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  1. Aaron Lowe, Senior Vice President, Regulatory and Government Affairs. Find Aaron’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Google vs Oracle. Google was using some of the application program interface (API) for Oracle for phones, Oracle sued over copyright infringement. Aftermarket automotive concern- power to original equipment manufacturer if they limited access to their software so they wouldn't be able to build compatible parts- cars are software driven Auto Care Association filed an amicus brief on Jan 13th, 2020 urging Supreme Court not to permit copyright protection The Supreme Court on April 6 ruled that: “Google’s copying of the Java SE API, which included only those lines of code that were needed to allow programmers to put their ac­crued talents to work in a new and transformative program, was a fair use of that material as a matter of law.” The Supreme Court ruled copying API to build compatible parts is fair use, overturning a lower court decision in favor of Oracle that Google had violated Oracle’s copyright of its API Copyright law- right to repair software driven technology Aftermarket call to action Providing information/concerns/issues- helps better defend the aftermarket with the more information Networking in the software copyright realm benefits all efforts Thanks to Aaron Lowe for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  2. Tom Palermo is General Manager of Preferred Automotive Specialties in Jenkintown, PA. Tom is a world class Master Technician and a Certified ASE Advanced Level Technician, is certified from ASE including Master Auto, MasterTruck, Master Truck Equipment, Master School Bus, Master Collision, Master Transit Bus, L1, L2, C1, X1, P2, F1 Besides the 2015 NAPA/ASE Technician of the Year, Tom also earned the 2011 AAIA-ASE World Class Technician Award from the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association, National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, and the Best Tech of the Year award sponsored by WIX Filters. The majority of Tom’s business is fleets. Listen to Tom’s previous episodes HERE. John Anello, Auto Tech on Wheels (Mobile Diagnostics, Programing, ADAS). Listen to John's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Fleet specialist Always be marketing for any specialist (fleet/private/mobile) Don’t limit yourself to one specific brand/type of fleet Develop loaner fleet for customer use Critical- being able to handle any issues with fleet vehicles when a fleet manager calls, be the ‘one stop shop’ for fleet managers Sublet mobile technicians Mobile technician Cons- spend a lot of time on road, catering to customers that don’t have sufficient equipment or employees not engaged in training, technology moving at rapid pace Lift each shop by showing them how to properly use equipment by educating them, build relationships with every customer John handles 50-70 calls per day and often provides free tech assistance Continual research- having solid foundation first then learn how to adapt as things change Every 5 years a business will get stale Need to look at whole picture and figure out how to continue to move forward with technology and best practices Stop avoiding jobs- “adapt or die” embrace technology Most business owners don’t like taking the ‘risk factor ’Take the risk and reap the benefits January 1st, 2022Move to 77gh for all cars going forward, mandated every car to have front radar automatic emergency braking Manufactures will have secure gateways for cars (control gateway username and password for tools) Aftermarket must register tools and have wifi capabilities for the future ADAS must be done correctly A special thanks to Tom Palermo and John Anello for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you by Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  3. Bill Haas, AAM, is the owner of Haas performance consulting LLC, with 40 years of experience in the automotive service and repair industry. Clients have access to Bill’s solution-based focus, expertise, unique perspectives and in-depth knowledge of the industry. Bill began his career working part-time at a full-service gasoline station in Appleton, Wisconsin. His career includes time as a technician, shop owner, technical trainer and on the staff of the automotive industry’s oldest and largest association representing automotive service and collision repair businesses. While at the association Bill had the opportunity to work with all segments of the industry. His knowledge of the industry has been shared on many occasions as he has been invited to speak at numerous industry events as well as providing testimony at hearings of the US Congress and several state legislatures on important legislation and regulation affecting the automotive industry. Bill received the Accredited Automotive Manager (AAM) credential from the automotive management institute in 1996 and has been a member of the automotive management institute’s faculty since 2002. Bill is also the business manager for NACAT, the North American Council of Automotive Teachers. His services include business management seminar development and delivery, keynote presentations, business consulting, performance coaching, and strategic planning facilitation. Listen to Bill’s previous episodes HERE. Bob Greenwood, AMAM (Accredited Master Automotive Manager) is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC). AAEC is a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry. AAEC content and technology is recognized as part of the curriculum of the Fixed Operations Diploma and the Aftermarket Degree courses taken at the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College located in Barrie Ontario Canada. This school is the leader and only college in Canada that offers an automotive business education. AAEC is also recognized by the Automotive Management Institute (AMI), located in North Richland Hills, Texas USA, allowing 80 credits for successful completion of the AAEC E-Learning portion of the site towards the 120 credits required to obtain the reputable Accredited Automotive Manager (AAM) designation. Bob has over 40 years of Business Management experience within the Independent sector of the automotive aftermarket industry in North America, consulting Independent retail shops on all facets of their business operations. His 18 years of running his own local consulting and accounting firm in Ottawa, Ontario Canada created some of the most productive and financially successful entrepreneurs within the Independent sector today. Bob is one of 150 Worldwide AMI approved instructors. He has created Business Management development courses for aftermarket shop employers/managers, Jobbers and Jobber Sales representatives which are recognized as being the most comprehensive, industry-specific courses of their kind in North America. His courses address the creation of measurable bottom-line profitability and not just developing activity to keep busy, by covering the very detailed nuts and bolts issues that are required to be clearly understood by every level of the industry if an independent shop is going to financially prosper and enjoy a professional future. Bob’s previous episodes are HERE. Link to Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC) HERE. Brian Gillis is the Chief You Net Results Strategist, with 25+ years experience in auto shop operations, hiring, recruiting, systems, processes, multi-store experience, and employee training. Brian’s previous episodes are HERE. Key Talking Points CAMP- Coalition of Automotive Management ProfessionalsStarted with a brainstorm 2 years ago- a casual get together with trainers at Vision 2019 Shops should spend time with like-minded people, peer network with each other- coaches need the same As of March 2021-Legal entity Group of like-minded individuals that want to move the industry forward- find the shops that need help and make sure they receive help Keep the consistency of message in the industry Business coaches also need to be adapting and improving Automotiveprofessionals.org Important takeaways Multishop ownership vs single shop ownership- you don't need multiple shops to be successful to stay relevant or a victim of consolidation Have a life outside of the business Average of 5 bay shop- missing between $25-30,000K net profit per bay per year Having a coach doesn’t mean you’re out of the business- owners want to be able to enjoy working on their business and still being a part of it Why are we afraid to help others? There is no secret, it’s time to help people move forward Thanks to Bill Haas, Bob Greenwood and Brian Gillis for their contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee The NAPA Smart Sign, previously known as Digital Menu Board, gives your shop a professional, state-of-the-art look and feel. It’s a great way to educate and inform your customers about needed repairs and service, plus increase awareness of your current promotions. NAPA AutoCare Center that have installed a Digital Menu Board found one out of five consumers ask for a repair or service they’ve seen on the board. Targeted promotions resulted in double-digit increases. You choose the content from a library of auto care service and repair topics. The latest NAPA national promotions are downloaded to you automatically. And with the Digital Menu Board it’s easy to change your services, prices, and video content anytime you’d like. Talk to your servicing NAPA store to find out more. