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Everything posted by carmcapriotto

  1. How do your service advisors close their sales with a customer? Are they pre-scheduling for future maintenance appointments? Brett Beachler’s business has a 40% close rate for pre-scheduled maintenance appointments. He discusses how to make your current customers, your future customers. Grab a pen and paper or head to the show notes on this episode. You don’t want to miss Brett’s closing presentation that can be implemented in your business. Bill Snow, VP Rad Air, and VP of Franchise Development Andy Fiffick, CEO Rad Air, 10-locations, franchise Key Talking Points Get your energy by talking with students about our industry Is an undergrad degree considered worthless in today’s world? How has this paid off? Andres Hobbs is on track to be a master technician before 25 years old. Matt Harbert started as an apprentice program at Bill’s from a school, started as work-study then was hired to join their apprentice program. Corporation knocked on Matt’s door to hire him, and he left and came back 9 months later. He didn't enjoy the culture at the corporate level. Identify the school around you- research the contacts (teachers/principles/school counselor), reach out with what you can offer (perspective in the classroom, mock interviews, host shadow day etc), and reach out to the chambers, consistency is the key “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work” Thomas Edison Invest the time and receive the reward Talk about what you can do to engage with your students, your staff, and your administrators. Be authentic, be genuine, be supportive, be open-minded, and help that young man or woman understand the benefits of being part of our awesome industry Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  2. How often are you checking on the overall health of your business with your team members involved? Are you identifying and working on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, known as SWOT? How do you start a SWOT analysis? What are the benefits? How do you find your blindspots? Does knowing your SWOT give you a competitive advantage? My panel takes a deep dive into the value of SWOT and shares their own experiences. Watch the Episode on YouTube Brian Bates, Eagle Automotive Service, Littleton, CO, 9 locations. Brian's previous episodes HERE Michael Smith, Managing Partner, Herzberg Smith and Co, Michael Smith's previous episodes HERE Bill Van Hoose, General Manager, Eagle Automotive Service, Littleton, CO, 5 locations Key Talking Points SWOT Analysis is just one component of a comprehensive approach to continuously reassessing and improving a company's structure, performance & results over time. SWOT is Step #1 in a 5-step value building cycle - As-Is discovery, To-Be future, gap analysis, gap closure, and begin again. Strengths & Weaknesses are INTERNALLY-focused and Opportunities & Threats are EXTERNALLY-focused. Path to Mastery - Achieving mastery requires continuous assessment & development; SWOT plays a crucial role A comprehensive (breadth) SWOT analysis examines ALL value-levers & business functions. A deep-dive (depth) SWOT analysis includes an alignment-assessment for each lever & function, from vision down through deliverables & success metrics. People do business with people Consider doing a SWOT post Covid Starting- pick 1 problem area first, you will uncover other problem areas naturally. Remove your arrogance during the process. Add humility. Ensure your team is aligned with your culture, business and SWOT. It is a collaborative effort to improve, you are not assigning blame. Implementing SWOT with a qualified moderator to dig deep, unveil blindspots and ask the hard questions “What’s your legacy? What is your exit strategy?” Have the end in mind. What is your value proposition? Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  3. Nothing beats live in-person industry events. There is power in the collaborative minds from around the country in one room. The podcast attended the 2022 Elite Invitational in San Diego and we recorded some incredible stories with essential aftermarket voices. At the end of the conference, I had the idea to grab Jim Murphy, Gene Morrill, and Joe Marconi for a recap of the event and their perspectives on our industry. Keep listening, you have the best seat in the house right next to these 3 aftermarket icons. Gene Morrill, Certified Automotive in Glendora, CA. Business Development Coach with Elite Top Shop 360, Elite Worldwide. Gene’s previous episodes HERE Joe Marconi, Executive Council Member, Elite Worldwide. Joe’s Episodes HERE. Jim Murphy, Pro Service Leader, Elite Pro Service Program, Elite Worldwide. Jim's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Guiding, not telling what to do Takeaways- more young people attending, non Elite clients attending, finding your ideal customer (the 20%), customer base still referring to technicians as ‘mechanics’ The Bob Cooper Experience- presence and ethics Implementation is the key to acquiring knowledge Changing demographic with customers and employees Movement of shop owners coming