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Everything posted by carmcapriotto

  1. Guest hosts and a shop tour with Henry Rose and Jeff Scruggs, Scruggs Automotive Repair, Buffalo, NY. Find out why cleanliness matters and how to implement it within your business. Plus, get an inside look at their new Annex location across the street. Key Talking Points "If you're always cleaning, you're never cleaning." 6th location is opening across the street from Abbott Rd location- fleet work will be moved into the new building It's all about efficiency, productivity, and minimizing walking distance Scrap is picked up on a weekly basis. Tires are picked up on a monthly basis. Anything that is in the shop is utilized. If it's not utilized, they get rid of it Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  2. You know I am passionate and committed to education. You’re going to love this episode recorded live at vision 2022 with 4 educators. You need to know what is going on. Chris Hadfield, Executive Director, Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence Jared Monroe, Automotive Technology Instructor, Columbia Area Career Center Richard Cox, Automotive Technology Instructor, North Central Kansas Technical College Bill Lieb, Automotive Technology Instructor, Fort Osage School District Key Talking Points You can help out besides donating money- growing only happens when you have a solid program, you need members to join You can’t build a house online, you can’t fix a car online only- you need hands-on face to face training COVID 19- learning how to adapt and train virtually, hybrid training has improved in-person training and revamping how to connect with students. Supporting students besides the training. Also opened dialogue between teachers at different school levels. Trends- video pre-recording lectures to rewatch, reduce the amount of time of lecture to increase lab time Finding more instructors- difficulties with part-time hours available, you need to find the people that want to give back. Can be difficult when someone hasn’t taught before. Battling the phrase “those that can’t do, teach.” Variance rules for Credentials- hired on a limited basis, being passionate to teach, and hired with terms You can still make a difference being a mentor in your business Integrated high school with first-year college students- promotion within students talking about their experiences with friends in school How can you help- get involved in schools (you don’t need to be an owner to go to schools, you can be a service advisor/tech etc), join advisory meetings Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  3. Is your service advisor stressed? Do you have a full lot of vehicles to repair but have technicians standing around? I’ve been asking shop owners if an estimator role in the business is an important hire. I got an ear full in this Academy Webinar on how the metrics work and the role and responsibilities to consider hiring an estimator or parts specialist in your growing busy shop. All three shop owners on my panel have this role in their shops. John Bridgwater, Doral’s Auto Repair, San Leandro, CA. Listen to John's previous episodes HERE Mike Davidson, Parkway Automotive, Little Rock, AR. You can reach Mike at [email protected] Listen to Mike’s other episodes HERE. John Long, Total True Automotive, Shertz Auto Service, Schertz, TX. Listen to John’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points How do you keep your tech in the bay and the service advisor on the phone and talking with customers? Outside calls for appointments and estimates take the most time for service advisors Estimating requires someone that is meticulous and good with the paperwork side of things Estimator- technical knowledge and computer skills, can step into advisor role during vacation times The consistency of having a dedicated estimator makes things much smoother both for the shop and for the client. Allows the service advisors more time with customers and focused on the cars in the shop Technicians are the most on board with estimators, consider the estimator to be a “Parts Specialist” Outside calls for appointments and estimates take the most time for service advisors The estimator doesn’t have to be on sight at the business- can be a remote position Link for Mike Davidson's Leadership Collection Episodes HERE Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  4. The leap from 1 location to 2 is never easy. But what if you also add in going to Vision 2022 days before the second location opens? How has Justin Barrett prepared his existing employees, while hiring new ones, for his second location? How did he know it was the right time? Justin Barrett is the owner and operator of Barrett Automotive, 2 locations, Cornelia, Georgia. Listen to Justin’s episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Opening a second location- challenges with contractors and