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  4. Stephane Grabina, BMW Excluservice, Rockville, MD, and Scott Pelava, Lonsdale Auto Works, Lonsdale, MN share the reasons they keep their floors clean. They use a commercial floor scrubber. Learn how and why these two successful shop owners have invested in keeping their shop floors clean. Comment from Kevin Eckler: Great episode and I loved the promoting of a clean shop. We picked up two 5-year-old floor scrubbers and a floor burnisher made by minute man that retails for almost $10000 apiece through an auction where a local school was updating their equipment. We paid less than $300 per machine and the only expense that we had was to install new batteries. They all work absolutely fantastic and it was a great deal. The toughest thing was finding a place to store them but they get used very frequently and the floors are significantly cleaner than the shop feels brighter and the guys have a better attitude because of it. Things to consider when purchasing a floor scrubber Is to find out the proper kind of soap to use to clean your floors and what to do with the wastewater when you are done so that you are not polluting when you dispatch the dirty water. Certain soaps break down the oil too fine to be caught in an oil-water separator and oftentimes there is a large amount of sediment that collects into the machine when you are done. Emptying the machine into a smaller holding tank to separate off the settlement and the oil and then dispensing the water from there helps to not unknowingly polluted the local water sources and get yourself in legal trouble. Just something to consider. ~Kevin Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Are you seeing auto shops in your area get hundreds of 5-star Google reviews and are you feeling left behind because your shop only has a few? Hey look, Broadly is your answer to getting more online reviews. With more reviews, your business will rank higher in search results — and that means more customers coming into your shop every day. Broadly helps you automatically request reviews so that your customers can promote your business with just one click. When you immediately ask for a review after service, when the experience is still fresh in their mind, // you’re more likely to get a 5-star positive review. Plus, asking for feedback makes your customer feel valued and more connected to your business. Isn’t that what you want a connected customer? See how Broadly can help grow your auto shop. Visit www.getbroadly.com/carm to learn more. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  5. Your weekly broadcast production with wisdom shared by our guest host and a virtual shop tour. There is a trivia challenge and a special fortune cookie wisdom shared. Guest Host Donnie Hudson from Troy Auto Care in Troy Michigan. Donnie will talk about the ‘Customer Experience’. Donnie’s previous episodes HERE. Virtual Shop Tour by John Eppstein from John’s Automotive Care in San Diego, CA. John’s previous episodes HERE. Trivia Challenge: Which car company has the ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ as their Mascot? Listen for the fortune cookie wisdom of the week Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. By always innovating, Dorman has led the way in growing the aftermarket. Here you will see a few examples of a Dorman OE Fix. An OE FIX is a Dorman repair solution you can’t get from the original equipment manufacturer. It means they found a situation where they believe the OEM wasn’t giving repair professionals what they wanted, so we fixed it. Everything Dorman does is centered around providing customer value, both in the quality of products, and the creativity of solutions. Our engineers and designers go out of their way to save repair technicians time and save vehicle owners money. Want to really go under the hood? Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  6. Fernando Osorio- Attended automotive tech school in high school and attended Nashville Auto Diesel College followed by a scholarship program with BMW of North America. Started career at Braman BMW in West Palm Beach, FL. After several years as a service technician, Fernando was promoted to shop foreman, a position where he managed a team of 10 technicians and had the responsibility to communicate directly with regional engineers. After he parted ways with Braman BMW, he started Milestone Motors with his brother Jonathan. Key talking points: Journey to the World Cup and Fernando wanted to take 35 days off to attend the world cup and got denied, so quit his job as a BMW master technician Jonathan was working with Dad at the time as a freelancer After the world cup they decided to go into business together in late 2019- service BMW and mini coopersThe purpose of starting a business was to have financial freedom Friend and mentor, Martin, from BMW dealership that had left and started own shop, had been an asset to both brothers in beginning- never saw them as competition, always willing to offer adviceInvited Fernando and Jonathan to SMART Group meeting- “revolutionary fountain of information” First SMART Group meeting everyone shares their numbers- both brothers sat in awe Fernando and Jonathan have a huge advantage- building the business right from the ground up with the help of the SMART group Kidney failure Jonathan became suddenly very sick and after testing was told both kidneys were failing at 29 years old during the beginning of the pandemic Had surgery for dialysis- had to do 9 hours of dialysis every day for 5 weeks Fernando was matched to donate his kidney. Shop closed down in April 2020- began quarantining and received kidney transplant in May 14th After 6 months of recovery, the shop reopened Future goals and advice. Compete with European dealerships in the area and want 10 bay building Continue with education and join networking groups Continue to delegate, scale, have systems in place, and earn financial freedom Thanks to Fernando and Jonathan Osorio for their contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  7. Mike Gorton, Evans Automotive, Pensacola, FL Darin Ode, Ode Auto Repair and Tire, Warren, MI- Darin's goal is to build a successful repair facility built on compassion for customers and employees by treating them like family. He plans on passing his company to its 3rd generation, his stepson Armando. Darin started working in the family business when he was 14 years old. Chris Cotton, Auto Fix SOS, Business Coach- Chris Cotton has been in the customer service industry for over 40 years and has been in the auto repair industry for over 25 years. He is a former shop owner that has dedicated his life to helping YOU to get your business where you want it to be and helping you FOCUS on the things that matter to you. Find Chris’ previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Tires-33% of the tires coming through your shops need to be replacedKeep the customer in your shop and doing business with you Marketing- advertising on all platforms Communication- ask the customer about their vehicle needs Shop competition and keep their websites queued on the computer for comparative to gain trusts of new customers Margins Tire matrix- mounting/balancing, road hazard Price everything upfront Starting tire programFocus on your customers first then build on that Process- identifying tires that need to be replaced, DVI, lean on technology to scan tires (tread depth/rotation/alignment) Tool- Tire Profiles about 3K to purchase and will print out a detailed rundown of each tire scanned Road hazard package- 15% off tire purchase is the cost of warranty A small percentage of comebacks- only around 3% of road hazard income is used to support the program