership and a handful of independent repair facilities in Washington & S.E. Idaho. During his journey he has never stopped learning and has been blessed to work for and with those who value education, training and coaching. He has been through various facets of automotive training including GM, ATI & RLO and even took it upon himself to attend Northwest University for 2 years to complete his Ministry Leadership degree to become a licensed Pastor all while successfully & profitably running a shop full time…(talk about being stretched!!!). Needless to say, his fire is lit !!! In everything he does, Clint is focused on people and focused on excellence! Whether it be coaching & training Service Advisors to sell with passion & integrity or working directly with Shop Owners to improve team accountability and streamline process implementation, Clint’s passion is to elevate the Automotive Industry across the nation to ensure every customer consistently receives the highest level of service possible – every phone call, every visit, every repair, every time ! Dan McWilliams started his journey in the Automotive Service Industry on October 1998 when starting his education at Automotive Training Center in Exton, Pa during which he developed his passion for Automotive Service Excellence. Started working in the field as a technician January 1999. Graduated in May 2000 from Automotive Training Center with a degree in Specialized Automotive Service Technology. Has always strived for excellence and providing the best service by constantly attending training. After 17 years as an Automotive Technician during which becoming the lead technician He expanded his career into the Service Manager position in 2016. Dan has continued his passion to offer the best Automotive Service and is continuously training to learn to offer the best Client experiences for Automotive Repair with the goal of Owning and Managing his own Automotive Repair shop. Benjamin R. Lesueur is the General Manager of Oxford Automotive. Ben is a young, driven individual who is motivated to learn and overcome obstacles unlike most of his peers. He has a vision for business growth and employee development to succeed in unison with his team and applies unconventional solutions to create remarkable results. Ben started his journey pushing a broom for the shop owner at Oxford Automotive back in 2018 when he graduated high school and has taken on every opportunity to grow the operation. James Church, the owner of Oxford, and Ben have taken a team-like mentality to both grow personally and professionally. Ben was promoted from pushing a broom to Service Manager within 2 years of service at Oxford and became the company's first General Manager then a year later. This team's success has allowed them to venture onto a second location and expand their operations beyond expectation. Through proper delegation, accepting feedback, and creating a very positive family like atmosphere Ben and his team have been able to create a winning operation for all members involved. Scenario #1 (contains 2 parts) SA: Clint, Customer: Dan, Observer: Ben The goal of this 2-part role-play is to demonstrate the importance of closing the expectation gap on the inbound (appointment setting) call and how vital it is to make the sale by building anticipation in the results of the DVI) (Focus – Making the Sale) PT-1: A first-time customer calls in to the shop to schedule a drop-off appointment on their 2012 Toyota Camry (4cyl / 118k miles) for a state-mandated safety inspection & emissions test. PT-2: The SA calls the customer to discuss the results of the DVI as well as the findings on the state-mandated safety inspection and emissions test. Scenario #2 The goal of this roll-play is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the SA in how they calm the customer and build value in their services while retaining the sale SA: Ben, Customer: Clint, Observer: Dan (Focus – Saving the Sale) A repeat customer with a 2014 Chevy Cruze (4cyl / 86k miles) has already authorized the replacement of the coolant outlet housing, the thermostat assembly, and a cooling system exchange for $650 and the work is already in progress. However, after calling a cheaper shop down the road to compare prices, they have called to stop repairs and come pick up their vehicle. Scenario #3 The goal of this roll-play is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the SA in scheduling deferred services at the cash-out SA: Dan, Customer: Ben, Observer: Clint (Focus – Setting up a Future Sale) A new customer with a 2015 Chevy Silverado 1500 (5.3L, 4WD, 121K miles) is at the counter picking up and cashing out after having had an oil change, tire rotation, and air filter replacement. They were previously presented with a DVI and they elected to decline the following repairs. Front Brakes (less than 1mm & rotors deeply scored). Resources: A special thanks to Clint White, Dan McWilliams, and Ben Lesueur for his contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  6. Trish Serratore is the Senior Vice President of Communication at ASE She works closely with all of the organizations within the ASE Industry/Education initiative, which also includes ASE and the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), to help provide the qualified automotive professionals the industry needs today and tomorrow. Links to Trish’s episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: ASE update from 2020-2021Test centers were initially closed- extended certifications. IT-enabled 40 people to be able to work remotely- most important was customer service employees. Test centers opened with COVID regulations and restrictions in June New website launch My ASE account on the homepage Test prep for free Remote proctoring for future- take recertification test at home All auto tests are now translated to Spanish New certification program for army tactical wheeled vehicles3 levels of testing You don’t have to be in armed service to take the test Gives the army its own credential for internal use ASE will be 50 years old next year- oldest occupational credential programs in-country, and one of the first Studies show technicians who are ASE certified are more productive. Developed task list and created ADAS composite vehicle- 2022 launch ASE renewal appSoft launch early 2020 with 1000 subscribers, now has over 8,500 ASE certifications within businessHang signs, put a patch on, display ASE certificates to your customer- share you have invested in your employees, so your customers have the best possible service. Differentiate yourself from other businesses Resources: Thanks to Trish Serratore for her contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee NAPA AutoCare’s PROimage program makes it easy for you to make the most of the NAPA brand. A PROimage upgrade lets you maintain your shop’s identity as a reliable, locally-owned business while letting your customers and potential customers know you’re partnering with NAPA, the most recognized and trusted name in the automotive aftermarket. AutoCare Centers that have completed a PROimage exterior upgrade enjoy an average 23 percent sales increase during the first year. You can also choose to go PROimage on the interior and transform your customer waiting area from merely utilitarian to warm and welcoming. You can even get a free look by visting www.NAPAAutoCare.com and clicking on the NAPA PROimage link under the NAPA PROimage tab. Of course, the AutoCare site is also the place to go to find out about all the advantages being part of the NAPA family has to offer. