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Everything posted by carmcapriotto

  1. How do we prepare for the future? In this episode listen to the insights from the perspective of a shop owner, technician, instructor, COO, and trainer. Times have changed, so how do we get the younger generation passionate about our industry and our high-tech vehicles? What does the future of ADAS and electric vehicles mean to the aftermarket? Sam Craven, The Garagisti, Houston, TX. Listen to Sam's previous episodes HERE Jake Sorensen, 2019 NAPA ASE Technician of the Year and 2019 Ratchet + Wrench All-Star technician of the year. Shop manager and diagnostic technician at McNeil’s Auto Care in Sandy, UT Listen to Jake’s previous episodes HERE Bill Weaver, NAPA Auto Care Trainer John Gardner, ASE Master Certified Technician & Instructor at Chipola College and is a Television Host on the popular shows Tech Garage & Motorhead Garage. Jack Curran, G & C Tire and Auto Service, two locations, Chantilly and Manassas, VA. Listen to Jack’s previous episode HERE Key Talking Points Shops will have to start raising their own entry-level tech…. Shadowing and Mentoring will have to become part of the training program You must have a relationship with your local schools “You can't build on sand, you need a foundation” be safe and have integrity with the vehicle. Cleaning bathroom, cleaning the floors etc How do you get people to fall in love with cars and the process of automotive repair? Less passion for ‘cars’ but they want to learn and be without debt. It’s about relationships and people. From fuel injection to ABS. VVT, turbo, and stability control to ADAS technology has always advanced. Can we learn from recent past experiences to prepare (when to purchase equipment, train our people, market to the public) Keep up to date- what you “know” or have heard in the past may not be true today. All vehicles have a static calibration process performed when they are manufactured, which will not change. Dynamic creates a liability concern since vehicles need to be driven when the ADAS systems are not calibrated. Dynamic calibration can be difficult with weather, and road conditions. Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  2. Jimmy Lea, KuKui Evangelist. Listen to Jimmy's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Social media time suck- have a purpose and a time period for social media Why Google gives you more creditability for having a variety of Star Reviews. We are human and we make mistakes. Own it and move on. The ideal rating for a shop is 4.5- 4.9/5.0. Don’t incentivize reviews with customers, Google will pull those reviews. 70% of all searches are through Google Why a shop must not Gate the responses. There is software available in the industry that will allow you to give a Google Link if it is to be a 4 or 5-star review and a form for upset customers. Allowing you the opportunity to correct errors behind the scenes rather than being open with all reviews. Gating will only hurt the Shop. Google has no ability to go after the company that is making the software only to remove the reviews that have been placed on their platform Why a shop needs to respond to all reviews both positive and negative. Negative Reviews: Acknowledge the response, State that you do not know who they are, and offer to make things right. give a phone number to take the conversation offline. Why “Key Words” are important to Google, your website, and your SEO. There are 2 methods for accomplishing this: The client leaves keywords in their review. The top response contains the keywords in their reply if not already left by the client. The 3 phases of removing a Google Review. Each Phase has a 50/50 chance of getting the review removed. Report the review as inappropriate and have 2-3 friends do the same. After waiting the 3-day waiting period, report it to the Google Business Profile Forum. Support.Google.com, give just enough information to get a case number and then give all the details to the human. Report the profile of the review. Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  3. Guest host and a shop tour with Tom Schearer, Schearer's Sales and Service, Allentown, PA. Tom discusses the importance of leadership and focus. Empower your team with what to do, how to do it and why they are doing it. Key Talking Points Focus on systems and processes and empower your team The owner has the responsibility for the results, but not the actual tasks Leadership- teaching what to do, how to do it, and the why behind doing it Tom bought his dream shop because he was focused on his business Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  4. Brandon Steckler, instructor for CarQuest Institute and WorldPAC Training Institute, Technical Editor for MotorAge Magazine, technical support and beta testing for Automotive Test Solutions. Listen to Brandon’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Life after being a technician- opportunities to be a trainer/teacher, breaking the ice as part-time instructor at local schools, writers also needed at magazines, start reaching out to the current instructor WorldPac- subject matter experts (Honda), Brandon builds curriculum Carquest- a group of subject matter experts that put together classes to train the trainer while having input/case study with the trainer