Make tire wholesalers compete with each other to find a supplierProduct knowledge to educate customers about the tires, banners/marketing tools, rebates Seamless communication with customer with their tire experience and an update if the tire fits their needs A special thanks to Mike Gorton, Darin Ode and Chris Cotton for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you by Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  8. Barry Barrett, a Certified EOS Implementer As an EOS Implementor in his company, Business With Purpose brings dedicated support to Leadership and Sales teams in all types of organizations, helping them structure the six key components of their business to make it operate with the best processes for their specific industry, using the EOS Model. Barry’s energy is contagious no matter if he is in a session with a client, giving a keynote address, or rolling up his sleeves in a workshop. Barry is a business coach with his positive mental attitude, incredible work ethic, and determination for excellence, his results-oriented approach is matchless. Barry is driven, caring, and passionate; traits that he uses to help his clients grow their businesses in a positive way. Find Barry’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points People- 80% of business issues stem from85% of the world lives in the quadrant “good at their job, but don’t like it.” Find people that share your core values- everyone values things differently, if they don’t share the same core values it doesn’t make them a ‘bad person.’ Kicking vs pulling back- would you rather have an employee you need to pull back vs someone you have to ‘kick?’ Discovering your core values- pick 3 people you admire most in your organization (if you had 100 of them you could take over the world), if not in the organization then 3 people in your life you admire. If you cannot choose 3, then really consider who you surround yourself with and who you hire in your business. RPRS- right people, right seatRight people- fit the culture and share core values Right seat- get it (born to do the job), want it (want to come to work every day), and have the capacity to do it (tools, time and training)Wrong person, right seat/right person wrong seat Being the right person to implement EOS- love people (if you don’t love people then you can't lead, abundance minded, more afraid of status quo than change ExpectationsUnmet expectations lead to frustration Most owners aren’t clear about their expectations How is overrated, who is underrated Completing and working a job is easy, finding the right people is hard Having the right people at your business means you can teach them the “what.” “Who Not How” by Dan Sullivan If you have enough money you don't have a problem If you don't have enough time you won't have enough money You can’t make more money by spending more time doing the “what” People that have freedom of time generate more money Thanks to Barry Barrett for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee NAPA AutoCare’s PROimage program makes it easy for you to make the most of the NAPA brand. A PROimage upgrade lets you maintain your shop’s identity as a reliable, locally-owned business while letting your customers and potential customers know you’re partnering with NAPA, the most recognized and trusted name in the automotive aftermarket. AutoCare Centers that have completed a PROimage exterior upgrade enjoy an average 23 percent sales increase during the first year. You can also choose to go PROimage on the interior and transform your customer waiting area from merely utilitarian to warm and welcoming. You can even get a free look by visting www.NAPAAutoCare.com and clicking on the NAPA PROimage link under the NAPA PROimage tab. Of course, the AutoCare site is also the place to go to find out about all the advantages being part of the NAPA family has to offer. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  9. Your weekly broadcast production with wisdom shared by our guest host and a virtual shop tour. There is a trivia challenge and a special fortune cookie wisdom shared. Guest Host Carolyn Coquillette from Luscious Garage in San Francisco and CEO of Shop-Ware interviews Carm. Carolyn’s previous episodes HERE. Virtual Shop Tour by Maxmilluan Macdonald from Maximilian MotorSports in Chehalis, WA. Max’s previous episodes HERE. Trivia Challenge: What was the classic three-pointed star of Mercedes-Benz meant to initially symbolize? Listen for the fortune cookie wisdom of the week Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. By always innovating, Dorman has led the way in growing the aftermarket. Here you will see a few examples of a Dorman OE Fix. An OE FIX is a Dorman repair solution you can’t get from the original equipment manufacturer. It means they found a situation where they believe the OEM wasn’t giving repair professionals what they wanted, so we fixed it. Everything Dorman does is centered around providing customer value, both in the quality of products, and the creativity of solutions. Our engineers and designers go out of their way to save repair technicians time and save vehicle owners money. Want to really go under the hood? Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  10. Mike Coley has been with ASE for 27 years, serving as President of the ASE Education Foundation since 2019. Prior to that, he served as Sr. VP for ASE, directing operations, test development, customer service, and IT workgroups. Before joining the ASE staff, he managed a family-owned auto repair business in San Antonio. Coley has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from SMU, an MBA from George Mason University, and previously taught Automotive Emissions classes at Northern Virginia Community College. Trish Serratore is the Senior Vice President of Communication at ASE. She works closely with all of the organizations within the ASE Industry/Education initiative, which also includes ASE and the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), to help provide the qualified automotive professionals the industry needs today and tomorrow. Links to Trish’s episodes HERE Michael Godson has been an automotive instructor at Clark College for the past 25 years. He was the first T-TEN Instructor Community board chair and is currently serving on the ASE Education Foundation board of directors. Brian La Croix has been teaching Automotive Technology in Albany NY for 14 years. He was also a Ford Senior Master Tech & Mazda Master Tech, ASE Master Auto & Autobody certifications, L1 & G1, graduate of a Ford ASSET college program, and High School Automotive program. Brian was the recipient of the ASE Education Foundation 2018 Byrl Shoemaker Teacher of the year award. Key Talking Points ASE Education Foundation 30,000 accredited graduates per year Foundation provides the standards, schools measure against standards and become accredited- renewal every 5 years Focuses on individuals during the very beginning of their career (entry-level students) Develop skills needed for a career in the automotive industry and soft skills with interacting with people (future co-workers and customers) and having responsibilities Educating students about the industry (earn living without having college debt) An accurate glimpse of the “real world” Graduates are an investment into the shop, not just another body or quick fix to fill a spot- need to continue to learn and be trained Get involved with high schools/school boardsBe present in your community to check the pulse of future graduates looking to be hired Be available and advocate with students, board members, instructors Allow students/instructors to shadow your shop “Investing in your local school IS investing in your business” “Poaching” graduatesTransferable skills can be used in other industries or dealerships What can we do to slow it down? Apprentice and mentor program- earning while you learn and progressing and growing in culture in shop The competition with hiring technicians isn’t with each other, it’s with the other industries (welding, skilled machinery etc) Teaching automotive- instructor shortageCan become a teacher after having trade experience- starting part-time/night classes is a good transition www.aseeducationfoundation.org - “Find a program” Thanks to Mike Coley, Mike Godson, Brian La Croix and Trish Serratore for their contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHXSUyYR6Nc&t=6s Judy Zimmerman Walter is co-owner with her uncles and the CFO of, this 57-year young service business. Zimmerman’s Automotive, Mechanicsburg, PA is a true blue ‘family enterprise’ with 12 out of a