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  7. Travis Guy co-owner of Yourba Linda Auto Service in Placentia, CA. Key Talking Points: Both Travis and his brother Tim worked in hospitality business before joining family business- their dad never pressured them to come work for himStarted as bellman/front door at hotel at age 16, at 18 was valet Went to job fair and started working for Disney- learned valuable customer service skills (using whole hand when gesturing or directing customers instead of 1 finger, answering phone within 3 rings, smiling at customers and while using phone and behind mask) Travis, brother, mother and father all have ownership of business- grew up with very close family, family always comes first Dad- overseer, behind the scenes bookkeeping tasks Travis and brother run day to day operations of shop- Travis is “face” of company in front of shop, Tim is expert at the parts and directs back of shop Hired new technician from CraigslistPut money into ads on Indeed and Facebook- had same applications come through that weren’t the right fit for the business ASCCA membershipTravis has become more involved in industry- more to industry than just his shop Camaraderie- more comfortable in business and in association “Don’t need to have gray hair to be in ASCCA” Self inflicting wounds industry wideDeserve to get paid for your knowledge and the services you offer Technicians deserve to get paid what they’re worth Be the change- top technician at Travis’ shop earns 6 figure income. Labor rate increased $50 when he came on board Handling price shoppers- “We’re not the cheapest. We will never be the cheapest. We are the best value.” Instead of being in competition with other shops consider supporting each other- joining networks and associations, share information, learn from each other and all be successful Family employees and customers- what drives Travis to get up every morningFamily- helping family, working toward goals Employees- proud to keep them employed so they can support themselves and their family Customers- they rely on shop and most importantly, they trust them Resources: Thanks to Travis Guy for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  8. Maylan Newton from ESI – Educational Seminars Institute is a business coach, trainer and industry speaker. Maylan is no stranger to the podcast having paid it forward many times. He is a much sought our speaker at industry events in the US. Find Maylan’s previous episodes HERE. “He is ‘just a car guy’ with lots of knowledge and is brave enough to talk about it”. Maylan’s purpose is to educate leaders to be a better owner or service writer. Carlo Sabucco, 2nd generation owner of Sil’s Complete Auto Care Centre. My father started the company September 1976, I joined in 1994 and succession of ownership in 2009. Company is now a 7000 square foot facility with 8 bays and 6 wonderful team members. I would never be here today without the team, the help of some amazing coaches, my peer group for the last 16 years, and lastly my wife Melanie. The last 2 years has been a steep learning curve of C Suite coaching, personal development, learning to be a better leader and focusing on where the industry will be in 5-10 years and preparing for it. Listen to Carlo’s other Episodes HERE. Glenn Larson, Foothill Autoservice, Lake Forest, CA Key Talking Points Defining “what is worth”The value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration The level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated We are here to push you to rethink your labor ratesBuild your customer base to people that want to pay your price to have you maintain their vehicles Weed out customers who don’t want to pay the rates 80/20 Rule - 80% of your profits come from 20% of your customers Successful yearReputation Word of mouth advertising Focus on your peopleCustomers Employees Emotion is a big driver in worth and what we charge 3 angles of worthWorth of the businessThe right tools The right technicians Do you believe in your employees Worth of the mathematicsFormulas Calculations Are you the owner-worthy? Does your facility warrant what you charge?Can you walk thru your place and say “I actually should be charging more?” Do I need to clean house here and change things around to make it look a little better? Do I need better tools? If you don’t look like you belong, no one will pay your ratesUse good parts Have certified technicians We get paid for our knowledge, not what we do The business is meant to work for us, we’re not there meant to work for it Every shop in every area is differentRaise labor rates 2% every quarter How to’s and why’s of figuring out what to chargeKnow that you have to charge more Know the value of your business The cost of doing business Running the business on “jingle factor” is not P&LFocus on net profit What net do you need? Why do you need net? Paralysis by Analysis Final thoughtsGlennIf you have more self respect for yourself and realize what you’ve put into the industry and what your value is to this industry, this will help you charge what you’re worth Your customers want you and your team to take care of their car and they will pay what you charge CarloYou gotta make money because no one will be at your retirement party because you didn’t know how to run a business. If you don't make money, they’re not gonna be there to write you the check to take care of you in retirement. If your business goes under, it’s your fault MaylanWe have to understand our business Profit is not a bad word If something happens to you right now, how is this business gonna support your family with day to day expenses Your employees depend on you to make a profit so you can stay in business The value to your customer Resources: A special thanks to Maylan Newton, Carlo Sabucco and Glenn Larson for his contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  9. Matt Fanslow is the diagnostic tech/shop manager at Riverside Automotive in Red Wing, MN. His primary responsibilities are to diagnose driveability and electrical/electronic issues, and perform most all programming, coding, initializing, adoptions, etc. Basically, if it needs to be figured out or has wires, it goes to Matt. He’s been a tech since 1996. Matt is also a subject matter expert for ASE and has instructed at Vision Hi-Tech Training and Expo. Matt has participated on 18 ASE technical committees for the ASE Practice Test, A6, A7, A8, and L1 tests. He’s also done case studies for Standard Motor Products. Fanslow’s goal is to do everything in his power to improve the overall level of professionalism within the automotive and light truck repair trade and also raise the level of its public image. Matt Fanslow’s Previous Episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Fire in business- January 15thThe vehicle came into the shop in the evening to be serviced the following day Everyone left before 6 pm, by 6:25 pm the fire department was called by passerby pedestrian The shop had security cameras but no smoke detectors. Engine compartment towards 12volt battery of vehicle was where fire had started The building doesn’t have to be rebuilt but the rafters and trusses are damaged- heat tempers wood and it loses its “binding’ properties Was newer vehicle- depending on cause this is how recalls are createdAn insurance investigator and manufacturer investigator- the vehicle will often be taken off-site to have a thorough forensic investigation to find out the cause Luckily there weren’t significant damages to the tools/equipment/diagnostic machine, inventory and employee tools/equipment - you’re facing fire/smoke and water damage from fire department Expected to be fully operational again by mid-late Fall 2021 Business interruption insurance Looks