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Everything posted by hartcoauto

  1. Wow we are in a small town one hour from Louisville Kentucky at 65.00 per hour. When we moved here the very first comment was welcome to the Twilight Zone. No one here truly understands the cost of staying in business Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Has anyone used elite consultant program Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. What does elite charge? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. July 24 2016 as of this date the local advance store in my area still performing code scanning and going as far as giving advice on what the problem is. I personally don't see an end to this problem. I look at most not all parts vendors as my competition. Today shops have to look at other alternatives to keep and maintain profit margins. Parts margins have been eroded by major parts vendors competiting against one another to give the walk in customer a deal. Yes I've heard "they can't put that part on" beg the different, autozone gives print outs of direction and advance loans tools. These companies are not looking for our best interest because if they were then I wouldn't have to debate my parts pricing (%25 to 35% margins) so in short I don't believe advance, autozone or orielly when they say they are there for me. Seeing is believing so if you're seeing it Great. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. My service writer is constantly competing with my suppliers, you hear it every day, (I get that part cheaper) I'm to the point of raising my labor rates an advertise bring in your parts will install. This of course brings out the forms in triple not responsible for your part failure. There's going to come a day when we get a supplier like BG products then you will see deals cut. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Wow I've never had someone ask the tow driver for a tow to autozone that's a first, guess it takes all kinds. Agreed on a no charge same here on the elderly big softy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. That's what concerns me about the passthru devices "the holes" I agree that being able to have the bidirectional control is an added plus when performing test and I've ran into a 2014 duramax with def issues it's looking like the mdi will be coming sooner than later for me just wish they kept it a hand held instead of laptop.
  8. Hey, is your check engine light ? Why waste your time and money getting that so-called free diagnose and then buying the wrong part at the parts store, when you could have your check engine light tested once, the right way and the right part installed at your local professional repair shop, saving you time, money and aggravation Excellent advertising statement mind if we use it
  9. Thanks "played" poor choice of words yes I meant used. I have the snap on passthru 3 would this work thanks for your time
  10. Has anyone played with the new gm scan tool, Tech 2 only good up to 2013 it's getting close to those new warranties are gone
  11. I would like to know what to charge for alignments is this like tires give them away to get the other work
  12. does vcm2 like Windows 10 I've been told it doesn't like it

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