team of 29 team members that are ‘IN THE FAMILY’. Zimmerman’s is a top automotive repair facility along with a quick lube and a used car division. Among her involvement: Women’s Board of the Car Care Council, AASP-PA Alliance of Automotive Service Providers, and the Auto Care Association. Listen to Judy’s other episodes HERE. Joe Hanson owns Gordie’s Garage. Joe has attended Management Success, NAPA training, Lawrence Tech University and most recently he is a member of the RLO 20 Group 13. He has earned his ASE C1: Automobile Service Consultant Certification. Under his father’s leadership, he has seen what it really takes to make a business like this work. Listen to Joe’s Episodes HERE. John Klarkowski A special thanks to Judy Walter, John Klarkowski and Joe Hanson for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Key Talking Points Growing up in the family business and deciding to work in the family business Judy’s Rule: You have to work 2 years somewhere else first, instead of expecting/assuming them to work in the family business Finding your own way first then can always circle back to the family business later “I’m here because I have to be here” mentality is a responsibility that will lead to resentment long term Introduce to beginning stages- cleaning shop Team concept and positive culture Treat employees like family Everyone’s treated the same Family dynamics have to be separate Allowing failure No favoritism Failure is learning Giving space- share your own mistakes but don’t try to intervene “Quarterbacking” instead of forcing a certain way Regretful or grateful Heightened emotions with family Not giving things time to work out, treating family members with disrespect Experience trumps new ideas Let your family members know your feelings- call them after work Nurturing the following generation Guidance and positive reinforcement, moral support Put things in perspective about the journey Advice Recognize if you work well together or not well together Recognize your communication style among family members Family issues and business issues are checked at the door- no fighting in front of other employees Keep it simple- find out/analyze whole story first then react after Focus on celebrating it is a family business and working together Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you by Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  12. Matt Fanslow is the diagnostic tech/shop manager at Riverside Automotive in Red Wing, MN. His primary responsibilities are to diagnose driveability and electrical/electronic issues, and perform most all programming, coding, initializing, adoptions, etc. Basically, if it needs to be figured out or has wires, it goes to Matt. He’s been a tech since 1996. Matt is also a subject matter expert for ASE and has instructed at Vision Hi-Tech Training and Expo. Matt has participated on 18 ASE technical committees for the ASE Practice Test, A6, A7, A8, and L1 tests. He’s also done case studies for Standard Motor Products. Fanslow’s goal is to do everything in his power to improve the overall level of professionalism within the automotive and light truck repair trade and also raise the level of its public image. Matt Fanslow’s Previous Episodes HERE. Bill Nalu is President of Interstate Auto Care in Madison Heights, Michigan and has been in business for 30 years. He collaborates with industry professionals, in building today’s “high-tech/old-fashioned” customer service system. Bill has been a big contributor to the podcast and he currently serves on several industries and educational advisory councils including AutoValue/Bumper to Bumper, Dorman Industries, and Cardone. Listen to Bill’s previous episodes HERE. Keith Perkins has been in the industry over 15 years, serving in various capacities, including; engine machinist and assembler, dyno tuner, diagnostic technician, instructor, technical information specialist, and many more roles through the years. He currently operates L1 Automotive Diagnostics and Programming LLC a mobile module programming, diagnostic, immobilizer solution company, Keith also operates the L1 Automotive Training company that offers advanced level automotive training on-site and online at www.L1Training.com. Keith holds the title of ASE Master Certified L1 Technician, holding ASE certifications: A1-A9, L1, L2, L3, X1, P2 and various other industry certifications, he also serves as a Subject Matter Expert for ASE. Listen to Keith's previous episode HERE Key Talking Points Scan toolsCapability aspect- leads to stronger marketing and sales with the added capability to have a full-service repair Cost per use- tools being used daily vs tools purchased with intent on ‘attacking’ certain market/getting a reputation that can get it done (accepting collision jobs, need factory tools) Buying tools- who should buy them? The owner or technician? When the owner buys the tools they are essentially giving their employees a raise and allows access for every employee to use. The owner needs to invest in shop equipment that their employees need to have to generate profit Technician retention when an owner buys tools The owner must include tools on their insurance policy Training- most shops are underusing their toolsResearch and also read the service information because there is a learning curve with each one Consider doing once a week training with everyone involved Specialization- car lines vs certain specialized technicians Thanks to Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins and Bill Nalu for their contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee As a member of the NAPA family, AutoCare Center owners can take advantage of the NAPA National Health Program from the NAPA Insurance Center. This “NAPA only” program gives you and your employees access to national “large group” rates on medical insurance with premiums discounted up to 30 percent. These rates are based on the collective purchasing potential of 22,500 NAPA locations including both NAPA AUTO PARTS stores and NAPA AutoCare Centers. The NAPA Insurance Center can help you with a variety of other insurance benefits too. For more information about The NAPA National Health Benefits program as well as all of the insurance benefits available to your AutoCare Center and your employees, visit the NAPA Benefits Center, at www.napabenefitscenter.com or call the NAPA Benefits Center at 844-627-2123. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  13. In honor of March’s Women History Month, I assembled a panel of lady shop owners to discuss the women’s role in the aftermarket. The ladies brought some wide-ranging perspectives and I loved the trajectory of this discussion. No matter your position or gender in our beloved aftermarket give this episode your due. The ladies were on fire. https://youtu.be/BO-ufHSg9QU The Panel: Emily Chung, AutoNiche, Markam, Ontario A licensed Automotive Service Technician Teaches in the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College Degree in Psychology and Business Dr. Laura Shwaluk, The Auto Shop, Plano, TX Bachelor of Science in the field of Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology and a doctorate in Chiropractic with certificates in neurology, applied kinesiology, nutrition, and functional endocrinology. She practiced wellness and functional medicine in Texas for 20 years and is the author of three books. Karen Manelas,(Man-El-IS) Auto Care Plus, NH Hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. Works with her Husband since 2004. Now with 7 locations Judi Haglin, Haglin Automotive, Boulder, CO In business with husband Dana An ATI Coach and leader of the Leading Ladies 20 Group On Yesterday’s Aftermarket Weekly Danielle Bohlmann, HWY 7 Service Center, Newell, IA Creating work-life harmony with husband Brett Spending more time away from the business lately Contributed to three podcasts Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  14. Your weekly broadcast production with the wisdom shared by our guest host and a virtual shop tour. There is a trivia challenge and a special fortune cookie wisdom shared. Guest Host Judi Haglin from Haglin Automotive talking about getting back to basics. Judi’s previous episodes HERE. Virtual Shop Tour by Kenny Wedow from Fine Tuned Auto in Broomfield, CO. Kenny recently built a brand new facility. Kenny’s previous episodes HERE. Trivia Challenge: What do Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Ducati, and Porsche have in common? Listen for the fortune cookie wisdom of the week Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. By always innovating, Dorman has led the way in growing the aftermarket. Here you will see a few examples of a Dorman OE Fix. An OE FIX is a Dorman repair solution you can’t get from the original equipment manufacturer. It means they found a situation where they believe the OEM wasn’t giving repair professionals what they wanted, so we fixed it. Everything Dorman does is centered around providing customer value, both in the quality of products, and the creativity of solutions. Our engineers and designers go out of their way to save repair technicians time and save vehicle owners money. Want to really go under the hood? Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  15. Matthew Haugen, owner of Haugen Racing, had a love for cars since he was born. His first SEMA Show car at age 16 was a 2008 Toyota Tundra, Since then he's had over 7 vehicles in the SEMA Show from 1 of 1 Liberty Walk Lamborghini Murcielago to 1JZ swapped Rocket Bunny 350z, dubbed the 351JZ. Matt has been a professional racing drifter since 2017 and has a successful YouTube Channel with 4 uploads per week. Visit https://www.haugenracing.com Key Talking Points Love for cars at an early age At 2 years old he was in a diaper and cowboy boots trying to take off the wheels of his dad’s corvette Started building cars at 18 for SEMA as a hobby Attended Bondurant School for high-performance driving Haugen Racing From an early age at 4 or 5 years old, Matt knew he wanted to have his own business (father was an entrepreneur and had his own business) After college he launched an ecommerce parts business with a partner- also dabbled in various other startups Received his Master's degree in entrepreneurship and innovation- started an addiction treatment center- shut down before COVID-19 Matt was still racing/drifting/building cars on the side as a hobby and started Haugen Racing as a once a week YouTube video channel- dove into it after treatment center shut down, now has 4 uploads a week and over 45K, subscribers Revenue- Sponsorships with racing, YouTube, brand deals, and sells merchandise and has a large fanbase Learning from failures. Doesn’t regret the failures he had- got him to where he is now From the different outlets he dabbled in prior, he is now focused on Haugen Racing Didn’t follow the ‘traditional’ post-grad school path and instead carved his own path Advice- you can do anything if you work at it, educate yourself and charge hard Thanks to Matthew Haugen for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. https://remarkableresults.biz/remarkable-results-radio-podcast/e628/ Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-gUZbFLukE&t=305s Scott Pelava is a Certified Master Auto Technician, L-1 Advanced Engine Performance Specialist and ASE-Certified Service Consultant. In 2015 Scott created the Auto Shop Owners Group (ASOG) on Facebook which today has nearly 5,000 members. ASOG has developed into a 501c3 Educational Foundation whose mission is to enable & empower shop owners to learn and grow to provide the best business environment for their customers, employees and themselves. Scott is also very active in his community. He is currently a third term Lonsdale City Council Member, has held numerous leadership positions with Scouts BSA, and is a director of the Lonsdale Chamber of Commerce. Hear Scott’s Previous Episode HERE Keith Katz is owner of Quality Service Center in York, PA for the last twenty years and an industry veteran of thirty-seven years. His 7 bay shop has 6 lifts and supports 3 technicians with one service advisor. He is involved with the NAPA Advisory Board and supports the Bridge of Hope organization that helps local homeless mothers find employment and housing for their families. He is a member of AASP in Pennsylvania and engages ATI as a support partner. Listen to Keith Katz’s previous episodes HERE. Paul Danner, aka ScannerDanner on YouTube clears up the misconception that his name is not “Dan,” which he gets all the time. People think his name is Dan and he added “ner” to rhyme with “Scanner”? He says it is not true and that that it would be really stupid!!!! His career in the automotive field started as a junior in high school in 1990. He took two years of auto mechanics in high school, then another two-year program (post-secondary) at Rosedale Technical College in Pittsburgh (where he now teaches). After Rosedale, Paul entered the field and worked full time for about 8 years before coming back to teach at the school. This September 2018, Paul will be starting his 18th year as an automotive instructor. Listen to Paul’s previous episodes HERE. Ryan Kooiman joined Standard Motor Products full time as a Technician Training Developer in 2010. Previously he was the lead tech/driveability specialist at a 20 bay independent shop in Michigan. He is the founder of West Michigan Auto Repair Society, chairman of the MI chapter of SAE, has attended numerous ASE test writing workshops. He has appeared on TV shows such as the CBS Early Show and co-hosted Car and Driver Radio along with Road and Track Radio. Ryan brings his years of hands-on experience in the shop to the audience in a manner they can relate to and put to use immediately. In early 2013, Ryan was promoted to manager of the Professional Training Seminars training group, overseeing the scheduling and the work of the SMP training staff. In December 2013, Ryan was promoted to Director of Training. In this role, Ryan oversees the operations of the SMP Corporate Training Center in Irving, TX; oversees the operations and development of the Pro Training group, as well as works closely with the Marketing and Product teams at SMP to ensure that their products and promotions are what they need to be for the automotive technician. Check out Ryan’s other episodes HERE. Auto Repair in the Decade of the Nineties [THA 217] Key Talking Points OBD2An evolution of the first on-board diagnostics systems of the 1980s Allowed technicians to find out exactly what was wrong with their car through specific codes accessed by a 16 pin connector Technology/electronic shifting Everyone is afraid of change “Books don’t crash”- adjusting to electronic Handwritten invoices to electronic- learning customer history and shop management systems Learning foundational principles and true theory Can still be applied today- everyone adapts differently Has the customer changed? Yes and no Internet- blessing and curse Chat rooms/forums/YouTube- customer’s think they’re educated “I can get that part online,” and saturated market for different quality parts “Spend thousand to save hundred” Looking back New appreciation for today’s technology and progressing forward- working smarter, not harder Many transitions- Example rear-wheel drive to front-wheel drive 2nd generation of vehicles- machinery turned to computer-controlled devices A special thanks to Scott Pelava, Keith Katz, Paul Danner and Ryan Kooiman for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you by Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  17. How to Have a Four Day Work Week with Eric Henley [RR 627] Eric Henley, owner of H-Teck Auto Care in Gray, TN, is 4th generation of mechanical repair. He received an associate's degree in Auto Service Technology and spent over 15 years at a Honda dealership. Eric started H-Teck Auto Care in 2006 with just him, his dad and his wife. Going on over 15 years in business he now has a 6 bay shop. 4 generations in the automotive industryGrandfather was a blacksmith and father used to bring home cars to be fixed up. Eric grew up fixing bicycles, lawnmowers and cars. Received an associates degree in Auto Service Technology Spent 15 years in dealerships- income can go down as skill level goes up (more skilled jobs often wouldn’t pay as much) Hiring new techniciansUses Indeed and Facebook Marketplace but the best results come from word of mouth and referrals from existing employees Current prospect is 21 year old Skills USA graduate Current tenured technicians - 15 years, 11 years, 3 years Food Friday’sEither grill or go out to eat every Friday- have employee meeting over a meal All employees and Eric discuss any issues, improvements, ideas, areas needed for training, or tools needed. Open dialogue and non-formal Eric gives his employees the opportunity for responsibilities in the business- currently working on updating SOP’s with more DVI usage Shop is open 5 days a week with weekends offEric is in the shop 4 days a week because he trusts his employees- they are good people able to follow the SOP’s in place and make day to day decisions Employees will know if you don’t trust them- creates “neediness” for everything Gives his employees monthly expenditures