from different careers Always move forward, be inspired, attend training, be focused on your employees, empower your employees to create customer experiences, brainstorm opportunities Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  4. Guest host and shop tour with Jimmy Alauria, 3A Automotive and Diesel Repair, Phoenix, AZ. Does your shop have individual unicorn employees? Or does it have a team with leaders? Dive into his Organizing Board comprised of 7 divisions. Jimmy Alauria, 3A Automotive and Diesel Repair, Phoenix, AZ. Jimmy's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Are you too consumed looking for a ‘unicorn’ employee? Is there a shortage? Technician surveys- easier to communicate and find new hires. Techs want to work in an organized shop- you need a structure for each role that can be referenced When Jimmy took over the shop from his family his ‘unicorn’ left Numbers don't tell a story, they tell trends over time Shop flow chart- a system that works and can be followed Organizing Board from Left to Right- Blue - Executive Division, Gold - Communication Division, Purple - Marketing & Sales Division, Pink - Finance Division, Green - Production Division, Grey - Quality Control Division, Yellow - Public Relations Division. 7 divisions with executives, brings accountability and trust Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  5. How do your service advisors close their sales with a customer? Are they pre-scheduling for future maintenance appointments? Brett Beachler’s business has a 40% close rate for pre-scheduled maintenance appointments. He discusses how to make your current customers, your future customers. Grab a pen and paper or head to the show notes on this episode. You don’t want to miss Brett’s closing presentation that can be implemented in your business. Brett Beachler, Beachler’s Vehicle Care & Repair, Peoria, IL. Listen to Brett’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Customer close procedure/presentation Try to understand what the other person sees and not just what your shop wants Factory specified maintenance review on cars- review the history on Carfax, review what the car needs according to the factory maintenance specifications. The system will actually calculate a date when it thinks you'll be due. Ask what are your plans on the car? Is the car paid for? Review with the customer what your technicians did. Solidify them saying “You guys are my guy.” Lay the groundwork for them to say “You know what? You just gave me all the right reasons to make an appointment 4, 5, 6, 7 months in advance” Send a text to them about a week ahead What you don't want to do- run the actual credit card amount and then try to explain it to the customer the factory maintenance and review etc.. As soon as they run that transaction, they're done. You must direct your advisors the best way they will get the highest batting average for pre-scheduling. Don't start with a closed transaction. If you don't capture them at that closed sale then the next thing is the email and the text, if we don't catch 'em there, then they call up three weeks later and say, “Hey, I just wanna schedule an oil change. And we go, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you got all this factory maintenance dude. You wanna do it?” Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  6. Motivation- based on relationship, culture, and attributes that empower them. You must be profitable to have financial rewards Your business model needs to be sustainable, growable, and expandable based on labor- you need to be profitable in labor Performance-based pay: pure pay for what they produce, to hourly based with an incentive scale that gets them to $50 to $70 an hour. Interview- paid training, employment programs for career growth, ask about their dreams and their ‘why’ and plan their incentive pay You're not hiring a technician, you’re hiring for a career and lifestyle Employees are looking for security and longevity Bonuses: it’s the cherry on top, monthly/annual hours into training raises base hourly, ASE master raises base hourly, longevity bonuses for tenure, tool bonus based on hours or punctuality, consistency bonus: produced 50 hours or more for 2 to 5 weeks in a row earn up to another $5 an hour, leadership & personal development incentive: be a better version of themselves, Apprentice toolbox they get to keep after 5+ years, etc 74% labor GP on highest-paid tech- take 74%-100% = 26%, $40/.26= labor rate to be at 74% Modifying pay- what is the intent? Can it continue to change? Are there potential negatives by adding to the pay if something goes wrong in the pay plan? You can’t compromise and be a giver and taker. Incentive plans don’t work if the employee doesn’t know how to track themselves. Teach your employees to watch themselves in the simplest way. Give freedom- expand to quarter or every 6-month programs to take into account vacation, sick time, etc. Don’t make it a disincentive plan Critical sick time, health spending account, ‘pay the vacation,’ health benefits plan for families, team bonuses Your incentive plan should build your bench of technicians wanting to come work for you. One pay plan doesn't work for everyone. It also needs to be tied to your vision for the business. Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  7. Craig Popp, First Tire & Automotive, 4 locations, Sugar Land and Katy, TX Key Talking Points Surround yourself with people that have experience Do something that you know, and do it very well and you'll be successful Buying additional locations- you need the customer base, the goodwill in the community, and the location that makes a big difference. You can't do it all, you got to depend on your people, you got to empower them. Make sure that when a customer comes in, your employees have the authority to decide to take care of that customer. Do not hire the first person automatically. Don't fill a void, talk to them, get to know them, and spend some time before you hire that person. Set the expectations, set deadlines, and train them to be what you expect them to be. Sometimes doing the right things is hard, but still the right thing “You’re only as good as your weakest link” Keeping a training resume Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  8. Guest host and shop tour with John Bridgwater, Doral's Auto Repair, San Leandro, CA. Find out how John recovered from losing 3 technicians in 3 weeks. John Bridgwater, Doral’s Auto Repair, San Leandro, CA. Listen to John’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Lost 3 technicians within 3 weeks “When it’s time to go it’s time to go, don’t prolong the inevitable” Has Transformers Institute as coaching company- did SWOT analysis, put an action plan in place Replaced 2 technicians already and other interviews scheduled Hiring a manager to be an integrator Advice- be transparent and be open, no matter how bad the situation is there is always growth Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  9. Daniel Griffith, Wally's Precision Auto Care, Las Vegas, NV Key Talking Points Finding, identifying, and connecting with the ideal customer and naming them (Jennifer and Clara)- what books are they reading? Who are they following on social media? What are their expectations? Build out each phase of the customer experience process, and look at the highs and lows What parts of the process are easy and what parts are hard? Simplify that down as much as possible If something's not working, change it. It's that simple Hiring new employees- asked his current employees what they like about their job, then used their words on the job descriptions “Culture eats strategies for breakfast.” The average tenure of his current team is over 12 years Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  10. Watch the Episode on YouTube Rachel Spencer, Spencer’s Auto Repair, Krum, Texas. Rachel’s Previous Episodes HERE Dale Warmuth, Leon's Car Care Center, Eureka, CA Key Talking Points Attention to detail- committed to customers, feels like home, purse hooks, lotion, indicates the quality of the shop. Clean, functional and responsible, and attentive Employees share responsibilities with their employees restroom Cleaning- checking on the bathroom several times a day than cleaning it in the evening Lighting and paint are key areas to update quickly, and quality toilet paper You have 1 opportunity to make a first-class experience Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  11. Was your mission statement created by yourself, or was it a collaborative effort from your employees? Is it listed on your website homepage? Do your customers know what it is? I’m with Bill Greeno at the 2022 Elite Invitational and he discusses how his team revamped its mission statement into a passion statement. Find out why affirmations were critical in starting the process. Bill Greeno, Quality Automotive Servicing, Truckee, CA. Bill's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Renamed, rebranded, and changed the mission statement Dropped “Smog” from the name to add “Servicing” as an actionable word. Customers thought it was just a smog shop. “A mission statement doesn't work if you don’t talk to your people” you need meetings to establish expectations, discuss desires and direction, etc Meetings- setting expectations to arrive at a place to write the new mission statement together. Bill brought in another business coach to start. He explained the power of affirmations. The mind doesn’t know the difference between what is and what could be. What do you want to be? Are you affirming what you want to be every day? Every Friday after the meeting, they broke into pairs and wrote affirmation for themselves, and shared it with their partner. Their partner repeated it and wrote it down. Then the team would write words that defined them as a company and on their own, write 6 different mission statements. Collaborated together to create 1 mission statement, which became their ‘passion statement.’ “Whatcha know good?” Tell me the good news “We go beyond the obvious to educate customers with full disclosure and transparency. So you, the advisor, and the technician can find the best solution to keep your vehicle reliable for years to come.” Listed on the front home page at the top “Ideal Team Player” having the same values together Communication coordinator- handwritten thank you cards to every customer, receives public records when someone buys a house in the community and will send out a ‘welcome to town package.’ Handles email appointment requests, answers phone 25% of the time, does radio ads, internal communications, and marketing Advice- build your people Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  12. Guest host and shop tour with Jae Malinowski, Faithfull Tirecraft, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Jae's shop has 5 shipping containers of customer tires. Find out why tires are an important part of his business. Jae Malinowski, Faithfull Tirecraft, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Listen to Jae’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Rebranding business, knowing who your customer is, and having a customer avatar Moving during COVID-19, leasing the current building Book recommendation Stolen Focus by Johann Hari- learn how to listen better, focus on the task at hand Tire storage- appointments twice a year 8k for a shipping container, Jae will cap at 6 containers on location. Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  13. Are hairdressers the new untapped resource for our industry? How does a hairdresser in San Francisco become an automotive shop owner in Las Vegas? What can we learn from the intimacy between a hairdresser and the client? I’m with Danielle Villa at the 2022 Elite Invitational, stay tuned, you won't want to miss this episode. We discuss business, hair care tips, and a few laughs in between. Danielle Villa, Red Rock Repair, Las Vegas, NV Key Talking Points “I’m a mediocre hairdresser but I’m really great with people.” Hair is intimate- “ It's the only profession that you touch someone and you don’t cause them pain or discomfort” Purchased shop 3 years ago with husband at the time, they knew they needed a business coach- transformed their lives and business. Working with a spouse- open communication, willingness to listen and hear each other Charging for what you’re providing- with being a hairdresser and running a shop. Set the expectation and standards of your business. Employees want to be heard and empowered Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  14. Are A,B, and C technician levels outdated? Or do we need to take into account specialized skills that can be required in certain areas? Is there room for A, B and C levels within categories? As our industry continues to change, maybe our perspectives on technician labels change too. Tim Iezzi, Iezzi’s Auto Service, Reading, PA Ryan Kooiman, Director of Training, Standard Motor Products. Ryan’s previous episodes HERE. Matt Fanslow, lead diagnostician and shop manager, Riverside Automotive, Red Wing, MN. Matt’s previous episodes HERE Matt Fanslow Podcast: Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z Key Talking Points After Covid, techs were a bit burnt out on webinars and sitting behind computer screens-they appreciated being able to be hands-on again and in person without having to drive and take up their personal time after hours. Pick an area to focus on- like a business coach for your technicians. Start from the ground floor Similar to case studies- using cars to teach and diagnose at the same time Training- collective education on a subject matter Trainer and technician bond when you’re in the shop Logistically easier having in house than traveling for training Assessments of every technician with 1 trainer Fosters open and receptive culture The relationship between techs and Scott and owners and Scott is valued and appreciated. He gets to know them and can determine strengths and areas for growth. The collaboration as a team is increased as well. Documenting/journaling for technicians to reference past jobs Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  15. Rachel Spencer, Spencer’s Auto Repair, Krum, Texas. Rachel's Previous Episodes HERE Jimmy Alauria, 3A Automotive and Diesel Repair, Phoenix, AZ Key Talking Points What do your customers value the most? What do they want from you? Your customers are your best source for marketing 62% of Rachels customers asked someone who they should go to. Implemented referral cards for customers. Those customers still checked Google for the number of reviews and what was said. 37% thought google reviews were important. Top 3 benefits to customers in Rachel’s shop- warranty, loaner cars, speed of service Google Form and QR codes Bad Google reviews- people make mistakes, it’s up to you to make it right and validate the other 5 star reviews. Alleviating customer stress by communicating clear expectations and following through- loaner car availability, financing, Surveying both emotions and thoughts- what were you feeling? What was your first thought? To get a good sample you need at least 50 responses New customers- why did they choose you? Frequency of surveys- every few years unless there is a change in the environment (inflation, interest rates, fear of unknown) Number of questions- 10-12 questions Headline for the survey- “your opinion matters” Get survey