new hires ghosting At Vision 2022 with 7 employees, 4 at home, gets home Sunday night and the second location opens Monday morning. Owns both locations. Started recruiting in September 2021 for the second location, with the first hire in October. Was approached by other shop owners ready to sell. The previous owner will be the shop foreman. Don't open your second location if you are still in the day to day of the first location Has implemented EOS system Preparing staff- discussing the reality of hiccups, problems etc Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  5. What better what to celebrate the 100th Episode of Aftermarket Weekly than with my family? We have a school field trip to the Ready Academy in Buffalo, NY where my son Matthew Capriotto is the School Counselor. Get an inside look at placing interns and working with local businesses. Hear from both students and teachers. Key Talking Points "Ready Academy is committed to the development of an innovative and personalized school that draws upon our community to help our students learn and grow academically, socially and ethically. We put a slightly different spin on the familiar adage: “It takes a village to teach a child.” We believe wholeheartedly in this concept." "In 2020, Ready Academy became part of the BIG PICTURE NETWORK, an innovative, student-centered group of schools focused on bringing the best educational and support practices to students in order to best prepare them for the demands of the modern world." Stephen Shepherd - 101 Advisor / TOSA Sheila Connors - 201 Advisor Nick Newman - 201 Advisor / Internship Coordinator Max Steinberg - 201 Student Nevaeh Banks - 201 Student Katie Hughes - 101 Student The Big Picture Program with Karen Monaco [RR 715] Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  6. The phone call from a customer is always the beginning of the relationship. Are you tracking, measuring and holding your service advisor accountable for every phone call that comes into your business? What is your phone SOP? Do you have a conversion rate for phone opportunities? I’m with Stan Stokes, founder of Iron Fist Consultants, who has created the next level of measurement for service advisors. Stan Stokes, Founder & CEO of Iron Fist Marketing Consultants Key Talking Points Do you have the right person answering the phone? Do you understand the communication that's taken place between your staff and the customer? How do we measure that? The phone is the beginning of the relationship, Iron Fist spent the last six years analyzing half a million phone calls in the automotive industry The majority of people start the search for auto repair near me on some type of device and 60% of all searches end up with a phone call. Why did the customer choose you? If they didn't, how does that impact revenue? How does that impact return on investment? How do you measure and how do you improve? A consumer either has a planned or an unplanned service need Lead to customer conversion rate- if you take the total number of phone calls, which are leads and you divide that by the number of customers that arrived at the center, then you have a lead to customer conversion rate. Last year, Iron Fist, estimated that the industry has an average of less than 30% lead to customer conversion. If they didn't book an appointment, do you have the knowledge to say where in the conversation could have been redirected to change the outcome to a booked appointment? The consumer very seldom will ask you, how are you going to fix my car? They ask you, can you fix my car? And when can you fix my car? And we misinterpret why and how Many shops don't have an SOP for guest experience on the phone call. Compliance measurement for service advisors- Did you discuss the value of the business? Did you say your name? Did you say company name? Did you confirm the appointment/directions? When we measure booked appointment conversion rates, we find that the show rate goes up exponentially. Full circle- measure the call, book the appointment, is that appointment showing, what was the revenue made from it? Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  7. Questions, what is your customer oil change service like? Have you transitioned to ‘synthetic only’ oil for your customers? How do you stock all grades and weights? The days of $20 oil changes every 3 months is gone. My panel of shop owners discuss why they have synthetic only oil service and how it’s improved their efficiency in the bays and for their customers. If you have not implemented this business strategy learn in this episode why you need to do it. Bill Nalu, Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI. Listen to Bill’s previous episodes HERE. Joe Hanson, Gordie's Garage, Roseville, MI. Listen to Joe’s previous episodes HERE. Jim Fleischman, Automotive Alley, Arcade, NY. Listen to Jim’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points A $100 synthetic oil change doesn't cost twice as much as a $50 semi-synthetic oil change service The interview process “how much is an oil change?” gives you an opportunity to highlight your service Gain valuable shop floor space by consolidating your bulk oil storage and eliminating unneeded oil grades that do not promote the right customer in the first place. Oil changes- don't take lightly, $20 oil changes are gone and should be gone Don’t rely on the ‘sticker’ to check on oil- educating customers “Maintenance service” Not due for an oil change? 