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  1. There is no getting around the importance of training and mentorship in the automotive service repair industry. A strong commitment to training provides many long-term benefits for business growth. A collaborative approach to learning is encouraged, creating in-house experts and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Brandon advocates for staying technologically updated and customer-focused to ensure business success. The episode underscores training's vital role in enhancing customer service and business success. Brandon Steckler, instructor for CarQuest Institute and WorldPAC Training Institute, Technical Editor for MotorAge Magazine. Brandon’s previous episodes HERE. Show Notes The Importance of Mentorship (00:01:45) Brandon's mentor, Jim Morton, and the impact of mentorship on his career. Passing on Knowledge (00:02:53) Brandon's commitment to guiding and mentoring younger technicians. Learning from Mistakes (00:03:27) The value of sharing personal mistakes and lessons in training sessions. Influence and Impact (00:04:56) The significance of influencing and changing lives as a trainer in the automotive industry. Motivation for Technicians (00:05:24) The evolving motivations for technicians and the importance of ongoing education. The Role of Training (00:06:15) The critical role of ongoing education and networking for technicians. Engaging Training (00:07:03) Brandon's approach to engaging and building trust with trainees. Staying Current (00:11:07) The importance of continuous learning and the 85% rule Teaching in Europe (00:16:30) Brandon's experience teaching in the UK and Ireland, and plans for future classes. Importance of Mentorship (00:18:27) Brandon discusses the value of sharing mistakes and not being a hero in teaching, emphasizing mentorship. Encouraging Questions (00:20:11) The positive impact of asking questions and fostering a network of knowledge in training sessions. Creating Technical Content (00:22:51) Brandon's process for creating technical videos and the importance of creating useful content for technicians. Value of Training (00:26:48) Brandon's approach to building confidence in technicians through training and the impact of a positive learning environment. Understanding Shop Ownership (00:29:08) Brandon's realization of the responsibilities and challenges of shop ownership and the importance of a well-rounded skill set. Managing Training Responsibilities (00:29:57) Discussion on the responsibility of shop owners to invest in structured training programs and the benefits of investing in employees. Challenges of Time and Money (00:31:40) The difficulty of allocating time and money for training, and the importance of seeing the return on investment in training. The Importance of Solutions (00:33:28) Emphasizing the need to focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems, and the positive outcomes that result from this mindset. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Auto Care Learn more about NAPA Auto Care and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting https://www.napaonline.com/en/auto-care Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  2. The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops. Click here to learn more about Top Tier Marketing by Shop Marketing Pros and schedule a demo:https://shopmarketingpros.com/chris/ Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/ If you would like to join their private facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind In the 150th episode of "The Weekly Blitz," host Chris Cotton features his wife, Kimberly, in a special discussion about her experience as a kidney donor for her brother. Kimberly details the rigorous testing and approval process she underwent, including blood tests, urine collection, and consultations. She shares the emotional and physical challenges faced, her proactive search for support groups, and the lifestyle adjustments required post-donation. The episode highlights her concerns for her brother's health post-surgery and her remaining kidney's adaptation. Kimberly encourages others to consider living donation, emphasizing the positive aspects of her journey. Chris closes the episode with words of love and support for Kimberly. The opening (00:00:01) Setting up the podcast recording and introduction to the special episode. The decision to donate (00:02:10) Discussion about the decision to donate a kidney and the family history of kidney issues. The testing and approval process (00:08:07) Detailed account of the extensive testing and approval process for kidney donation. Challenges and health considerations (00:12:41) Discussion about health issues, including low iron and high cholesterol, and the impact on the donation process. Approval and scheduling the surgery (00:18:05) The process of approval by the board and the decision to schedule the surgery. Support and emotional impact (00:22:33) The importance of the support team and the emotional impact of the approval and moving forward with the donation. The approval (00:23:34) Kimberly's realization of the severity of her brother's condition upon receiving official approval as a kidney donor. Support groups (00:24:22) Kimberly's discovery of a living donor support group on Facebook and her impressions of the community. Pre-surgery preparations (00:27:08) Kimberly's upcoming appointments, pre-admission testing, and concerns about the surgery. Recovery and post-donation care (00:30:12) Discussion about the impact on kidney function, lifestyle changes, and post-donation medical monitoring. Final thoughts (00:32:57) Kimberly's encouragement for potential living donors and her positive experience with the donation process. Connect with Chris: [email protected] Phone: 940.400.1008 www.autoshopcoaching.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae #kidney #kidneydonor #onebeanclub #donor #livingdonor Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  3. The Value Paradox: We all want top-notch service without the hefty price tag. However, quality comes at a cost. Andy Bizub explores this conundrum and how it mirrors the choices we make. Consumers often face a choice between the cheapest and the luxurious with little interest in the middle ground. This observation sparked a conversation about how the automotive industry can apply this pricing strategy to their businesses. Remember, it's not just about the price; it's about the value and experience you provide. Andy Bizub, Midwest Performance Cars, Chicago and Northbrook, IL. Andy’s previous episodes HERE. Show Notes Watch Full Video Episode Consumer choices in the airline industry (00:02:05) Discussion on consumer choices, pricing, and quality in the airline industry and its parallels to the automotive service industry. Charging fair prices (00:05:07) Exploration of the challenges and mindset of shop owners regarding charging fair prices and the impact of consumer behavior. Creating exceptional customer experiences (00:07:45) The importance of providing exceptional customer experiences and the impact on customer loyalty and satisfaction. Transition to becoming a high-end shop (00:12:21) The journey of transforming a failing shop into a high-quality, exceptional customer experience establishment. Retail examples and business strategies (00:14:08) Comparison of retail examples (Nordstrom, Target, and Walmart) and the importance of offering a superior customer experience. Consumer mindset and experiences (00:17:38) The impact of consumer mindset on the value of a bargain versus an extravagance, as observed in the airline industry. The year of the customer and the client experience officer (00:18:05) Discussion on the importance of prioritizing customer experience in businesses and the challenges of adapting to pre-COVID business operations. Managing labor rates and shop supplies fees (00:19:30) Exploring the impact of customer experience on labor rates, decision-making regarding shop supplies fees, and the comparison with dealership invoices. Pricing strategies and customer experience in the automotive industry (00:20:52) Examining the impact of pricing strategies on customer experience, including the frustration caused by hidden fees and the parallels with the airline industry. Adapting labor rates and dealership comparisons (00:22:23) Discussion on adjusting labor rates, the impact of dealership labor rates, and the importance of providing a better customer experience. Challenges of being in the middle in the automotive industry (00:26:06) Exploring the challenges of being in the middle of the pricing spectrum and the impact on talent acquisition and business sustainability. Building an effective team and book recommendation (00:28:08) Insights into building a motivated team, the significance of maintaining a clean and professional image, and a book recommendation for business and life lessons. Leadership, self-improvement, and the value of asking questions (00:32:24) Discussion on the importance of self-improvement, effective leadership, and the value of asking questions to enhance understanding and decision-making in business. Family Business Challenges (00:34:32) Discussion on the challenges of working in a family business and the expectations placed on family members. Navigating Family Business (00:35:03) The difficulties of navigating a family business and the expectations placed on younger generations. Thanks to our Partners, AAPEX and NAPA TRACS Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2024. Mark your calendar now … November 5th-7th, 2024. AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at http://AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  4. Thanks to our partners, NAPA TRACS and Promotive Did you know that NAPA TRACS has onsite training plus six days a week support? It all starts when a local representative meets with you to learn about your business and how you run it. After all, it's your shop, so it's your choice. Let us prove to you that Tracs is the single best shop management system in the business. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at NAPATRACS.com It’s time to hire a superstar for your business; what a grind you have in front of you. Great news, you don’t have to go it alone. Introducing Promotive, a full-service staffing solution for your shop. Promotive has over 40 years of recruiting and automotive experience. If you need qualified technicians and service advisors and want to offload the heavy lifting, visit www.gopromotive.com. Paar Melis and Associates – Accountants Specializing in Automotive Repair Visit us Online: www.paarmelis.com Email Hunt: [email protected] Get a copy of my Book: Download Here Aftermarket Radio Network Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are more than just tools; they are the lifeline of customer engagement and business growth. Explore strategies for identifying and re-engaging lost customers, adapting CRM practices to changing customer behaviors, and personalizing communication. Gregg Rainville, Steer by Mechanic Advisor. Greg's previous episodes HERE Jessica Carrino, Sparks Tire & Auto, St. Charles, MO. Jessica's previous episodes HERE Jaron Kleber, Repair Shop of Tomorrow, National Sales Manager. Jaron’s previous episodes HERE Steve Finzel, Finzel’s Mastertech, Terre Haute, IN. Steve’s previous episodes HERE Show Notes: Watch Full Video Episode Why CRM is Vital to Automotive Shop Success Part 1 [THA 359]: https://remarkableresults.biz/remarkable-results-radio-podcast/a359/ Effective CRM management (00:02:12) The importance of actively managing a CRM system to maximize its potential and impact on the business. Quality assurance in CRM (00:03:23) The importance of testing and ensuring the accuracy and effectiveness of marketing materials and communication sent through CRM. Customer communication preferences (00:05:05) Discussion on the shift towards text messaging as a preferred mode of communication and its impact on customer engagement. Email collection and personalization (00:08:25) Strategies for collecting email addresses and personalizing communication to enhance customer interaction and response rates. Continuous process improvement with CRM (00:14:36) The need for ongoing review and improvement of CRM processes to adapt to changing business dynamics and customer preferences. Identifying Lost Customers (00:18:23) Strategies for identifying lost customers based on seasonal changes and evolving customer behaviors. Adapting to Changing Customer Behaviors (00:19:28) Adjusting lost customer parameters due to changes in vehicle maintenance intervals and driving habits post-COVID. Utilizing CRM for Customer Engagement (00:20:38) Leveraging CRM data for customer engagement, tracking visit frequency, and utilizing CRM for personalized communication. Benchmarking and Regional Data (00:23:22) Understanding CRM benchmarks, lead conversion rates, and the significance of regional data for performance evaluation. Leveraging CRM Data for Business Improvement (00:24:24) The role of CRM data in formulating business strategies, performance improvement, and the value of coaching support. Optimizing CRM Communication (00:27:30) Efficient use of CRM for automated communication, personalized messages, and improving customer experience. Consistent Communication through CRM (00:28:01) The use of canned texts and consistent communication through CRM for enhanced customer experience. Customer Review Management (00:32:28) Leveraging CRM for timely customer review requests and strategies for improving review response rates. Shop Management Coaching (00:36:07) Discussion about the potential for shop management coaching and consulting services for software systems. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA TRACS NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Connect with the Podcast -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  6. In this episode of "Diagnosing the Aftermarket," host Matt Fanslow tackles the issue of motivating technicians to attend training. He shares personal experiences and the sacrifices he made to enhance his skills, acknowledging the difficulty of balancing training with work and family life. Matt discusses the intrinsic motivation required for technicians to seek training and the resistance some may have. He stresses the importance of continuous learning in the automotive industry and invites feedback on the topic. Show Notes Supporting intrinsically motivated technicians (00:02:18) Challenges of motivating technicians (00:04:23) Exploring potential reasons for technician resistance to training and addressing challenges. (00:05:35) The changing perception of training value over time and the importance of continuous learning. (00:09:09) The impact of training on technician satisfaction, turnover, and shop profitability. (00:10:12) Compensation, travel, and anxiety are factors affecting technician training motivation. (00:14:44) The role of training in career progression and increasing income levels. (00:17:14) Technician's challenges in attending training after work, including family responsibilities and time constraints. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Autotech napaautotech.com Email Matt: [email protected] Diagnosing the Aftermarket A - Z YouTube Channel HERE Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/ Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  7. Radio advertising can be very successful for marketing an auto repair shop, but we have a specific strategy we like to employ. Thank you to RepairPal for sponsoring The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast. Learn more about RepairPal at https://repairpal.com/shops How To Get In Touch Group - Auto Repair Marketing Mastermind Website - shopmarketingpros.com Facebook - facebook.com/shopmarketingpros Get the Book - shopmarketingpros.com/book Instagram - @shopmarketingpros Questions/Ideas - [email protected] Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  8. A reflection on the rewards that come from the challenges of parenting and leadership. The joy lies in witnessing individuals—be they our children or our employees—discover and develop their passions and talents. As leaders and parents, our greatest contribution is to offer guidance and support, fostering an environment where intrinsic motivation and self-assessment can flourish. Bill Nalu uncovers the essence of effective parenting and leadership lies in the ability to inspire and guide without overshadowing the individual journeys. Bill Nalu, Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI. Listen to Bill’s previous episodes HERE. Show Notes Reflection on Parenting (00:01:54) Reflecting on the challenges of parenting and the lessons learned, and drawing parallels with managing a work family. Parenting Techniques Applied to Work (00:02:13) Applying parenting techniques and life hacks to the work family, discussing the lessons instilled in children and their application to the business. Discipline and Partnership (00:04:11) Discussion about disciplining children, the concept of partnership in parenting, and the roles of mom and dad. Teaching Life Lessons (00:06:33) Sharing experiences of teaching life lessons to children and drawing parallels with guiding employees in the workplace. Cultural Story and Leadership (00:09:47) Emphasizing the importance of culture and storytelling at work and its correlation with parenting at home. Setting Expectations (00:11:06) Sharing a personal story about setting expectations for children and how it relates to instilling pride and professionalism in employees. Integrity and Honesty (00:16:43) Emphasizing the importance of integrity and honesty in parenting and how it translates to guiding employees in the workplace. Parenting and Leadership Alignment (00:17:46) Highlighting the importance of alignment between parents and managers in parenting and business to avoid undermining each other. Parenting classes and attributes (00:19:01) Discussion on the requirement and value of parenting classes and the importance of instilling independence in children. Impact of family dynamics on business (00:20:31) Exploring the correlation between family dynamics at home and in the business, and the impact of closeness on business relationships. Grieving and its impact on business (00:22:20) The lasting impact of personal loss on individuals and how it can affect their behavior and decisions in business. Emotional intelligence and communication (00:25:41) The importance of emotional intelligence and effective communication in both parenting and business relationships. Work-life balance and family dynamics (00:33:28) The influence of family dynamics and work-life balance on business decisions and relationships. Parenting and Passion (00:36:54) Discussion on nurturing children's interests and allowing them to explore different activities to discover their passions. Leadership and Delegation (00:37:46) Reference to the E-Myth book and the importance of delegating tasks to grow a business. Work Environment and Productivity (00:38:55) Effective parenting parallels with effective leadership in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of focusing on health and safety issues and not micromanaging. Organizational Culture (00:39:45) Debate on the significance of workplace organization and cleanliness in relation to productivity and employee growth. Encouragement vs. Praise (00:40:51) Differentiating between encouragement and praise in parenting and leadership, highlighting the value of self-reflection and internal motivation. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Auto Care Learn more about NAPA Auto Care and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting https://www.napaonline.com/en/auto-care Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  9. The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops. Click here to learn more about Top Tier Marketing by Shop Marketing Pros and schedule a demo:https://shopmarketingpros.com/chris/ Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/ If you would like to join their private facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind In this podcast episode, Coach Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching shares expertise on managing fleet clients for auto repair shops. He underscores the benefits of fleet clients for consistent work but warns against over-reliance, suggesting fleets should be no more than 20% of business. Cotton advises on finding suitable fleet clients through various methods and preparing for meetings with research and tailored service discussions. He emphasizes building trust, understanding client needs, and balancing fleet with retail customers to ensure a stable and growing business. Finding and Managing Fleet Clients (00:00:07) Discussion on the importance of fleet clients and the need to maintain a balance with retail customers. Guidelines for Fleet Business Percentage (00:01:08) Advice on the percentage of business that should be dedicated to fleets and the potential risks of overreliance on fleet clients. Finding the Right Fleet Clients (00:02:13) Strategies for identifying fleet clients that align with the shop's capabilities and values, and the importance of networking. Negotiating with Fleet Clients (00:04:27) Tips for contract negotiation, avoiding underselling, and the potential issues with servicing used car lots. Marketing and Referrals for Fleet Clients (00:06:29) Discussion on leveraging fleet clients as marketers and the importance of referrals and employee programs. Strategies for Finding Fleet Clients (00:07:39) Insights on using local business research, networking events, referrals, online platforms, direct outreach, and partnerships to find fleet clients. Initial Meetings with Fleet Clients (00:10:55) Steps for preparation, presentation, customized solutions, building trust, listening, follow-up, flexibility, negotiation, and reliability assurance. Billing, Pricing, and Business Model (00:16:21) Advice on billing, pricing, and ensuring the business model fits the shop's needs and financial stability. Summary and Closing (00:18:19) Final thoughts on the importance of strategic decisions, effective management, and continuous learning for success in the auto repair business. Connect with Chris: [email protected] Phone: 940.400.1008 www.autoshopcoaching.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae #autofixautoshopcoaching #autofixbeautofixing #autoshopprofits #autoshopprofit #autoshopprofitsfirst #autoshopleadership #autoshopmanagement #autorepairshopcoaching #autorepairshopconsulting #autorepairshoptraining #autorepairshop #autorepair #serviceadvisor #serviceadvisorefficiency #autorepairshopmarketing #theweeklyblitz #autofix #shopmarketingpros Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  10. Discover how "reserving" a service advisor's time, not just the bay, can transform your client relationships and service quality. Learn about the rise of virtual service advisors and how they're reshaping the industry. Find out how a well-trained reservationist can boost your shop's efficiency and profitability. Rui Martins, Evolve AD Show Notes Evolve AD (00:00:26) Explanation of the company and its focus on aftermarket development. Introduction to the concept of reservations (00:02:06) Discussion about the concept of reservations and its importance in the service aftermarket. Challenges of using the term "reservation" (00:03:08) The challenges faced in using the term "reservation" and its significance in controlling client's time. Reserving the service advisor's time (00:04:54) The concept that reservations are for the service advisor's time, not the bay. Role