at what your business was producing prior to the interruption A fixed amount of money to be pulled for paychecks etc 2 bays- tech works 40 hours a week, bill out 20 hours working in the bay (shop pays from own checkbook from funding) the other 20 hours they are cleaning/inventorying the shop and ‘working for insurance’ What you can do ahead of time- be proactive Invite fire marshall to come to shop- document shop layout/entrances Fire trucks have tablets in them- when they get called to a location any information about the building can be used Purchase from fire department safe for outside of building with keycodes to avoid damage from entering during emergency Map out your disconnects- gas/water/electricity 30-45 seconds can make the difference between going from bad to really bad in a fire Research and become familiar with your insurance coverage plan and educate your employees on it- can they get homeowners insurance on their equipment? Inventory what you have in the shop- what is the cost of replacement? Consider ‘cleanup’ investments after a disaster Also, consider fire doors Link fire detectors to EMS Shop tour before the fire- Aftermarket Weekly Episode 30. Click Here. THA 161- Insurance coverage review Part 1. Click Here. THA 172- Insurance reviews “what if scenarios” part 2. Click Here. Resources: Thanks to Matt Fanslow for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee As a member of the NAPA family, AutoCare Center owners can take advantage of the NAPA National Health Program from the NAPA Insurance Center. This “NAPA only” program gives you and your employees access to national “large group” rates on medical insurance with premiums discounted up to 30 percent. These rates are based on the collective purchasing potential of 22,500 NAPA locations including both NAPA AUTO PARTS stores and NAPA AutoCare Centers. The NAPA Insurance Center can help you with a variety of other insurance benefits too. For more information about The NAPA National Health Benefits program as well as all of the insurance benefits available to your AutoCare Center and your employees, visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  10. Part one of a 7 part series. Barry Barrett, a Certified EOS Implementer As an EOS Implementor in his company, Business With Purpose brings dedicated support to Leadership and Sales teams in all types of organizations, helping them structure the six key components of their business to make it operate with the best processes for their specific industry, using the EOS Model. Barry’s energy is contagious no matter if he is in a session with a client, giving a keynote address, or rolling up his sleeves in a workshop. Barry is a business coach with his positive mental attitude, incredible work ethic, and determination for excellence, his results-oriented approach is matchless. Barry is driven, caring, and passionate; traits that he uses to help his clients grow their businesses in a positive way. Find Barry’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: EOS (entrepreneurial operating system)- helps entrepreneurs get what they want from their businessVision People Data Issues Process Traction Vision traction healthyGet your leaders on the same page- where you are, where you’re going, and how you will get there Traction- helping leaders become more disciplined and accountable. Executing well to achieve the vision Healthy- healthy and functioning leadership team Turning people into leaders LeadershipNot born to do- people decide to become leaders Research great leaders and implement step by step processes Function chartStart with writing the function, list the 5 roles and responsibilities, and add the name to the seat Roles shouldn’t always be based on seniority- instead, who is the most capable? Getting started90-minute meeting- EOS history, introduce ourselves to you, learn about you, about the EOS tools and processes Focus day after that- if it’s not a right fit or you don’t get value you don’t pay “Traction” “Get a grip” “What the heck is EOS” all by Gino Wickman Resources: Thanks to Barry Barrett for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  11. Sabrina Gatewood and her husband have owned a shop since 1994. She is the bookkeeper for the shop. She does all the taxes, pays bills, etc. as well as creates paychecks. She has been a financial advisor since 2011. She helped her husband and other business owners like him to plan for retirement. She also helps with group health plans and voluntary benefits. Sabrina can also open 401K plans and simple IRAs. Listen to Sabrina’s previous episodes HERE. Greg Skolnik is the owner of Motor Works, Inc. in Rockville, MD. He is certified as a Master Automobile Technician and holds the prestigious L-1 advanced engine performance and emission analysis certification. Greg also received his (AMAM) degree from the Automotive Management Institute. Greg has a four-day workweek and has been doing pre-scheduling for years. He is also a part-time coach for Elite World Wide. Listen to Greg’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: You gotta pay attention to your peopleMost small business owners are freaking out over how much things cost Pay to Play Social security was never designed to be a retirement plan 401K is just one area to take care of your employees You don’t go to church to be converted, you go to church as a reminder! 88% of workers view a 401k as an important benefit in looking for a job You definitely need to take care of your employees, they are our bread and butterA good way to reward good employees is with benefits Most of the people that have been doing this for a long time are starting to wonder “how am I gonna get out of this (career or shop owner) How hard is it to sit down with a certified financial planner and do this?There are many options out there Find someone you can trust and guide you A standard IRA Put together plans to take care of your employees, it’s the right thing to do Offer employees a meeting with a financial advisor along with that 401k, this will show them where their money is going each paycheck Accountant or Financial Planner first?Both Safe harbor program Upside and DownsideDownsideCashflow is king Start-up admin costs Admin time to keep the program going UpsidePut away maximum amounts Roth IRA - tax free Benefits your employees Tax savings for shop owners Your investing, not paying a bill Saving money is not sexy, Investing is Your moving money from one pocket to the other Finding a great financial planner Usually a referral Final WordsSabrinaEveryone’s shop is different No cookie cutter approach Your never gonna go wrong helping someone else get what they need GregIt’s a spoke in a wheel It’s just one of the spokes Holidays are another spokes All the spokes - we put together as a package to make us more attractive to the top talent than the shop down the street Resources: A special thanks toSabrina Gatewood and Greg Skolnik for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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  12. Dave Hobbs automotive service experience spans 40 plus years in the industry, starting out as a technician and then as a service manager working in his family’s repair shop (Hobbs Auto Electric) in Kokomo, Indiana. After leaving Hobbs Auto Electric, Dave began working as a hotline advisor and field engineer at GM’s Delco Electronics. Those roles eventually led to becoming an electronics systems instructor for thousands of Delco Electronics / Delphi engineers throughout North American and Asia. Dave is currently the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions. In addition, he serves part-time as a contributor