ideas at Jimmy Alauria site: www.winningautoshops.com Google Reviews Episode with Jimmy Lea [RR 747] Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  16. Guest host and shop tour with Reggie Stewart, 2 locations, Reggie's Motorworks and Noble Auto Service, Noblesville, IN. Find out how and why Reggie branded 2 separate locations in 1 former dealership space. Reggie Stewart, Reggie’s Motor Works, and Noble Auto Service in Noblesville, IN, Euro Specialist. Listen to Reggie’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points 2 separate brand names Was in the European repair for over 12 years, building next door became available 1 alignment bay for both shops Enough difference between European and general service to have it make sense Saw the need for light diesel/sprinter work in the community Options for the community is dealership, chain, mom and pop’s in retirement age Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  17. Ready to be inspired by a shop owner that came from the merger and acquisition realm? Why did he choose our industry? What fresh perspective does he have? I’m with Thomas from Hotchkiss Auto Repair and his passion about people and training is infectious. Thomas, Hotchkiss Auto Repair, Denver, CO Key Talking Points He came from the M & A (mergers and acquisitions) world as an investment banker. Looked into different industries to get into, over 800 small businesses in 1 year. He found automotive is highly segmented and recession-proof. Don't be a bank teller- build a relationship Buying an existing business- what’s working? Why do customers already love this business? What can your background/strengths improve the business? The most valuable asset is the people Power of people- you can’t get a degree for it Accountability for the owner- do your employees feel like they’re making an impact on the workplace? Empowered? Value? Monthly meetings- what went well, what didn’t go well, and what are you doing to be the best version f yourself? Express positive and negative and be heard. Job vs career- training and development and career track. Creating a habit personally and professionally. Challenges- losing teamwork as there are more turnover and fewer people developed through their technical careers. Creates labor inflation and competition for talent. National brands with mergers and acquisitions Training resumes/libraries Motivation cannot come from external sources Joined the NAPA AutoCare Elite Business Development Group (BDG) Colorado, for which he hosted its latest Elite Owner Support (EOS) meeting where members gather to support, educate and grow each member’s shop through constructive criticism and honest evaluations. Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  18. There are business coaches for shop owners, service advisors, COO’s and managers. But what about technicians? Training events are critical for everyone in your shop, but one on one technician mentoring at your facility is unrivaled. Find out the benefits of bringing a trainer in specifically to teach your team. Eric Ziegler, EZ Diagnostic Solutions. Eric’s previous episodes HERE. Scott Shotton, The Driveability Guys. Scott’s previous episodes HERE. Tara Topel, Topel’s Service Center Inc. Tara's previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points After Covid, techs were a bit burnt out on webinars and sitting behind computer screens-they appreciated being able to be hands-on again and in person without having to drive and take up their personal time after hours. Pick an area to focus on- like a business coach for your technicians. Start from the ground floor Similar to case studies- using cars to teach and diagnose at the same time Training- collective education on a subject matter Trainer and technician bond when you’re in the shop Logistically easier having in house than traveling for training Assessments of every technician with 1 trainer Fosters open and receptive culture The relationship between techs and Scott and owners and Scott is valued and appreciated. He gets to know them and can determine strengths and areas for growth. The collaboration as a team is increased as well. Documenting/journaling for technicians to reference past jobs Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  19. Jeff Cox, President, Automotive Maintenance and Repair Association Jim Bennett, Carmasters Automotive, Norfolk, VA, and ATI Coach Key Talking Points MAP- The Motorist Assurance Program is an Automotive Industry initiative built on vehicle inspection, repair and maintenance standards developed over the last 25 years. The MAP standards were developed for the sole purpose of instilling trust in the relationship between you – the motorist – and your chosen MAP participating service provider. MAP Vision- A world in which every motorist trusts the automotive maintenance and repair industry MAP Mission- Dedicated to equipping the automotive maintenance and repair industry with standards that build trusted relationships with the motorist. Building consistency and transparency with standards Non for profit Required vs recommend when it comes to safety and consistent communication with