7,500-mile intervals. 1,000 or 2,000 miles left? For 2x a year maintenance, it's worth changing the oil early. Car count goes down, but the average repair ticket is going up Taking more time during inspections Shifting into the changing times with EVs- sell maintenance not oil changes Simplicity and efficiency- eliminating stocking different oils, no bundles Implementation- shop meeting first for the buy-in with employees, discuss the oil intervals, work with suppliers, what is included, what are you saying to customers and pre-booking customers Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  8. Are you ready for an inspiring story that will leave you with goosebumps? I’m with Eric Dallas at Vision 2022, one of the Technician of Tomorrow scholarship winners, who shares his story about taking a pay cut from a dealership to work for ChangingGears. Their mission is to empower people who are working their way out of poverty by providing affordable transportation. Listen and be inspired and realize the good that scholarship programs are doing to invest in our future. Eric Dallas, ASE Certified Master Technician, ChangingGears, Cincinnati, OH. Key Talking Points ChangingGears in Cincinnati- provide transportation for people breaking out of poverty. Providing freedom by leaving bus lines/public transportation. Volunteer with habitat for humanity with clients. Doner will get the maximum donation possible instead of the vehicle going to auction Won Vision 4 day all training classes access/meals/hotel scholarship, is ASE mastered certified Eric Ziegler was providing training in Cincinnati, told him about Vision The deadline for the scholarship had expired- applied anyway, received an email that he won 3-4 weeks later In 2009 started working at a dealership- no mentor, new people were “shunned” at first. Didn't have fulfillment/purpose working at the dealership. Found Craigslist ad looking for entry-level technician, applied, and realized it wasn’t located in the ideal place but was warmly greeted, learned about the mission, and was fully on board. Took a pay cut. Eric provides 1 on 1 dialogue and education with clients about their vehicle Funding- vehicles not suitable for clients will sell at auction and that money goes to overhead, fundraising, doners Changing-gears.org Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  9. Guest host and shop tour with Matt Wagg, Accelerated Diagnostics and Automotive, Bennington, NE. How did Matt Wagg go from a dealership technician to a trainer and teacher, to now a business owner? What were his successes and failures along the way? Key Talking Points Was former dealer tech, then trainer/teacher and started the shop in 2022 with no experience Enrolled in evening class “entrepreneurship 101” wrote mini business plan- then started getting involved in local groups (Nebraska Business Develop Center) that was free consultant service. Denied at the bank the first time, took a 2 year “break” to regroup financially. Went back to back and received an SBA loan 4-5 months into business he started with a business coach Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  10. What’s better than having 3 trainers sit down with me at Vision 2022 and record their very candid conversation. Be a fly on the wall as we discuss hybrid training, student assessments and breakout teams. My panel shares their experiences and together we push the boundaries of training in our industry. G Jerry Truglia, ATTS: Automotive Technician Training Services. G Jerry Truglia Previous Episodes HERE. Dave Hobbs, senior technical trainer and curriculum developer for Delphi Technologies Aftermarket at BorgWarner Inc. Dave’s previous episodes HERE. Peter Orlando, Sr. Curriculum Developer/Technical Instructor at Advance Auto Parts Carquest Technical Institute. Peter's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Hybrid training- pre-production ahead of time for online training, put videos in your PowerPoint to break up the monotonous voice, avoid internet problems, and have capabilities to pause the video when questions are asked Paying attention to inflation, higher wages in other industries Audience assessments with QR codes- gauges your audience and gives trainer direction, while giving the audience anonymously, gets the audience involved Don’t shut down wrong answers Early engagement- ask to raise hands, make it fun by giving away free T-shirts and hats for right answers, consider breakout rooms during training when you have a tight group of 20-30 people, especially in service advisor classes, using handouts that can be filled out and passed to each other in class, have students look at each other if you are able to have set up, the trainer can be moderator/facilitator and allow attendees to interact with each other How are attendees able to download/follow PDF of class during virtual if they only have 1 monitor? Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  11. We’ve all heard inflation is up 8%, as of this broadcast, but when you walk through the grocery stores and sit at a restaurant, it sure seems like it’s a lot higher … don’t you agree? As prices continue to jump, what are we doing as an industry to adjust? And why are so many shop owners worried to raise their labor rates? My panel includes 2 shop owners and an auto shop bookkeeper with a wide-open discussion about labor rates, parts pricing, and even employee retention in the age of rampant inflation. Natalie Paris, @nptrb Three Rivers Bookkeeping, Profit Strategist. Listen to Natalie's previous episodes HERE Dave Kusa, owner of AutoTrend Diagnostics in Campbell, CA. Listen to Dave’s other episodes HERE. Dustin Brown, Brown Auto Experts, 3 Locations in New Mexico, Albuquerque, Village of Los Ranchos and Rio Rancho. Listen to Dustin's other episodes HERE Key Talking Points Parts - While parts costs are rising, our parts GP should take care of itself if we are using an effective parts matrix. 55-60% Unfounded fear for charging correct amount for parts Expenses - Expenses, in general, will jump up. We need to monitor our expenses and possibly shop them to get the best value. Labor Rate Increases: Shop your competitors and monitor how the labor rates in your town are adjusting for inflation. The dealership suggested retail isn’t always what they’re selling to their customers “Don’t trip over dollars to make dimes.” when it comes to expenses Employee Retention- This year all office staff received a raise and some of our technicians. We did not give raises to techs that have been with us for less than 6 months. With raising the labor rate, shops should be able to afford to increase technician pay. A recent Gallup study shows that 50% of all employees are thinking about changing jobs. Do not think your shop will be different. “The great reset” instead of “The great recession” Staying on top of retention to prevent turnover is very important in our current labor market. Wages are not the #1 cause of employees changing jobs, but it is a factor to keep in mind with the rising cost of everything. The workforce has 5 generations of people working- how you manage each generation is different Other ways that can make employees feel appreciated and help with retention would include fringe benefits or low monetary benefits. Things like more paid time off, tool purchases match, Friday (or once a month) shop paid for lunch or training opportunities to help them advance their careers can be huge. Another great way is to ask the employees if they have ideas on non-monetary or lower monetary benefits that they would appreciate around the shop. Be careful of ‘profit leakage’ and be transparent with your employees when you do raise your labor rates Pay bills with gross profit dollars, not a percentage Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  12. Did you know you’re 27% smarter when you’re positive? It makes sense, doesn’t it? Having a positive attitude can change everything if you let it. I’m with Chris Cloutier at Vision 2022. We didn’t have an agenda or talking points. He came in, sat down, and in classic Chris fashion, I was on the edge of my seat listening to him. Find your positivity and get smarter. Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Tex Me. Listen to Chris’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Managing Change class- changes are constant, “Change or Die” relate, repeat, refrain Who are you hanging out with if you want to change? “I want to lose weight with diet and exercise” but do you have a trainer? Ego is the Enemy Episode 717- fine line between confidence and hubris Software- managing the change of the shop, “adoption of a new process,” technology improves the process but doesn’t fix the problem if you don't have a process “Who Not How” It takes 66 days to create a habit Failure isn’t final, do you have grit? “Split the difference” is positive Takes a few months to create a habit- repeating excellence is hard “Eternal optimists with the glass half full” while battling with “pessimistic and glass half empty” “You can only apologize and blow off steam so many times before it becomes yourself” Are you a wartime CEO or peacetime CEO? Startup life- being the visionary and integrator at the same time Are you showing your children your failures/struggles? Eliminate preconceived notions you’re “not good at that” before you’ve tried Instead of change or die, it should be change and thrive Are you afraid to stretch yourself because you don’t know something? Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  13. Guest host and shop tour with Duc Nguyen, Duggy's Garage, Houston, TX. Duggy's Garage specializes in Toyota off-road vehicles ranging from Land Cruisers, Tacomas, 4Runners and FJC Crusiers. Duc's team offers a consultative approach for their customer's specific needs. Key Talking Points Started with building and repairing Honda Civics- found value in off-road vehicles and transitioned to Toyota Went off-roading and never looked back Consults with customer’s need (up to few hours) for the vehicle- offer recommendation and understand how it will behave. Building in phases- Toyota 4 runner, bigger tires, suspension, protection around the vehicle (front/rear bumper etc), roof rack, Average RO $2,500 up to $50,000 The best part- seeing the cars built being put to the test Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  14. How do you incent behavior and retain top talent? Is the tech shortage a blessing in disguise? Did you know money is not the best motivator for employees? Bob Cooper, President of Elite Worldwide, shares 6 key components you should have in your compensation and incentive package for your employees. Bob Cooper, Founder/President Elite Worldwide. Listen to Bob’s other episodes HERE Key Talking Points “No one works for me, they work with me” Shortage of technicians is a blessing, scarcity creates opportunity. Attract superstars and keep them. Retention, recruiting (24/7), apprenticeship programs Looking at other successful industries and how to you mimic it? Money is not the best motivator- you’ll never give your employees enough, think beyond dollars and cents Behavior that’s rewarded will continue, random rewards bring consistent behavior Hiring the right people- hire for what they know (skill), fire for who they are as a person #1 Competitive Base Pay (base income, uniforms, training, vacations, paid holidays, etc.) #2 Opportunistic income (Productivity pay) #3 Exemplary Performance Rewards (Going above and beyond their job responsibilities both at work and in their personal life) #4 Security- when you hire Larry, you are also hiring Mary (Health Insurance,401K, business cards, etc.) #5 Reward for Tenure (not loyalty, loyalty is your spirituality, nationality etc. Calling your employees and customers loyal is being assumptive)- (Anniversary rewards, Retirement programs, vacation packages, becoming involved with the integration decision making of business etc.) #6 Leadership (provided by the owner)- are you just default providing (I’m the boss)? Do you have a vision for the future and are focused on goals with growth opportunities? Growing on a lattice, not a ladder. Don’t be afraid of being friends with your employees Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  15. How well do you truly understand yourself and the people you work with? Are you going beyond the surface-level interactions and diving into personal development? In this Town Hall Academy, my panel not only discusses the different strength finder assessments but also the ‘why’ that drives and motivates different personalities within your business. A very important episode. Shari Pheasant, Horse Power Strategies. Listen to Shari's previous episodes HERE Shawn Gilfillan, Automotive Magic, Kenvil and Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Listen to Shawn’s previous episodes HERE Dave Luehr, Elite Body Shop Solutions. Listen to Dave's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points The best asset for business is your people- they are your profit Get Naked, Get Real, & DIG IN -It starts with you Culture starts with the interview Self-discovery- understand how your interactions matter with other people, understand your blindspots and overextensions. Bridge the gap between other people’s styles Getting buy-in from the others on the team to discover & work on their strengths & potential Getting to know each other's strengths & how to align for best team results What intrinsically motivates your employees? There's always more money to find, there isn’t enough time Hiring- 7 candidates in 1 room, Shawn evaluated how the candidates interacted Be aware of non-trademarked assessments Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  16. You’re going to love this transparent interview recorded live at vision 2022. 