they can use for customers in need Spends extra time in the community and with his family He is very involved in his employee's lives and is flexible with work schedules based on their family schedules What makes a great service advisor?Excellent people skills and communication skills- enjoy talking to people Can think quickly on their feet, a warm personality, patient and good listener Similar to a good waitress/waiter- there when you need them, listen to what you need, then go on to the next table. Both of Eric’s service advisors are in ongoing training Best service advisor trainers- previous service advisor, or previous technician with good people skills, or having parts experience TrainingRequires minimum 30 hours per year of training Utilized online training a lot last year during COVID shutdowns RRR 588 with Jim Fleischman and Matt Manzone- Dealership tech now works for an independent How to Have a Four Day Work Week with Eric Henley [RR 627] Thanks to Eric Henley for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee NAPA Autotech Training helps your technicians keep their skills sharp and their NAPA Know How up to date. It’s the highest quality technical training that covers almost every vehicle system and every make and model. NAPA Autotech is presented by experienced instructors who are ASE master certified technicians. Even after a class is over, techs can access course information online with ClassPass. So when questions come up later they can get the answers. AutoCare Center owners who have taken advantage of Autotech Training say that well-trained technicians are helping to increase their shop’s repair capability and raise bay productivity. That results in fewer comebacks, more satisfied shop customers, and reduced technician turnover. Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  18. Your weekly broadcast production with wisdom shared by our guest host and a virtual shop tour. There is a trivia challenge and a special fortune cookie wisdom shared. Guest Host Chris Cotton from AutoFix SOS, Auto Shop Coaching Company. Find Chris’s previous episodes. Here. Virtual Shop Tour by Andy Bizub from Midwest Performance Cars, Chicago, IL, Andy’s previous episodes HERE. Trivia Challenge: Most Expensive Car in 2021 Listen for the fortune cookie wisdom of the week Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. By always innovating, Dorman has led the way in growing the aftermarket. Here you will see a few examples of a Dorman OE Fix. An OE FIX is a Dorman repair solution you can’t get from the original equipment manufacturer. It means they found a situation where they believe the OEM wasn’t giving repair professionals what they wanted, so we fixed it. Everything Dorman does is centered around providing customer value, both in the quality of products, and the creativity of solutions. Our engineers and designers go out of their way to save repair technicians time and save vehicle owners money. Want to really go under the hood? Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  19. Kevin Eckler is a native New Englander who moved to New York State’s Hudson Valley with his parents back in the mid-1980’s. Kevin began his automotive career at the age of 14, pushing a broom in a mom and pop shop in Rhode Island, he attended a trade school, graduating at the top of his class and went right to work as a tech in a prestigious Porsche/Audi dealership in Cape Cod. Kevin continued his dealership work when he moved to NY and eventually came to work for two brothers who owned Foreign Car Specialists. When the owners retired in 1995, Kevin bought the business and the rest is history. Kevin’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Disney takeaways- traveled to Disney recently and learned from the COVID protocols in placeYour approach is incredibly important- selling benefits and not reinforcing the rules Benefit- keeping you safe and enjoy your experience Prices have increased but Kevin continues to go because of the experience he has there. Feels cared for and accommodated. Forgetting a face mask is handled by someone saying “Hey Friend”- a positive and non-aggressive approach and attitude “Is it easier to fix a car than a person? There's good and bad in everyone, there's potential and incredible opportunities. People can be whoever you project into them to be if you’re willing to invest in them People will grow when encouraged and recognized Ryan’s storyKevin hired a young man named Ryan- he had learning disabilities but was passionate about cars. Worked hard and graduated from the automotive Boces program. He always stopped to look at the shop on his walks but never had the self-confidence to come in until his mom brought him one day. Kevin saw his potential and eagerness to learn. Ryan’s father was no longer in his life after parent's divorce- Kevin became a father figure to him. Kevin saw he needed someone to believe in him and invest in him. Was emotionally rewarding for Kevin Bought Ryan $10,000 toolbox with the agreement after set term it would be his People in times of need or times of insecurity tend to not make the best decisions- Ryan had an unstable relationship with his girlfriend that would spill over into his attitude and performance at work. Kevin became torn with being boss and holding Ryan accountable and also being his friend and father figure that wants to help him- lead to serious issues within the culture of business with other employees Kevin continued to protect Ryan and sacrificing the rest of the shopHad fear about firing him due to Ryan’s past Ryan began compensating his values- passion and desire for his job was no longer there Holding someone accountable, creating boundaries and borders brings employees a sense of safety and security Kevin finally made the decision to let him go and both felt a sigh of relief Collateral damage along the way- lost 2 really good employees that were very upset Ryan was held at a different standard than them. You can’t fix someone’s personal issues outside of work Thanks to Kevin Eckler for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  20. Jason Molinar- Newest Industry Apprentice Graduate at McNeil's Auto Care Pete McNeil is a second-generation family-owned business that started out as a Volkswagen specialist. They quickly recognized their potential for all makes and models and expanded their service offerings. During this time, they joined the NAPA AutoCare program, expanded their footprint in the Salt Lake valley and became a pillar in the automotive repair industry. In 2018 alone, McNeil’s expanded their Sandy location to 16 bays to help accommodate their growing business, training center and partnership with local schools for the continued growth of their apprenticeship program. During this time McNeil’s also took advantage of the Interior ProImage program and remodeled their entire showroom! This included new counters for their 4 Service Advisors, new epoxy flooring, signage, and upgraded comfortable furniture and fixtures! This is truly a place where their customers can relax while having their vehicle repaired. In addition, Pete opened a 2nd location in Riverton, Utah in May of 2019. Pete is very involved in the community both locally and abroad He is active in the local Church Youth Conference, Angel Hands, which assists people with disabilities. Very active in youth soccer with contributions and cars washed to raise money for Sparta-United. He has donated time and resources to “Sandy Pride” which helps residents clean up and beautify the city. Jake Sorensen- 2019 NAPA ASE Technician of the Year and 2019 Ratchet + Wrench All-Star technician of the year. He is an ASE Master technician with L1,2 and 3 advanced level certifications. He is the shop manager and diagnostic technician at McNeil’s Auto Care in Sandy, UT where he helped develop an apprenticeship program that is registered with the U.S. Department of Labor. This program has graduated several high-performing automotive technicians and was used by NAPA Auto Care as a template for their automotive apprenticeship program. Jake also developed the curriculum for an automotive course that he teaches at an adult education high school. Brad Christianson- NAPA Sales Person Special Guest Jason Rainey- Vice President, NAPA Auto Care Key Talking Points Jason- from pharmacy to an auto technician Spent 10 years as pharmacy technician out of high school Realized he didn’t enjoy his job or looked forward to it anymore Always had a love for cars (especially Jeeps) and started learning about how to fix them Took a maintenance and light repair class at a local college and loved it Saw an advertisement