technicians $150 per year to join and be certified- online training and online test, when a group joins there is a group discount (NAPA BDG), will also join store locator on motorist.org. Available on mobile devices and computers. Accessing content/material-eLearning, API for DVI integration MAP follows and gets updated on bills, guidelines, and regulations that states require that you might not be aware of. MAP also tracks and segments by category (oil-tire disposal etc). Also has a separate listing for federal laws A free program for schools- contact AMRA.org The Sears class action on shocks - a catalyst for MAP Hosts technical conferences that members are invited to, and presentations of past conferences are also available online Has consumer-based videos- motorist.org (consumer-facing). Why the oil change is now $99.00, tire repair standards Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  20. Guest host and a shop tour with Lorenzo Pellicciotta, CarStar, Oakville, Ontario. Lorenzo discusses his path to becoming an entrepreneur and why processes and procedures are critical to gathering all information on a vehicle the first time. Lorenzo Pellicciotta, President, CarStar, 2 locations Oakville, Ontario. Listen to Lorenzo's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points 1991 at 25 years old- worked at import dealerships, wanted to own his own business with anything (tool distributor, pizza, subs). Purchased collision business- took a financial loss in beginning going from technician to owner Your vision will change- push and change your goals as time goes on. Learn from your mistakes and others. Processes and procedures- capturing the disablement, ordering parts 1 time, when parts arrive the job starts and is completed. Eliminate second run-throughs. Uses pictures of what equipment should look like when it is put away. Release meetings- 10 minute meetings, multiple times a day to keep everyone on the same page Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  21. David Eschbach, Spirt One Automotive, St. Louis, MO Key Talking Points Five Stages of Business- Obscurity, Awareness, Need, Change, Recommend Awareness- understanding your voice and message is powerful. Include the spouse as 3rd party evaluator with reviews. "No one works for me, they work with me." Forfeiting the Right to Emotion- The difference between emotion and compassion. Dollars are for the owner. Victories are for the team. Focus on Simple Victories Not Dollars Marketing, Advertising and Branding: must be done daily, everyone is a prospect, don’t stop marketing even if you are busy and booked weeks out. Are you “coca-cola?” “Success is detrimental to your daily efforts” “Triumph only means your next effort has to produce bigger results.” Creating a Marketing Calendar. Marketing Everyday- The Everyday Habit. Understanding how to attract new customers. The failure of discounts and rebates, instead market experiences. Becoming an Influencer, let the relationship build your business Your Health is the Health of your Business- your team counts on you for your decisions. The best decisions come from a healthy mind and body. Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  22. We’re talking Exit interviews. Some shop owners do them religiously. Some don’t want to face the music. Some don’t know what to do in an exit interview. Is it a smart time not to burn a bridge? Is there a format to follow? We are going to attempt to answer these questions and more in today’s Town Hall Academy. You can learn a lot about yourself and your company in exit interviews. Matt Fanslow, lead diagnostician and shop manager, Riverside Automotive, Red Wing, MN. Matt’s previous episodes HERE Matt Fanslow Podcast: Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z Chris Cotton, AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching and the Chris Cotton Weekly Blitz Podcast Key Talking Points Think of it as information gathering. We think nothing of gathering information to go about repairing a vehicle, be it a customer interview, service information search, or data collection via a scan tool or scope, or meter. It's getting more and more common to ask clients for reviews. We want good reviews on our sites, or on Google or Facebook and we want bad reviews to go to us immediately so they can be rectified and hopefully earn a "good" review. People leave people, not companies Winning sports team- winning is a salve for everything If a soon-to-be or former employee just doesn't want to talk to you about their time with you, it may be a sign that your "open door policy" isn't nearly as open as you thought. Your role in an exit interview, as the owner or manager, is to shut up and listen. Ask questions. The only statements you really should be making is maybe clearing up real misunderstandings, earnestly asking questions, and thanking them for their time with you working AND talking to you. Take the information and try very hard to look at it purely at face value, and then after a day or two or a week, come back to it and try to put yourself in their shoes/boots and read between the lines. Don't let your imagination get too