3 business coaches, and no agenda. Listen firsthand from these business coaches on why so many business owners are struggling and how they are able to lift them to success. We talk about marriages, ego, habits, mistakes, and bad reactive pricing. Cecil Bullard, President of the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence. Listen to Cecil's previous episodes HERE. Bill Haas, Owner of Haas Performance Consulting, Listen to Bill’s previous episodes HERE. Rick White, President and Lead Coach for 180BIZ, Listen to Rick's previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Coaching- purpose, passion, joy. Becoming partners with their clients “When you put the key in the front door on the first day, how did you feel?” Marriages going flat because you spend all your time at the shop Finding someone that speaks your language- earning trust takes time Walking away- after 3-4 months if the client is not making changes Turning around a struggling shop- make changes until their habits Most shop owners back into pricing- reactive pricing instead of creative pricing Lose your ego and ask for help Every staff member should have targets/goals of performance that align with the company’s goals and vision. Don’t overcomplicate your goals. Fulfillment- hitting targets and having self-satisfaction, that’s how they know they’re doing their job right. Most employee issues are management issues Celebrate your goals together Pay isn’t the most important motivator- let your employees feel appreciated (team T-shirts, business cards) Mistakes need to happen, pattern failures are a choice. Making the same error twice is a mistake Efficiency- doing more with less Owners are the catalysts to push and challenge employees to grow Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  17. Guest host and shop tour with Brian Weeks, ATC Auto Center, Augusta, GA. Brian hosted 36 shop owners that are a part of Elite Pro Services. The group sectioned off into teams to give an in-depth peer review of the shop. Key Talking Points Elite Pro Service- 90 shops in US and Canada Hosting 36 shop owners for Elite Pro Service’s spring meeting- sections of teams that work in groups The more you open up to your peers, they will offer input and suggestions Humility is the first part of leadership Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  18. The idea of completely restructuring your staff seems impossible, right? So how did Vinnie Lucido do it after his brother and partner retired from the business? And how did his role as the sole owner and operator change? I asked Vinnie all these questions, in the Vision KC studios, including his perspective on interns and how he can work such a few hours a week. Vinnie Lucido, Owner, CoAuto, Reno, NV. Listen to Vinnie’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points 2018 Facility of the Year for Vision 8 people total including Vinnie attending Vision 2022- $30,000 with flights, balanced classes with some employees in the same class and some on their own. Completely restructured staff- his partner/brother left the business to travel with his family in an RV. Vinnie became the singular owner. Over a year span, some staff left and some were let go Keep your mind open to opportunities for other people to join that can exceed your expectations Has team leader (manager) full time- his morales align with Vinnie Started watching his team orchestrate on their own and not being needed- works 4-8 hours a week. Focuses his time on marketing and social media/commercials Has student intern that started by pushing brooms to successfully taking apart and rebuilding lead tech’s Audi No risks, no rewards- say yes and be vulnerable Weekly and monthly meetings Networking together- power comes from peers you meet, take golden nuggets from classes Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  19. Did you know money isn’t the main motivator for employees? How many people are willing to work 40+ hours a week in an unhappy environment while being undervalued? What benefits set your business apart from other shops in your area? And, are you reminding your team of their benefits package so they understand their value within your business? Eric Henley, owner of H-Teck Auto Care in Gray, TN. Listen to Eric's previous episodes HERE Jim Hayes, General Manager of Pacific Motor Service, CA, Listen to Jim’s previous episodes HERE Matt Lachowitzer, Matt’s Automotive Service Center, Fargo-Moorhead, North Dakota and Minnesota. Listen to Matt's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Professional career development, where do I go from here and how is it laid out for me to achieve it. Are the training and tools there to allow me to grow? Company sponsored events-team members want to feel good about where they work and the work they do matters for the community. Involve the family with anniversaries and birthdays etc. Dividing sick and PTO- vacation days can be paid out, sick days don’t have to be paid out Making adjustments for employees with existing vacations- can manipulate the salary/pay rate. Each employee will be different depending on the scenario. Be creative. Benefit packages will vary depending on the employee- paycheck is a small portion of what you offer, focus on culture/environment/growth opportunities. Marketing the entire package- and discussing with the team consistently