for McNeil’s apprentice program, interviewed for it and received the apprenticeship Larger pool for industryYou don’t need to only focus on hiring out of high school students or someone that has previous experience in the auto industry Hire for attitude not skillset- they will learn skill during the programCommitment and willingness to learn qualities Napa Apprenticeship Program- built in collaboration with Jake and Pete9 stages, 2-year program with 4 ASE certifications National program and approved by Department of Labor Receive apprentice tool kit worth $3500 Register your shop at www.napaautocare.com, resource tab and employee recruitment ROI calculator- customizable with also a gross profit impact chart Currently, 451 total registered apprentices participating in the program Mentor- willing to invest time and effortEveryone learns differently and at different paces- it will be a continual learning curve for both mentor and apprentice Shop owner needs to see the benefit for an apprentice program Previous apprentices turning into mentors Unrealized revenue When Jason was completing stage 7/9 during the program the profit for the shop in that category was 13K 2021 Jason has generated 47K on his own first two months Family sacrificesWorking 2 jobs at the start of the program with a newborn at home Was rewarded with hard work and could quit the second job after a few months AdviceTake advantage of the training (free and paid) “Pizza night” weekly during virtual Vision training There isn’t a technician shortage, there is a shortage of qualified technicians Takes 2 years for apprentice graduate to complete the program so keep the cycle going Learning doesn’t stop after 2 years- continue training, career-pathing and goal forecasts Learning is contagious- other seasoned technicians at the shop realize they need to continue learning as well Grows individuals and families A special thanks to Jason Molinar, Jake Sorensen, Pete McNeil, Jason Rainey and Brad Christianson for their contribution to the aftermarket. Books Page HERE Listen to all Remarkable Results Radio, For The Record and Town Hall Academy episodes. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Email Mobile Listening APP’s HERE Join the Ecosystem – Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy Carm a Cup of Coffee This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you by Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  21. Bryan Kelley, owner of Valley Automotive Electric, Covington, WA, and Chairman of ASA Northwest. Brian’s previous episodes HERE. Hiring Practices RR 611 Humble Hungry People Smart Employee reviewsShould be a win for the business and a win for the internal customer (employees) The corporate review process tends to be about the business covering its backside- a reason to fire an employee with justification, and building an employee database Is your supervisor the person that should be doing employee reviews?- If you’re not around your employee more often than not being around them, then how are you able to do a full review? What is the pulse of the culture inside the business? Owners focus on KPI’s, building the business and building employees- but are you building your employees as a person? Are you making them better people? The more employees know and can do, the more they can do for you. Review process- you must have trust with all employees and management Schedule one on one informal meeting- listen to your employee and ask questions (Bryan goes to Thai restaurant) and give them a goal sheet- 1 year, 5 years, tomorrow both in work and personally Set peer review during 1 hour Friday lunches together- each employee discusses best and worst 3 things about themselves. The other employees can only respond by asking for clarification- no prejudging negatives or positives. Also rate themselves 1-3 with “Humble, hungry smart” Often times the team will rate you higher than you rate yourself When everyone has had their individual turn, everyone can start discussing each other If no one talks, Bryan knows there's a problem Peer review matters more to an individual person- attitudes can affect business culture Thanks to Bryan Kelley for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Gold Certification recognizes top-tier NAPA AutoCares with a high level of participation in the AutoCare program. The program was built by AutoCare Centers for AutoCare Centers to provide a consistent consumer experience, maximize technology leverage, and reward NAPA’s most committed partners. In other words, Gold Certified AutoCare Centers are the standard bearers for the AutoCare brand nationwide. Simply put, the Gold Certified NAPA AutoCare program, powered by your local shop brand, will separate you from the rest helping you boost your bay counts and your average repair orders. Learn more about NAPA AutoCare, Gold Certification, and the hundreds of other benefits the NAPA family has to offer by talking with your servicing NAPA store or visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  22. https://youtu.be/NEtNK2mDfWc Your weekly magazine style show with some wisdom shared by our guest host and a virtual shop tour. There is a trivia challenge and a special fortune cookie wisdom shared. Guest Host Mitch Schneider from Mitch’s World and Misfire the Book. Mitches previous episodes Here. Virtual Shop Tour by Colleen Yarger, owner of Mark’s Independent in Chatsworth, CA. Colleen’s previous episodes HERE. Trivia Challenge: What did Ford Motor Company introduce as an audio option in 1965? Listen for the fortune cookie wisdom of the week Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. By always innovating, Dorman has led the way in growing the aftermarket. Here you will see a few examples of a Dorman OE Fix. An OE FIX is a Dorman repair solution you can’t get from the original equipment manufacturer. It means they found a situation where they believe the OEM wasn’t giving repair professionals what they wanted, so we fixed it. Everything Dorman does is centered around providing customer value, both in the quality of products, and the creativity of solutions. Our engineers and designers go out of their way to save repair technicians time and save vehicle owners money. Want to really go under the hood? Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  23. EOS Part 2: Vision with Barry Barrett [RR624] Part 2 of a 7 part series. Barry Barrett, a Certified EOS Implementer As an EOS Implementor in his company, Business With Purpose brings dedicated support to Leadership and Sales teams in all types of organizations, helping them structure the six key components of their business to make it operate with the best processes for their specific industry, using the EOS Model. Barry’s energy is contagious no matter if he is in a session with a client, giving a keynote address, or rolling up his sleeves in a workshop. Barry is a business coach with his positive mental attitude, incredible work ethic, and determination for excellence, his results-oriented approach is matchless. Barry is driven, caring, and passionate; traits that he uses to help his clients grow their businesses in a positive way. Find Barry’s other episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: VisionFor every 7 visionaries, there is 1 integrator- that 1 integrator will take your business to the next level. Visionaries need integrators, integrators don’t need visionaries to be successful “Rocket Fuel”- Gino Wickman and Mark Winters- Visionary and integrator relationship Answer 8 questions in EOS to obtain your vision for the future (what are your core values, what is your core focus, what is your 10-year target, what is your marketing strategy, what is your 3-year picture, what is your 1-year plan, what are your rocks, what are your issues?) Answering the 8 questions comes from your team members as a collective group- employees buy into your business. Change “I” thinking to “we” thinking. Core values exist in your organization they just need to be discovered. Starts with the business owner but includes the entire team.Integrity as an owner- integrate what you say with what you do Core focus- why and whatWhy-purpose, cause, and passion 10-year target- large goal, chase the horizonEnergize yourself and others around you Chase the lion, don’t run from it Marketing strategy- Marketing is “catching ears and eyeballs,” sales is “converting once they are caught.” “This list”- target marketing for best customers (geographic, demographic, psychographic) 3 uniques about your business- start by asking your customers. What do they want? What would they say about you? 3-year pictureHas revenue/profit/measurables What does it look like? 1-year planWhat must happen THIS year to hit the 3-year picture and 10-year target? Actual goals RocksBig things that must get done in 90 days in order to hit 1-year plan How do you add rocks, pebbles, sand, and water to a bowl as full as possible? If you add rocks, pebbles, and water first then sand last the water will overflow. The rocks in the bowl are the most important. 