Training/teaching assessments- an accurate description of the class and not an advertisement “Teaching a 6 year old is true mastery” Matt Fanslow Diagnosing the Aftermarket A - Z "Divorce Discourse" with Brandon Steckler Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  5. How much do you value your time? Your employee's time? Are you making your decision on your labor rate based on data? My expert panel breaks down a mathematical and strategic way to understand the labor rate that delivers your profit goal. To view the charts and presentations my guests have prepared, make sure you head to my carm capriotto youtube channel or find the link on the show notes. Once you see the math your decision to set a profitable labor rate will be smarter and easier. Dave Kusa, owner of AutoTrend Diagnostics in Campbell, CA. Listen to Dave’s other episodes HERE. Bill Haas, Owner of Haas Performance Consulting, Listen to Bill’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Your labor rate is an expression of how much you value your time. Raising my labor rate was the worst decision I ever made. Said no one ever! Productivity and profitability per technician Make decisions based on data Prove that your labor rate is right Does your team understand where the money goes? “If you don’t share, they don’t care” Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  6. I’m with Aaron Becker at the TST Big Event 2022. His stepfather-in-law is the late Myron Stein, inventor, product innovator, and founder of AirSept. Aaron is the President of AirSept and we discuss Myron’s famous donut and coffee selling tactic, and new products, and if you listen until the very end of your podcast player, you might hear a little backstage chatter with my daughter Tracy. By the way, I got to know Myron during my early days as a podcaster and he was an encourager and always told me like it was. I’ll miss him. Aaron Becker, President, AirSept Key Talking Points Stepfather Myron started AirSept in 1989- Myron is still an advisor Determination- no is ‘not right now' or ‘yes later’ Donuts and coffee tactic Line connectors- most popular products to solve the leak “Vehicles today- you’re not a technician, you’re a technical expert” New items in the pipeline- service port caps (connect from the outside) Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  7. Anthony Williams, 37, who was the Special Project Manager and Curriculum Developer at CARQUEST Technical Institute (CTI), tragically and unexpectedly died earlier this month. He is survived by his wife, Deb, and their three children. In his short time, Williams leaves a legacy for those who knew him, as a teacher and a friend to all, and left a lasting and indelible mark on their careers and lives. Team members and close friends of Williams from Advance Auto Parts, Worldpac and CTI met with me, Rob Merwin and Aftermarket Matters, last week to share their experiences. Here are a few memories from Chris Chesney, Randy Briggs, Luke Murray and Susan Trevaskis in tribute to Williams. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  8. Guest host and a shop tour with Scott Fesler, Park Ridge Auto Care, Buffalo, NY. Scott is a technician turned shop owner and has plans to renovate the front counter and waiting area. He believes strongly in giving back to his community and apprenticeship. Key Talking Points Bought business in 2008, was technician prior at business since 2001 Has plans to update the front customer waiting area and service counter and adding central air Park Ridge Auto Care is active participant in the community- sponsor for local teams Has complimentary branded hand sanitizers, magnetic chip clips, and air fresheners available Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  9. There’s nothing better than catching up with an industry friend at TST’s Big Event! Dive into the blueprint of Kevin Eckler’s second location, and his transparency of learning a valuable lesson of full commitment to his employees. He explains words are just words until actions are put into place. You’ll also hear from his newest employee that was an intern at his shop. Kevin Eckler, Foreign Car Specialists, Poughkeepsie, NY. Listen to Kevin’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Kevin joined a local advisory board after listening to previous podcasts about it- is the evening adult education instructor, ages 18-58, learning how to ‘fix my car’ and developed into exposing the opportunity to join the automotive industry “What you breathe into someone, is what they can become” Passion is contagious The second location will have a training area- 7 miles away from the first shop Hardest things to learn- not knowing everything and accepting and saying thank you to compliments Are you looking at the other shops in your area as competition? Everyone is on the same team Trust- little things will end up being big things, never say something without fully intending to do it, make it a priority Words are words until actions are put in place Intern turned full-time employee- William’s senior year at his high school required an internship Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  10. The aftermarket is blazing busy. We may think that boomtown will continue without an end in sight. But what are your ‘slow day action plans?' Some who have not been doing things ‘right’ are feeling