Jim’s company matches 1:1 up to 4% for 401K Invisible paycheck- base salary + expenses of benefits= value of the company Paid training- shows intent and value Incentives- ASE, benchmark bonuses, tools Bereavement/maternity- additional days that don’t involve PTO Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  20. What’s the real reason why you became a business owner? Did you want to be your own boss? Have a flexible schedule? Were you certain you could do things better? My guest Murray Voth explains there's an ‘entrepreneurial fizz” with so many technicians becoming business owners. But changing your mindset from tech to business owner doesn’t come easy or naturally. Murray Voth, RPM Training Listen to Murray's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points What is your intention to become a business owner? Be your own boss? Have more money? Have more flexibility with a schedule? When you challenge a technician owner to think about coaching, training, and making changes in their business, some of them react negatively or push back because they're feeling somehow that you're criticizing. Everyone is having the entrepreneurial fizz Start with the end in mind. The purpose is to create wealth and create something to sell, to capture that wealth. You can always work for someone else with less stress if what you really want to do is repair a vehicle. Forecast from the bottom up- go backward from the net profit to the gross. Get the expenses out of it. Go backward to the sales. Watch the things you have control over, sold hours per work order. How do you control sold hours per work order? Technicians have been asked to compromise their standards. They've been challenged by bosses, coworkers, advisors on their opinion. They get defensive, put up walls, and have an ego. The next priority is service and client experience. Understand who your client is and what they are looking for in a vehicle service experience. Seeing location clearly, ample parking, clean inside, friendly service, website presence with the appointment option button, and “easy” button conveniences for them Develop a team, and look after that team as if your life depended on it because it does. They're children inside of a system. We can love them and we can still have boundaries and standards and accountability and teach the rest of it. Do they have the ability to apply that knowledge? Do they have the capacity to do it? And then do they have the desire? Control the things you can control so you can deal with the things you can’t control. Parts margin is a mindset and a pencil What do you have for employees to get to the next level? SOAR- What is the situation? What is the outcome that you're looking for? What is the action you're going to take and what is the result that you achieved and you measure it? Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  21. Guest host and shop tour with Shawn Gilfillan, Automotive Magic, Kenvil, NJ. Shawn and his team were stuck at the Kansas City airport after Vision 2022, but that didn't stop them. They worked remotely while using the communication training they received over the weekend. Key Talking Points Flight from Vision got canceled- his team worked remotely Monday with the 3 employees that opened the shop Growing your staff- brought 8 members of staff to Vision 2022, had training, bought new tools, stayed together in the same house, connected as a team Plan ahead for training budgets 6,000 square feet, 7 lifts, 5 techs Opened second location as a “quick lube”- breaks, suspensions, alignments, tires, oil, quick in and out jobs RR 421 Mike Michalowicz: Inside his book 'Profit First' Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  22. I asked Travis Troy, point-blank, what did it cost him to take his entire team to Vision this year. I talked to so many shop owners at Vision KC 2022 that closed their shops to take their entire team for some of the best training and networking both Technician, Service and Management. I stopped counting at 30 the number of shop owners who closed their shops there had to be 100 or more based on my simple survey results. Some strategies were to uplift and cross training their people into leadership roles by selecting that type of training. Travis and his partner Josh know they’ll get a huge return on their training investment. The message: get out of your comfort zone. Travis Troy, Honest Wrenches, Akeny and Des Moines, IA. Listen to Travis' other episodes HERE Key Talking Points 30 years old, opened in 2011 with a partner, 2 locations Under 2 hours, over 150 registration 1st morning “Little Engine that Could” power, will, and passion working in 2 car garage to the opening 1st location with 1 lift with no service advisor (used a Bluetooth headset and notepad in shirt). The second location is 13 miles away as a lease, previously evicted shop- 8 bay shop that was left a mess. Took 3 months to clean out and update. Took