90% of people live each day in the “important urgent” category and barely spend time in “important and not urgent.” Leadership is “important and not urgent” because you are working on your business instead of in your business. Issue list VTO- big issues that can’t be handled this week or next week or next 90 days Level 10 Shared by allShare once a quarter with your entire team- where the business is, where it is going and how to get there. Resources: Thanks to Barry Barrett for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. The Virtual AAPEX Experience 2020 is in the record books. Virtual AAPEX lived up to presenting leading-technical and business management training from some of the industry’s best and brightest. Now set your sights on the homecoming in Las Vegas in 2021. Mark your calendar now … November 2-4, 2021, AAPEX // Now more than ever. This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbNVLFs6TKM&t=1565s Trish Serratore is the Senior Vice President of Communication at ASE She works closely with all of the organizations within the ASE Industry/Education initiative, which also includes ASE and the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), to help provide the qualified automotive professionals the industry needs today and tomorrow. Links to Trish’s episodes HERE Mark Murphy is the Lead Technician at Dynamic Automotive, Frederick, MD. Links to Mark's previous episode HERE Bryan Stafford is an ASE certified L1 Advanced Level Specialist technician and current mentor at Parkway Automotive in Little Rock, Arkansas. Link to Bryan's previous episode HERE Key Talking Points: ASE Certification verifies skills and knowledge- quality auto repair Becoming a Master technician- going from hobby to job to career You need a license/certification to work at a salon but not for auto repair? “Certification” is a higher standard than “licensure” - ASE doesn’t want a tax on an industry that often comes with “licensing.” Show customers your value of master technicians and your shop is where they can find quality automotive repair - makes technician, owner and customer proud Don’t make excuses or fear of failure as to why you’re not getting certified 2 years experience requirement prior to testing Many shops pay for certifications/bonuses Research shows certified technicians have a longer tenure in shop and higher repair statistics Build a culture open to training and investing in employees and new hires/apprentices ASE.com- full of helpful practice tests and videos ASE testing questionsIndustry experts write the questions Distractors- you can identify the correct answer within the 4 choices ASE renewal app on a smartphone- recertification for A1-A9Certified prior Receive test questions monthly Recertification at the test center is good for 5 years but with app, you can continue to be extended Support through the app- chat function, ASE Facebook page This episode is brought to you by Shop-Ware Shop Management. It’s time to run your business at its fullest potential with the industry’s leading technology. Shop-Ware Shop Management will increase your efficiency with lightning-fast workflows, help your staff capture more sales every day, and create very happy customers who promote your business. Shops running Shop-Ware have More Time and generate More Profit—join them! Schedule a free live demonstration and find out how 30 minutes can transform your shop at getshopware.com This episode is brought to you by Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  25. Steve Mancinelli Owner | AMI Accredited Automotive Manager | ASE Certified Master Technician (Advanced Level Specialist, L1, and Service Consultant) Steve has over 48 years of experience in the automotive field here in Downtown Denver. After graduating from Creighton University in 1983, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, he chose to continue the family business. Among the above certifications he holds, he is also a registered Colorado Emissions Technician, he has earned his Accredited Master Automotive Manager (AMAM) degree through the Automotive Management Institute and served on the Automotive Service Association (ASA) board of directors for 6 years. Steve finds the field of vehicle service and auto repair to be the most challenging ever. Because of this, he ensures his employees are updated regularly through training and have access to the latest high tech tools and equipment in order to solve the toughest car problems. Ongoing training in communication skills is equally important to Steve, in order to maintain that “Old Fashioned Service” his customers have grown accustomed to since his grandfather opened the business back in 1950. With roots that deep, Steve and his staff of service advisors and auto mechanics are continually involved with community events and causes. Key Talking Points: COVID 196 shops and 23 service bays have closed in Denver- liquidated, retired, moved due to high rent in the downtown area Dynamics of the family business Been in the automotive industry for over 45 years- grew up sweeping floors and pumping gas for his dad’s business Challenges- expectations, leaning on each other, failed partnerships, not knowing each other's roles, not having processes and systems in place Asking for help and getting training- networking Started with 1-day seminar with NAPA and lead to a series with Dale Carnegie Institute, and involvement with ASA as the board of directors for 7 years Napa training by Bob O’Connor- started 20 groups in the Denver area Credited master automotive manager Advice- listen to others Pressed with space with 3 service bays and 2000 square feet- pump oil service tanks. Went to a meeting and another shop owner shared he had eco boxes in his inventory storage room on racks- hold 9 different boxes. Tripled the number of SKUs Community service Fundraiser for “Max Fund”- a woman in the community (1 mile from the shop) started putting a coffee can on her porch as a “donation fund” because her dog Max needed surgery that she couldn’t afford. Community and neighborhood banded together and Max was able to receive his surgery. The woman continued “Max Fund” and ran it as a no-kill shelter for dogs and cats. Steve will hold fundraisers at certain times during the year and proceeds from every job ticket goes to “Max Fund.” Steve has raised over $11,000 Front counter Training is critical- sales techniques and different approaches Must also have natural ability to read customers and enjoys interacting with them Customer’s vehicles are very personal to them- need to hire someone who is empathetic Steve has always had a woman on the front counter- more women customers than before. Women tend to want to know the “why” behind repairs, and having a woman on the front counter is a bonus to help educate them and feel more comfortable. Resources: Thanks to Steve Mancinelli for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast. Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page, highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spreaker, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Podchaser, and many more. Mobile Listening APP's HERE Find every podcast episode HERE. Every episode is segmented by Series HERE. Key Word Search HERE. Be socially involved and in touch with the show: Facebook Twitter Linked In Email Join the Ecosystem - Subscribe to the INSIDER NEWSLETTER HERE. Buy me a coffee Since 1989 TRACS has been the industry’s leading shop management system. And in the last 30 years, it’s gotten better and better. Today TRACS Enterprise offers even more of the features AutoCare Center owners want—things like a powerful interactive scheduling calendar, faster and streamlined workflow, plus streamlined parts ordering and purchasing options. And there’s more—Punch-out to Mitchell ProDemand, mobile VIN capture, and multi-shop capabilities. That means you can count on TRACS Enterprise to help drive your success today and well into the future. Learn more about TRACS Enterprise and the hundreds of other benefits the NAPA family has to offer. Talk with your servicing NAPA store or visit www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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