to Motor Age Magazine and as a field correspondent for MACS Worldwide (Mobile AC Society). Dave’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: New technologyFirst challenge- finding out how it works. Service information isn’t always the easiest to read and understand. Validate information and see what makes it work Field case studies Training- never quit learning Dave’s acronyms Data acronym FRED- frustrating ridiculous electronic device WRAP- we replace all parts EWFN - everything working fine now Automotive innovationsADAS and calibrating radar when doing repairs Technicians and shop owners have to be in the education business for customers- customers will think their car is a robotic autopilot vehicle Brainstorm ADAS class for customers- educate how ADAS systems work and respect the safety functions in place to avoid customer turning them off Automotive industry IS deemed an essential business Resources: Thanks to Dave Hobbs for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee NAPA Autotech Training helps your technicians keep their skills sharp and their NAPA Know How up to date. It’s the highest quality technical training that covers almost every vehicle system and every make and model. NAPA Autotech is presented by experienced instructors who are ASE master certified technicians. Even after a class is over, techs can access course information online with ClassPass. So when questions come up later they can get the answers. AutoCare Center owners who have taken advantage of Autotech Training say that well-trained technicians are helping to increase their shop’s repair capability and raise bay productivity. That results in fewer comebacks, more satisfied shop customers, and reduced technician turnover. Learn more about NAPA AutoCare, NAPA Autotech Training, and the hundreds of other benefits the NAPA family has to offer by talking with your servicing NAPA store or Visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  13. Esteban Gonzales came from a family with a dad that worked as a diesel mechanic and a brother that owned his Auto Repair shop, it gave him the opportunity to be involved in the automotive industry. Being fascinated by automobiles and always wanting to start his own business, he had the opportunity to open Proshop Automotive in 2013. Not having a clear business plan, he quickly realized that there was a whole lot more to running an automotive repair shop than just “fixing cars”. He had to change his mindset and adapt to what it actually took to run a proper auto repair business. Knowing how to fix a vehicle is not that difficult with proper training. Knowing how to run the business by understanding your numbers and putting together a team that shares the same passion as you is a whole different story. In the last couple years, he has grown into a person and as a business operator and is always eager to learn as much as possible. Joining ASCCA has been one of his highlights because of the community that is built around this organization. Being involved in a chapter level and now in a state level has given him the opportunity to help in ways he never imagined. It also made him realize that he is not alone in this journey and there is a lot of help if everyone is willing to accept it. Esteban's episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Shop owner at 36 years old Brother was technician right out of high school- became shop owner for 9-10 years then closed business Esteban was involved with the front office and received technician license- always wanted to be a business owner and saw opportunity when brother closed shop Wife told him “If you start, you better not quit.”- supporter and cheerleader for Esteban. Reminds him of the progress he’s made, initiated training and boot camps He didn’t realize the amount of money needed to make the business run- thought he would be making a profit and paycheck for himself immediately Monitors numbers daily, has daily and weekly meetings with team Joined ASCCA 2 years ago- pivotal point in career, started networking and receiving support with other shops owners There is no ‘secret sauce’ between you and the shop down the street- Esteban started going to neighboring auto shops to try and convince them to better themselves Training boot camps/seminarsAt first, Esteban would come back fired up and ready to implement new changes but employees weren’t completely on board and eventually, he lost the fire. Continuous cycle. Elite Worldwide Fly with the Eagles- all about appreciating your team and thanking them. Started thinking differently. Realized the team has to be on the same page together. ChallengesHaving the right people around you to keep you informed on changing rules and laws (CPA, ASCCA) Family affairParents house is next to shop- home-cooked meals almost every day Sister and younger brother works on the front counter Older brother master technician Advice for other young shop ownersNetwork with people in the industry and seek the advice of people that have ‘been there, done that.’ Keep an open mind with changes and different perspectives you aren’t used to Resources: Thanks to Esteban Gonzales for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  14. Patrick McHugh always tinkered with ‘stuff’. His dad bought an ’85 BMW. They learned all about that car together. A friend, Eric, had a lift and was a BMW person who helped Patrick and his dad learn everything about the CAR. At 15 years old he started working in an airport, doing odd jobs, to earn credits to learn to be a pilot. He soloed at 16 years old. The day before college he got his pilot’s license Patrick attended Purdue University where he studied aeronautical technology. He kept flying and earned his instrument license and became an instructor. He loves to teach. As fate would have it, he became a pilot upon college graduation from Trans State Airlines a regional carrier for United. He was based in Richmond Virginia. With normal pilot downtime, he continued to tinker with BMW’s. He discovered that being a pilot was not for him, so he went into avionics and shade tree work at home. There were too many cars in the driveway, so he had to decide to stop or go into business. Bimmer Rescue was created in 2008 in Richmond Virginia and generates a big portion of its business through referrals. They earn their business through their professional service and attention given to each customer. Patrick’s goal is to develop a relationship with BMW, Mini, Audi, and Volkswagen owners that allows them to get the maximum amount of value from their vehicle rather than buying a new one. Listen to Patrick’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points What drove you to do this?Covid has created some tough times at our shop Being transparent Where does the money go when a customer pays Showed his employees where the money goes, some were shocked Concerned that his employees had a ‘gold mine’ Is there a prerequisite to do this exerciseYour books have to be legit You gotta have Quickbooks or other accounting software Can’t inflate your numbers or cooking your books You want to use accurate good data or it won’t work Profitability for DummiesOnce I dived into my numbers and understand each one, it’s changed my business and changed my life Most people are not super great with money Profit and Loss StatementEach envelope is a cost on where expenses go on $100 repair billParts Cost Labor Owners Pay Marketing Sales & Support Costs Other Expenses Rent GM and Sales Support Credit Card fees Training & Professional Development Insurance Customer Transportation Sublet Utilities Net Profit means to me…Security Livelihood Growth Disaster Salary