time to build but kept patience. Capacity to want to grow and be better than the previous day- you’ll always face challenges, start every day fresh Met partner Josh in automotive electrical class in college- started working together on weekends repairing cars, the city shut them down. Travis worked 18 hour days for 6 years straight. Introduced to Vision by Tim Davidson- Tim came to shop with BG sales rep. Has been to Vision every year since. Closes shop to come to Vision- don’t look at it from a money aspect, you can’t afford not to come. Shop owners come back to shop invigorated and refreshed, but what about your team? It’s time to have the whole shop on board and set up for the rest of the year. Average $20,000 investment to bring the whole team of 14 total including Travis and Josh. Holding everyone accountable as 2-way street Breaking and rebuilding process constantly- continue to grow, never be afraid to try Advice- stay humble, tomorrow isn't guaranteed, stay humble, have defined roles, never compare yourself to others because you’ll never be equal. Get involved in an association AND coaching company. Succession plan preparation. Started business not just for them (Travis and Josh) but for their families and their client’s families Tale of Two Cities- located on the property of 2 cities, google sets their address depending on where the customer is located. They are able to capitalize on 2 cities at once. Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  23. How do you calculate the common phrase “work smarter, not harder?” This episode is all about getting lean in your shop. Are you tracking the steps it takes to do something simple like an oil change? Are your parts and supplies not only organized but purposefully placed in areas for efficiency? My panel discusses simple ways to get started with Lean Six Sigma. 1 simple change can save you time and money. Kristi Hudson, Troy Auto Care, Troy, MI. Visit Kristi's shop HERE Karim Morsli, Winkler Automotive Service, Gaithersburg, MD. Visit Karim's shop HERE Key Talking Points Oil change- consistent results for every customer, supplies are together It’s easy to start- start with your most repetitive processes. Graphic representation of your business (overview of the shop) spaghetti diagram (Karim used Sketchup App) is tracing every step of the process you do with numbered steps and how much time it takes. What is your critical path? Every job is pre, during, and post. Clean as you go The leadership of the business needs to invest in Time=money Using data- how many jobs do you do? How many hours does it take? How much stock do you have? What is more profitable? Get your team involved- everyone has to be a part of it for lean to work. Less stress looking for tools/scanners etc. Holds everyone accountable. Once team members see how much easier and less stressful their jobs are they will be excited about it and want to help improve it even more Lean is ongoing and will continue to improve Be careful, lean will follow you home! Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  24. I have a question for you, are the OEMs really after the service and repair market? Or do they need us as much as we need them? Can we work together, and will that give us access to important information? Rob Merwin joins me, the publisher at Aftermarket Matters, and brings his intel on the Right to Repair Act and topics he reports on. He has big dreams of everyone working together. Rob Merwin, Publisher, Aftermarket Matters Listen to Rob's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points OEMs need the aftermarket but want to choose which independents Traditionally dealerships relied on aftermarket parts for 20% of their parts for repair service. Now with the supply chain issues, it's now between 30 and 35%. One party cannot exist successfully without the other party. Has the OEM lost sight of the consumer interests? Shouldn't they be concerned about consumer safety and getting their customer's cars repaired properly and safely? Are you going to repair or are you going to replace? People are keeping their cars longer and those cars are going to need more parts going down the road to keep them on the road. Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Visit www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  25. As always I want to thank AutoLeap. As a preface to todays show I would like you to go and listen to: Common Issues with Financial Statements from Hunt Demarest: What I Want You To Take Away: Understanding why you need to put Profits First Understanding why putting Profits First is Important How to set up Bank Accounts How to start making Allocations A better understanding of your Income Statement What it means when Accounts are Over & Short Commitment to Implementing & when you will have it completed Have a great day and Rise and Grind Everybody!

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