of the reservationist (00:05:49) The role of the reservationist in handling administrative duties before the client's arrival. Virtual service advisors (00:07:01) Virtual service advisors and their potential role in the industry. Impact on productivity and profitability (00:11:11) Discussion about the impact of reservations on productivity, production volume, and overall profitability. Handling client inquiries and setting appointments (00:14:34) Explanation of how reservations handle client inquiries and set appointments, potentially involving the service advisor. Importance of reservations in client servicing process (00:11:50) Importance of accurate and well-developed reservations in the client servicing process. The importance of getting the primary concern (00:18:10) Discussion on the significance of accurately capturing the client's primary concern on the work order. Deferred work and timing conversations (00:19:23) Exploration of how deferred work and timing conversations can be handled during the reservation process. Challenges of managing remote workers (00:20:34) Discussion on the challenges and fears associated with managing remote workers and strategies to overcome them. Skill set and training for reservations (00:24:21) Consideration of the required skill set and training for individuals in the role of reservations. Reservations' role in administrative functions (00:27:25) Explanation of how reservations can handle administrative functions, such as managing switches and follow-ups in customer relationship management. Estimators in large shops (00:31:49) Exploration of the concept of having a dedicated estimator in large shops and its impact on efficiency and productivity. Delivering white glove service (00:33:57) Discussion on how reservations can be an essential tool in delivering exceptional customer service, known as "white glove service." Thanks to our Partners, AAPEX and NAPA TRACS Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2024. Mark your calendar now … November 5th-7th, 2024. AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at http://AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  11. In this episode of "Business by the Numbers," Hunt talks about the essential process of setting and achieving business goals for 2024. Drawing from his teaching and podcasting background, he emphasizes the importance of a structured approach to establish clear, actionable goals. He underscores the necessity of living and operating deliberately, setting stretch goals, and adapting strategies based on last year's outcomes. • Strategic Goal Setting: Understanding why and how to set deliberate goals, avoiding ad-hoc outcomes, and aiming for specific targets like increased sales or better time management. • Business by Design: Emphasizing the role of entrepreneurs in shaping their business’s future, whether it’s scaling to $35 million or maintaining a modest $35,000. • Evaluating Paths Based on Past Performance: Deciding on business strategies based on last year’s results—either fine-tuning an existing model or changing direction. • Stretch Goals and Realistic Expectations: The importance of setting high but attainable goals, understanding that a goal is a target, not a guarantee. • Practical Examples: Illustrating goal setting with a standard goods shop, discussing realistic financial targets, and managing production and net income effectively. • Inflation and Pricing: How to handle inflation in pricing strategies, ensuring your business stays financially healthy without compromising on profit margins. • Demand vs. Supply in Business: Balancing the internal capabilities of your team (supply) with the external demands of the market to meet your business goals. • Effective Tracking and Review: Monitoring production hours and assessing the effectiveness of marketing strategies to ensure alignment with business goals. Hunt emphasizes living deliberately, setting ambitious goals, and regularly monitoring your progress. He highlights the importance of planning and adaptation in achieving business success. Thanks to our partners, NAPA TRACS and Promotive Did you know that NAPA TRACS has onsite training plus six days a week support? It all starts when a local representative meets with you to learn about your business and how you run it. After all, it's your shop, so it's your choice. Let us prove to you that Tracs is the single best shop management system in the business. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at NAPATRACS.com It’s time to hire a superstar for your business; what a grind you have in front of you. Great news, you don’t have to go it alone. Introducing Promotive, a full-service staffing solution for your shop. Promotive has over 40 years of recruiting and automotive experience. If you need qualified technicians and service advisors and want to offload the heavy lifting, visit www.gopromotive.com. Paar Melis and Associates – Accountants Specializing in Automotive Repair Visit us Online: www.paarmelis.com Email Hunt: [email protected] Get a copy of my Book: Download Here Aftermarket Radio Network Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  12. Explore: Strategies for pricing diagnostics and labor based on vehicle type, customer segment, and job complexity. Discover: The importance of understanding financial metrics, collaborating with service advisors and technicians, and providing exceptional customer experiences to justify premium labor rates. Matt Lachowitzer, Matt’s Automotive Service Center, Fargo-Moorhead, North Dakota and Minnesota. Listen to Matt’s previous episodes HERE Tom Schearer, Schearer’s Sales and Service, Allentown, PA. Tom’s previous episodes HERE Brent Fleischman, Yocum Automotive, Republic, MO. AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching. Listen to Brent’s previous episodes HERE Show Notes: The importance of labor rates (00:00:01) Discussion on the significance of intelligent labor rates for profitability and success in the automotive service industry. Differentiated labor rates for specific vehicles (00:03:02) Approach to having higher labor rates for certain foreign car makes and models, and the customer acceptance of these rates. Multiple labor rates for different customers (00:04:54) Explanation of having various labor rates for retail, wholesale, and aftermarket warranty customers, and the strategic approach to setting these rates. Diverse labor rates based on vehicle type (00:05:54) Insight into having subtle changes in labor rates for diesel, euro, older vehicles, and different skill sets, and the correlation of labor rates with menu pricing. Determining diagnostic labor rates (00:10:22) Discussion on the determination of diagnostic labor rates at the front counter, potential modification of approaches based on insights from other panel members, and the significance of communication within the team. The meeting to implement new labor rate levels (00:17:48) Implementing new labor rate levels with input from service advisors and technicians. Setting diagnostic labor rates based on testing levels (00:19:55) Technicians use a system with 16 different testing levels to determine diagnostic labor rates. Labor rates for maintenance items (00:22:16) Discussion on lower labor rates for maintenance items like oil changes, tire rotations, and transmission flushes. Competing on maintenance item prices (00:23:20) The panel discusses pricing maintenance items competitively based on market demand and customer perception. Client experience and pricing (00:29:38) The importance of providing a great customer experience and its impact on pricing and customer loyalty. Knowing your numbers for effective labor rates (00:33:18) Advice to shop owners to evaluate labor rates based on their business needs and to know their numbers for profitability. Pride in charging premium rates (00:34:20) The importance of being proud of charging premium rates for the talent, tools, and facilities provided. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA TRACS NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Connect with the Podcast -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Join Our Private Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1734687266778976 -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  13. Aircraft mechanic Alicia Pollock shares her journey from aspiring astronaut to aircraft mechanic, emphasizing the extensive documentation required in her field. She discusses the detailed record-keeping for each maintenance task, the specialized training for different aircraft components, and the importance of precision and safety. The conversation also highlights the rigorous testing and practical exams for aircraft mechanics, contrasting the strict regulations in aviation with the automotive industry's standards. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Autotech napaautotech.com Email Matt: [email protected] Diagnosing the Aftermarket A - Z YouTube Channel HERE Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/ Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  14. In a world where so many great lessons come from failing, people are afraid of failure. We see this a lot, especially when it comes to marketing. Every time you learn something that doesn’t work, it puts you closer to finding something that does. So why do people give up on marketing so early and build belief systems that certain types of marketing “don’t work” when the evidence points to the contrary? That’s what we talk about in this episode of The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast. Thank you to RepairPal for sponsoring The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast. Learn more about RepairPal at https://repairpal.com/shops How To Get In Touch Group - Auto Repair Marketing Mastermind Website - shopmarketingpros.com Facebook - facebook.com/shopmarketingpros Get the Book - shopmarketingpros.com/book Instagram - @shopmarketingpros Questions/Ideas - [email protected] Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  15. Chris Lawson discusses the Technician Attraction Blueprint, a strategy for automotive shops to attract and retain technicians by focusing on respect, growth, and money. Lawson's blueprint, derived from extensive industry questions, helps shop owners self-assess and troubleshoot hiring issues. If you're ready to transform your shop into a magnet for top talent and create an environment where technicians thrive, then you won't want to miss this! Chris Lawson, TechnicianFind.Com. Chris’ previous episodes HERE Show Notes TechnicianFind.com: https://www.technicianfind.com/ Unlock the Power of Indeed Resume to Find Technicians Faster [AW 152]: https://remarkableresults.biz/remarkable-results-radio-podcast/aw152/ Finding Technicians Part 1- Chris Lawson [RR 803]: https://remarkableresults.biz/remarkable-results-radio-podcast/e803/ Finding Technicians Part 2 – Chris Lawson [RR 816]: https://remarkableresults.biz/remarkable-results-radio-podcast/e816/ Technician Attraction Blueprint: https://technicianattractionblueprint.com/ Challenges in finding technicians (00:02:39) Chris identifies four main challenges shop owners face in finding and retaining technicians. Improving interviewing skills (00:06:46) Carm and Chris discuss the need for webinars on better interviewing skills for shop owners. Three pillars of Technician Attraction Blueprint (00:08:13) Chris explains the three important areas - respect, growth, and money - that all communications need to cover to attract and retain technicians. Benefits of Technician Attraction Blueprint (00:10:52) Chris details the benefits of using the technician attraction blueprint, including identifying strengths and addressing blind spots. The Grind, Hobby, Hired Gun (00:16:58) Discussion on the repetitive nature of work and the concept of technician nirvana. Growth and Loyalty (00:17:36) Exploring the intersection of respect, growth, and money and its impact on attracting and retaining talent. Career Pathing and Personal Growth (00:18:34) The importance of offering career pathing and personal growth opportunities to employees, including financial and personal support. Self-Assessment Tool (00:24:16) Discussion on the Technician Attraction Blueprint as a self-assessment tool for diagnosing hiring issues and improving talent acquisition. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Auto Care Learn more about NAPA Auto Care and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting https://www.napaonline.com/en/auto-care Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  16. The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops. Click here to learn more about Top Tier Marketing by Shop Marketing Pros and schedule a demo:https://shopmarketingpros.com/chris/ Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/ If you would like to join their private facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind In this podcast episode, Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching discusses the critical role of gross profit per hour as a performance indicator for auto repair shops. He explains how to calculate it and its importance in assessing efficiency, pricing, labor, training needs, and financial health. Chris also highlights its value in staying competitive. The episode includes a nod to the sponsor, Shop Marketing Pros, endorsing their services. The importance of gross profit per hour (00:00:05) Chris discusses the significance of gross profit per hour as a key performance indicator for independent auto repair shops. Formula for calculating gross profit per hour (00:01:56) Chris explains the formula for calculating gross profit per hour and its role in pricing strategy and efficiency. Labor utilization and financial health (00:03:00) Chris emphasizes the importance of labor utilization and how gross profit per hour directly affects a shop's financial health. Calculating gross profit per hour (00:05:24) Chris provides examples of calculating gross profit per hour using a spreadsheet and discusses the importance of this metric. Measuring efficiency and pricing strategy (00:11:48) Chris explains how gross profit per hour helps measure efficiency, productivity, and pricing strategy in an auto repair shop. Competitive edge and conclusion (00:14:48) Chris discusses how a healthy gross profit per hour gives a competitive edge and concludes with a message about the podcast sponsor, Shop Marketing Pros. Connect with Chris: [email protected] Phone: 940.400.1008 www.autoshopcoaching.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae #autofixautoshopcoaching #autofixbeautofixing #autoshopprofits #autoshopprofit #autoshopprofitsfirst #autoshopleadership #autoshopmanagement #autorepairshopcoaching #autorepairshopconsulting #autorepairshoptraining #autorepairshop #autorepair #serviceadvisor #serviceadvisorefficiency #autorepairshopmarketing #theweeklyblitz #autofix #shopmarketingpros Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  17. Explore the challenges and benefits of mobile mechanics, Jesse's future ambitions for a physical shop, and the value of mentorship in the automotive industry. Jesse explains his transition to full-time mobile work, his marketing strategies, and customer service approach. He also touches on the logistics of mobile operations, from tools to working in various locations. Jesse Matthews, Matthews Mobile Mechanic LLC Show Notes Jesse's Journey to Full-Time (00:00:01) Jesse's transition from working at a dealership to becoming a full-time mobile mechanic, his plans for the future, and his marketing strategies. Marketing and Business Growth (00:06:27) Jesse's use of Facebook and Google pay-per-click ads for marketing, his website, and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. Customer Interactions and Challenges (00:11:15) Jesse's approach to customer interactions, including explaining his services, handling customer preferences for parts, and overcoming hurdles in his business. Mobile Mechanic Operations (00:12:07) Jesse's use of a Ford Explorer for his mobile mechanic operations, his tools, and the challenges he faces with vehicle inspections. Building a Customer Base (00:15:31) Jesse's efforts to qualify customers, work with a mentor group, and his future plans to transition to a brick-and-mortar shop. Jesse's Start-up Journey (00:16:47) Jesse discusses the support he received from his wife and the challenges of starting his mobile mechanic business. Setting Rates and Business Growth (00:18:02) Jesse talks about starting his rates, increasing them, and the value he provides as a mobile mechanic. Expanding Business and Future Plans (00:21:37) Jesse shares his plans for a brick-and-mortar location and hiring a part-time assistant. Diversifying Services (00:23:09) Discussion on the potential of offering pickup and delivery services and adapting to changes in work styles. Starting with Why (00:24:27) The importance of having a strong reason for starting a business and personal growth in entrepreneurship. Thanks to our Partners, AAPEX and NAPA TRACS Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2024. Mark your calendar now … November 5th-7th, 2024. AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at http://AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  18. In this episode of "Business by the Numbers," Hunt takes a look at the current state of government spending, the intricacies of the debt ceiling, and how this affects businesses and taxpayers. • Current State of Government Spending and Debt Ceiling: The ongoing negotiations and potential outcomes if a spending deal isn't reached. • Impact on Businesses and Taxpayers: Important fiscal policies like the Child Tax Credit, Employee Retention Tax Credit, and R&D Credit, and how they affect U.S. businesses and individual taxpayers. • Political Dynamics and Future Projections: Analyzing the political landscape, including key figures and parties, and predictions on the government's fiscal direction. • Practical Implications and Advice: Hunt’s insight on navigating the uncertainties in government policies and their impact on financial planning and business strategies Thanks to our partners, NAPA TRACS and Promotive Did you know that NAPA TRACS has onsite training plus six days a week support? It all starts when a local representative meets with you to learn about your business and how you run it. After all, it's your shop, so it's your choice. Let us prove to you that Tracs is the single best shop management system in the business. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at NAPATRACS.com It’s time to hire a superstar for your business; what a grind you have in front of you. Great news, you don’t have to go it alone. Introducing Promotive, a full-service staffing solution for your shop. Promotive has over 40 years of recruiting and automotive experience. If you need qualified technicians and service advisors and want to offload the heavy lifting, visit www.gopromotive.com. Paar Melis and Associates – Accountants Specializing in Automotive Repair Visit us Online: www.paarmelis.com Email Hunt: [email protected] Get a copy of my Book: Download Here Aftermarket Radio Network Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  19. It's time to find the hidden costs of 'busyness' in auto repair shops. It's not just about the work you do; it's about the work you're actually getting paid for. Measuring technician productivity is crucial - because if you're not measuring it, you can't manage it. It's a wake-up call for shops everywhere to stop leaving money on the table. Bill Haas, Haas Performance Consulting, Bill’s previous episodes HERE. Murray Voth, RPM Training. Listen to Murray’s previous episodes HERE Maylan Newton, ESI- Educational Seminars Institute. Maylan’s previous Episodes HERE Show Notes: The Importance of Shop Productivity (00:01:41) Discussion on the significance of measuring productivity and ensuring work is paid for. Challenges in Understanding Business Numbers (00:05:39) Discussion on the lack of understanding of business numbers and pricing strategies in the automotive industry. Implementing Time Clock Management (00:09:12) The importance of implementing time clock management and its impact on shop productivity. Setting Expectations and Accountability (00:11:14) The need for setting expectations and holding employees accountable for their performance. Challenges in Coaching and Accountability (00:12:25) The difficulty in coaching individuals who resist change and accountability in their business practices. Labor Rates and Coaching (00:18:40) Discussion on the impact of labor rates and the value of coaching in the automotive industry. Comparing Labor Rates (00:20:17) Debate on the practice of comparing labor rates and the importance of charging enough to pay employees. Technician Interviews and Billing (00:21:50) Perspective on technician interviews and billing practices, including misconceptions and lack of understanding. Business Education and Financial Planning (00:26:01) Importance of business education, financial planning, and understanding where the money goes in an automotive shop. Year-End Spending and Tax Strategies (00:27:16) Discussion on year-end spending, tax strategies, and the significance of paying fair taxes. The value of pricing (00:35:42) Discussion on the importance of presenting value over price in a competitive marketplace. The market for different pricing strategies (00:39:18) Highlighting the existence of markets for both top-tier pricing and lowest cost options, with a comparison to the tool market. The challenge of selling value (00:40:10) Debating the myth of offering better value and emphasizing the importance of growth and selling maintenance services. Defining fair pricing and value (00:40:40) Challenging the concept of fair pricing and discussing the perception of value in the eye of the beholder. Improving customer communication and value presentation (00:41:07) Emphasizing the importance of showcasing the quality of services, such as brake jobs, and the value they provide to customers. Challenges in selling diagnostic services (00:43:00) Discussion on the difficulties in selling diagnostic services and the need to shift from focusing on hours to tangible products and value. Efficiency in customer interactions and value communication (00:46:12) Emphasizing the need for efficient information gathering and value communication to customers during the intake process. The need to change industry mindset (00:52:07) Encouraging a shift in mindset within the automotive repair industry to drive change and success. The shop's transformation (00:54:08) Discussion on the positive changes and experiences after implementing changes in the shop. Clientele shift (00:55:00) The impact of changes on the clientele and the feedback received from customers. The value of preaching (00:56:06) Exploring the significance of preaching and the positive outcomes it brings in terms of leadership and company growth. Reward and challenges (00:57:00) Acknowledging the challenges and rewards of making significant changes in the business. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA TRACS NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Connect with the Podcast -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  20. Matt Fanslow dives into personal territory, discussing his father's health and the impact it has had on his perspective. He reflects on the changing nature of his aspirations and the delicate balance between pursuing goals and being thankful for current blessings. Show Notes with Timestamps Father's Health Update (00:00:12) Matt discusses his father's health, including his assisted living, heart condition, and recovery. Changing Hopes and Wishes (00:02:34) Matt reflects on how his hopes and desires for his father's recovery have evolved over time. Gratitude vs. Ambition (00:06:36) Matt compares changing expectations for his father's recovery to the balance between gratitude and ambition in professional and personal life. Appreciating What You Have (00:10:28) Matt emphasizes the importance of appreciating one's current situation and the value of gratitude in both personal and professional aspects of life. Striving for Better (00:14:14) Matt discusses the balance between striving for improvement and greed, emphasizing the importance of shared ambitions and continuous improvement. Reflection and Appreciation (00:18:20) Matt reflects on the need to appreciate the blessings in life while continuing to push for improvement. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Autotech napaautotech.com Email Matt: [email protected] Diagnosing the Aftermarket A - Z YouTube Channel HERE Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/ Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  21. In this episode, Kim and Brian talk about the conferences and other events they will be attending and teaching at in 2024. These conferences are great opportunities to network with other shop owners and auto repair professionals, as well as “sharpening the saw” and become a better business person. Thank you to RepairPal for sponsoring The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast. Learn more about RepairPal at https://repairpal.com/shops Show Notes Fly With The Eagles - Dallas TX - 2/5/24-2/9/24 VISION - Overland Park, Kansas - 2/28/24-3/3/24 MARS - Ogden, UT - 3/21/24-3/23/24 STX - Nashville, TN - 4/24/24-4/27/24 TOOLS - Harrisburg, PA - 5/30/24-6/1/24 How To Get In Touch Group - Auto Repair Marketing Mastermind Website - shopmarketingpros.com Facebook - facebook.com/shopmarketingpros Get the Book - shopmarketingpros.com/book Instagram - @shopmarketingpros Questions/Ideas - [email protected] Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  22. Can a break-up be the catalyst for an entrepreneurial leap? Find out during Shawn Gilfillan's 20 questions in 30 minutes episode! Shawn also discusses the importance of a strong business culture, mentorship, and the joy of hobbies like aviation. Shawn shares strategies for managing gross margins and the significance of client experience. Shawn Gilfillan, Automotive Magic, Kenvil and Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Shawn’s previous episodes HERE Show Notes Automotive Magic (00:00:17) Shawn Gilfillan discusses the founding of Automotive Magic on April Fool's Day in 2003. Life Calibration (00:00:41) Shawn talks about his work with Chris Lawson and the high-performance team coaching program at Life Calibration. Life Calibration: From Burnout to Balance [THA 348]: https://remarkableresults.biz/remarkable-results-radio-podcast/a348/ Mentorship and Self-Development (00:04:54) Shawn discusses the impact of mentors and self-development in his journey as a shop owner. Hobbies (00:06:10) Shawn talks about his hobbies, including aviation. Motivation and Business Culture (00:07:46) Shawn shares his motivation for getting up in the morning and discusses how he creates opportunities for others to thrive and elevates their performance. Advice and Fear (00:11:49) Shawn shares advice on overcoming fear and empowering employees as an owner/CEO. Book Recommendation (00:13:13) Shawn recommends "Hero on a Mission" by Donald Miller and discusses its impact on his perspective as a business owner. Building Business Culture (00:14:50) Shawn discusses the challenges and importance of building a strong business culture from the top down. Culture and Team Dynamics (00:15:40) Discussion on creating a positive work culture and building a cohesive team. Leadership and Vision (00:16:29) The importance of establishing a vision and values from the start, and involving the team in maintaining the culture. Client Experience and Relationship Building (00:19:36) Strategies for understanding and meeting client needs, and building strong client relationships. Adaptability and Change (00:20:47) The significance of embracing change and adapting to business challenges. Leadership Crisis and Team Support (00:21:00) Dealing with unexpected managerial crises and the importance of team support. Personal Development and Skills (00:23:14) The desire for new skills and personal development, such as learning magic tricks. Business Management and Gross Margin (00:24:14) Strategies for managing gross margin and keeping front-end operations efficient. Car Count and Scheduling (00:25:35) Strategies for managing car count, scheduling, and maintaining workflow in the shop. Future Reservations and Client Commitment (00:27:21) The importance of setting future reservations and ensuring client commitment to scheduled appointments. Leadership Communication (00:29:17) Encouraging a shift in language and communication to emphasize the importance of future reservations. Hiring and Relationships (00:30:12) Discussion on hiring and relationships in the workplace, including the impact of personal relationships on work performance. Dream Car (00:31:37) Shawn's dream car and the enjoyment he derives from it. Opening a New Shop (00:32:11) The three important needs for opening a new shop: location, good people, and effective marketing. Marketing Strategy (00:32:33) The success of giving away the first hundred oil changes for free as a marketing strategy. Firing a Customer (00:33:52) A recent incident of firing a customer due to their attitude and behavior at the shop. Thanks to our Partner, NAPA Auto Care Learn more about NAPA Auto Care and the benefits of being part of the NAPA family by visiting https://www.napaonline.com/en/auto-care Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  23. The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops. Click here to learn more about Top Tier Marketing by Shop Marketing Pros and schedule a demo:https://shopmarketingpros.com/chris/ Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/ If you would like to join their private facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind In this podcast episode, Chris Cotton from Auto Fix Auto Shop Coaching explores facility productivity in auto repair shops. He discusses the potential and actual productivity of facilities, using a Midwest shop with six bays and a southeastern shop with 24 bays as case studies. Cotton emphasizes the importance of maximizing current facility productivity before expanding. He suggests that many shops operate at only a fraction of their potential and offers insights on increasing technician efficiency and optimizing bay usage to enhance profitability. The facility's productivity (00:01:07) Chris discusses the importance of understanding what your facility is capable of and how to measure its productivity. Case Study 1: Midwest Shop (00:05:25) Chris presents a case study of a shop in the Midwest, analyzing its potential sales capacity and current productivity. Case Study 2: Southeast Shop (00:11:34) Chris discusses a case study of a shop in the southeast United States, examining its potential sales capacity and current productivity. Improving facility productivity (00:13:40) Chris provides insights into improving facility productivity through better utilization of bays and technicians, and the importance of processes and procedures. Connect with Chris: [email protected] Phone: 940.400.1008 www.autoshopcoaching.