the ebb and flow of typical cycle times, holidays, back to school, vacations, weather, and travel. Let this episode help you re-think Kim Walker, Shop Marketing Pros, Listen to Kim’s other episodes HERE. Aaron Woods, X-tra Mile Auto Care, Stillwater, OK. Listen to Aaron's previous episodes HERE Clint White, Service Advisor Coach & Shop Consultant with CWI and currently holds multiple ASE certifications. Listen to Clint’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Staying ahead of the curve. What we do today, is what we have tomorrow. An effective SDAP (Slow Day Action Plan) isn’t something you pull out of a drawer or your SOP binder on days when the phone isn’t ringing and there are no cars in the bays. The most important slow-day tool is already in your toolbox. You just need to know how to use it- be proactive, not reactive. Shop management platforms (tracking and analytics), CRM programs (managing the analytics), brand awareness, appointment reminders Tire pressure checks- touchpoint opportunity Service advisors- create urgency and can maintain urgency through booking future appointments. Customers will match your urgency. Strengthen your relationship with customers How involved are you with your community? “Stop Stopping” “If you’re not growing, you’re dying” Assessment- how do you look from an outside perspective? Reviews? Social media presence? Website? Financial scrub of dollars going out? Social posts: new equipment, ‘unboxing’ which attracts new customers and technicians Actively participate in Follow-up and Marketing- when are you reaching out after the sale? 3 Days? 30 Days? How are you reaching out after the sale? It is critical that we honor our customer’s PMOC (preferred method of contact) Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  11. Candice and Jesse Beuttenmuller come every March from WaKeeney, KS. to the Vision KC Hi Tech Expo. Vision KC, they say, is their Happy Place, therefore shutting down the shop to attend. Their town is so small it doesn’t even have a stoplight! Since we recorded the episode they changed the name of their business to ‘Old 40 Auto Care’. We also discuss the importance of communication with their customers. As a side note, we had a lot of laughs and fun while recording this episode. Candice and Jesse Beuttenmuller, Old 40 Auto Care Listen to their previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points The whole county is 900 square miles Leaving Vision- Use the time the best way you can, debrief after classes together, you need to make a plan to use the information when you go back to your business. Pick 1-2 things to implement first while it’s fresh on your mind. Let their customers know ahead of time they will be closed for Vision and schedule around it Their 2 young boys help out in the shop after school Has business coach- networking with the other clients together at Vision. Reviewing what you know has its benefits giving you peace of mind you’re on the right track. Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  12. Communication is one of the biggest problems in human relationships and among a working team inside your business. We are talking about “the power of top internal communication, front to the back of the shop and with your customer. My panel speaks about the process, communication tools, and how a well-oiled communication system makes for satisfied employees and a top customer experience Greg Buckley, owner of Buckley's Auto Care in Wilmington, DE. Greg’s previous episodes HERE. https://www.buckleysautocare.com/ Bryan Kelley, owner of Valley Automotive Repair & Electric, Covington, WA. Bryan’s previous episodes HERE. https://valleyautoelectric.com/ Watch on Youtube HERE Connect with the show: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  13. Guest host and a shop tour with Brett Beachler, Beachler's Vehicle Care & Repair, Peoria, IL. Find out how Brett's team seamlessly communicates between both buildings and their streamlined processes. Key Talking Points Main 5 bay shop built in the 70’s- built second building behind it as an oil change location and designated advisor area Logistics/communications- ‘Softros’ is a simple instant messaging program, minimization of ‘sideways energy’ talking between advisors and technicians. Detailed descriptions, all 18 computers have the program Headpieces with all employees with phone system- shortcuts with singular buttons Stand-alone customer service and advisor ‘pod’ for final close sale checkout Listen to Brett's previous episodes HERE Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  14. Ever heard of the ‘entrepreneurial curse?’ Do you see opportunity everywhere you look? Are you ready to go multi-location? Or have you been approached to sell? I’m with Greg Bunch from Transformers Institute at Vision 2022 and we discuss the boom in becoming a multi-shop owner and the future of our industry. Greg Bunch, Aspen Auto Clinic, Transformers Institute. Listen to Greg’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points Hard lesson learned from IRS Entrepreneurial curse- doing it right, seeing opportunity everywhere Retire with purpose- retiring ‘early’ isn't always the best 3-4% of shop owners are multishop Opportunities for private equity acquisitions- having multi shops changes the multiplier. Does your business rely on you to run? Transformers Institute- Prepping store for growth and talking through acquisitions, partnership, and financing. Education and analysis.Formed different groups, 3 platinum, 3 gold, with a waiting list. “Group of growing peers,” recent group is a shop foreman group (getting more out of the shop with than without) Advice- be curious, ask questions, research Future- electric cars, gas prices, Q & A program for inbound calls (50 per month) measures over 50 data points (tone of voice, price on the phone) people are missing empathy when speaking with customers Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  15. The complete customer experience package starts with having paid attention to details. When was the last time your shop was painted? Is the parking lot striped? What kind of coffee and amenities do you serve? Does your bathroom have extra hooks on the door? I’m with a panel of shop owners that put that extra in extraordinary. You should get a bare minimum of 5 great ideas to implement. Chris Dekker, My Garage Auto and Tire, Airdrie, Ontario, Canada Lorenzo Pellicciotta, President, CarStar, 2 locations Oakville, Ontario Murray Voth, Business Coach, RPM Training. Listen to Murray’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Shop cleanliness and how it reflects on our capability and quality of work. 5’s ing shop- sort, set in order, shine, sanitize and sustain Why facility appearance is so important if you want newer vehicles in your database. "People will bring their older vehicle to a shop that services new cars, but they won't bring a new car to a shop that (in their mind) services old ones." Remember that the client will never see 99% of our work, and pay attention to the 1% that they will. How do you put on the oil change sticker? Leak repairs and shampooing the engine the right way. Two hooks on the back of the bathroom door, one so I can hang my coat/purse, and one so I can hang my bag is even more valuable. Work with the ‘classic details’ Paint, parking lot, clean glass Clear signage for employees, vendors, employees etc Profits are in the details Think about your staff- lunchrooms matter What is the smell of your shop? Are you desensitized to it? “Clean cars run better” according to customers Change the wording of shop supplies to materials and consumables. “It’s not about taking, it’s about giving” Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  16. Dive into the minds of three incredible industry trainers in the studio of the 2022 Vision KC Hi Tech Training & Expo. We had no agenda, just some friends chatting with a special dynamic and their passion for the advancement of the aftermarket. Some of what we covered: what are their perspectives on electrical theory, becoming a trainer, and training in general, you’ll also hear talk about business culture, mentoring and so much more. Profound fun awaits you. Gary Smith, DiagNation. Listen to Gary’s previous episodes HERE Eric Ziegler, EZ Diagnostic Solutions. Eric’s previous episodes HERE. Scott Shotton, The Driveability Guys. Scott’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points “Coming to Vision was life-altering” Eric Ziegler Electrical theory- 85% of high tech deep study cases have simple fixes routed in basic electricity. High resistance in the wire, missing fuse, broken wire, band ground. Don’t ‘out tech’ yourself. Becoming a trainer makes you better- when you teach you learn, and it forces you to research. Get what you give. Be humble and be present in the moment and be engaged. Using case studies and processes to train. “Automotive Elmers” Installing a culture of learning in your business- continuous training (with a blend of in-person and online/remote connect). Tech mentoring/group of local shops hiring training together- the same top shops that want to train continue to train, where are the other shops? Is it just a job? Or is it your career and passion? Reaching the ‘master craftsman’’ in any position takes 68,000 hours, it's a journey We Are Signal Intelligence Specialists with Gary Smith [RR 685] Eric Ziegler EZ Diagnostic Solutions and Trainer [RR 192] The Story of Stormi Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  17. Guest host and a shop tour with David Friend, Mobile Tech, Wilmington, NC. Get a tour of David's 50,000 sq ft building, including a training facility. He has been an early adapter of ADAS since 2015 and has a professional to professional auto supply business. Key Talking Points 50,000 square foot facility with training facility included with 12 lifts 2 brick and mortar locations along with 2 mobile vans ILM Auto Supply- Professional to professional services. ILMautosupply.com to register. Aging technicians- finding a new role as mentor In the works- 2-year apprentice program based on STEM program, generalized foundation to build on, using aftermarket and OEM equipment etc ADAS- early adopter in 2015/2016 “Adapt and Overcome” Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  18. How aligned are your business standards with the core values of yourself, and your team members? What are your corrective action plans? I’m with Clint White at Vision 2022 and we discuss accountability when things don’t go as planned in your business. It happens to everyone, but how to address it is a critical step some owners miss. Clint White, Service Advisor Coach & Shop Consultant with CWI and