Increases New Equipment Safety Do this exercise once a year Respecting the return on sales numbers. Download slides used in the presentation. Click Here. Resources: A special thanks to Patrick McHugh for his contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  15. Carl Hutchinson has been in the car industry since 1982, but has worked on vehicles long before that time. He has a passion for engineering, for understanding how vehicles operate, and how to repair a customer’s concern. Earlier in his career, Carl started working at a GM Dealership, then went to work at independent repair facilities as a technician and eventually became a service advisor. Carl’s experience in the automotive industry led him to his current position as co- owner with Maureen Hutchinson of Complete Automotive in Springfield MO., where he works every day to provide high quality, valuable service to all customers. Carl is an Alumni with Ozarks Technical Community College, Springfield MO Campus. He currently sits on the Automotive Advisory Board with Ozark Technical Community College, member of South East Rotary, and a member of the Springfield Midwest Auto Care Alliance chapter. Carl has his Master ASE Certification, L1 and Service Advisor certification and is an AMI Graduate. After over 32 years in the automotive business, giving back the knowledge and experience to those of the next generation that are coming into the industry is an honor. It’s exciting to see the culture of the industry change to a more positive, cleaner, technical atmosphere, with an emphasis on great customer service. Changing the culture of the industry is exciting to move into the next generation of automotive technicians, service advisors, and owners. Key Talking Points: Founding member of Midwest AutoCare Alliance ASC Master Certification L1, Service Advisor Certification, AMI GraduateLead by example with continuous training Involved with automotive technology education with local community college80% of board members and influence are from dealerships Independent shop owners MUST get involved- incite for students on real world perspectives on the automotive industry (soft skills required) Attitude changeWasn’t known as the “nice guy” 10 years ago- pessimistic, saw negative in everything Surround yourself with the right people that will tell you the hard truths- will be hard to hear, when you don’t know what’s wrong you also don’t know how to change. You are the average of the 5 people you are with most. Carrying baggage- alters how you treat peopleCarl came from a fatherless background. He began to see his negative outlook on that situation weigh on his children. Reconnected with his father and baggage was lifted. Didn't realize how much that situation affected him emotionally until it was addressed. Start by getting small wins- create list and focus on what you can do each day Read “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman instilled the knowledge he needed to address as a person. Starting writing 1 thank you card every week for 1 year- thanked the people around him and acknowledged what was impactful to him. Lifted burden and was pivotal point in life- became grateful for the small things in life Positive change is infectious Started getting involved with community- church and youth groups We are what we tell ourselves we are Business cultureOpen, friendly, family environment- employees want to come to work and be apart of the team Taking care of internal employees and external customers Identify the attitude and culture of business prior to hiring Easy to get a bad reputation within industry, takes longer to develop positive reputation Entrepreneurial operating system- how many jobs do you do?“What is EOS,” “Traction,” and “How to be a great boss” by Gino Wickman Having people obtain ownership in their position- giving your ‘seats’ away, divide and conquer Resources: Thanks to Carl Hutchinson for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Gold Certification recognizes top tier NAPA AutoCares with a high level of participation in the AutoCare program. The program was built by AutoCare Centers for AutoCare Centers to provide a consistent consumer experience, maximize technology leverage, and reward NAPA’s most committed partners. In other words, Gold Certified AutoCare Centers are the standard bearers for the AutoCare brand nationwide. Simply put, the Gold Certified NAPA AutoCare program, powered by your local shop brand, will separate you from the rest helping you boost your bay counts and your average repair orders. Learn more about NAPA AutoCare, Gold Certification, and the hundreds of other benefits the NAPA family has to offer by talking with your servicing NAPA store or Visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  16. Early in 2021, I interviewed the recipients of the first annual AAPEX 2020 Awards; Shop Owner of the Year, Service Advisor of the Year, and Technician of the Year. I’m so grateful that AAPEX for the first time created these award categories to start this important recognition. I also had the honors to present the awards at Virtual AAPEX. I pulled the honorees together for a podcast not just to pay homage to their awards, but to talk among ourselves about the relationship between the owner, technician, and service advisor. As with 99.5% of all the podcasts I’ve done, there is always one thing to learn from every episode, sometimes two, three, or four. This one is no exception and has a very powerful message. You can hear it in our voices when Norm Schultz, who won the Technician of the Year honor, talked about re-inventing himself. It was a very special moment. I don’t want to preach to you about listening to this episode, but I want to strongly suggest that you invest the time. You may think, it’s just an awards thing. You will be wrong. If you listen completely to this episode you may see why and how you need to re-invent yourself. You may just have yourself a lightning bolt moment and possibly be inspired to jump over the hill you’ve been trying to climb. If this is not you, then someone you know deserves to hear this story. Thanks to Brian Sump, Norm Schultz, and Jason Sexton for being on the podcast, and congrats to them for picking up the 2020 top honors. https://remarkableresults.biz/e606/ View the full article
  17. Bob Greenwood, AMAM (Accredited Master Automotive Manager) is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC). AAEC is a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry. AAEC content and technology is recognized as part of the curriculum of the Fixed Operations Diploma and the Aftermarket Degree courses taken at the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College located in Barrie Ontario Canada. This school is the leader and only college in Canada that offers an automotive business education. AAEC is also recognized by the Automotive Management Institute (AMI), located in North Richland Hills, Texas USA, allowing 80 credits for successful completion of the AAEC E-Learning portion of the site towards the 120 credits required to obtain the reputable Accredited Automotive Manager (AAM) designation. Bob has over 40 years of Business Management experience within the Independent sector of the automotive aftermarket industry in North America, consulting Independent retail shops on all facets of their business operations. His 18 years of running his own local consulting and accounting firm in Ottawa, Ontario Canada created some of the most productive and financially successful entrepreneurs within the Independent sector today. Bob is one of 150 Worldwide AMI approved instructors. He has created Business Management development courses