crazy, but with those two perspectives, you should be able to extract information that is true and applicable to improving your business and work environment. There are not enough exit interviews done We value customer reviews why not employees on an exit interview The company should have a formal policy regarding exit interviewing. Must have a policy and or procedure. The same list of questions for all departing employees etc.... Not emotional.....hard part about smaller businesses is that the direct report usually does the interview, if at all possible have a neutral party conduct the interview, you can even outsource it if it fits in your budget to do so if you think of this in marketing terms this is a retention tool, not an acquisition tool. You need to listen to the employees as they leave and then think about your current employees, how can you use the information gathered in order to keep the employees you have top 2 reasons for leaving repair shops is lack of accountability and employee not knowing what their future holds/training plan or lack of one. Connect with the Podcast Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: More Time. More Profit. Shop-Ware Shop Management getshopware.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  23. As we grow as leaders and build a strong culture in our businesses, we take on many different roles. These are unwritten roles that many small business people need to know that may have to step into. Such as a marriage counselor, a person of faith, an intervention confidant, and more. I’m with Dr. Dave Weiman, a great and wise contributor to the podcast, as we discuss the management of all the different hats we put on as business owners. Dr. David Weiman is the president of Weiman Consulting, a leadership consulting firm in Philadelphia PA. Listen to David’s previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points If we feel over-stressed juggling too many roles at work, what do we do? Be aware of who you are at that moment, are you having too many roles? Prioritize the roles and refer/suggest other professional resources Strengthening relationships at work, being more personal Trust- telling someone when something’s wrong or asking for advice- creating connections and being a sounding board. Listening without talking is critical. A personal board of directors- your boss is usually one Family business- a distinction and addressing each other properly when at work. Succession planning needs to have transparent conversations and ask questions. Work-life balance- are you managing time or managing yourself? What are the goals within your roles? How much time do you want to spend on each role? How many roles are too many? (Does it mean we're trying to be too many things? Or that people who work for us NEED too much from us? A little of both?) Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Learn more about NAPA AutoCare and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting www.NAPAAutoCare.com Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  24. Guest host and a shop tour with Casey McGowan, Casey's Independent Auto Repair, Vancouver, WA. Casey discusses the difference between productivity and efficiency in a shop and the importance of measuring technician time management. Key Talking Points Technician time management- performance-based pay plan Tech time manager- clocking in with tablets, job clock is a work in progress screen Resistance? Has to be implemented at the beginning of the hiring process Labor rate- most profitable item Idle time? Parts? Equipment? Why? Productivity vs Efficiency Building a schedule and promising customers can only be done with a history of time management 300% rule- 100% of cars get 100% inspections and they report 100% of the findings Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partner: Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. Take the Dorman Virtual Tour at www.DormanProducts.com/Tour Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  25. Reggie Stewart, Reggie's Motor Works, and Noble Auto Service in Noblesville, IN, Euro Specialist. Listen to Reggie's previous episodes HERE Key Talking Points Did the owner pay off the property 30+ years ago? Why isn’t he paying himself rent? Do the employees of this shop make appropriate wages? Do they provide any benefits? What happens when you have a more complicated problem? Then, they are perpetuating the idea that the auto repair industry is untrustworthy, when in fact it just costs more to build a modern trustworthy business. “There's a shop for every client, and a client for every shop” Connect with the Podcast: Aftermarket Radio Network Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the Web Follow on Facebook Become an Insider Buy me a coffee Important Books Check out today's partners: Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2022. Mark your calendar now … November 1-3, 2022, AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR. More Time. More Profit. Transform your shop at getshopware.com/carm Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio

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