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae #autofixautoshopcoaching #autofixbeautofixing #autoshopprofits #autoshopprofit #autoshopprofitsfirst #autoshopleadership #autoshopmanagement #autorepairshopcoaching #autorepairshopconsulting #autorepairshoptraining #autorepairshop #autorepair #serviceadvisor #serviceadvisorefficiency #autorepairshopmarketing #theweeklyblitz #autofix #shopmarketingpros Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  24. Dave Schedin dives into the significance of emotional intelligence (EQ) in personal and professional development. He discusses how recognizing and managing emotions can lead to business success and shares how his own growth in EQ has helped his clients improve their businesses. The conversation covers the impact of fear and limiting beliefs on decision-making, the importance of stepping out of comfort zones, and the value of self-awareness. Dave Schedin, CompuTrek Automotive Management Systems. Dave’s previous episodes HERE Show Notes Intangible Holes in Your Business (00:00:18) Discussion about the impact of intangible factors on business success and personal growth. Emotional Intelligence and Limiting Beliefs (00:02:49) Exploration of emotional intelligence and how limiting beliefs affect personal and professional development. Impact of Personal Change on Business (00:04:54) The influence of personal growth on business success, with examples of increased client profitability. The Power of Emotional Intelligence (00:05:49) The role of emotional intelligence in achieving business growth and personal development. Behavioral Traits and Workflow (00:08:44) The impact of behavioral traits, such as pace, on workflow and business outcomes. The Influence of Comfort Zone and Fear (00:13:42) The addictive nature of comfort zones and the impact of fear on personal and professional growth. The Importance of Beingness in Goal Setting (00:15:02) The significance of beingness in achieving goals and the impact of comfort zones on personal growth. Self-Honoring and Personal Discovery (00:17:12) The transformative experience of self-honoring and personal discovery during a reflective dinner. Self-honoring vs. self-indulgence (00:17:57) Discussion on self-honoring and humility versus self-indulgence and ego in personal and professional growth. Emotional intelligence and personal development (00:21:05) Discussion on emotional intelligence, childhood influences, and personal development in relation to leadership and self-awareness. Inner child events and emotional growth (00:22:06) Exploration of emotional scars, inner child events, and their impact on personal and professional development. Overcoming self-limiting beliefs (00:23:09) Case study of a service advisor overcoming self-limiting beliefs and emotional conflicts to achieve personal and professional growth. Leadership communication and emotional intelligence (00:28:16) Discussion on effective leadership communication, emotional intelligence, and empowering individuals to overcome self-limiting beliefs. Pricing and value proposition (00:30:54) Exploration of fear-based pricing, value proposition, and building trust with customers based on emotional connections. Leading with passion and emotional intelligence (00:32:29) Importance of leading with passion and emotional intelligence to inspire personal and professional growth. Broken heart and personal growth (00:33:50) Discussion on the impact of a broken heart, personal growth, and the role of support in overcoming challenges. Comfort zone and personal growth (00:35:12) Exploration of stepping out of the comfort zone and embracing new experiences for personal and professional growth. Personal Mastery and Service Intelligence (00:35:16) Dave discusses the transformative impact of personal mastery workshops and ongoing self-improvement. Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone (00:36:10) The importance of stepping out of comfort zones and continuous personal development for business success. The Limitations of 'How-tos' (00:36:52) Dave emphasizes the limitations of instructional materials and the need for personal transformation for business success. The Value of Group Processes (00:37:48) Discusses the benefits of group processes and the importance of emotional intelligence in personal development. Emotional Intelligence and Self-Discovery (00:38:22) The significance of emotional intelligence and the role of self-discovery in personal development. Seeking Guidance and Self-Improvement (00:39:50) The importance of seeking guidance, personal development resources, and self-discovery for growth. Being, Doing, and Having (00:41:19) The importance of being authentic, taking action, and achieving success through personal development. Reflection on Personal Growth (00:43:17) Reflecting on the impact of personal growth and the potential for improvement in both personal and professional life. Thanks to our Partners, AAPEX and NAPA TRACS Set your sights on Las Vegas in 2024. Mark your calendar now … November 5th-7th, 2024. AAPEX - Now more than ever. And don’t miss the next free AAPEX webinar. Register now at http://AAPEXSHOW.COM/WEBINAR NAPA TRACS will move your shop into the SMS fast lane with onsite training and six days a week of support and local representation. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at http://napatracs.com/ Connect with the Podcast: -Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RemarkableResultsRadioPodcast/ -Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/carmcapriotto -Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmcapriotto/ -Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remarkableresultsradiopodcast/ -Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RResultsBiz -Visit the Website: https://remarkableresults.biz/ -Join our Insider List: https://remarkableresults.biz/insider -All books mentioned on our podcasts: https://remarkableresults.biz/books -Our Classroom page for personal or team learning: https://remarkableresults.biz/classroom -Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/carm -The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com -Special episode collections: https://remarkableresults.biz/collections Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
  25. This week on Business by the Numbers, Hunt explores the complexities of charitable contributions in tax season: • Understanding Charitable Contributions: The critical differences between cash and non-cash donations, and their respective impacts on tax returns. • Navigating Deductions: Learn about what qualifies as a deductible charity, including the specifics of GoFundMe contributions and the importance of fair market value in non-cash donations. • Business Donation Myths Debunked: Uncover common misconceptions about business-related donations, from vehicle repairs to furniture and equipment, and how to accurately claim these on taxes. • Tax Season Strategies: Gain valuable insights into the proper documentation and reporting strategies for maximizing your deductions and staying compliant. • Expert Advice and Resources: Benefit from expert advice and learn how our partners contribute to making informed financial decisions. Thanks to our partners, NAPA TRACS and Promotive Did you know that NAPA TRACS has onsite training plus six days a week support? It all starts when a local representative meets with you to learn about your business and how you run it. After all, it's your shop, so it's your choice. Let us prove to you that Tracs is the single best shop management system in the business. Find NAPA TRACS on the Web at NAPATRACS.com It’s time to hire a superstar for your business; what a grind you have in front of you. Great news, you don’t have to go it alone. Introducing Promotive, a full-service staffing solution for your shop. Promotive has over 40 years of recruiting and automotive experience. If you need qualified technicians and service advisors and want to offload the heavy lifting, visit www.gopromotive.com. Paar Melis and Associates – Accountants Specializing in Automotive Repair Visit us Online: www.paarmelis.com Email Hunt: [email protected] Get a copy of my Book: Download Here Aftermarket Radio Network Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio

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