for aftermarket shop employers/managers, Jobbers and Jobber Sales representatives which are recognized as being the most comprehensive, industry-specific courses of their kind in North America. His courses address the creation of measurable bottom-line profitability and not just developing activity to keep busy, by covering the very detailed nuts and bolts issues that are required to be clearly understood by every level of the industry if an independent shop is going to financially prosper and enjoy a professional future. Bob’s previous episodes are HERE. Link to Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC) HERE. [email protected] - email for the full list1-800-267-5497 to discuss any questions Classic Episodes Episode 571- Bob Greenwood with Chris Cloutier: Industry terminology, time to change it Episode 387- Bob Greenwood Eric Ziegler Key Talking Points: We need to better understand our target clients. Who are they? Why do they buy? What do they really want? What is our internal gameplan as a company to build a long-lasting trustworthy relationship? Building client base business vs customer base business- clients have relationships and trust with the business. Building relationships takes time, you can’t do it while understaffed. One service advisor for every 2 licensed technicians. Educating the client takes full conversations- manage their vehicle based on how they use it and expectations of vehicle. There's a need to improve focus and productivity, we need to create a culture of commitment and accountability and we must deal more effectively with non-performance. Do we believe in accountability as an important part of the business culture? Business culture- what do you stand for? Team concept in business that everyone wants to be a part of, everyone's opinion counts including feedback. Employees are working on their career instead of working their ‘job’ because they want to be a part of the business. Committed and accountable to each other. Accountable- what are we doing on behalf of the clients and how do we measure that? Measure it in billed hours per repair order. Are we producing the right billed hours as a team daily, weekly monthly? We need more clarity and consistency from the top- is management fully accountable to the business? Leader of the discussion for team- clarity, and consistency in message, explain it properly, have a discussion on how you see it and how the team sees it. Daily discussion 5-8 minutes keeps the team engaged We need to create true two-way communication throughout our organization Owners often use generalities instead of specifics when engaging with the team. Don’t be afraid of discussing numbers- only confidential numbers are on your balance sheet. Let your team understand how income works and how they each affect it. Educate your team on the business in every aspect Ask about your employees- mutual respect and care about their life outside of the business Our industry is changing quickly- redefine and reinvent some aspects of the business. Are there specific courses we must take to clarify our industry and business knowledge? Education is everything- technical, business, front counter, etc. Has to be ongoing. Technician minimum 100 hours a year of training, management 6-8 days a year of training. You need to plan out courses/training for the year ahead of time. Resources: Thanks to Bob Greenwood for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  18. Sue Morshing of Elysian Auto Service, Elysian, MN. Sue's Previous Episodes HERE. Jennifer Filzen decided to become a singer/songwriter and created her first pop music album, Sirena. Her marketing and sales talents afforded her the opportunity to get her music heard around the world, including India, China, Europe, Australia, and the United States. Her writing talents launched her into writing SEO content for websites, social media marketing posts, and custom blogs. Today, many auto repair shops around the country choose Rock Star Marketing to put their businesses in the limelight. Jennifer Filzen Previous Episodes HERE. Rock Start Marketing Website HERE. Link to the new book on Amazon HERE. Patrick Dolder of PALS Ocala Auto Repair, Ocala, FL. Patrick's Episodes HERE. Carl Hutchinson has been the car industry since 1982, but has worked on vehicles long before that time. He has a passion for engineering, for understanding how vehicles operate, and how to repair a customer’s concern. Earlier in his career, Carl started worked at a GM Dealership, then went to work at independent repair facilities as a technician and eventually became a service advisor. Carl’s experience in the automotive industry led him to his current position as co- owner with Maureen Hutchinson of Complete Automotive in Springfield MO., where he works every day to provide high quality, valuable service to all customers. Carl is an Alumni with Ozarks Technical Community College, Springfield MO Campus. He currently sits on the Automotive Advisory Board with Ozark Technical Community College, member of South East Rotary, and a member of the Springfield Midwest Auto Care Alliance chapter. Carl has his Master ASE Certification, L1 and Service Advisor certification and is an AMI Graduate. After over 32 years in the automotive business, giving back the knowledge and experience to those of the next generation that are coming into the industry is an honor. It’s exciting to see the culture of the industry change to a more positive, cleaner, technical atmosphere, with an emphasis on great customer service. Changing the culture of the industry is exciting to move into the next generation of automotive technicians, service advisors, and owners. Carl's Episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: You should always expect to get from the community what you give to the communityYou reap what you sow Do genuine and small things for your customers You don’t decide to give so you get something backOnce you start giving just to give to your community, you find creative ways to give, and that creates relationships with your community Have you turned to employees to find ways to reach out to your community?Find ways to help someone without putting them in a spotlight Work with your internal customers Help people quietly, without having to make a splash The importance of being involved in community groupsYou find like-minded individuals in other businesses in the community and they tend to frequent each others business It’s all about connections and networking You have to go into it with not expecting something in returnYou gotta get involved in community groups You gotta get involved in local church groups Food banks, playgrounds, serve dinners Use time and talents to give back “I never thought I would be _____________”Get involved and give to the community You will be disappointed if you are expecting something in return It’s actually kinda cool being involved Why didn't I do this sooner? It’s part of branding your businessNetworking and recommendations with like-minded business Create a community page on your website The “How to Do It”Figure out the why. Start with a conversation on “why” you are doing it Figure out the superpowers that each team members have Figure out the attitude that the company wants to represent Ways to accommodate your customers and employees with a community approach:Have a grill at lunchtime Be pet friendly Donut Fridays Give out cookies, brownies, waters Weekly drawing for a bouquet of flowers Final WordsJenniferI just love that we can all share these ideas and that we are providing value to people When you adopt the “The Give To Get Principle” not only will you feel good yourself, but