currently holds multiple ASE certifications. Clint’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Accountability- process to actively participate in Standards- SOPs are required for all businesses, but do your employees know the foundation they’re built on? Failure to follow the process. If ‘rules’ are integrated with core values they will be followed. Set clear expectations based on core values. What does it mean to succeed/do the right thing? Corrective action/reprimand because they are afraid of losing someone- stunts growth Neglect isn’t effective- leaders must hold themselves accountable People behave differently when they’re being ‘watched’ Training adheres to standards Defined corrective action plan- gives structure, form/meeting/counseling. Identify the event, identify the ‘why’(was it a technical issue, personal issues?) actionable steps to avoid the mistake again, its improvement and growth. Reward and recognition- team bonuses together Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  19. How often do you have an outside perspective on your business to offer improvement ideas? What about 35 outside perspectives? Last month Brian Weeks hosted a team of shop owners from his peer group, from around the country, to dig deep into his business. Keep listening to find out what helpful tips and insights they offered and what they learned from each other. Brian Weeks, ATC Auto Center, Augusta, GA. Listen to Brian's previous episodes HERE Craig Noel, Sun Automotive, Springfield, OR. Listen to Craig's previous episodes HERE Gary Pontious Jr, Toledo Auto Care, Toledo, OH. Listen to Gary's previous episodes HERE Brett Beachler, Beachler's Vehicle Care & Repair, Peoria, IL. Listen to Brett's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points A few months prior to the meeting Brian opened his books to a small “Advanced Team” (marketing, processes, culture, ROs) “Advanced Team” observed for a full day. The second day is implementation and meetings with everyone involved. People are assigned ‘tasks’ (facility, management system etc). Accountability groups for areas that need to be focused on- continual process based on needs Coming to help, not to make you feel bad Shows the opportunity Don't think you are on an island and doing a good job- build the bridges and have your iron sharpened with the help of others Your competitor is the person that is better than you Family culture is a testament to Brian’s leadership The networking during the dinners, lunches, breaks is just as important as the meetings The exposure of your weaknesses/opportunities of your leadership/procedures. Then your ability to grow from it. Always walk away learning something Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  20. Not sure if you know that my daughter Tracy joined our media company and quickly signed on to our purpose to Advance the Aftermarket. She has made a great impact and helped to create the Aftermarket Radio Network. I’ve been encouraging her to find her stride and do her own podcast episode. Well here it is and she shares with you a personal story at the Women In Auto Care Conference in the Spring of 2022. Together we’ve attended ASTE, AAPEX, Vision, the Big Event, and others but this experience, she shares with you, is her first solo event and podcast. Get to know Tracy and see how proud I am to have her join the Aftermarket's Premier Podcast. Many, I know, will relate to her story. Key Talking Points Speakers: Olivia Newton, Sherron Washington, M.A., Danielle Sonnefeld, Gabrielle Hopkins, Anne Coffin, AAP, Jill Trotta, Kim Nolan, Savannah Sprague, Olivia Newton, Cheryl Thompson, Tammy Tecklenburg, Tara Topel, Tamara Ghandour, Casey Beck, Jessica Hinman, Kathleen Long, Milagros Mendez Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  21. Guest host and a shop tour with Amanda Drake, C & C Automotive, Augusta, GA. Amanda is passionate about growth through mergers and acquisitions. Take a tour of their 15,000 ft location which was a strip mall. Key Talking Points Growth- 5 locations, looking to close 6th location Flagship store- 35 bay location, Passion- growing through acquisitions and expanding to other outside cities, giving shop owners the opportunity to retire Challenges- many owners know how to fix cars but don’t know how to lead a team, read finances, and grow business Advice for selling- get your financials in order, work with CPA, lease agreement, document the value of equipment, know how much inventory you keep, start making connections with potential buyers years in advance Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  22. 