you will also see a difference in your bottom line CarlJoin community groups When you get the call, say “yes” PatrickTake a leap of faith If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re not going to be successful Talk to a business you know nothing about Find out who the charities are in your community SueYou have to be passionate about your community Approach people, you want to work with Teddy bear hunt - donations for closed restaurants Resources: A special thanks to Jennifer Filzen, Carl Hutchinson, Patrick Dolder, and Sue Morshing for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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  19. Have you walked one of your regional malls lately? I recently spent time at our one big regional 1.6 million sq’ mall. It had been a while since I’d been there and I saw and felt the impact Covid-19 and e-commerce has had on our world. At the minimum, I counted 15 closed stores. I’m not talking about the small boutique storefronts, but some very big name stores shuttered. We’ve heard of the challenges many brick and mortar stores are having and the stores that are closing to ‘restructure’ into a more lean and profitable entity. Here are some thoughts that came to me as I walked through this magnet of commerce and the effect on our industry/economy: Our industry is essential. Amen to that. I’m not sure that sunk in early in 2020 but thank God we could be open. When I saw the shuttered stores I thought of the jobs lost. Those people own vehicles and are your customers. Where did those jobs go? Where any of them our service customers? Absolutely. Did those businesses close because they were an underperforming store? Did their lease come due and the lasting effects of the pandemic were too much to carry? Did they shutter their doors even though they still had a lease and it would cost less to pay the lease than to keep their door open? Has e-commerce taken a huge chunk of business? Are big malls dead? Ever notice that the old-style strip plaza has fewer empty storefronts than big malls? The impact of the pandemic is not over. Job loss is real, think of all the restaurant/bar workers who’ve been out of jobs (tip extra when you start going out again). Figure in the impact e-commerce has had and will have on brick and mortar jobs. Do you wonder where the people who lost a job will find their next? Even as many states start to ease their restrictions and we slowly open up again, it is going to take some time (a long time) to recover the shuttered storefronts and lost jobs. Pay attention and be careful with your business. Constantly review sales, margins, and costs. Review your marketing, strengthen your culture, retain your best people and covet your customer. Go walk the mall, see the impact and strengthen your resolve to protect your business or your job. View the full article
  20. Bryan Kelley, owner of Valley Automotive Electric, Covington, WA, and Chairman of ASA Northwest. Brian's previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Understand what it is you’re looking for and be able to name the behaviors and qualities you are looking for Think of hiring like going on a first date- know what you’re looking for Tailor questions based on what you are specifically looking for in a candidate Bryan would rather work short-handed with good team members than hire the wrong candidate just to fill the spot Ask yourself “Do they fit the culture of the organization?” “Humble, Hungry, Smart” from “The Ideal Team Player” by Patrick Lencioni Smart- people smart Rockstar or superstar?Rockstar- they want to stay in the position they're in Superstar- want to rise to continue to grow in the company If you truly care about people, they tend to care about you in return Look for indicators during the hiring process- ask key questions and dive into answers Bring in other employees to gauge candidate together- each takes notes and compare after Explain the hiring process on a first phone call- phone screen, in-person interview, second interview/working interview, then profile assessment of the candidate. After that take them outside of the business to see how they really are. Reference checks. Post job description/job details with advertisement- should sound personable and engaging “The Culture Code” by Daniel Coyle What Bryan offers in terms of pay is based on what he sees- not set in stone, based on what he expects. Reevaluate after 90 days Thanks to Bryan Kelley for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Since 1989 TRACS has been the industry’s leading shop management system. And in the last 30 years it’s gotten better and better. Today TRACS Enterprise offers even more of the features AutoCare Center owners want—things like a powerful interactive scheduling calendar, faster and streamlined work flow, plus streamlined parts ordering and purchasing options. And there’s more—Punch-out to Mitchell ProDemand, mobile VIN capture, and multi-shop capabilities. That means you can count on TRACS Enterprise to help drive your success today and well into the future. Learn more about TRACS Enterprise and the hundreds of other benefits the NAPA family has to offer. Visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  21. It all started when Jennifer Filzen decided to become a singer/songwriter and created her first pop music album, Sirena. Her marketing and sales talents afforded her the opportunity to get her music heard around the world, including India, China, Europe, Australia, and the United States. Her writing talents launched her into writing SEO content for websites, social media marketing posts, and custom blogs. Today, many auto repair shops around the country choose Rock Star Marketing to put their businesses in the limelight. Jennifer Filzen Previous Episodes HERE. Rock Start Marketing Website HERE. Link to the new book on Amazon HERE. Key Talking Points: “The Giveth to Get Principle: How Relationships & Reciprocity Build Raving Fans. 5th book for Jennifer Filzen. See link to book above. Not only attract ideal customers but surprise and delight them so they are excited to see you and want to tell others about your services Give before you think of receiving Jennifer’s passion- she loves making the world a better place by spreading joy, bringing people together, and share ideas, teaching about marketing Helping one person sends a ripple effect that comes back as a wave of abundance Discovering your three most important principles in your life your ‘why’, your superpower, your attitude Finding your superpower- realize you have one, you ARE a big deal Rockstar MarketingFocuses on what makes you unique, who is your target demographic, what is your “why” and what are the cities you want to serve Focus on your strengths, delegate your weaknesses Flexing your confidence muscle Speaker at Vision 2021: Video marketing. What to say, how to edit etc. Loving your customer- verb, the action of caring Resources: Thanks to Jennifer Filzen for her contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  22. https://youtu.be/YZgOVNPp3yM Keith Knowlton. Keith and Linda started LK's Auto in 1994, Keith has been in the automotive business since 1979 working as a gas station attendant. Keith has been an ASE master technician for 25 years, AAM degree, and completed many Service Advisor courses being able to run 5 technicians with over 100k in sales each month. Keith wants to have complete customer satisfaction while expanding sales. Keith’s previous episodes are HERE. Andy Arndt has now has three shop buildings rather than two. He owns the original two and also rents a building across the street. Andy has one son in the business, Corey, who