10 years ago, Jerry Holcom, one of the founders of Vision Hi-Tech Training Expo, self-diagnosed himself with Parkinson's. Learn how Jerry has lived with it and through it. This episode may hit home for you. The more you know the better. Let this episode be an inspiration to you. Jerry Holcom, S & S Service, Kansas City, MO and Co-Founder of Vision and this year Co-chairman and Past President of MWACA. Listen to Jerry's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points 30-year Anniversary for Vision- saw the need for technician/manager training for an entire shop to come. Formed a Management Peer Group in 1992. Needed $10,000 upfront to book a venue, Jerry and Doug used their own money to start the event called ‘Vision 2000' 10 years ago Jerry self-diagnosed with Parkinson's. Started noticing he was walking slow, customers asked if something was wrong, and his primary doctor didn’t know what was wrong. Noticed when he wrote his name in cursive would get smaller and smaller at the end, took a quiz in a magazine about Parkinson's. Continues to work in the shop which has helped his mobility. In the early 1980’s he started dabbling with integrating floppy discs and computers in his shop Over 140 pages of scholarship submissions for Vision Roughly 80% of attendees for Vision KC are from outside the area “Vision is more than training” Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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  23. Did you know ethics, culture, and team go hand in hand in a successful business? Doing the right thing means having full transparency, trust, and integrity. Listen firsthand to my panel as they discuss ethics 101 and some standout scenarios they’ve experienced. Andy Pollina, Legacy Auto-Tech, Grand Rapids, MI. Listen to Andy's previous episodes HERE Bill Nalu, Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI. Listen to Bill’s previous episodes HERE. Tom Schearer, Schearer’s Sales and Service, Allentown, PA Key Talking Points Ethics means doing what is right, not what is easy. Integrity: Doing the right thing even when nobody is looking. The hard part is that “ethical” is so subjective. There will never be one iron-clad “ethics manual” because one’s ethics are based on so many factors such as Upbringing, culture, faith, tradition, etc. Guide customers and be transparent- the value proposition is based on integrity and ethics DVI’s- adds to ARO and gives customers a report they deserve What is your shop’s character? How do you care about your customer's and employees' safety? "Rules of Engagement" - identify what you want instead of focusing on what you don’t want Ask the right questions- “discovery conversation” building trust Ethics are continually evolving due to many factors such as technology, changing societal norms, science, hard lessons, etc. Ethics as it applies to automotive service: Pricing, Employee Compensation, Warranty: how much do you need to cover in the case of a part failure that you won’t be reimbursed for? Continue to lead by example Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com See how Broadly can help YOU grow your auto shop. getbroadly.com/chat Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  24. Do you have a clear procedure for new customers and a commitment to providing an outstanding customer experience? Kevin Vaught from Elite Worldwide shares simple ways to WOW your new customers and reduce their anxiety. Kevin Vaught, Elite Worldwide Business Development Coach, former multi-shop owner. Find Kevin’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Elite Invitational - open to everyone What are your SOPs for customer experience Reduces the customer’s anxiety- customers don't know your process, what to expect, what was found, what it will cost etc Extended orientation for new customers- set the expectations, ask them to come a little early, let customers get to know the staff as real people, follow through with the set expectations Consider having a handout to customers with your staff’s bio The industry did a top-notch job communicating to their customers how they were being safe and sanitizing during COVID-19- the same needs to be done for exceptional customer service Boast about the investment you continue to make with your people When organizations in all industries were asked to score the quality of their customer service experience, 80% scored it excellent or superior. When that same question was asked to the consumer, 8%t felt they were getting a superior customer experience. Buy name tags for your service advisors Are you in the transaction business or the relationship business? “One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain” Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  25. Tom's Trends - Shop Open & Close Hours Watch on Youtube HERE Shops are open fewer hours. 56% open at 8:00 am or later more than half 14% open before 7:30 1 in 7 74% close 5:30 or earlier 3 out of 4 5% close 6:30 or later 1 in 20 27% regular Saturday hours 1 in 4 5% open any evening’s 1 in 20 Most employees prefer regular day hours 8 – 5 Shorter hours are used to attract new employees There is additional cost and regulation that comes with overtime Most of what goes on in a shop today are easier to manage 8 to 5 Resources are more difficult outside of 8-5 Many of the most successful and profitable shops are open 8 - 5 Connect with the show: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Tom Ham, with the help of his wife Deb, is the creator and owner of Automotive Management Network a 12,000 plus member website dedicated to the exchange of vehicle service management information. Tom got his start in the auto service industry pumping gas in the late ’60s. Tom and his wife operate Auto Centric, an import specialty shop in Grand Rapids, MI. Tom and Deb have five children including two sons and a daughter who served in the Iraq War as U.S. Marines. He writes extensively on industry topics. Discover Tom’s previous episodes HERE. Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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