acts as general manager. . Andy’s previous episodes are HERE. Brian Gillis is the Chief You Net Results Strategist, with 25+ years experience in auto shop operations, hiring, recruiting, systems, processes, multi-store experience, and employee training. More about Brian Gillis… 25+ Years owning and operating auto repair shops in Texas, Georgia and Colorado, multi-unit stores Hired and Trained over 2000 staff members Budgeting and Profits Brian’s Specialty Smooth as silk with customers Brian’s previous episodes are HERE. Key Talking Points: The panel played a game on how much each of them would spend on certain items:Gym Membership Dress Shoes or Boots Birthday Gift for a Good Friend Surround Sound System Laptop Computer Family Pet Necktie Bottle of Wine It’s not a matter of how much disposable income someone has… so we can’t look at a customer and just start making decisions on pricing Technician recommendation vs Invoice… ask the advisor why didn’t you recommend the repairsDon’t think for the customer Don’t be a bleeding heart for customers Having sympathy for older customers... can cost you Have empathy, but don’t give away the shops moneyDon’t think “wow, this is gonna cost a lot of money” Push that thought to the side If not, you will be limiting your potential “Wisdom Credits” for seniors, emotional attachmentIs there sentimental value to the car Be tough on coupons Guidance for the boomer generationHave senior or military discounts pre-established in your books Have discounts across the board so you’re prepared for it $$ Don’t put money ahead of safetyPeople play the poverty story all the time Don’t compromise the safety of a vehicle over money If they are truly down on their luck financially, you can... Prioritize the repairs in an effort to help the customer The power of understanding the profit and lossKnowing what the parts costs Having an understanding of the overhead costs Teach your service advisors these costs The goals for average work order can result in a loss of salesDon’t just hit the goal, work beyond that Don’t get complacent in the afternoon if you’ve had a good morning Final WordsBrianRun out there and run this game AndyThe help from Brian with my advisors is amazing KeithIt’s always about training, about getting better Always identify the next training needs Too many times we think about our own money tolerance instead of the customer needs We think what others believe is a lot of money We have different lines in the sand, you’ll limit yourself to and your potential Don’t make the customer decision for them Resources: A special thanks to Keith Knowlton, Andy Arndt, and Brian Gillis for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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  23. Dwayne Myers is a partner in Dynamic Automotive in the greater Maryland area. Dwayne invests time in the industry with the Auto Care Association and serves on the education committee with CCPN (Car Care Professional Network). Dwayne was recently honored as one of only 17 outstanding individuals that qualified for the prestigious 2017 World Class Technician Award presented by The Auto Care Association and ASE. He is very passionate about hiring and sustaining a strong and engaged team. Listen to Dwayne’s previous episodes HERE. Dynamic Automotive is an MSO (Multi Shop Operation). They have stores in Frederick, Libertytown, Urbana and New Market. Webiste: https://dynamicautomotive.net/ Key Talking Points: Two locations shut down at two different times November 2020- few cases with employees, health department quarantined everyone Loss of $100,000 during shut down 18-20 employees out of 40 total have tested positive in 6 month period- only 3 spouses have caught it Adapted with phone service from home- Jose used app on cell phone to continue to service customers and shuttle vehicles to other locations or reschedule for the future (air traffic controller) Tell customers the truth- the team is sick and you are doing everything you can. Received gratitude and understanding from customers Need to take care of the customer, each other and the business Paid all employees when shut down- had savings. Keeps cash flow of 6+ months for ‘in case of emergency.’ If you keep 8 months it can be used for opportunities (equipment or another business) Preparation is the key to survival- the business had already been preparing for possible shut down due to Covid Other locations showed ownership and caring nature for the affected employees and business owners Communication is always most important during everyday occurrences, crisis and personal life Everyone is dealing with the pandemic in one form or another Freedom is on four wheels during the pandemic People are traveling via their vehicles more than ever Vehicle maintenance is an investment now, not a luxury Annual Christmas party (pre Covid)- over 150 peopleInvite your family and who you are closest with- Dwayne wants to meet them and get to know them Way to get team members and their family completely on board Resources: Thanks to Dwayne Myers for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee The NAPA Smart Sign, previously known as Digital Menu Board, gives your shop a professional, state-of-the-art look and feel. It’s a great way to educate and inform your customers about needed repairs and service, plus increase awareness of your current promotions. NAPA AutoCare Center that have installed a Digital Menu Board found one out of five consumers ask for a repair or service they’ve seen on the board. Targeted promotions resulted in double-digit increases. You choose the content from a library of auto care service and repair topics. The latest NAPA national promotions are downloaded to you automatically. And with the Digital Menu Board it’s easy to change your services, prices, and video content anytime you’d like. Talk to your servicing NAPA store to find out more. Visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  24. Feet ache? Can’t see well? Back hurt? Does your knee hurt? You may need a specialist in each of these areas. Is your business aching, hurting? (in the sense that it is struggling with sales and profits) There are specialists in the automotive service aftermarket that can fix a struggling business. They are called coaches or consultants. I get requests to recommend a coach to listeners. I do not. I’m very neutral in the industry. I need to be so we can get the views from all segments and people in the industry. I’ve always wanted to do an episode that included a shop owner looking to hire a business coach and record that discussion. That episode was released last Friday and is very worthy of your listen, most importantly if you don’t have a coach, or even if you do. It was all on the up and up; Rick Williams picked three coaches he wanted to have on with him. I had no say in who Rick wished to speak to. But I do have a voice now. This is an important episode to spend some time with. Here is the link. Too many shop owners say they cannot afford to hire a coach. Tell that to the coach, let him or her show you how their fees are affordable and how much more you can make as you both work to fix the business and even yourself. One of our most challenging years is almost over, and 2021 is here in a short few weeks. Accept that you need to learn about the things you don’t know that will put you on a path to unrivaled success. Use the over 800 episodes to help you get in touch with the stories that have helped so many. Find your pain point here. The essential voices of the aftermarket reside here: https://remarkbleresults.biz/episodes View the full article

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